Welcome to the
The Scruffs: Return of the Duke Walkthrough!
Find the Lost Regalia that will help Grandpa Scruff prove that he is the true Duke of Scrufford in The Scruffs 2: Return of the Duke!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete The Scruffs: Return of the Duke game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the
Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by
BigWigMedia, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
Walkthrough Menu
General Tips

● To help the Scruffs reclaim the Throne of Scrufford, you will need to find and interact with various objects and Scrufford citizens.
● Look for sparkling areas of interest, try using different objects to solve puzzles and never give up! Call Scruffy any time you need his help on your quest of retrieving the long-lost Scrufford Regalia.
● The image on the right shows all features of the game interface you can use:
● The Notepad (A) shows the list of your current tasks. Complete a task and it will get crossed off. Whenever a new task appears, the bell will ring, and the Notepad will rise to show you the newly added task.
● The Scroll (B) at the bottom of the screen contains a list of items that you must find. You can open or close the Scroll to view your inventory any time you like by clicking on the scroll tab on the edge. As you locate Scroll items on your list they will be crossed off.
● Click on the Inventory tab (C) to access special items you’ve collected that are parts of puzzles. Some inventory items will be found in separate pieces - a number will indicate how many more of the same type you need to pick up. Click on the Scroll to reopen it.
● Click on Scruffy (E) to search for objects! You can use Scruffy anytime - he’ll even tell you when there’s nothing to look for in a particular area. But he needs to recharge in between hints!
● Thought Bar (F) appearing at the top of your screen, when you click on objects, can give you hints. Keep an eye on it!

● The cursor will change as you move over various active areas:
● If you see a Magnifying Glass (G) appear, this means you can view this location close-up. Examine such areas thoroughly!
● Areas of Interest (H) will sparkle. They contain puzzles or vital clues needed to solve puzzles found elsewhere. Click on an area of interest and it will reveal a vignette (close-up) of that particular area. Some will have hidden items within them so make sure you check these vignettes thoroughly for items too. You can use Scruffy! Once a particular puzzle has been solved, that area will stop sparkling.
● There is a Help Button (I) In the top left corner of each mini-game. Click on this for more detailed instructions on how to play a particular mini-game. You can also Skip a Puzzle (J) after the bar completely fills up.
● A Rotating Gear (K) indicates that the object you are pointing at is interactive. Click on it and see what happens.

● Note the areas where your cursor turns into Walking Feet (L). Click on that area to visit other locations.
● Each Chapter is made up of three distinct parts:
● Collection items search - At the beginning of each chapter the knight will ask you to collect certain types of item and deliver them to him (or her) in return for a scroll.
● Scroll items search - the Knight will give you several lists of items to find in various locations. Some of these objects will be used to solve puzzles.
● Puzzles solving - in every chapter there are small tasks to complete and one main puzzle to solve. Once solved, you will be rewarded with a regalia item and you can then move on to the next chapter.

● If you get stuck, Scruffy can help you find items and spots of interest. Click on Scruffy first, then move your cursor to get a reaction. It is just like a "Hot and Cold" game - the closer you are, the more excited Scruffy gets. When you are close enough to the object, it will start shaking and Scruffy will give you thumbs up!

● You can also use Scruffy to help you with close-ups. If an item that must be applied to a close-up will glow in your inventory.
Chapter 1: Wisdom

● The first knight, Rajah, will meet the Scruffs at the INN ENTRANCE and ask them to help him find his Collection. He will wait for his complete Collection in the ATTIC.
● Find Rajah's Collection items at the INN ENTRANCE.
● Once all items are found, click on the stairs on the right of the screen to go to the ATTIC.

● Click on the items collected in your Inventory (A) and give them to Rajah (B).
● Rajah will then give you a Scroll containing a list of items to find. You will need to find all of these to move on to the next chapter.

● Find all Scroll items in the ATTIC.
● Examine the sparkling areas in the ATTIC. Note that the Telephone is missing the Handset and the Typewriter is missing its Knobs.
● Fix the Telephone by finding the missing Handset (C) on the right wall and placing it on the empty cradle (D) of the Telephone.
● Go downstairs to the INN ENTRANCE

● Find all Scroll items at the INN ENTRANCE. Note that the object "Lipstick" is hidden within the Menu Board sparkling location. Click the “Be right back” note to reveal it.

● Retrieve the missing Knobs (E) from the Shelf and go back to the ATTIC
● If all scroll objects have been found, the Telephone will ring. Click on the handset to answer. You will be prompted to insert a Credit Card.

