Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter One: Grandfather’s House
- Chapter Two: Aboard Pandora
- Chapter Three: Music Box
- Chapter Four: Back to Pandora
- Chapter Five: Shipwreck
- Chapter Six: Enter the Bedroom
- Chapter Seven: Fix the Balloon
- Chapter Eight: Blow Up Pandora
- Chapter Nine: Laura’s Revenge
General Tips

- There are no timers in Vampire Saga: Pandora’s Box.
- There are some mini-games, some Hidden Object scenes and many interactive scenes in the game.
- To exit a Hidden Object scene, place your cursor on the list of objects and click on the small door that appears in between the words.
- The Hidden Object scenes will always be found in the sparkly areas in a room.
- You can skip the dialogue by clicking on the “ESC” tab on your keyboard. Keep in mind that when you do this you will not be able to read the rest of the story.
- You will be able to skip some of the mini-games once the skip button has been fully charged.
- Some inventory items may not appear until certain steps have been performed first. If you go to a location looking for an item and it’s not there, just come back to it later.
- When you click randomly in the scene, your cursor will float around for a few seconds. You will not be able to pick up items until the cursor stops floating around.
Inventory Items & Journal

- You can collect several inventory items throughout the game. The Hidden Object scenes will always contain one inventory item. The inventory items from these scenes will only go into your inventory after all the items from the list have been found even of the item is not on your list.
- You will find the inventory items at the bottom of each scene. To bring the inventory bar up, just hover your mouse at the bottom of the scene.
- To use an inventory item, just select the item you want to use. You will see a circle with the item of your choice inside. Next, click on the area that you want the inventory item to go to.
- Sometimes you can place the correct inventory item in the right place but unless you’re very precise the game will not accept it.
- Some items can stay in your inventory for a very long time. Don’t worry if you can’t find a place for all your items right away. Remember to explore all areas of the game.
- Your inventory box can get full at times; use the arrows on each end of the inventory box to scroll through all available items.
- You have a journal on the lower right. Click on it to see different entries pertaining to the story and the game.
- You can access your journal as often as you need.

- You can use a hint in the game if you get stuck and need help.
- The hints can help you in the Hidden Object scenes as well as the interactive parts of the game.
- Hints are unlimited but you do have to wait for the hint compass to recharge itself before you can use it again.
- Click on the hint compass in the lower right corner, the game will show you the location of one random item in a Hidden Object scene.
- If you are in a regular scene and you use a hint, the game will show you an area you need to investigate.
- On some occasions the game will highlight one of your inventory items and simultaneously show you where it belongs.
- If you click on a hint and there’s nothing to do in that area, the game will let you know. You will not lose a hint when there’s nothing to do in a room.
- There are many ways to complete this game, the walkthrough will show you the shortest possible way.
- The results for some of the mini-games and puzzles are random. The results may not be the same for everyone.
- Please keep in mind that some of the items in the game are mislabeled. When this happens we will try and give you the real name of the item and the name given by the game will be in parentheses.
- Some of the inventory items in the Hidden Object scenes may not show up on your list but they will be added to your inventory after all the items have been found. The walkthrough will show you the locations of all the inventory items in the Hidden Object scenes.
Chapter One: Grandfather’s House
Find Stone – Porch

- Your first scene will take you outside the Grandfather’s House. There are several areas you can interact with, for now click on the sparkly area on the bushes to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Click on the Stone on the far right side. This Stone will go into inventory after all the items from the list have been found.

- Click on the left side of the door for a closer view.
- Take the Stone from inventory and place it on the glass in order to break it.
- Once the window is broken, click on the switch inside the door. Close the pop-up window.
Find the Hairpin

- Click on the door for a closer view. Click on the lock and then ring the doorbell.
- Click on the rug in front of the door for a closer view.
- Click on the upper right side of the rug and you will find a Hairpin underneath, pick it up.

- Pick up the Hairpin from your inventory and place it on the door’s lock to trigger a mini-game.
Pick the Lock Mini-game

- Your goal in this mini-game is to pick the lock correctly.
- Move the hairpin inside the lock in the correct order.
- Each time the hairpin is in position, click on your mouse and you will see the needle on top of the lock move a bit to the right.
- Once the needle is all the way to the right, the lock will open.
- Please look at the screenshot for the correct order.
- When you try to get in the door you will notice that it’s chained. Exit out of the door scene.
- Click on the sparkly bushes to enter a Hidden Object Scene.
Find Pliers and Use Them

- Pick up the Pliers in the lower left. Find the rest of the items on the list.
- Click on the front door for a closer view.
- Place the Pliers on the chain to cut it.
- Enter the Hallway.
Find Ammo - Hallway

- You can access the Bathroom from the door in the back. To access the upstairs area you must first fix the steps.
- If you need to go back to the Porch you can place your cursor at the bottom of the scene.
- Click on the cabinet on the right for a closer view.
- Click on the hat in the lower right and it will disappear.
- Click on the box of ammo for a closer view.
- Click on the ammo again and it will go into inventory.
- Let’s go to the Bathroom for now.
Pick up Ladder and Duct Tape - Bathroom

