Walkthrough Menu
General Tips

- Select Options to adjust the Music, Environment, Effects and Voice Volume. You may also adjust Gamma, Full Screen and Custom Cursor.
- Throughout the guide, we will use the acronym 'HOS' for Hidden Object Scenes. The items listed in purple in the find lists require extra steps to locate.
- You can use Inventory items on the items listed in purple by switching between the Inventory/Item List tabs. Inventory items are always listed in all CAPS in the guide.
- Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen to access the Inventory Bar (1).
- Puzzles may be skipped.
- The Compass (2) in the bottom left side of the screen contains a map, a list of objectives and shows areas left to explore.
- Accessing the map and pressing on an unlocked location will allow you to travel there quickly.
- Select the Hint button (3) in the lower right to get a hint in either the HOS or during regular gameplay.
- This game is not linear and you may do things in a different order as the guide. If you cannot do an action when stated in the guide, please check the previous entries to see if you missed something.
Chapter 1 – East Wing

- Select Thomas.
- Go upstairs.
- Examine the sign; take the BULB (A).
- Examine the wheelbarrow; take the SPADE (B).
- Back out.

- Examine the bottom step; take the BOARD (C).
- Examine and use the SPADE on the ground; take the KNIFE (D) and CAMERA FLASH (E).
- Examine and use the KNIFE on the bag straps (F).
- Examine the bag to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and earn a CROWBAR.
- Go up the stairs.

- Examine and use the CROWBAR on the crate; take the 2nd BOARD (G) and the RECORD (H).
- Examine and place the 2 BOARDS on the ladder (I) to trigger a puzzle.

- Swap the left rungs of the ladder to find the matching half of the one on the right.
- Solution: Switch the following rungs; 5-9, 1-5, 1-7, 8-6, 1-8, 1-4, 2-3, 1-2. See screenshot (Z) for solution.
- Go up the ladder.
- Examine the top of the dresser to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Use the CROWBAR from inventory on the padlock (1) to get the open padlock and screwdriver.
- Place the RECORD from inventory on the phonograph (2) to get a vinyl record.
- You will earn a SCREWDRIVER.

- Examine the window; take the ROPE (J).
- Examine and press on the recorder (K).
- Back out.

- Examine the crate; use the ROPE on the stool; take the STOOL (L).
- Examine and use the SCREWDRIVER on the electric box (M).
- Go up the ladder.
- Examine the cabinet on the left; place the STOOL in the lower left to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the items in the cabinet so that all spaces are used.
- See screenshot (N) for solution.
- Take the SALT (O), DOG FOOD (P), and SKULL (Q).
- Back out.

- Examine and give the DOG FOOD to the dogs; take the TIN CAN (R).
- Back out.
- Use the SALT on the stairs (S).
- Examine and use the TIN CAN on the puddle (T); get a CAN WITH WATER.
- Go forward twice.

- Examine the torch; take the TORCH (U).
- Take the HOISTING JACK (V).
- Go forward.

- Use the CAN WITH WATER on the fire; take the WHEEL (W).
- Back out twice.
- Examine and place the WHEEL on the wheelbarrow; take the WHEELBARROW (X).
- Go up the ladder.

- Use the WHEELBARROW on the welder; take the WELDER (Y).
- Back out and go forward twice.
- Place the WELDER by the wrecked car.
- Back out twice.
- Examine the electric panel; plug in the cord (Z).
- Go forward twice.

- Press on the WELDER clamps (A) to use the WELDER.
- Use the HOISTING JACK on the cut cars (B).
- Go forward.

- Examine the circle; take the DART (C).
- Exit out of the close-up.
- Go towards the theatre.

- Take the SLEDGEHAMMER (D).
- Examine the bulletin; take the SHEET OF PAPER (E).
- Back out and go left.

- Examine the broken window; take the GUNPOWDER (F).
- Examine the bike basket; use the TORCH on the tar; take the TORCH WITH TAR (G).
- Back out; go forward to the statue corridor to the right of the theatre.

- Examine the lantern and open the panel; use the TORCH WITH TAR on the flames (H); get a BURNING TORCH.
- Back out five times.

