Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: Hospital
- Chapter 2: Square
- Chapter 3: The First Floor
- Chapter 4: Dungeon
- Chapter 5: The Second Floor
- Chapter 6: Arrogance and Envy
General Tips
- Click on CHANGE PLAYER to change the current player.
- Click on PLAY to start playing.
- Click on OPTIONS to change the screen resolution, sound effects volume, music volume, and cursor.
- Change the game settings by clicking on OPTIONS.
- To exit the game, click on QUIT.
- Items you find are automatically placed in your inventory.
- Important information and events that take place in the game are automatically recorded in your journal.
- The map is also located in the journal. It displays all of the locations where there is something to do.
- To pause the game, click on MENU.
- If you are stuck in the game, click on HINT. This button recharges over time, giving you unlimited hints.
Chapter 1: Hospital

- As the game opens, you're in the Ward. Click on the door to see that it's closed.
- Click on the POSTER (A) on the wall.
- Place the POSTER (A) under the door.
- Click the teddy bear to acquire the SYRINGE (B).
- Use the SYRINGE to push the KEY (C) out of the keyhole.
- Click on the POSTER again.
- Pick up the KEY (C).
- Use the KEY (C) to open the door.
- Exit the Ward.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the STONE (E).
- Find the first of 42 Beyond Objects.
- Pick up the FIRE EXTINGUISHER (D).
- Use the STONE (E) to break the window.
- Enter the Hall.
Chapter 2: Square

- Find the second Beyond Object.
- Click on the mirror on the wall. It will break.
- Pick up the MOLECULE PART (F).
- Click on the table to acquire the FIGURINE (G).
- Click on the chair.
- Pick up the WINGS (H) near the book.
- Place the FIGURINE (G) and the WINGS (H) on the door.
- Go outside.
- Find the third Beyond Object near the cannon.
- Find the fourth Beyond Object near the statue.
- Go to the left. You will be at the Administration Building Entrance.

- Pick up the ORB (I) on the stairs.
- Pick up the SWORD (J) near the iron bars.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the FUNNEL (K).
- Find the fifth Beyond Object.
- Go to the Bridge.
- Find the sixth Beyond Object.
- Click on the statue to pick up the BOOK (L).
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the SPONGE (M).

- Return to the Hospital Reception area.
- Use the SPONGE (M) to wipe the grime off the plate.

- Place each token in its corresponding slot.
- Pick up the LOCKET (N).
- Go to the Cathedral Entrance.
- Pick up the CROWN (O) on the stairs.
- Find the seventh Beyond Object.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the CORKSCREW (P).

- Give the CROWN (O) to the girl on the left.
- Give the SWORD (J) to the knight.
- Give the ORB (I) to the girl on the right.
- Give the LOCKET (N) to the priest.
- Enter the Cathedral.
- Find the eighth Beyond Object.
- Pick up the RUNE (Q).
- Place the RUNE (Q) in the magic circle.

- Pick up the SNAKE HEAD (R).
- Go outside.
- Pick up the FISHING ROD (S).
- Go to the Bridge.
- Use the FISHING ROD (S) to acquire the SLINGSHOT (T).
- Go to the Monument.

- Use the SLINGSHOT (T) to strike the crow.
- Pick up the PLANET (U).
- Go to the Hospital Corridor.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the GAS CAN (V).
- The door on the left has a lock with a planet puzzle. Click on the lock.
- Place the PLANET (U) on the puzzle.

- Complete the mini-game by following the steps shown in the screenshots on this page.
- Go to the Laboratory.

- Find the ninth Beyond Object.
- Pick up the FLASK (W) on the table.
- Pick up the CROWBAR (X) near the safe.
- Go to the Administration Building Entrance.
- Use the CROWBAR (X) to remove the planks from the door.
- Remove the HACKSAW (Y) from the door handle.
- Use the HACKSAW (Y) to saw through the bars blocking entrance into the Cellar.
- Enter the Cellar.
- Find the 10th Beyond Object.
- Assemble the power generator, which is in pieces on the right side of the room, according to the top screenshot on page 13.

- Place the FUNNEL (K) on the generator.
- Use the GAS CAN (V) to fill the tank with fuel.
- Press the green button to start the generator.
- Pull the lever to switch on the light.

- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the ROPE (Z).
- Go to the Administration Foyer.
Chapter 3: The First Floor

- Find the 11th Beyond Object.
- Enter the Corridor beyond the clock.
- Find the 12th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the STETHOSCOPE (A1) on the chair.
- Place the missing BOOK (L) on the door.
- Go to the Hospital Corridor.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the GLASS CUTTER (B1).

- Go to Laboratory.
- Place the STETHOSCOPE (A1) on the safe.
- One by one, rotate each knob until you hear a click.

- Pick up the RUNE (C1) in the safe.
- Go to the Cathedral.
- Place the RUNE (C1) in the magic circle.

- Pick up the PAINTING (D1).
- Go to the Administration Corridor.
- Locate the painting on the wall.
- Place the PAINTING (D1) near the painting on the wall to launch a mini-game.

- Find the matches to complete the mini-game. Refer to the top screenshot on this page.
- Pick up the CLOCK HAND (E1) in the cache that opens.
- Go to the Administration Foyer.
- Place the CLOCK HAND (E1) on the clock.
- Set the time to match one of the times shown in the screenshot at the bottom of this page.
- Enter the Dining Hall.

- Find the 13th Beyond Object.
- Go to the Kitchen.
- Find the 14th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the WORMWOOD (G1) on the floor.
- Pick up the BLACK PEPPER (H1) near the cake.
- Find the CINNAMON (I1) and the OIL (J1) in the cupboard.
- Prepare the poison:
- Cut the WORMWOOD (G1). Put it in the boiling water.
- Grind up the BLACK PEPPER (H1). Put it in the boiling water.
- Grind up the CINNAMON (I1) using the mortar and pestle. Put it in the boiling water.
- Add the SNAKE HEAD (R) to the boiling water.
- Use the CORKSCREW (P) to remove the cork from the jar of acid. Pour the liquid into the boiling water.
- Go to the Dining Hall.

- Place the REFRIGERATOR HANDLE (K1) on the fridge.
- Pick up the GARLIC (L1) and the KEY (M1).
- Go to the Administration Foyer.
- Use the KEY (M1) to remove the chains from the book.
- Pick up the BOOK (N1).

- Go to the Administration Corridor.
- Place the BOOK (N1) on the door.
- Open the lock by pressing the books in the order shown in the bottom screenshot on this page.
- Enter the Library.

- Find the 15th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the CROCODILE (P1) on the table.
- Pick up the ELEPHANT (Q1) on the armchair.
- Pick up the TOAD (O1) on the floor.
- Find the NUTS (S1) above the fireplace.
- Use the FIRE EXTINGUISHER (D) to put out the fire.
- Pick up the DRAGON (R1).
- Arrange the animals on the map as shown in the second screenshot on this page.
- Go to the Kitchen.
- Chop up the GARLIC (L1). Place it in the boiling water.
- Use the nutcracker to crack the NUTS (S1). Place them in the boiling water.
- Pick up the spoon.
- Stir the poison.
- Fill the SYRINGE (B) with the potion.

- Use the SYRINGE (B) on the cake.
- Pick up the POISONED CAKE (T1).
- Go to the Dining Hall.
- Give the POISONED CAKE (T1) to the demon to defeat him.
- Pick up the SCALPEL (U1) on the chair on which the demon was sitting.
- Go to the Administration Corridor.

- Use the SCALPEL (U1) to cut the carpet.
- Look in the cache. Take the TWEEZERS (V1).
- Go outside.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the WIRE CUTTERS (W1).
- Go to the Bridge.

- Use the WIRE CUTTERS (W1) to cut the chain on the statue near the Bridge.
- Pick up the LOCKET (X1).
- Use the TWEEZERS (V1) to remove the PENGUIN (Y1) from the birdhouse.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the WRENCH (Z1).
- Go to the Library.

- Put the LOCKET (X1) in the angel above the fireplace.
- Take the KANGAROO (A2) from the cache that opens.
- Place the missing animals on the map:
- Crocodile - South America
- Elephant - Africa
- Toad - France
- Dragon - Japan
- Kangaroo - Australia
- Penguin - Antarctica
- Enter the Secret Chamber.
- Find the 16th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the MASK (G2) near the voodoo doll on the table.
- Pick up the MOLECULE PART (B2) on the chair.
- Take the MASK (F2) off the photo of the Morbile family.
- Use the SCALPEL (U1) to cut the seams on the mannequin. Take the RUNE (C2).
- Use the WRENCH (Z1) on the vent to open it.
- Pick up the MASK (E2).