● Pick up the Credit Card (H) and put it in the phone slot (I). You now need to find out what the password is.
● Fix the Typewriter (F) by applying the knobs to the Typewriter and then turning them.
● Take a piece of paper with 4-digit Pin Code (G) from the Typewriter.
● Enter the correct Pin Code into the Telephone using the buttons. A mini-game will start.
● Play the Sudoku game.
● Once you complete this puzzle, you will receive the first Regalia item - The Tapestry of "The Order of the Knights of Scrufford"!
Chapter 2: Honesty

● Find Michelangelo’s Collection items at the GROCERY.
● Once you have found them all, click on the sign leading to the PARK on the left of the screen. In the Park you can click on the sign on the left which takes you to the TRAIN STATION.
● Give Michelangelo his Collection and he will give you a scroll. He will also tell you that the train schedule is messed up and that you have to fix it to get what you are looking for.

● Find all Scroll items in the TRAIN STATION. One of the Scroll objects - the Clamp - will be saved in your inventory.
● Examine the Newspaper Stand. It is operated with 2 coins, and the newspaper inside contains the train schedule.

● Go to the PARK and examine the Statue. In a close-up, you will see that one of the bricks at the base of the statue is loose. Use the Clamp (A) on the loose brick (B) to get the first Coin.
● Examine the Fountain. There is a Coin on the bottom, but you need to drain the water out by removing the cork.
● Go to the GROCERY.

● Find all Scroll items at the GROCERY. Two of the objects - "Lime" and "Asparagus" are hidden in the Vegetable Stand sparkling location. Click the weight to move it and reveal the Lime.

● Examine the sparkling area inside the GROCERY. Click on the Menu Card (C) to reveal the Corkscrew. Pick it up.
● Return to the PARK.
● Use the Corkscrew (C) to remove the Cork (D) in the Fountain to drain the water and pick up the second Coin.
● Go to the TRAIN STATION.

● Place Coins (E) in the Newspaper Stand slot, turn the knob and click on the newspaper to pick up the Train Timetable (F). Click on the Timetable icon in your inventory to view it close-up.
● Note the time next to the highlighted departure station, Scrufford. It is 1:20 p.m. But the destination station is obscured - you need to find this out.

● Enter the Ticket office. It opens after all Scroll items have been found. The device (H) that controls the destination display is missing three letter Rolls. These Rolls (I) are located in the mini-game screen and around the TRAIN STATION. Insert the Rolls into the device to activate the mini-game (G).

● Play the Train Tracks game - align all the tracks to uncover the train path from departure station to destination. Click on a piece of track to rotate it.
● When the game is complete, the device will start working and the Destination station will be shown on the display.

● Examine the sparkling Clock (J) in the TRAIN STATION. The Clock face seems to be missing Numbers.
● Pick up the two Roman Numerals (K) next to the clock.
● Pick up four remaining Numerals in the TRAIN STATION.
● Apply Numerals to their correct positions on the clock face, then drag the clock hands to show the time from the Train Schedule - 1:20 p.m. (L).
● The clock will then open and reveal the second Regalia - >The Royal Orb of Scrufford!
Chapter 3: Justice

● Find Max’s collection items at the POLICE STATION.
● Click the front door to go to the CASTLE ENTRANCE - from here you can get to the TENNIS COURT.
● Give Max his collection. He'll tell you about The Grolly and give you a clue about how to get the Grolly to give you what you need.

● Find all Scroll items in the TENNIS COURT. One of the objects you find - a Hose - will be added to your inventory for later use.
● View the Drinking Fountain close-up to find the Pinecone.

● Find all Scroll items in the POLICE STATION.
● Examine sparkling locations.

● Read the Poster about the Grolly. He likes the smell of grass, so you need to make sure the grass on the tennis court is green and fresh!
● Examine the Photocopier to find the Battery.
● Pick up the Organic Fertilizer (A).

● Pick up the Sprinkler (D).
● Go back to the TENNIS COURT.

● Apply the Fertilizer (A) to the Lawn.
● Click on a sparkling Water Fountain (G) and examine it. Apply the Hose onto the nozzle (H). Attach the Sprinkler (D) and turn on the water.
● The Grolly will appear. He is hungry!
● Go back to the POLICE STATION.
● Pick up the Scissors (B) and go to the CASTLE ENTRANCE.
● Examine the Ivy Pot (C). Use Scissors (B) to cut 3 Berries (E).
● Return to the TENNIS COURT. The Grolly will be waiting there, in anticipation of the treat!

● Give the Grolly the Berries (E). He will bring out a drum to play, but he has no Drumsticks.