- Examine and use the SLEDGEHAMMER on the cannonball three times; take the CANNONBALL (I).
- Go forward two times.
- Examine and use the GUNPOWDER, CANNONBALL and BURNING TORCH on the cannon (J).
- Examine the damaged wall on the left to trigger a puzzle.

- Arrange the rods so that each row has three straight and three dotted notches.
- Switch the following rods to solve the puzzle: R9-R1, L5-L6, R8-R2, R7-R3, R4-R5. See screenshot (X) for solution.
- Examine the puzzle area on the left to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the BULB from inventory in the flashlight (1) to get the lit flashlight.
- Place the SHEET OF PAPER from inventory in the typewriter (2) to get a printout.
- You will earn a VALVE LEVER.
- Go to the theatre entrance.

- Examine and place the VALVE LEVER on the back left of the fire truck (K); turn the VALVE LEVER (Y).
- Go up the ladder (L).

- Examine the reaper; place the SKULL in the hood (M).
- Take the BRONZE KEY (N).
- Back out twice and go left.

- Examine and use the BRONZE KEY on the lock (O).
- Enter the curiosity shop.

- Examine the radio; use the SCREWDRIVER on the panel; take the BATTERY (P).
- Examine the table; take the LADLE WITH TIN (Q).
- Go to the statue corridor.

- Examine the lion head; place the BATTERY in the open compartment; take the ELECTRONIC MASTER KEY (R).
- Examine and use the ELECTRONIC MASTER KEY on the book; open the book and take the STARFISH (S).
- Exit out of the close-up.
- Back out and go right.

- Examine and use the ELECTRONIC MASTER KEY on the door panel (T).
- Take the KETTLE (U).
- Examine the café window; take the ACE OF SPADES (V) and exit out of the café window.
- Enter the café.

- Examine the platter; take the CHEESE (W).
- Examine the stained glass; take the WING (X).

- Examine the medical bag; take the KEY LEVER (Y).
- Examine the wooden chest; take the TOY HORSE (Z).
- Go to the curiosity shop.

- Knock the armor off the arm; examine the arm (A).
- Place the KEY LEVER on a bolt to trigger a puzzle.
- Use the KEY LEVER on the bolts to loosen his grip on the can.
- Press on the bolts in this order: 4, 2, 3, 1, 2. See screenshot (B) for solution.
- Take the OILCAN (C).
- Go to the cafe.

- Examine and use the OILCAN on the cellar doors (D).
- Examine the cellar doors to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Give the CHEESE from inventory to the mouse (1) to get a mouse with cheese.
- Use the KETTLE from inventory on the teacup (2) to get tea.
- You will earn a BANANA.
- Back out twice and go left.

- Examine and give the BANANA to the monkey (E) automatically get the BEADS (F).
- Go to the theatre balcony.

- Examine and give the BEADS to the monk (G).
- Examine and place the WING on the angel (H).
- Examine the clock mechanism to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the gears in the correct slots.
- Select any gear to see the picture behind it.
- Leave the selected gear off of the outer ring and then choose the gear you want to place on top of the picture; it will automatically rotate and go in the opened slot.
- Press on the following medallions: 1, 5, 2, 7, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 8, 6, and 7 (I).
- Back out.

- Examine and pull the lever (J).
- Attempt to enter the theatre.
- Examine and take the SMOLDERING BOARDS (K).
- Go to the café.

- Examine the stove; flip the lid and place the LADLE WITH TIN on the burner.
- Open and place the SMOLDERING BOARDS in the firebox (L); use the BURNING TORCH on the boards.
- Go to the curiosity shop.

- Examine the table; use the LADLE WITH MOLTEN TIN on the mold; take the TIN KEY (N).
- Go to the café.
- Examine and use the TIN KEY on the doctor's bag; take the STETHOSCOPE (O).
- Go to the curiosity shop.
- Examine and use the STETHOSCOPE on the safe (P) to trigger a puzzle.

- Open the locks in the number of moves shown above the dial.
- Use the buttons below the dial to solve the puzzle: L3x to 30, L5x to 80, R3x to 50, L4x to 90, L4x to 30, R2x to 10 (Q).
- Take the STRING.