- Pick up the Ladder on the right.
- If you click on the sink’s faucet, you will see a message that the pipes are broken.
- Click on the cabinets on the right and a sparkly area will appear. Click on the cabinet again to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Roll of Duct Tape (Insulating Ribbon) in the lower left corner, on the bathtub.
- Go back to the Hallway and then back to the Porch.
Find Wrench and Repair Electricity

- Click on the sparkly bushes to enter a Hidden Object Scene.
- Pick up the Wrench in the lower right corner.
- Click on the electrical panel on the left side of the banister for a closer view.
- Place the Duct Tape (Insulating Ribbon) on the brown wires to mend them. This will restore the electricity to the house.
- Go back to the Hallway inside the house.
Place the Ladder

- Click on the light switch on the left to turn on the lights.
- When you click on the chandelier you will notice there is a Valve Handle stuck inside. You have to get the Valve Handle out but you cannot do it at this time.
- Place the Ladder on the steps so you can go upstairs to the Living Room.
Pick Up Glass & Rifle - Living Room

- Click on Grandpa on the chair and it will say that it seems like Grandpa had a heart attack. You should bring him some aspirin and a glass of water.
- Pick up the Glass that’s on the round table and it will go into inventory. You have to fill the glass with water before you can give it to Grandpa.
- Click on The Rifle for a closer view. Click on the two Bullets.
- Grab the box of Ammo from inventory and place it on the rifle 2 times.
- Click on the rifle one more time to enter it into inventory.
- You can click on the cabinet on the left for a closer view but you don’t have the tools needed for those areas at this time.
- Let’s go back to the Hallway.
Obtain Valve - Hallway

- If you haven’t done so already, click on the light switch on the left side of the wall.
- Place the Rifle on the chandelier to break the glass.
- Pick up the Valve Handle that falls on the carpet and it will go into inventory.
- Let’s go to the Bathroom.
Pick Up Pills and Fix the Pipes – Bathroom

- Go to the Bathroom and click on the cabinet to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Pills on the bottom shelf of the cabinet. Find the rest of the items on the list.
- Place the Valve Handle on the lower left side of the back wall, between the tub and the sink.
- Click on the Valve Handle once to turn the water off.
- Use the Wrench to repair the pipe under the sink.
- Click on the Valve Handle again to turn the water back on.
- Click on the handles of the faucet so the water can start running.
- Place the Glass under the running water and the glass will go back into inventory as a Glass of Water.
- Let’s go back upstairs to the Living Room.
Give Pills & Glass of Water to Grandpa - Living Room

- Give Grandpa the Pills from Inventory.
- Give Grandpa the Glass of Water.
- You will be taken to a cutscene.
Chapter Two: Aboard Pandora
Turn on the Lights

- Pick up the Matches in the lower left.
- Place the Matches on the Lantern to turn on the lights.
Find and Use Cane

- As soon as the lights come on a sparkly area will appear, click on it to enter a Hidden Object Scene.
- Pick up the Cane in the lower right.
- After all the items have been found, grab the Cane from inventory.
- Place the Cane on the Jar of Olive Oil on top of the large right crate.
- The Olive Oil will spill all over the floor, making it easier to move the crate.
Pick up and Use Crowbar

- Click on the large right crate to move it out of the way.
- Pick up the Crowbar (Prybar) on the lower right side of the steps.
- Click on the crate again for a closer view. Close the pop-up window for now.
- Click on the left crate for a closer view.
- Place the Crowbar (Prybar) on the crate a total of 6 times to break the crate completely and a car will appear.
- Place the crowbar on the areas shown on the screenshot and then click anywhere on the crate for the next 3 times.

- Click on the car for a closer view.
- Click on the hood of the car to open it.
- Pick up the Wrench and close the pop-up window.
Pick Up and Use Rag – Find Axe

- Click on the large crate on the right for a closer look.
- Grab the Crowbar and use it on the 2 nails shown in the screenshot to partially open the crate.
- Pick up the Rag on the left.

- Place the Rag on the bucket of water in the lower left and the Rag will go back into inventory wet.
- Click on the dirty glass on the left for a closer view.
- Use the Wet Rag on the glass to clean it and you will see an Axe appear.
- Grab the Crowbar and place it on the glass a total of 3 times to break it.
- Pick up the Axe.
Open the Hatch

- Place the Axe on the hatch above the steps a total of 3 times.
- You now have access to the Deck.
Use the Wrench on the Fuel Tank - Deck

- Click on the rope ladder on the right to drop it on the side of the ship. This action grants you access to the side of the ship but you cannot go there at this moment.
- You can access the Bow by placing your cursor on the steps.
- You can access the Stern by placing your cursor on the lower center of the scene.
- Click on the Anchor Capstan and it will tell you that the anchor must be stuck.
- Click on the compressor and it will tell you that it was used for diving.