● Pick up the DRUMSTICKS (F) and bring them to the Grolly. He will start playing the drum to attract the mate.

● Check out the Gazebo (I). Click on the Scarf hanging on the left chair backrest to reveal the Pile of Paper (J). Pick it up.

● Examine the Photocopier (K). It has now detected the error and needs the Paper to operate. Click on the bottom to open the Paper Tray. Apply the Paper (J) onto the open Tray and click to close it.
● Press the Green Button (L) on the Copier. A photocopy of a Key will come out. Lift the cover and pick up the Key (M).

● Click on the Car Bonnet (N) to zoom in. Use the Key (M) to open the Padlock (O) and then click the Bonnet to open it. Pick up the Grolly Doll (P).
● Proceed to the TENNIS COURT.

● Give Grolly his Doll (P). He will give you the Postcard (Q) showing you how The Doll must be dressed. Note the password, "BADDIE" on the bottom of the card.

● Click on the Computer (R) to zoom in. Type the password (BADDIE) from the Postcard using your keyboard or on-screen keyboard. Press Return.
● Once the Computer is unlocked, you will receive an email from Basil with instructions on how to play the mini-game. Click to proceed to the game.

● You will be given pairs of photos. Identify which person from the left picture is not present on the snapshot on the right. Click that person to move to the next photo.
● On completion of this mini-game, you will receive an email from Max Tilly. In the email, will be instructions to check out the Gazebo.
● Go to the TENNIS COURT.

● Examine the Gazebo to pick up three Grolly Doll Accessories (S): Dress, Shoes and Hat.
● Dress up the female Grolly Doll (T).
● Happy at last, Grolly will give you the third Regalia item - >The Royal Mace of Scrufford.
Chapter 4: Prudence

● Find Pixie’s collection in the GRAND HALL.
● Click on the stairs going up to the DUKE’S BEDCHAMBER and give Pixie her collection.
● Pixie will give you the Scroll and a clue: send out a smoke signal out of the castle.

● Find all Scroll items in the DUKE’S BEDCHAMBER.

● Pick up the Hammer Chisel (A), Firewood (B), Crystal Eye (D).
● Examine the Chest under the Ottoman (C). You need to find the combination to open the lock.
● Click on the open area on the right to go to the BALCONY.

● Pick up the Tinder (E) and Telescope Body (V).
● Place the Telescope Body onto the Tripod (W).
● Click on the bottom of the screen to go back to the DUKE'S BEDCHAMBER.
● Click on the left of the room to return to the GRAND HALL.

● Find all Scroll items in the Grand Hall. One of the objects you find, the Oil Can (H), will be saved in your inventory for later use.

● Pick up the telescope Eyepiece (K) and Carving Knife (L).
● Examine the sparkling Lion Statue (F) and Rusty Armor (I). Pick up the Watch Battery from the Lion's tongue.
● Place the Crystal Eye (D) into the empty eye socket of the Lion Statue. The golden Fang (G) will slide out. Use the Hammer Chisel (A) to take the Fang (G) out.
● The Visor of the Armor is rusty, apply the Oil Can (H) to it. Then click the visor to open it. Pick up the Combination Note (J).
● Click on the arch at the bottom right to go to the DINING ROOM.

● Pick up the Lighter (M) and the telescope Lens (N).
● Examine the sparkling areas: Turkey on the table (O) and the Fireplace (U).
● Carve the Turkey with the Carving Knife. Take the Gold Wishbone (P).

● Light the fireplace by first putting down the Firewood (B), add the Tinder (E) to it and then light the whole thing up using the Lighter (M) from your inventory. This is the smoke signal Pixie was talking about - it can be seen for miles around!
● Go back to the DUKE'S BEDCHAMBER.
● Click on the Chest in the DUKE'S BEDCHAMBER.

● Open the Combination Lock (Q) with the number written on the Combination Note (J) found in the Visor of the suit of Armor.
● Open the second Chest (R) with the Gold Fang (G) from the Lion Statue.
● Open the third Chest (S) with the Gold Wishbone (P). Pick up the Four Dials (T) from the Chest.
● Go to the BALCONY.

● Fix the Telescope by applying the Lens (N) and the Eyepiece (K) onto the Tripod with the Telescope Body.
● Click on the assembled Telescope to look into it. You will see a flying airplane in your telescope view - carrying a message for you to 'check behind the painting'.
● Return to the DUKE'S BEDCHAMBER.