- Examine and use the STRING on the cage (A).
- Examine the cage to trigger a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Use the DART from inventory on the apple (1) to get a golden apple (1a).
- Use the OILCAN from inventory on the tooth to get the gold tooth (2).
- Use the ACE OF SPADES on the cards to get a hand of cards (3).
- You will earn a DIAMOND.
- Back out twice; go right.

- Examine and use the DIAMOND on the café window; take the MICROPHONE (R).
- Go back to the curiosity shop.
- Examine and place the MICROPHONE in the outlet on the television (S).
- Press the two buttons (T) and watch the recordings.
- Note the figures (U) and back out of the close-up.
- Back out twice.

- Examine the crate (V); untangle the rope three times to open the crate.
- Go back to the curiosity shop.

- Examine and place the STORAGE BATTERY on the jackhammer; take the JACKHAMMER (Y).
- Back out twice.
- Examine and use the JACKHAMMER on the hole in the ground; take the FIRE HOSE (Z).
- Go to the theatre.

- Examine the hydrant; unscrew the plug and attach the FIRE HOSE (A).
- Enter the theatre.

- Examine and open the book; turn the pages and collect the CLIP (B).
- Back out of the close-up.
- Examine the photo; take the PORTRAIT (C).
- Examine and take the WOODEN LEG (D).
- Go forward.

- Examine the display case; take the COMBINATION LOCK (E).
- Go forward.

- Examine the door handles; take the WOODEN HAND (F).
- Go forward.
- Go to the café.

- Examine and use the CLIP on the wooden chest; take the JESTER HEAD (G).
- Go to the theatre stage.
- Examine the left display case (H).
- Place the JESTER HEAD, WOODEN HAND and WOODEN LEG on the puppets to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the appropriate head and appendages on each body.
- The name plate will light up when the character is in the correct spot.
- See screenshot (I) for solution.
- Open the compartment; take the METAL CYLINDER.
- Back out.

- Examine the pipe organ; place the METAL CYLINDER in the slot (J); take the MUSIC KEY (K).
- Go forward.
- Examine the dressing table; use the MUSIC KEY in the lock (L).
- Examine the dressing table to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the COMBINATION LOCK from inventory on the chest (1); use the code from the gun, 825 (1a), to unlock the chest and get a whistle.
- Place the TOY HORSE from inventory on the stand (2) to get the horseman.
- Place the PORTRAIT from inventory in the frame (3) to get a photo.
- You will earn a WHISTLE.
- Go forward.
- Use the WHISTLE on the glass doors.
- Go forward and then right.
Chapter 2 – West Wing

- Open the hatch (M) on the boat.
- Examine the opened hatch to access a HOS.

- Find the items.
- Place the CAMERA FLASH from inventory on the camera (1) to get a photo.
- You will earn a MAGNET.
- Go to the Café.

- Examine and use the MAGNET on the cabinet; take the NEEDLE AND THREAD (N).
- Go back to the bridge in the west wing and go forward three times.

- Examine the seaplane; take the BINOCULARS (O).
- Go to the stony shore.

- Use the BINOCULARS on the man (P).
- Examine the broken bottle; open the note (Q) and take the SHARP SPLINTER (R).
- Go to the hotel courtyard.

- Examine the hole in the ground; use the SHARP SPLINTER on the rope (S) three times; take the PARACHUTE (T).
- Go to stony shore.

- Place the PARACHUTE on the boat (U).
- Examine and use the NEEDLE AND THREAD on the sail (V) to trigger a puzzle.

- Stitch all of the sails using the threads on the right.
- See screenshot (W) for solution.
- Press on the sails to use the sailboat.

- Examine and open the bag; take the VAN KEY (X).
- Go to the narrow alley.
- Examine and use the VAN KEY on the truck lock (Y); turn the key to open.
- Examine the counter on the ice cream truck to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Unscramble the poster pieces to get a poster (1).
- You will earn an ICE PICK.
- Back out.

- Examine the lantern; attempt to take the coin (Z).
- Use the ICE PICK on the loose stone; take the DOOR STONE (A) and COIN.
- Examine the phone booth.

- Use the COIN on the scratch off (B).
- Place the COIN in the upper slot (C).
- Using the code on the left to decipher the numbers you scratched off; dial the numbers 46-27-35. See screenshot for solution.
- Take the RAVEN FEATHER (E).
- Go to the grotto.