- Click on the red fuel tank for a closer view.
- Place the Wrench on the cap to open it. It tells you that you need a funnel and fuel. You do not have those items at this time so you will have to come back to it later.
Pick Up Skull Key # 1 - Bow

- Go the Bow by placing your cursor over the steps.
- Click on the sparkly area to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Skull Key #1 on the lower center. You will need to collect 3 other Skull Keys before you can use it in a puzzle.
- Go to the Stern by placing your cursor on the steps and then on the lower left side of the Deck.
Pick Up Screwdriver – Stern

- From this area you can access the Cargo Hold, the Deck and the Corridor.
- Place the Axe on the red door a total 4 times to open it. This will give you access to the Corridor. We will go there in a bit.
- Click on the sparkly area in the top right side.
- Pick up the Screwdriver on the far right side.
- Go back to the Cargo Hold through the hole in the lower left side of the ground.
Pick up Funnel – Cargo Hold

- Click on the sparkly area on the left side to enter a Hidden Object area.
- Pick up the Funnel in the upper center. If the Funnel is not on your list of items, you should receive it after all the items have been found.
- Go back to the Deck through the opening on top.
- Starting from the Deck, go to the Stern by placing your cursor in the lower left.
- Go to the Corridor by placing your cursor through the door.

- There are 2 doors in the Corridor. Click on both of them to open them.
- The door on the left takes you to the Captain’s Cabin.
- The door on the far right takes you to the Main Cabin.
- To go back to the Stern, place your cursor at the bottom of the screen.
- Let’s go to the Captain’s Cabin for now.
Pick up Scuba Gear - Captain’s Cabin

- As soon as you enter the Captain’s cabin you will be taken to a quick cutscene of a hallucination.
- Click on the globe to move it aside.
- Click on the screen on the right once to move it aside. The cabinet is now accessible.
- Click on the cabinet to open the right door.
- Click on the cabinet again for a closer look.
- Click on the Scuba Gear and it will go into inventory.
- There is a safe at the bottom of the cabinet; we’ll come back to it later.
- Close the pop-up window once you’re done.
Pick up Pencil – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the sparkly desk to enter a Hidden Object Scene.
- Pick up the Pencil on top of the sheet of paper.
Use Pencil and Obtain Code for Safe – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the carpet for a closer look.
- Click on the edge of the rug again and it will lift up.
- Click on the journal to see a blank page.
- Place the Pencil on the page and the combination to the safe will be revealed.
- The combination is: “4679”.
- Close the pop-up window.
Open the Safe – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the cabinet on the right for a closer view.
- Click on the safe in the lower right for a closer look.
- Click on the safe 1 more time to get a closer look at the dial.
- Click on the numbers in the following order to open the safe:4-6-7-9
Pick up the Fuse (Protector)

- The safe is now open.
- Click on the fuse (Protector) in the upper left corner of the safe.
- Click on the Revolver for a closer look. You need some bullets for the Revolver; you don’t have enough of them at this time. You can come back to this area later.
- Click on the postcard for a closer view.
- Close the pop-up window.
Open Chest & Pick up Fuel Can – Captain’s Cabin

- Place the Crowbar on the chest to open it.
- Click on the chest for a closer view.
- Pick up the Fuel Can inside the chest. The pop-up window will close automatically.
- There is a small window behind the desk; you can come back to it later.
- Let’s go to the Main Cabin, go back to the Corridor and click on the door on the far right.
Find Knife & Cut a Piece of Tarpaulin - Main Cabin

- You can access the Galley from this room by going to the door in the back.
- Click on the sparkly spot to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Click on the Knife that’s in the center of the table.
- Place the Knife on the Tarpaulin close to the steps and a Piece of Tarp will go into your inventory.
- You can click on the boat on the ground but you will not be able to fix it at this moment, you can come back to it later.
- Go to Galley using the door in the back.
Find Fish for Seagull – Galley

- Click on the sparkly spot in the lower right to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Fish that’s on the right side of the counter. You can use this fish to feed the seagull by the window in the Captain’s Cabin.
- Let’s go back to the Captain’s Cabin.
Give Fish to Seagull – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the window in the Captain’s Cabin twice for a closer view.
- Give the Fish to the seagull outside the window and it will fly away.
- Click on the boat in the water for a closer view.
Pick up Skull Key # 2

- Pick up Skull Key #2 that’s close the dead man.
- You will not need to come back to this scene until much later.
- Exit that scene and go back to the Deck.
Fill Fuel Tank & Start Compressor - Deck

- Place the Scuba Gear on the right side of the compressor.
- Click on the red fuel tank for a closer view.

- If you haven’t done so already, use the Wrench to loosen the cap.
- Place the Funnel in the hole.
- Place the Fuel Can in the Funnel.
- The cap goes back on automatically. Close the pop-up window.

- Click on the Compressor’s controls for a closer view.
- Place the Screwdriver on all 4 screws to take them off.
- Click on the panel to remove it.

- Place the Fuse (Protector) in the space for the fuse. The screws and the cover will automatically go back on.

- Press the Green Button to start the compressor. Close the pop-up window.
Go to the Side of the Ship

- Now that your scuba gear is in place and the compressor is working, you can go to the side of the ship by clicking on the rope ladder on the right.
- Click on the water when you see the “Underwater” sign appear.
- Click when you see the “To the bottom” sign appear.
Pick up Skull Key # 3 & Ring - Bottom of the Sea

- Click on the captain for a closer view.
- Grab Skull Key #3 from the Captain’s hand.
- Pick up the Ring on the Captain’s finger. When you click on the Ring it tells you that it looked like someone used that key as a ring. Notice the symbols on the ring.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Go back up to the Deck and then go to the Stern.
Pick up Hook - Stern

- Click on the Hidden Object area in the top right side of the scene.
- Pick up the Hook in the top left corner. If the Hook is not on your list, you should receive it after you pick up all the items from the list.