● Click on the sparkling Painting area (V) to examine it. Apply the dials onto the Round Slots on the Painting frame. This will activate the mini-game (W).
● Turn the dials to change the Painting details so that it represents the name of the Painting - "Moonlit Serenade".
● Once the puzzle is complete, the Painting will slide aside to reveal The Duke of Scrufford’s Signet Ring!
Chapter 5: Hope

● Find Bernard's collection in the VETERINARY, then exit through the door to the clinic RECEPTION.
● Enter the door with the tooth symbol to find Bernard in the DENTISTRY.
● Give him his collection, and in return you will receive the Scroll and a hint to get the hamster running to power up the X-Ray machine.

● Find all Scroll items in the DENTISTRY. The Beaker and Dropper will be saved for later use. One of the scroll items, Peppermint candy, is hidden in the Plug Point location. Return to the VETERINARY.

● Find all Scroll items in the VETERINARY. The Glass Stick and Frisbee will go to your Inventory.

● Return to the RECEPTION and pick up the Handle (A).
● Try clicking the door with the Skeleton symbol. Dr. Baxter will appear and suggest you distract Scruffy with the Frisbee, otherwise he won't let you in.
● Throw Scruffy the Frisbee (B) and, when he runs off, click the SURGERY door.
● Once in the SURGERY, you can call Scruffy back by using the Whistle (C) on his pad.

● Find all Scroll items in the SURGERY. Kitchen lighter, Hand Sieve and Adapter will go into your Inventory.

● Examine the sparkling area on the left. Pick up the Marker. The Drawer is missing its handle. Use Handle (A) on the Drawer, then click to open it. Pick up the Ostrich Egg (D).
● Go to the RECEPTION and, provided that you have found all scroll items, you will notice two sparkling locations.

● Examine the Grandfather Clock. Open the door and pick up the Platinum Foil (E) hanging there as one of the weights.
● Examine the Poster on the wall. To wake up the Hamster, you'll need to make a special Serum. The recipe seems to be missing.

● Go to the DENTISTRY and use the Hand Sieve (F) to clean up the dirty fish tank.
● Now you can pick up the Aloe Vera Leaf (G) from inside the tank.
● Examine the Socket. Insert the Adaptor (H) into the socket. Click the Plug (I) to plug on the X-Ray machine. The machine will not come on as there is still no power.
● Exit the DENTISTRY and go to the VETERINARY.

● Examine the sparkling Bookshelf. Pick up four Bottles (J-M) and play the books arranging game.
● Once all books are correctly positioned, the Serum Recipe (N) will slide out. Pick it up.
● Pick up the Meteor Rock (O) and place all ingredients one by one on the weighing scale to find out what each bottle contains.

● Make the Serum according to the instructions in the Serum Recipe:
● First pour in the Ostrich Yolk (K), then add Aloe Vera Juice (M), mix with the Glass Stick, then use the Kitchen Lighter to light up the Bunsen burner. When the mixture starts boiling, pour in the Meteor Rock Powder (J) and turn off the burner. Lastly, add the Platinum Sprinkles (L) and mix with the Glass Stick.

● Use the Dropper (P) to pick up some Serum and give it to the Hamster.
● Now the clinic is receiving power and you can go check the X-Ray machine.
● Go to the DENTISTRY and click on the X-ray screen.

● Play the memory game. Upon completion you will receive the Regalia item - The Shield of Scrufford!
Chapter 6: Patience

● Search for Scott’s items on the FARM.
● Once you have found them all, go to the RUINS.
● Give Scott his collection.
● Scott will give you a clue to fix the Mural but won't say where it is. You will also receive a Scroll from him.

● Find all Scroll items in the RUINS. A Metal Detector will be saved in your inventory for later use.
● Examine the sparkling areas in the RUINS.

● Click on the Branch (A) in the Mossy Wall to slide it away and reveal a Fishing Hook and Line.
● The second sparkling area will lead you to a SIDE DOOR covered with thick web.
● Go back to the FARM.

● Find all Scroll items in this location. The Hay Fork will come in handy later; it will be added to your Inventory.
● Examine the area under the bridge to find the Knife.
● Click on the door of the BARN to enter.

● Find all scroll items in the BARN.
● Examine the sparkling locations.

● Examine the Apple Basket: pick up the Cat Collar (C), then click the Apple Leaf (D) to reveal an Apple Worm. Pick it up.
● The second sparkling area is the Haystack, but to reach it, you will have to fix the Ladder.
● Exit to the FARM, then go to the WINDMILL.

● There are two sparkling areas in the WINDMILL: A Window on the right and a Pigeon's Nest on the left. Pick up the Bamboo Rungs (F) and Ribbon (G) from the Windowsill. You won't be able to see what's in the Nest while the Mother Pigeon is guarding it.
● Return to the FARM, then enter the FARM HOUSE.