- Return to the Administration Corridor.
- Place the MASKS (F2, G2, E2) in the cache on the floor.
- Launch the mini-game. Arrange the masks according to the second screenshot on this page.
- Pick up the SHIELD (H1) in the cache that opens.
- Go to the Cathedral.
Chapter 4: Dungeon

- Place the RUNE (C2) in the magic circle.
- Pick up the GEM (I2).
- Go to the Bridge.
- Give the SHIELD (H1) to the statue.
- Rotate the SHIELD several times, until the bridge is in position.
- Go over the Bridge to outside the Well.

- Find the 17th Beyond Object.
- Place the ROPE (Z) on the well.
- Descend into the Well.
- Find the 18th Beyond Object.
- Note that the lights are out. Climb the rope.

- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the LEVER (J2).
- Go to the Cellar.
- Place the LEVER (J2) on the generator.
- Click on the switch to turn on the lights in the Well.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the SHOVEL (K2).

- Go to the Well.
- Use the SHOVEL (K2) to remove some of the soil.
- Pick up the BAG WITH MONEY (L2).
- Go to the Dungeon.
- Find the 19th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the MATCHES on the railing in the middle of the room.
- Click on the door on the right.
- Use the GEM (I2) to unlock the door.
- Enter the Alchemist's room.

- Find the 20th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the coins (O2) in the pan on the floor.
- Find the GUILLOTINE BLADE on the table (N2).
- Fill the FLASK (W) with acid.
- Put the MOLECULE PARTS (F and B2) in the corresponding slots in the wall.
- Exit the room.
- Use the GUILLOTINE BLADE (N2) on the middle door.
- Pull the lever to cut through the bar and open the door.
- Enter the Torture Chamber.
- Find the 21st Beyond Object.
- Pick up the MOLECULE PART (P2) in the torture chair.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the BLACK STONES (Q2).

- Enter the Winery.
- Find the 22nd Beyond Object.
- Click on the cloth in the upper left corner of the game screen to remove it.
- Pick up the RUNE (U2).
- Use the GLASS CUTTER (B1) to cut the GLASS (R2).
- Take the bottles of RED and WHITE WINE (S2 and T2).
- Exit the Well.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the POT (V2).

- Go to the Bridge. Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the FIREWOOD (W2).

- Go to the Cathedral.
- Place the RUNE (U2) in the magic circle.
- Pick up the COIN (X2).
- Go to the Torture Chamber.
- Place the FIREWOOD (W2) and the POT (V2) in the fireplace.
- Pour the acid into the pot (W).
- Go to the Dungeon.

- Insert the COIN (X2) in the left door.
- Enter the Treasury.
- Find the 23rd Beyond Object.
- Place the BAG WITH MONEY (L2) in the cage on the right.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the WHITE STONES.
- Go to the Graveyard Gate.

- Find the 24th Beyond Object.
- Place WHITE AND BLACK STONES (Q2 and Y2) on the scales.
- Balance the scales to open the Graveyard Gate.
- Enter the Graveyard.
- Find the 25th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the RUNE (Z2).
- Go to the Cathedral.

- Place the RUNE (Z2) in the magic circle.
- Pick up the SILVER FIGURINES (A3).
- Go to the Torture Chamber.
- Use the MATCHES (M2) to light the fire.
- Put the SILVER FIGURINES (A3) in the pot to get the POT WITH SILVER (B3).
- Go to the Alchemist's room.

- Place the POT WITH SILVER (B3) in the pan on the floor.
- Place the GLASS (R2) in the pan.
- Pick up the MIRROR (C3).
- Go to the Wine Cellar.
- Place the MIRROR (C3) in front of the demon to defeat it.
- Pick up the HANDLE (D3) off the bench on which the demon was sitting.
- Go to the Torture Chamber.

- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the GOBLET (E3).
- Use the HANDLE (D3) to open the IRON MAIDEN.
- Pick up the MOLECULE PART.
- Go to the Alchemist's room.
- Place the missing MOLECULE PARTS (P2 and F3) in the slots.
- Grab the ROSE (G3) from the cache that opens.
- Go to the Graveyard.

- Place the GOBLET (E3) in front of the Crypt.
- Give the ROSE (G3) to the angel above the door.
- Pick up the key (H3) in the cache that opens.
- Use the KEY (H3) to open the crypt gate.
- Enter the Crypt.
- Find the 26th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the WINGS (I3) above Angel's coffin.
- Pick up the RUNE (J3) on Maria's coffin.
- Go to the Cathedral Entrance.

- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the RAKE (K3).
- Place the RUNE (J3) in the magic circle.

- Pick up the SPECIAL LAMP (L3).
- Go to the Crypt.
- Place the SPECIAL LAMP (L3) on the Eternal Light.
- Go to the Treasury.
- Place the Eternal Light on the bag with money to defeat the demon.

- Find the cache hidden behind the fallen painting.
- Place the COINS (O2) in the cache.
- Complete the mini-game by arranging the coins as shown in the bottom two screenshots on this page.

- Pick up the OIL CANDLES (N3) and the RUNE (M3).
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the UMBRELLA (O3).
- Go to the Well.
Chapter 5: The Second Floor

- Use the UMBRELLA (O3) to pull the LEVER (P3) through the grate.
- Go to the Administration Building Entrance.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the WINDOW HANDLE (Q3).

- Go to the Cathedral.
- Place the RUNE (M3) in the magic circle.
- Pick up the CRYSTAL BALL (R3).
- Go to the Cellar.
- Place the LEVER (P3) on the generator.
- Click on the lever to turn on the lights on the second floor.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the LENS (S3).

- Go to the Second Floor of the Administration Building.
- Find the 27th Beyond Object.
- Go right, to the Bridge to the Small Tower.
- Find the 28th Beyond Object.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the KNIFE (T3).

- Go to the Second Floor Corridor.
- Find the 29th Beyond Object.
- Go left, to the Balcony.
- Find the 30th Beyond Object.
- Put the OIL CANDLES (N3) on the bowls.
- Add OIL (J1).
- Light them with the MATCHES (M2).
- Place the CRYSTAL BALL (R3) in the middle.
- Place the LENS (S3) on the camera.
- Pick up the KEY (U3) in the book.
- Return to the Second Floor Corridor.

- Use the KEY (U3) to open the door on the right.
- Enter the Living Room.
- Find the 31st Beyond Object.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the HAMMER (V3).
- Place the WINDOW HANDLE (Q3) on the window to open it.
- Return to the Second Floor Corridor.

- Use the HAMMER (V3) to break the glass on the fire box.
- Use the KNIFE (T3) to cut off the HOSE (W3).
- Go to the Living Room.
- Use the HOSE (W3) on the window to hang the hose outside the window.
- Descend to the ground.
- Find the 32nd Beyond Object.
- Pick up the KEY (X3) and the BELT (Y3).
- Return to the Living Room.

- Use the KEY (X3) to open the cabinet under the clock.
- Pick up the VIDEOTAPE (Z3).
- Go to the Balcony.
- Insert the VIDEOTAPE (Z3) into the camera.
- Film the ritual.
- Pick up the VIDEOTAPE (Z3).
- Go to the Bridge to the Small Tower.
- Place the BELT (Y3) on the pulley.
- Pull the lever to lower the bridge.
- Enter the Small Tower.

- Find the 33rd Beyond Object.
- Click on the red curtain to move it.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the PRUNING SHEARS (A4).
- Go right, to the Garden.
- Find the 34th Beyond Object.
- Click on the fountain.
- Find the bottle in the water.
- Break the bottle to acquire the HEART (B4).
- Use the PRUNING SHEARS (A4) to cut the vines.
- Take the LADDER (C4).
- Use the RAKE (K3) to remove the leaves.
- Take the BAG (D4).
- Return to the Small Tower.

- Place the LADDER (C4) against the stairs.
- Climb the stairs to Avidus' Office.
- Find the 35th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the HAMMER (E4) on the chair.

- Go to the Living Room.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the LANTERN (F4).
- Go to the area outside the Living Room window.
- Use the HAMMER (E4) to break down the brick barrier.
- Enter the Armory.

- Find the 36th Beyond Object.
- Hang the LANTERN (F4) on the hook in the dark niche.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the VCR (G4).
- Go back to the Living Room.

- Place the VCR (G4) under the TV.
- Insert the VIDEOTAPE into the VCR (Z3) to defeat the demon.
- Find the SCREWDRIVER in the busted TV (H4).

- Go to the Bridge to the Small Tower.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the STAR (I4).

- Enter the Small Tower.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the PLIERS (J4).
- Go to Avidus' Office.
- Use the PLIERS (J4) to remove the nail from the angel.
- Pick up the ANGEL (K4).
- Use the SCREWDRIVER (H4) to open the fuse box.
- Take the FUSE (L4). The lightning protecting the cache will turn off.
- Open the cache.
- Take the RUNE (M4).
- Place the STAR (I4) beneath the painting.
- Go to the Cathedral.