- Go the Corridor first, then go to the Main Cabin and then go into the Galley.
Pick Up Bullet # 1 – Galley

- Click on the sparkly spot in the lower right to enter the Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bullet #1 in the lower left.
- Go to the Captain’s Cabin.
Pick up Key – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the sparkly spot on the desk to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Key on the desk on top of the scroll. If the Key is not on your list, you should receive it after all the items have been found.
Use Ring to Open Desk – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the roll-top desk on the left for a closer view.
- Take the Ring and place it on the lock to trigger a mini-game.
Ring Lock Puzzle

- Your goal is to press the panels in the correct order.
- Click on a panel to select it.
- When you click on a panel correctly, the image will darken.
- When you click on an incorrect panel, it resets the puzzle.
- Remember the order in which you successfully clicked on the panels since the order is always the same.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Pick up Glue and Oil Can

- After the puzzle has been completed successfully, the cover will open.
- Click on the journal to read the entry. Close the pop-up window once you’re done reading.
- Pick up the Glue and the Oil Can.
- Close the pop-up window and go to the Cargo Hold.
Pick up Rope - Cargo Hold

- Click on the sparkly area on the left to open a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Rope on the lower left.
- Let’s go back to the Bow.
Pick up Bullet # 2 – Bow

- Go to the Deck first and then enter the Bow.
- Click on the sparkly area on the left to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bullet # 2 on the top right side of the scene. If the Bullet is not on your list, it should go into inventory after all the items have been found.
- Let’s go back to the Main Cabin. To get there follow these steps:DECK STERN CORRIDOR MAIN CABIN
Use Glue & Tarpaulin (Pick Up Inflatable Boat) – Main Cabin

- Click on the boat in the Main Cabin.
- Take the Glue and place it on the hole in the boat.
- Place the Piece of Tarpaulin over the hole to mend it.
- Click on the boat (not the hole) 2 times to enter the Inflatable Boat into inventory.
- Let’s go back to the Stern.
Hoist – Stern

- Click on the Hoist for a closer view.
- Place the Oil Can on the Hoist 2 times and close the pop-up window.
- Take the Key from inventory (not the Skull Key) and place it on the latch close to the Hoist.
- Click on the latch one more time to get rid of it.
- Click on the trap door to open it.

- Place the Hook (Crook) on the area above the trap door.
- Click on the Hoist to lower the Hook.
- Go down to the Cargo Hold.
Use Cane - Cargo Hold

- Click on the large crate to move it closer to the hook.
- Place the Cane on the crate so you can latch on to the Hook.
- Go back up to the Stern.
Bring Crate up - Stern

- Click on the Hoist one time to bring the crate up from the Cargo Hold. The Passage to the Second Cargo Hold is now exposed. We’ll come back to it later.
- A Hidden Object scene opens up immediately after the crate is lifted.
Pick up Bullet #3 – Stern

- Click on the sparkly spot to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bullet #3 in the lower right. If it’s not on your list, it will be added to your inventory after all the items have been found.
- Let’s go to the Captain’s Cabin.
Bullet #4 – Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the sparkly spot on the desk to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bullet #4 on the right side of the desk.
- Let’s go back to the Bottom of the Sea. You can get there by following these steps from the Captain’s Cabin:CORRIDOR STERN DECK SIDE OF THE SHIP UNDERWATER TO THE BOTTOM
Use Rope and Inflatable Boat – Bottom of the Sea

- A heavy stone is holding the anchor in place. Use the Rope on the heavy stone.
- Place the Inflatable Boat on the heavy stone as well.
- That’s all for now, you can come back to this spot later.
- Let’s go back to the Cargo Hold. Follow these steps starting from the Bottom of the Sea to get there:UNDERWATER SIDE OF THE SHIP DECK STERN CARGO HOLD
Bullet #5 – Cargo Hold

- Click on the sparkly spot on the left to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bullet #5 on the upper left side.
- Let’s go to the Main Cabin by following these steps:DECK STERN CORRIDOR MAIN CABIN
Pick up Bullet #6 – Main Cabin

- Click on the sparkly spot on the right.
- Pick up Bullet #6 on the top left side, close to the steps.
- Let’s go back to the Captain’s Cabin.
Place 6 Bullets in Gun – Captain’s Cabin

- To complete this puzzle you must have the 6 Bullets in hand. Here are the locations of the Bullets:
- Bullet #1 is in the Hidden Object scene in the Galley.
- Bullet #2 is in the Hidden Object scene in the Bow.
- Bullet #3 is in the Hidden Object scene in the Stern.
- Bullet #4 is in the Hidden Object scene of the Captain’s Cabin.
- Bullet # 5 is in the Hidden Object scene in the Cargo Hold.
- Bullet # 6 is in the Hidden Object scene in the Main Cabin.
- Click on the cabinet on the right for a closer view.
- Click on the safe for a closer look.