● There are some Notes on the wall, and a strange-looking Clock designed by Scott himself. A message on the wall contains information on making Yarn. You have to find a spider web to make this very special Yarn.
● Pick up the Hand Spindle (H) and apply the Collar (C) to the Sleeping Cat (I). The cat will run away. Where could he go?
● Exit the FARM HOUSE and go to the RUINS. Enter the sparkling SIDE DOOR.

● Use the Hand Spindle (H) on the spider webs 3 times. The Ball of Yarn will go to your inventory. The thick spider web is covering a special Mural. Upon close examination, you will see that the Mural is missing 4 round pieces.

● Go to the WINDMILL: This is where Cappuccino is - chasing pigeons in the old windmill! He has frightened away the Mother Pigeon so that you can access her nest. Click on the Nest area and once there, pick up the round, purple Mural Piece (J).
● Go to the BARN.

● Use Bamboo Rungs (F) on the Ladder (K) to repair it. Click the sparkling area to view a close-up of the Haystack.
● Pick up the Fishing Rod (L).
● Click on the Metal Detector (M) in your Inventory and move your mouse around the hay to see if there's anything remarkable about this pile of hay. When the Metal Detector starts glowing green and beeping fast, click on the hay. There's definitely something hidden within!
● Use the Hay Fork (N) twice on the Pile to shuffle it. This will reveal the Yellow Mural Piece (O). Pick it up.
● Go to the FARM and click the sparkling area Under the Bridge.

● Put Fishing Rod (L) onto the Post (P). Then apply the Hook (B) to it. Finally, use the Worm (E) as bait and start fishing. Pick up the caught Fish (Q) and the Knife (R) on the wooden board. Now proceed to the FARM HOUSE.

● Place the Fish (Q) onto the Cutting Board (S). Use the Knife (R) to cut the Fish open. The third Mural Piece (T) will slide out of the fish's belly. Pick it up.
● Put the Yarn (U) into the Box (V). Use the Ribbon (G) to tie it and pick up the Package. It is now ready to be posted.
● Go to the FARM.

● Click on the Mailbox (W) to open it, then put the Package (X) in there and click again to close the Mailbox.
● Return to the HOUSE.
● Click on the Clock (Y) to check if it’s Mail Picking Up Time. If it isn’t, then that means you have not yet found all Scroll items in this chapter.
● Go to the FARM and open the Mailbox. You will find the last Mural Piece (Z). Now you can fix the Mural!
● Go to the SIDE DOOR in the RUINS. Click on the Mural.

● Apply the 4 Mural Pieces as shown. This will activate the mini-game.
● Drag the rings to rotate them and restore the painting. When all the rings are in their correct positions, the mural will open up and reveal The Land Deed of Scrufford!
Chapter 7: Benevolence

● Search for Witch’s items in the FOREST ENTRANCE.
● Once you have found them all, go over the bridge on the right to the BEAR CAVE.
● Give the Witch her collection.
● Eleanor will give you the scroll. She will also tell you that the thing you are looking for is guarded by a bear.

● Find all Scroll items OUTSIDE the BEAR CAVE. Pick up the Bucket (A) for later use.
● Examine sparkling areas OUTSIDE the BEAR CAVE.

● Pick up the Flashlight and a Match (C). Use the Match on the Matchbox (D) and light up the Bee Smoker (E) with the lit match. Pick up the Lit Bee Smoker.
● Go back to the FOREST ENTRANCE.

● Find all Scroll items in this location. The Axe will be added to your Inventory.
● Click the sign on the right to go to the WITCH'S HOUSE.

● Find all Scroll items at the WITCH'S HOUSE location. Pick up the Wheelbarrow (F) - you will need this to carry Concrete Blocks. Pick up Shovel (G), Machete (H) and first Concrete Block (I).
● Examine the sparkling areas.

● A Scroll item - Nut - is laying on the Well's stone rim. The Well opening is blocked by a wooden cover. Use the Axe (J) to break this cover, and the Flashlight (B) to light up depths of the well. You will find a bag of Ready-mix Cement at the bottom of the well. To bring it up, you will need to find a Well Crank. Pick up the second Concrete Block (L).