- Examine and use the ICE PICK three times on the notebook; take the PLATE (F) and the FEATHER FAN (G).
- Go to the theatre stage.
- Examine and place the PLATE on the door (H) to trigger a puzzle.

- Slide the plates to match the slots with the plungers.
- Press on the plates in this order: U, V, W, X, O, P, M, G, D, E, F, N, M, G, F, N, O, P, Q, V, W, P, Q, R, L, K, J, I, L, K, J, A, B, C, H, I, L, K, S, T, U, R, Q, and P. See screenshot (Z).
- Examine the newly opened door on the left to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the FEATHER FAN from inventory on the fan. Swap the panels in the fan to complete the picture and get a fan (1).
- You will earn NIPPERS.
- Go forward four times.

- Examine the dog; use the NIPPERS on the chain; take the ELF (I).
- Back out.
- Use the ELF on the raven (J) and automatically get the 2nd RAVEN FEATHER.
- Examine the hotel door (J); place the 2 RAVEN FEATHERS on the raven to trigger a puzzle.

- Swap the feathers on the wings so that the wings are completed.
- See screenshot (K) for solution.
- Open the door; enter the hotel and go upstairs.
- Examine window at the end of the hall to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Press on the top and bottom of the playing cards to get a straight (1).
- You will earn a DRILL BIT.
- Examine the wardrobe on the right.

- Take the LADDER (L) and the TWIN PORTRAIT (M).
- Go to the grotto.

- Examine the bag; place the DRILL BIT on the drill; take the DRILL (N).
- Go to the hotel corridor.
- Examine and use the OILCAN and the ICE PICK on the door plate (O).
- Move the plate; use the DRILL on the keyhole; peek through the keyhole.
- Go left into the guest room.

- Take the DEER HEAD (P).
- Examine the hook; take the CASH REGISTER BUTTON (Q).
- Examine the chess table; take the CHESS FIGURE (R) and the BEE (S). Note the code on the knight; 2012.
- Back out twice.

- Examine the mounted heads; place the DEER HEAD on the wall; take the DIARY KEY (T).
- Examine and use the DRILL on the door lock (U); press the handle to open.
- Examine and place the BEE on the box (V) to trigger a puzzle.

- Move the bee and the golden ball to the honeycomb.
- Press the following arrows: U, R, U, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U, R, U, L, D, L, D, R, D, L, R, U, R, D, U, D, R, U, L, U. See screenshot (1) for solution.
- You will earn a GOLDEN BALL.
- Go to the bridge.

- Examine and use the DIARY KEY on the diary; turn the key to open; take the RAVEN PICTURE (W).
- Go to the curiosity shop.

- Examine and use the CASH REGISTER BUTTON on the cash register (X).
- Enter the code from the television on the cash register; press the top left, bottom left, top middle and bottom middle buttons. Crank the handle and take the TWEEZERS (Y).
- Go to the hotel hall.

- Examine and place the RAVEN PICTURE by the mounted heads; turn the picture (Z) to open a panel.
- Examine the opened panel to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the TWIN PORTRAIT from inventory on the wall (1) to get a twin (1-1a).
- You will earn an ID CARD.

- Examine and use the ID CARD on the cabinet lock; take the CORD BRUSH (A).
- Go to the theatre stage.
- Examine the right display case; use the CORD BRUSH on the cord (B).
- Pull the CORD BRUSH; press the skeleton and take the TAG (C).
- Go back to the hotel hall.
- Examine the key rack behind the counter; place the TAG on the rack to trigger a puzzle.

- Attach the correct tags to each key.
- See screenshot (D) for solution.
- Go forward into the hotel lounge.

- Examine and take the POT WITH WATER (E).
- Examine the table; take the GARDENING GLOVE (F).
- Back out and go upstairs.

- Examine and use the TWEEZERS on the hole in the floorboard; get a 2nd GOLDEN BALL (G).
- Examine the wardrobe (H); move the clothes to the left.
- Examine the lock; move the keyhole cover; use the SECRET ROOM KEY on the lock (I); turn the key.
- Open the door and enter the secret room.

- Examine the window sill; move the debris three times; take the 2nd DOOR STONE (J).
- Go to the theatre stage.