- Click on the Gun for a closer look.
- Place the 6 Bullets into the Gun.
- Click on the Gun to enter it into inventory.
Pick up Skull Key #4 – Captain’s Cabin

- After the Gun has been entered into inventory, Skull Key #4 will appear in the safe.
- Pick up the Skull Key to enter it into inventory.
- Click on the Letter on the bottom shelf for a closer view.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Go back to the Cargo Hold by following these steps from the Captain’s Cabin:CORRIDOR STERN CARGO HOLD
Use Skull Keys – Cargo Hold

- In order to complete this puzzle you must have the 4 Skull Keys. Here are the locations of the keys:
- Skull Key#1 is in the Hidden Object scene on the Bow.
- Skull Key #2 is on the dead man’s boat. The window outside the Captain’ Cabin.
- Skull Key# 3 is on the dead captain’s hand at the Bottom of the Sea.
- Skull Key # 4 will be in the safe in the Captain’s Cabin. You will receive the last Skull Key after all the bullets have been placed inside the Gun.
- Click on the door on the far right, which is the passage to the 2nd Cargo Hold.
- Click on the strange lock to trigger a mini-game.
Burn the Skull Keys Puzzle

- Your goal is to open the door by assembling the pictures on the lock in the correct position.
- Place the 4 Skull Keys on the lock.
- Click on a skull to rotate the puzzle pieces. Each skull you click on rotates the squares attached to it.
- The solution for this puzzle is different each time you play; therefore we cannot give a step-by-step solution that will help everyone.

- In this solution the skull on the lower left will be upside down. All the other skulls will be facing up.
- Enter the 2nd Cargo Hold.
Pick Up the Pendant Part - Inside the 2nd Cargo Hold

- Click on the large packages close to the door to move them out of the way.
- Click on the door to open it.
- Click on the coffin on the right for a closer view.
- Click on the coffin again to open the lid.
- Click on the pillow to move it aside.
- Pick up the Pendant Part on the pillow.
- Click on the love letter to read it.
- Close the pop-up window and go into the Closet.

- Click on the girl and you will be asked to give her some hot pepper rum to revive her. You do not have at this moment so you will have to come back to it later.
Pick up Bottle of Rum - Main Cabin

- Click on the sparkly spot to enter the next Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Bottle of Rum in the upper right corner.
- Go to the Galley.
Pick up Peppers – Galley

- Click on the sparkly spot in the lower right to enter the next Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Peppers on the left. Find the rest of the items.
Light Stove & Heat Rum and Peppers – Galley

- Pick up the Kettle on the right side.
- Pick up the Wooden Logs (Timber) under the stove.
- Click on the stove for a closer view.
- Click on the oven door to open it.
- Place the Wooden Logs (Timber) and the Matches inside the stove. The stove is now on.
- Place the Kettle on the burner.
- Place the Bottle of Rum on the Kettle.
- Put the Peppers in the Kettle.

- Click on the Kettle to take it off the stove.
- Click on the Mug for a closer view.
- Click on the Mug to open the lid.
- Place the kettle on the Mug.
- Click on the mug to enter it into inventory.
Give Mug to Girl – Closet in 2nd Cargo Hold

- As soon as you enter the closet, give the girl the Mug so she can regain consciousness. Her name is Laura Patton.
- You will be taken to a cutscene. At the end of the cutscene Laura will be in the Captain’s Cabin.
- Retrace your steps and go back to the Closet.
Pick up Air Tank – Closet in 2nd Cargo Hold

- Click on the red Air Tank (Air Balloon) behind the crate on the ground and it will go into inventory.
- Let’s go back to the Bottom of the Sea.
Inflate the Inflatable Boat

- Place the red Air Tank (Gas Balloon) on the Inflatable Raft. You will now be able to raise the anchor.
- Go back up to the Deck.
Lift Anchor

- Click on the Anchor Capstan one time and you will be taken to the next cutscene.
Chapter Three: Music Box
Talk to Grandpa - Living Room

- Click on Grandpa and he will insist that you find a Music Box in the Bathroom.
- Go to the Porch.
Pick up Screwdriver - Porch

- Click on the sparkly spot to enter a Hidden Object area.
- Pick up the Screwdriver on the left.
- Let’s proceed to the Bathroom.
Find Music Box – Bathroom

- Click on the vent in the upper left for a closer view.
- Place your Screwdriver on each of the 4 screws.
- Click on the vent to get rid of it.
- Click on the Music Box for a closer view.
- Click on it one more time to open it.
- When you click on the Music Box you find out the roller is missing. Go back and speak with Grandpa in the Living Room.
Living Room

- When you click on Grandpa he tells you that he doesn’t remember where the Music Box is but he wants you to open the window.
- Click on the curtains to open it.
- Click on the window for a closer view.
- Click on the latch to find out that it is stuck. You need to find something to hit it with.
- Close the pop-up window and go back to the Bathroom.
Pick up Hammer - Bathroom

- Click on the cabinet to open a Hidden Object area.
- Pick up the Hammer in the lower center of the scene.
- Go back to the Living Room.
Place Hammer on Latch - Living Room

- Click on Grandpa and he tells you that he wants you to open the window and also hand him a loaded Revolver.
- Click on the window for a closer look.
- Place the Hammer on the latch2 times to open it.
- Close the pop-up window and click on the window again to open it.
Pick up Bureau Key – Living Room

- Once the window is open the curtain falls to the ground revealing a plate on the left side of the wall.
- Click on the plate for a closer view.
- Click on the plate again to flip it over.
- Pick up the Key behind the plate.
Open Bureau & Pick up Roller – Living Room

- Click on the bureau on the left for a closer look.
- Place the Key on the lock of the bureau.
- Click on the Roller and it will go into inventory.
- Click on the Revolver to get a closer view. The Revolver needs bullets.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Go back to the Bathroom.
Place Roller in Music Box – Bathroom

- Click on the vent in the upper left side for a closer view.
- Click on the Music Box to open it.
- Place the Roller inside the Music Box.
- Click on the lock to trigger a mini-game.
Music Box Puzzle

- Your goal is to reproduce the notes in the upper side of the puzzle by clicking on the correct circles on the roller. Use the bottom symbols as a guide.
- There are 5 musical notes above the barrel and there are 5 rows of circles on the center roller.