- Put the RUNE (M4) in the magic circle.
- Pick up the STAR (N4).
- Go to the Second Floor Corridor.
- Place the STAR (N4) in the door lock at the end of the corridor.

- Complete the mini-game by placing the tokens in the corresponding circles, as shown in the first and second screenshots on this page.
- Go to the Bridge to the Big Tower.
- Find the 37th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the GOBLET (O4).
- Go back to the Garden.

- Place the GOBLET (O4) on the door lock.
- Fill the goblets with WINE (T2 and S2).
- Place the missing HEART (B4) and the ANGEL (K4) on the door lock.
- Complete the mini-game as shown in the second and third screenshots on this page.
- Enter the House in the Garden.

- Find the 38th Beyond Object.
- Pick up the STAR near the demon (P4).
- Go to Avidus' Office.
- Place the STAR (P4) beneath the painting.
- Pick up the RUNE (R4) and the BALLERINA (Q4) in the cache that opens.
- Go to the Cathedral.
- Put the RUNE (R4) in the magic circle.

- Pick up ROSE OIL (S4).
- Go to the House in the Garden.
- Put the BALLERINA (Q4) on the top of the music box.
- Pick up the HARP (T4).
- Go to the Bridge to the Big Tower.
- Give the HARP (T4) to the angel.
- Remove the CANDLES (U4) from the cache under the angel.
- Go to the House in the Garden.

- Place the CANDLES (U4) in a circle.
- Use the MATCHES (M2) to light the candles.
- Pour ROSE OIL (S4) around the circle to defeat the demon.
- Pick up the RUNE (V4).
- Go to the Bridge to the Small Tower.
Chapter 6: Arrogance and Envy

- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the AXE (W4).
- Go to the Cathedral.
- Put the RUNE (V4) in the magic circle.

- Grab the DISC (X4).
- Go to the Living Room.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the HANDLE (Y4).

- Go to the Armory.
- Click on the sparkles to access the hidden object area.
- Collect every object listed at the bottom of the screen to acquire the CROSSBOW (Z4).
- Place the DISC (X4) on the crate lock.

- Complete the mini-game as shown in the first two screenshots on this page.
- Remove the TROPHY (A5) from the crate.
- Fill the BAG (D4) with gunpowder.
- Go to the Big Tower.

- Find the 39th Beyond Object.
- Use the AXE (W4) to cut through the planks.
- Shoot the CROSSBOW (Z4) to reach the table.
- Pick up the KEY (B5).
- Use the KEY to open the gate (B5).
- Enter the Big Tower.
- Find the 40th Beyond Object.
- Place the FUSE (L4) in the Elevator.
- Go up to Morbile's Office.

- Find the 41st Beyond Object.
- Pick up the RECORD (C5).
- Put the TROPHY (A5) on the stand.
- Grab the SWORD (D5).
- Go to the Armory.
- Insert the SWORD (D5) in the door.
- Pick up the RUNES (E5 and F5).
- Grab the CANNON BALL (G5).
- Go to the Cathedral.

- Place the RUNES (E5 and F5) in the magic circle.
- Grab the STAR POWDER (H5) and the GEM (I5).
- Go to the cannon.

- Add the GUNPOWDER (D4) to the cannon.
- Put the CANNON BALL (G5) in the cannon.
- Use the MATCHES (M2) to light the fuse, destroy the statue, and defeat the demon.
- Go to the Alchemist's Secret Chamber under the shattered statue.
- Find the 42nd Beyond Object.
- Place the RECORD (C5) on the gramophone.
- Place the HANDLE (Y4) on the gramophone.
- Remove the RUNE (J5) from the cache that opens.
- Go to the Cathedral.
- Place the RUNE (J5) in the magic circle.

- Take the GEM (K5).
- Return to the Alchemist's Secret Chamber.
- Place the WINGS (I3) on the stand.
- Put the GEMS (I5 and K5) on the stand.
- Sprinkle the STAR POWDER (H5) on the wings.
- Take the WINGS (L5).
- Go to where the statue used to be.
- Give the WINGS (L5) to the demon.

- Place the RUNE (M5) in the magic circle. Congratulations! You have won the main game.
Created at: 2011-09-03