● Go back to the FOREST ENTRANCE. Pick up the third Concrete Block (M) from the statue head on the right. Examine the sparkling areas in the FOREST ENTRANCE.
● Pick up the Key and the fourth Concrete Block (O) from the Bench. Note that the intricate pattern on the bench's backrest is missing its centrepiece.
● Pick up the last Concrete Block (P) from the incomplete dam, then apply the Wheelbarrow (F) with bricks on the incomplete dam. Use Bucket (A) with the Stream to pick up some water. Pick up the Crank (Q) from the rocks on the left. Return to the WITCH'S HOUSE and apply the crank on the Well. Click the Crank to bring up the bag of Cement.
● Pour Cement (K) into the Bucket with water, then apply this mixture onto the incomplete dam. This will stop the Stream and the Bear's Cave is now open.
● Examine the Tree hole: use the Key (N) to open the Ornate Box. Pick up the folded paper (R). It contains instructions on how to prod the Bear.

● Go to the BEAR'S CAVE. Pick up the Stepladder (S) next to the Sleeping Bear.
● Go back to the WITCH'S HOUSE.

● Apply the Stepladder (S) under the Beehive. This allows examining this sparkling area.
● You now have access to the beehive but the angry bees will not allow you to examine the hive. You will need to smoke the bees out in order to examine the hive more closely. Apply the Bee Smoker (E) on the hive - the bees will leave. Use the Machete (H) to cut the hive open, revealing the Amber Diamond (T). Pick it up.

● Click on the Bench. Fit the Amber Diamond (T) into the open Socket (U) - this will activate the mini-game. Solve the mini-game to make the Queen Bee move up, pushing the socket up. If all the scroll items have been found, a ray of sunlight will shine through the gem and reveal a spot on the ground - 'X' marks the spot!
● Apply the Shovel (G) on the X-mark on the ground. Pick up the Bear Prod (V) and head to the BEAR'S CAVE.

● Use the Bear Prod in proper sequence to get the desired reaction:
Bear's Nose
● Pick up The Sword of Scrufford!
Chapter 8: Integrity

● Look for Captain Wickham's collection at the PIER.
● When you've found all the items, click on the ROW BOAT to go to the other side of the Harbor. Once you're in the BOAT, Click on the rock bay on the left to go to the BEACH.
● Go to the COTTAGE on top on the cliff. Give the Captain his collection. He will give you a scroll in return and a clue - "Find 4 pearls to open the Nautical Safe".

● Find all Scroll items in the COTTAGE. The Tongs will be added to your inventory for later use.
● Examine the Sparkling areas in the location.

● Pick up the Fishing Net (A). The scroll item - Crowbar is behind the gift wrapper.
● There is something behind the fireplace, but you will have to extinguish the fire before you can access that area.
● Return to BEACH - one of your oars has disappeared, now you need to find the missing oar.
● Go to the LIGHTHOUSE

● Find all Scroll items there. The Fire Extinguisher will be added to your inventory.
● Examine sparkling areas in the LIGHTHOUSE.

● In the Pantry, click on the fishing nets to move them aside and reveal the missing Oar (D). Pick up the scroll item - Juicer.

● Back in the LIGHTHOUSE, examine the "Ship-in-a-bottle". Pick up the first Cog (E).
● Click on the different colored beads to pull the thread, making the sails of the ship go up. The correct sequence is shown in the image on the right.
● When the "Ship-in-a-bottle" puzzle is solved, the Blue Pearl (F) will tumble out of the bottle opening. Collect it and head back to the COTTAGE.

● Extinguish the fire in the fireplace using the Fire Extinguisher (G). The area behind the fireplace is now open. The Nautical Safe is found here.
● Place the Blue Pearl in any of the slots on the Nautical Safe.
● Go back to the BEACH.

● Examine sparkling areas. In the archway of the Sand Castle there is a Bottle (H) with Special Sand for Oysters. Use Tongs (I) on the Bottle to extract it.
● The Cave in the cliff looks very dark and dangerous. You need proper equipment to explore it.
● There is the second Cog (J) lying on the Crate. Pick it up.
● Place the Oar (D) from the inventory onto the Rowlock. Now you can move between sea and land locations again.

● Once on the ROWBOAT, find all the scroll items here. Pick up the third Cog (K)

● Click on the FISHING BOAT in the sea to go there. Pick up the fourth Cog (L) and Snorkeling Gear (M).
● Examine the sparkling area. The Pulley Gearbox mechanism is missing some of the cogs.
● Return to the ROWBOAT, then go back to the PIER.

● Find all the Scroll items at the PIER.
● One of the scroll items, Sand Dollar, is hidden in the boardwalk location.
● Miner's Hat and Stanley Knife will be saved in your Inventory.
● Click the water's edge at the PIER to dive into the sea.