- The symbols depicted on the top roller are notes you need to play.
- Locate the symbol on the 1st position of the roller on the lower portion of the music box.
- Since it is the FIRST position on the roller, click on the First Circle above the matching symbol. The First position starts at the bottom, please look at the first screenshot.
- Locate the symbol in the SECOND position of the roller and press the SECOND circle above the matching symbol in the bottom of the music box.
- Follow the same procedure for the rest of the symbols.
- Once all the symbols have been entered correctly, click on the button in the lower right.
- If the symbols are correct, the rollers will move on to the next set of symbols.
- If the symbols are incorrect, you will have to enter them again.
- You need to beat this puzzle a total of 3 times.
- The solutions are random but here are my results.
Random Solution 1

Random Solution 2

Random Solution 3

Pick up Bullet and Pendant Part – Living Room

- Once you’re done with the Music Box puzzle click on the Bullet and the Pendant Part. Both pieces will go into inventory.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Go back to the Living Room.
Give Revolver to Grandpa

- Click on the bureau on the left for a closer view.
- Click on the Revolver to take a closer look.
- Place the Bullet inside the Revolver.
- Click on the Revolver 2 times to enter it into inventory.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Give the Revolver to Grandpa.
Chapter Four: Back to Pandora
Main Cabin

- You are taken to a quick cutscene. Laura is hungry and wants an apple.
- Your entire inventory from this and the previous chapter are available.
- Let’s go back to the Galley.
Pick up Apple – Galley

- Click on the sparkly spot in the lower left to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Go back to the Captain’s Cabin.
Give Apple to Laura – Captain’s Cabin

- Give Laura the Apple from inventory and you will go to another cutscene.
- You find out that there’s a monster that killed the crew.
Pick up Telescope

- Click on the sparkly spot that appears on the desk once the cutscene is finished.
- Pick up the Telescope on the left side of the desk. It is partially hidden behind the stacked books.
- Let’s go back to the Bow.
Place Telescope – Bow

- Put the Telescope on the upper right side. Click in the spot where the hand shows up.
- Look through the Telescope and you will see a shipwreck.
- The Telescope view will close after a few second. The crate you lifted up earlier in the Cargo Hold has fallen.
- Go back to the Cargo Hold.
Pick up Scepter & Shoot the Monster – Cargo Hold

- Once you get to the Cargo Hold you will find the monster.
- Take your Gun and shoot at the monster several times until it finally runs away.
- Make sure the gun is aiming at the monster correctly before you shoot.
- Pick up the Scepter on the lower right side of the steps.
Use Scepter – Dead Man’s Boat

- Let’s go back to the Dead Man’s Boat by going through the window in the Captain’s Cabin.
- Stop at the Captain’s Cabin and click on Laura, that action will enter a new page in your journal.
- Click on the window and then click on the boat outside the window.
- Place the Scepter in the dead man’s hand.
- Exit the scene and go back to the Captain’s Cabin.
Cut the Rope Attached to Boat – Window outside the Captain’s Cabin

- You will hear the monster (mummy) make a noise. Matthew says the monster boarded the boat and retrieved the scepter. He says you should cut the rope so the boat will drift away.
- Go back to window and you will see the monster on the boat.
- Take your Knife and cut the rope on the left. The boat with the monster will drift away. You will no longer have access to the window from this point on.
- Leave the Captain’s Cabin and proceed to the Deck.
Lower Reel – Deck

- Click on the Anchor Capstan (Reel) to lower the anchor.
- Let’s go to the Underwater location. To get there just go through the Side of the Ship.

- Click on the stairs on the right and you will receive a message that the stones are too slippery, you need to repair the steps to go ashore.
- Click on the sunken steps in the lower center. You need to find something to dig them out.
- Click on the Boat’s Cargo Hold on the left to enter a new scene.
Boat’s Cargo Hold

- Attach the chain (rope) in the upper left to the hatch in the lower left.
- Drag the chain to the hatch and click it in place. You have to click on the bottom of the hatch to attach it. Once the chain is in place it will settle on the handle.
- Go through the opening in the top left to find the skeleton.
Pick up Pickaxe – Skeleton Area

- Click on the papers on the ground for a closer view.
- Click on the sparkly skeleton to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Pickaxe in the upper right corner.
- Go back to the Underwater location.
Use Pickaxe on Stairs – Underwater

- Take the Pickaxe and place it on the sunken steps 2 times.
- Click on the steps and they will go into inventory as a Ladder.
- Place the Ladder on the broken steps on the right.
- Click on the steps on the right for a closer view. Matthew tells you that you need to find some bolts. Exit out of the pop-up window.
- Go back to the Skeleton Area.
Bolt #1 – Skeleton Area