- Examine the suitcase; place the 2 GOLDEN BALLS in the eye sockets (K).
- Press to open the case and again to open the book; take the PLATE WITH NUMBER (L).
- Go forward three times; go left to the clinic.

- Examine and open the mailbox; take the BUNNY (M).
- Examine and place the 2 DOOR STONES on the door (N) to trigger a puzzle.

- Raise all the sunken tiles that have a design on them.
- Press the following tiles to solve the puzzle: H, C, M, J, F, E, O, K, A, D, N, L, B, I, and G (1).
- Open the door; go forward.

- Examine the notebook (P); untie the bow to open.
- Take the MEDALLION (Q) and a MAP FRAGMENT (R).
- Go to the café.

- Examine and place the POT WITH WATER on the stove; take the POT WITH BOILING WATER (S).
- Go to the grotto.
- Examine and use the POT WITH BOILING WATER on the fountain (T).
- Examine the fountain to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the STARFISH from inventory in the frame (1) to get a starfish collection.
- Use the BURNING TORCH from inventory on the candles (2) to get lit candles.
- You will earn the 2nd PLATE WITH NUMBERS.
- Go to the secret room.

- Examine the window sill; place the MEDALLION on the notebook; take the BUTTON MASK (U) and BUTTON (V).
- Go to the clinic office.
- Open the drawer (W).
- Examine the drawer; place the BUTTON in the frame to trigger a puzzle.

- Press the buttons in the order of the colors above until all buttons have been pressed.
- See screenshot (X) for solution.
- Take the 2nd MAP FRAGMENT.
- Go to the guest room.

- Examine and place the 2 PLATES WITH NUMBER on the cupboard lock.
- Flip the numbers until the numbers match the code found on the chess piece on the table in the guest room.
- Solution: 2012 (Y).

- Rotate the rings to expose and retrieve the four statues.
- For the solution, the rings are numbered 1-5 starting with the largest. Statue 1 solution: rotate ring 1 until the opening frames a statue, rotate 3 until 2 frames a statue, rotate 4 until 3 frames the statue, and rotate 5 to complete the framing. Take the statue (1).
- Statue 2 solution: rotate ring 1 until the opening frames a statue, rotate 3 until rings 2 and 3 frame a statue, and rotate 5 to complete the framing. Take the statue (2).
- Statue 3 solution: rotate ring 1 until the opening frames a statue, rotate 3 until 2 frames a statue, rotate 4 until 3 frames a statue, and rotate 5 to complete the framing. Take the statue (3).
- Statue 4 solution: rotate 3 until 2 frames a statue, rotate 4 until 3 frames a statue, and rotate 5 to complete the framing. Take the statue (4).
- See screenshot (M) for solution.
- Examine the opened cupboard to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the BEAR DETECTIVE from inventory with the other bears to get a bear family (1).
- Place the BUNNY from inventory with the other bunnies to get a bunny family (2).
- You will earn the 3rd MAP FRAGMENT.
- Go to the dock.

- Use the GARDENING GLOVE on the prickly bush (Z); place the ELF on the dirt.
- Examine the dug area; open the book; take the 4th MAP FRAGMENT (A).
- Enter the seaplane.

- Examine the right panel (B).
- Place the 4 MAP FRAGMENTS on the panel to trigger a puzzle.

- Set the dials below to match the settings above the dials.
- Note where the connectors go above each dial to see what meter that dial affects.
- From left to right, set the dials to: 180, 150, 250, 200. See screenshot (C) for solution.
- Push the control stick to fly the plane.
Chapter 3 – Bluff Hospital

- Go up the steps.
- Examine the statue; take the DULL KNIFE (D).
- Place the ELF on the mound of dirt (E); examine the dug area to trigger a puzzle.

- Press on all the places that need to be changed to match the template scene. Some places need to be pressed more than once; the rotations are marked in the screenshot.
- Pull the spider (S) to view the template scene.
- See screenshot (F) for solution.
- Examine the dug area to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Press on the photo pieces (1) to change them so they match the photo to the left (1a) to get a fashion plate.
- You will earn a MIRROR.
- Back out and go right.