● Apply the Snorkelling Gear (M) to the screen to see clearly.
● Pick up the Squid (N).
● Use the Crowbar (B) on the Oyster to open it. Place the Special Sand in the shell to irritate the Oyster. Click on the Oyster to close it. The Oyster will now start making a pearl.
● Open Oyster and retrieve the White Pearl (O). If the Oyster does not open - it is because not all the scroll items have been found. Find all the Scroll Items and return to the Underwater location to retrieve the pearl
● Examine the remaining sparkling areas in the PIER - the Boardwalk.

● Use the Stanley Knife (P) to slash open the jute sacks. One of them contains a map with a secret information. Pick up the Map (Q). The information on the map has been done using candle wax. You will need ink to reveal the drawing.
● Pick up the fifth Cog (R) and go to the ROW BOAT.
● Click on the FISHING BOAT and open the Pulley Gearbox.

● Open the glass cover; insert all 5 Cogs as shown .as shown in the image. Close the cover and push the Green button to activate the pulley. (If you have placed cogs incorrectly they will flash red when you try to start the pulley).
● Take the Yellow Pearl (S) from the cage that has been winched up.
● Return to the ROW BOAT and go to the BEACH.

● To reveal the secret writing on the Map you will first need somewhere flat to place the map. The Crate will do just well. Place the Map (Q) on it.
● Place Juicer (C) next to the Map and then put Squid (M) on the Juicer to get some Ink. Pick up the Juicer with Ink (T) and spill it over the Map - note position of X on the map.

● Go to the Cave on the beach. Use Miner's hat (U) to light up the cave, then use the Fishing Net (A) to fish out the Red Pearl from the pool marked X on the map.
● Go to the COTTAGE and put all pearls into the slots of the Nautical safe, then play the game to open it and reveal the Regalia item - >The Golden Compass of Scrufford!
Chapter 9: Loyalty

● Find all of Fritz's missing items at the CASTLE ENTRANCE.
● Click on the door to enter the Castle and go through the wide archway on the right to the DINING ROOM.
● Give Fritz his collection; receive the scroll and a hint: find 4 cannonballs to reveal the Regalia item.

● Find all Scroll Items in the Dining room. The Funnel will be added to your inventory for later use. Pick up the Pencil in the Cupboard on the left.
● Pick up a can of Doggy Food (A).

● Examine sparkling area on the right. Pick up the Electrical Tape (B) from the sideboard with broken China. Assemble the shards of plates according to the white outlines. You now need to glue the pieces together.
● Exit the DINING ROOM.

● Pick up the GEAR STICK (D) from the lion statue’s mouth.
● Note the navigation areas in this room:
1 - to the Armory
2 - to the Duke's Bedchamber and Balcony
3 - to the Dining Room
4 - to the Castle Entrance

● Find all scroll items in DUKE'S BEDCHAMBER. The Fountain Pen is hidden under the Duke's Bed.
● The Lobster Fork will come in handy later and will be saved in your inventory.

● Examine the sparkling area under the Duke's Bed. Pick up the Key (E) and Dog Bowl (F).
● Go to the BALCONY through the archway on the right.

● Charles' dog Winston has occupied the Balcony, and it looks like he's guarding something very precious, hidden inside his Kennel.
● Winston won't let you examine the Kennel, so you have to find a way to distract him.
● Pick up the Glue (G) and Gunpowder (H).
● Return to the CASTLE ENTRANCE through the GRAND HALL.

● Find all the scroll items in the CASTLE ENTRANCE.
● The Wire Cutter will be added to your inventory for later use.

● Pick up the Laxative (I) and examine the sparkling area - the old Car on the right to find the Wick scroll item.
● Once inside the Car, pick up the Polishing Cloth (J).
● Use the Key (E) on the Glove Compartment to unlock it. Click on the cover to open it and pick up the Lighter (N).
● Insert Gear Shift (D) into the Gear Box. Use the Pencil (C) on the Scrambled Cassette to fix it. Pick it up.

● Insert the Cassette (L) into the Car Radio.
● There is a broken key stuck in the ignition. To start the car, you will have to hot-wire it.
● Use the Wire Cutter (M) to cut the wires just below the stuck key, then apply the Tape (B) on the cut-wires to connect them again.
● This will start the car engine and the cassette will start to play.
● Follow the recorded instructions by shifting gears. “Start” indicates the beginning of the message.
● Once the instructions have been followed correctly, the middle part of the steering wheel will open and reveal the first Cannonball (O). Pick it up.
● Go to the ARMORY

● Find all Scroll Items in this location. Pick up the Silver Polish (Q).