- Click on the skeleton to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bolt #1 in the lower right.
- Let’s go back to the Bow by going back on Pandora and clicking on the Bow while you’re on the Deck.
Bolt #2- Bow

- Click on the sparkly area on the left to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bolt # 2 on the left edge of the scene.
- Let’s go to the Stern.
Bolt #3 – Stern

- Once you get to the Stern, click on the sparkly spot in the upper right to enter a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up Bolt #3 in the top right corner.
- Go to the Main Cabin.
Bolt #4 - Main Cabin

- Click on the Hidden Object scene on the right.
- Pick up Bolt #4 in the lower left; it is on the small bench.
- Let’s go back to the Underwater location.
Use Bolts on Ladder – Underwater

- Click on the stairs on the right for a closer view.
- Place the 4 Bolts in the 4 empty holes.
- Place the Wrench on each of the Bolts to tighten them up. Now that the steps are fixed, you can go ashore.
- Exit out of the pop-up window and go up the steps to the shipwreck.
Chapter Five: Shipwreck
Engine – Shipwreck

- Click on the sunken boat in the water for a closer view of the engine.
- Click on the cover of the engine to open it.
- When you click on the starter cord you receive a message that before you pull the engine’s starter cord you should attach the chain to the propeller.
- Click on the engine to take a closer look.

- When you click on the close-up of the engine, it tells you that it needs to be oiled.
- Place the Oil Can (Oiler) on the engine to remove all the rust.
- Click on the engine again and it will tell you that it does not have a belt.
- Close both pop-up windows for now.
Expose the Mummy - Shipwreck

- Click on the board on the left for a closer view.
- Click on it again and you will receive a message that says there is a skeleton stuck inside.
- Use the Crowbar on the boards 2 times to remove them. You can see the skeleton behind the boards.
- Go up the steps to the Passage.
Find Belt - Steamboat

- Once you get to the Passage proceed to the Steamboat.
- Click on the man in the water. He’s alive; you need to get a boat hook to rescue him.
- Click on the green items on the ground. They are parts of the burner but you need a manual to put it back together before you can fool with it.
- Click on the crate on the left for a closer view. The chest is locked; you need a hacksaw to cut through it. Close the pop-up window.
- Click on the Hidden Object scene on the left.
- Pick up the Belt on the right edge of the scene.
- Let’s go back to the Shipwreck.
Place Belt on Engine - Shipwreck

- Click on the boat in the water for a closer view.
- Click on the engine, not the starter cord for a closer view.
- Place the Belt on the engine and the engine is now ready to start.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Let’s go back to the Skeleton Area.
Place Chain on Pulley - Skeleton

- Grab the chain behind the Scuba Gear and drag the chain to the pulley above the Scuba Gear. Click the chain onto the pulley to secure it.
- Grab the rest of the chain to the space next to the skeleton’s head. Click on the chain to secure it.
- Please look at the screenshot for the spots in which you need to hang the chain.
- Let’s go back to the Shipwreck.
Attach Chain to Boat - Shipwreck

- Click on the wooden boards where the mummy is located to drag the chain out.
- Drag the chain from the wooden boards onto the pulley in the top center of the scene. Click on the pulley to secure the chain.
- Drag the chain from the pulley onto the engine on the back of the boat. Click on the chain to secure it to the boat.
- Click on the boat for a closer look.
- Click on the starter cord. You need to go check whether or not that lifted up the hatch.
- Close that pop-up window.
- Let’s go back to the Boat’s Cargo Hold.
Pick up Burner Part – Boat’s Cargo Hold

- The hatch has been lifted; pick up the Burner Part behind the hatch. The hatch falls back down after the Burner Part has been recovered.
- Let’s go back to the Shipwreck.
Pick up Boat Hook - Shipwreck

- The boat is out of the water. Pick up the Boat Hook on the boat.
- Let’s go back to the Steamboat.
Rescue Man Overboard – Shipwreck

- Use the Boat Hook on the man overboard.
- Click on the man once he’s out of the water. He’s unconscious, you have to find some smelling salts to wake him up.
- Let’s go back to the Captain’s Cabin.
Captain’s Cabin

- Click on Laura and a message pops up stating that they believe they can leave the island using the balloon.
- Click on the chair for a close-up view of a newspaper article about the war between America and Spain.
- Let’s go to the Main Cabin.
Pick up Smelling Salts - Main Cabin

- Click on the Hidden Object scene in the Main Cabin.
- Pick up the Smelling Salts in the center of the scene, behind the table.
- Let’s go back to the Steamboat.
Use Smelling Salts – Steamboat

- Give the unconscious man the Smelling Salts.
- A cut scene shows Matthew and the overboard man (Elias Patton) talking.
- Once the cut scene ends you will be back at the Steamboat.
- Let’s go back to Pandora and proceed to the Captain’s Cabin.
Use Pendant Part - Captain’s Cabin

- Click on the bed behind the desk for a closer view.
- You will see the second part of the pendant on the pillow.
- Place the pendant part from inventory on the pendant part on the pillow.
- Click on the complete pendant for a closer view.
- Laura’s picture is on the left part of the pendant.
- Click on the Pendant again and you will be taken to another cut scene.
- The next cut scene shows Tyler and his Grandfather talking.
- You will be back in the Living Room after the cut scene ends.
Chapter Six: Enter the Bedroom
Living Room