- Examine the hole in the fence; take the GOLDEN GLOBE WITH AZURE STONE (G).
- Examine the bridge; take the WRENCH (H).
- Back out; go up the steps and forward.

- Take the BOOK (I).
- Go to the hotel lounge.

- Examine and use the WRENCH on the panel; remove the panel; take the LEVER VALVE (J).
- Back out and go upstairs.
- Examine and use the LEVER VALVE on the grate (K); turn to open.
- Examine the opened grate to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Push the 2nd and 4th levers up to get the princess (1).
- You will earn a GOLDEN GLOBE WITH AMBER.
- Go to the secret room.
- Open and examine the bookcase; place the BOOK on the shelf to trigger a puzzle.

- Arrange the books according to the numbers and symbols on the shelves.
- There is a holding area on the bottom for one group of books so you can move them around.
- See screenshot (L) for solution.
- Open the vent; take the BALLOON.
- Go to the clinic office.

- Examine and use the WRENCH on the diving mask; remove the front panel; take the HELIUM TANK (M).
- Go to the seaside.
- Examine the boat; attach the BALLOON to the boat (N); use the HELIUM TANK on the BALLOON.
- Examine the raised boat to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed and you will earn a FISHNET FRAGMENT.
- Go to the hotel lounge.
- Examine and place the FISHNET FRAGMENT on the fishnet in the corner to trigger a puzzle.

- Untangle the nets by pulling on the floats.
- See screenshot for (O) solution.
- Take the FISHNET off the wall.
- Go to the seaside.

- Examine and use the FISHNET on the boxes (P).
- Examine the boxes to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Open the 3 oysters in the correct order (middle, left, and right) to open the big oyster and get the black pearl (1).
- You will earn a GOLDEN GLOBE WITH RUBY.
- Go up the steps and go forward.
- Examine and place the GOLDEN GLOBE WITH AZURE STONE, GOLDEN GLOBE WITH AMBER, and GOLDEN GLOBE WITH RUBY on the pedestals to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the globes on the pedestals matching their weight. The higher the number, the higher the weight.
- Use the scales to determine which globe weighs more than another. Press the lever in the center to check your progress.
- See screenshot (Q) for solution.
- Open the door; enter the hospital and go left.

- Examine and take the HEAT LAMP (R).
- Place the LADDER on top of the stairs (S).
- Go forward.
- Examine the panel (M) to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Open the birdhouse to get the bird (1).
- Use the HEAT LAMP from inventory on the eggs to get 3 chickens (2).
- You will earn a BELL.
- Go to the guest room.

- Examine and hang the BELL on the hook (T).
- Examine the suitcase; open the suitcase and take the HACKSAW (U).
- Go to the hospital gates.

- Examine and use the HACKSAW on the bars (V).
- Place the ELF in the opening; take the PLAID BLANKET (W).
- Go to the grotto.

- Examine and use the HEAT LAMP on Thomas (X).
- Examine Thomas; place the PLAID BLANKET on Thomas and get the MEDALLION (Y).
- Go to the hotel lounge.
- Examine and place the MEDALLION on the collage above the china cabinet to trigger a puzzle.

- Open the locket and turn the squares on the photo to match the locket photo.
- See screenshot (Z) for solution.

- Turn the squares to match the left center photo.
- See screenshot (A) for solution.

- Turn the squares to match the bottom left photo.
- See screenshot (B) for solution.

- Use the arrows to turn the inner disks to make 2 openings for the prongs on the plugs in 15 or less moves.
- Press on the following arrows: B 1x, C 3x, and F 5x. See screenshot (1) for solution.
- Attach the plug (2) when the holes are lined up.
- Examine the china cabinet to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the CHESS FIGURE from inventory on the chessboard; rearrange the pieces (2) to get the gold rose. Solution, starting from left; pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king.
- Use the DULL KNIFE from inventory on the grinding stone (3) to get a SHARP KNIFE.
- You will earn a SHARP KNIFE.
- Go to the dock.

- Examine the pole; use the SHARP KNIFE on the rope; take the ROPE (C).
- Go to the mountain trail.
- Examine and use the ROPE on the bridge (D).
- Go forward.

- Press anywhere to get a cut scene.
- Examine and take the SMALL MIRROR (E).
- Examine and use the SHARP KNIFE on the mailbox; open the letter; take the MINI LIGHT BULB (F) and read the letter.
- Go to the hospital hall.