● Examine the Cannon. Use Funnel (P), Gunpowder (H), Wick (K) and Lighter (N) to fire it. After the cannon fires, pick up the second Cannonball (R) from the broken glass display case on the right.
● Go to the DINING ROOM.

● Use Glue (G) to fix the plates, then place them onto correct indentations according to the country of origin. Refer to the image for the plates positions.
● A number will be revealed once all the plates are in their correct positions. Use this number to open the Cutlery Case.

● Place the Lobster Fork (S) on the blue Polishing Pad.
● You will need to polish the silver before replacing them in their correct positions in the Cutlery Case. First dip the Polishing Cloth in the Silver Polish. Use the Cloth to wipe all the silver on the Polishing Pad. Once all the silver has been polished - pick up and drag each cutlery item to its corresponding slot in the case. Once the entire silver cutlery has been placed correctly, the third Cannonball (T) will be revealed. Pick it up.
● Go to the BALCONY.

● Place the Dog Bowl (F) in front of Winston. Put the Dog Food (A) into the Bowl. Sprinkle Winston's food with the Laxative (I). Winston will eat food without Laxative if you allow it to stand in front of him for too long. Put a new portion for him when he finishes the first one.
● If all scroll items have been found, it won't take long for the Laxative to have effect. When Winston runs away, examine his Kennel. Pick up the last Cannonball (U).

● Go to the ARMORY and click on the Painting on the wall to see the mini-game. Insert 4 Cannonballs to start the game. You will need to hit the Knight from the blue tower with the cannonballs 4 times to win this game.
● After the game is complete, the painting will slide away to reveal >The Crown of Scrufford!
Chapter 10: Love

● You start this chapter in the DUNGEON PASSAGE. Look around and go through the archway ahead of you.
● In the next location, DUNGEON CORRIDOR, choose the passage on the left and enter the JAIL.
● Alfie will give you a quest to find him 12 lanterns. Pick up the first Lantern hanging on the wall (1).
● Exit the JAIL and pick up Lanterns in DUNGEON PASSAGE, DUNGEON CORRIDOR, CENTRAL HALL and GALLERY. Refer to the images.
● Come back to Alfie and give him the Lanterns. In return, he will give you a Bat Whistle.

● Return to the DUNGEON PASSAGE. Pick up the Battery (A).

● Go to the CENTRAL HALL and examine the sparkling area. Open the upper compartment and put the Battery (A) inside. This will activate the mini-game. Connect the bulbs with correct number of wires to light them all up. Pick up the Night Vision Goggles.

● Go to the GALLERY through the passage on the left, Pick up the Lever (C).
● Back to the DUNGEON PASSAGE again. Use the Lever (C) on the lever socket on the wall and pull it to lift the grill. Play the game to assemble the portrait. It will then slide up and reveal the Magnet on a string (D).

● Pick up the Stick (E). It will automatically combine with the Magnet in your Inventory.

● Go to the CENTRAL HALL and use the Magnet-on-a-stick (F) on the alcove where you can see a Medallion (G) hanging just out of your reach.
● Use the right passage to go to the DARK ROOM.

● Use Night Vision Goggles (B) on the room to see that it is full of agitated bats fluttering around.
● Use Bat whistle (H) to calm down the bats. Now you can pick up the Brass wedge (I) and Plunger (J).
● Go to the GALLERY and examine the sparkling area on the wall.

● Use the Plunger (J) on the glass cover of the puzzle to lift it. This will activate the game.
● Move the rectangular blocks around to get the fuse out through the opening in the left. Pick up the Fuse (K).
● Click on the archway ahead of you to go to the DUNGEON DOOR.

● Examine the ornate lock securing the spears. Use the Medallion (G) to unlock the chain and activate the game.
● Click on the spears in correct order to open them all.

● Use the Fuse (K) on the fuse box above the door. This will activate the next game.
● Push buttons with related symbols to turn off groups of symbols. Each group consists of 4 symbols.

● Once all lasers are turned off, you will be able to access the last lock. Apply the Brass Wedge (I) to activate the last mini-game.
● Click arrows to rotate the inner ring and click the adjacent gems to swap their colors. Highlight all wedges according to the symbols on them to solve this puzzle. Cracked gems cannot be swapped.
Flamingo (Pink) = Red + White
Sun (Yellow) = Yellow + Yellow
Leaf (Green) = Blue +Yellow
Orange (Orange) = Yellow + Red
Elephant (Gray) = White + Black
Aubergine (Purple) = Red + Blue
● When all the symbols are lit with the correct color, the lock will open. Enjoy the final cut scene and congratulations, you've won "The Scruffs: Return of the Duke!"
Created at: 2012-02-20