- Examine and place the MINI LIGHT BULB on the constellations on the floor (G) to trigger a puzzle.

- Light up the constellations by connecting the stars in the correct pattern.
- To light the stars you must press, hold the mouse button down and drag the line to the next star.
- See screenshot (H) for solution.
- Examine the treetop to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Rearrange the bulbs to place them in the matching colored base to get a glowing garland (1).
- You will earn the 2nd MIRROR.
- Examine and place the 2 MIRRORS and SMALL MIRROR the door on the right to trigger a puzzle.

- Switch the colored laser pointers so that the laser beams hit the matching colored globes.
- Solution: Left lasers from the top down - red, green, and purple. Right from the top down - cyan, yellow, and blue. See screenshot (I) for solution.
- Go left and up the stairs.

- Examine the right center frame; use the SHARP KNIFE on the medal; take the GOLDEN MEDAL (J).
- Back out twice and go right.

- Open the right shutter (K) and examine the window.
- Examine and place the GOLDEN MEDAL on the box; press the box to open; take the RED BUTTON (N) and the CLOCK SCREWDRIVER (A).
- Back out and go left.
- Examine and place the CARDBOARD MONKEY on the screen on the right to trigger a puzzle.

- Press on the elephant to get a silhouette of the scene and move the animals to their proper spot based on the shadows.
- See screenshot (O) for solution.
- Examine the right display case to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Pick up the necklace (A) to get the code for the masks on the book.
- Use the BUTTON MASK from inventory on the book cover; rearrange the masks to open the book to get the cardboard triangle (1).
- You will earn a CARDBOARD FRAGMENT.
- Go to the secret room.

- Examine the train; use the CLOCK SCREWDRIVER on the train; take the COGWHEEL (P).
- Examine the cube.
- Place the RED BUTTON on the switch (Q); press the switch.
- Examine the fallen cube to trigger a puzzle.

- Swap the squares to complete the pictures.
- See screenshot (R) for solution.
- Take the BALL ARROW.
- Go to the dock.

- Examine and place the COGWHEEL in the box (S); close the door and automatically get a RED RAG (T).
- Go to the lighthouse entrance.
- Examine and place the LIGHTNING ROD on the lighthouse door.
- Enter the lighthouse tower.

- Examine Conrad; take the SIGNET RING (U).
- Place the ELF on the pile of leaves (V).
- Examine the skeleton; open the book; take the 2nd CARDBOARD FRAGMENT (W) and the KEY CODE (X).
- Go to the director's chamber.

- Examine and use the KEY CODE on the book; rotate the dials to match the KEY CODE. Solution: From the top - diamond, triangle, heart, circle, and square (Y).
- Note: If you put the code in before you put in the key, you will need to rotate a tumbler to the correct code before the book will open.
- Move the papers; take the 3rd CARDBOARD FRAGMENT (Z).
- Examine and use the SIGNET RING on the safe lock (A); turn the handle.
- Examine the opened safe to access a HOS.

- Find the items listed.
- Place the BALL ARROW from inventory on the safe (1). Press the arrows in the order of the clue (1a); up, down, left, and right to get an antidote bottle.
- You will earn a BOTTLE WITH ANTIDOTE.
- Back out three times.

- Examine and use the RED RAG on the statue three times; take the 4th CARDBOARD FRAGMENT (B).
- Go to the clinic office.
- Examine the drawer (C).
- Place the 4 CARDBOARD FRAGMENTS in the drawer to trigger a puzzle.

- Rotate the disks to place the fragments and complete the pictures.
- Solution: Rotate 3, 2, and 1; place the triangle and circle fragments. Rotate 4, 5, 6, and 4; place the square and pentagon fragments. Rotate 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, and 1. See screenshot (D) for solution.
- Take the syringe and automatically use the BOTTLE WITH ANTIDOTE to get an ANTIDOTE.
- Go to the lighthouse tower.

- Examine and use the ANTIDOTE on Sarah (E).
- Select Sarah to get a cut scene.
- Congratulations! You have successfully completed Mystery Trackers: Black Isle Standard Edition.
Created at: 2012-04-01