- Click on the Grandfather and he tells you that he wants you to enter the Bedroom.
- Click on the chair above the bookcase (wardrobe).
- Click on the bookcase (wardrobe) to move it aside.
- Enter the Bedroom.
Pick up Bolts - Bedroom

- When you enter the Bedroom, Laura is on the bed. The mirror is smashed and the lights are off.
- Click on the Hidden Object scene on the left.
- Pick up the Bolts in the lower center. Find all the items on your list. The Bolts will be added to you inventory after all the items have been picked up.
Use Bolts & Repair the Hinge – Bedroom

- Click on the right side of the mirror for a closer view.
- Place the Bolts on the hinges to fix it.
- Place the Screwdriver on the Bolts to tighten them up.
- When you click on the mirror you can see the bed but the reflection of the girl on the bed is not visible.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Click on the drawers below the mirror. This action will give you access to the lamp.
Lamp – Bedroom

- Click on the lamp for a closer view.
- Unplug the lamp from the socket; otherwise you will not be able to trigger the Hidden Object scene on the Porch.
- Click on the lamp again and you will see that the light bulb is missing. You can’t pick up the broken bulb with your bare hands. Exit out of that pop-window.
- Let’s go down to the Porch.
Pick up Glove – Porch

- Click on the Hidden Object scene on the Porch.
- Pick up the Glove in the lower center.
- Go back to the Bathroom.
Pick up Light Bulb – Bathroom

- Click on the Hidden Object scene in the Bathroom.
- Pick up the Light Bulb in the upper shelf.
- Go back to the Bedroom.
Fix Lamp – Bedroom

- Click on the lamp in the bedroom for a closer view.
- Click on the lamp 2 times for a view of the broken bulb.
- Use the Glove to take out the broken bulb.
- Place the Light Bulb on the lamp.
- Close that pop-up window.

- Plug the cord back into the socket. Close the pop-up window.
Place Pendant Parts

- The lights are back on; you can take a closer look at the girl on the bed.
- Click on the girl for a closer look.
- Place the Pendant Part from inventory on the girl’s pendant around her neck.
- Click on the pendant 2 more times to open it and look at the pictures inside.
- Leave the bedroom and go back to the Living Room.
- Click on Grandpa and you will be taken to a cut scene.
- You get taken back to the Captain’s Cabin after the cut scene ends.
Chapter Seven: Fix the Balloon
Obtain Manual - Steamboat

- You start this chapter in the Captain’s Cabin.
- Proceed back to the Steamboat area.
- Click on the Hidden Object scene in the Steamboat area.
- Pick up the Torn Manual in the upper right. The Torn Manual looks like a crumpled piece of paper.
- You will be asked to assemble the manual after you complete your search.
Assemble the Burner Manual

- Click and drag the pieces onto each other.
- When 2 pieces are placed correctly they will automatically lock together anywhere on the board.
- Once several pieces have been locked in, some of the puzzle pieces may hide behind the puzzle. Make sure that you move everything around to locate any hidden pieces.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
- The Burner Manual will go into your inventory.
Assemble the Burner

- Place the Burner Manual on the burner pieces next to the Hot Air Balloon.
- Your goal is to assemble the burner according to the instructions in the manual.
- The pieces can only be placed in a particular order.
- Drag the pieces to the stand in the middle of the ground.
- When you have the correct piece, it locks onto the rest of the pieces.
- If a piece is incorrect, the item will go back where it came from.

- The first screenshot shows you the order in which you need to pick up the pieces.

- The second screenshot shows you the completed burner.
- Place the Assembled Burner on Balloon – Steamboat.

- Drag the Burner Part to the other burner part close to the Balloon.
- Click on the Burner to enter it into inventory.
- Drag the Burner to the top of the Hot Air Balloon.
- The burner is filling the balloon with hot air. You have to go back to blow up Pandora.
- Let’s go to the Skeleton Area.
Chapter Eight – Blow Up Pandora
Pick up Hacksaw – Skeleton Area

- Click on the Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Hacksaw in the lower center.
- Return to the Steamboat.
Pick up Lighter - Steamboat

- Click on the Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Lighter in the center.
- Find the rest of the items on the list.
- Click on the chest for a closer look.

- Place the Hacksaw on the lock.
- Click on the lock to get rid of it.
- Click on the chest to open it.

- Click on the Dynamite inside the chest. You will not be able to pick it up because you need another piece of tarp.
- Go back to the Main Cabin.
Piece of Tarpaulin – Main Cabin

- Take your Knife and place it on the Tarpaulin and a piece of it will go into inventory.
- Let’s go back to the Steamboat.
Pick up Dynamite – Steamboat

- Click on the chest once you arrive at the Steamboat.
- Place the Tarpaulin on the Dynamite to pick it up.
- Click on the wrapped Dynamite to enter it into inventory.
- Let’s go to the Second Cargo Hold so we can blow up Pandora.
- To get to the Second Cargo Hold, go back to Pandora and enter the Cargo Hold by way of the Stern.
Use Dynamite – Second Cargo Hold

- Place the Dynamite next to the coffin, on the floor.
- Take your Lighter and place it on the Dynamite.
- Get out of there as soon as possible and run back to the shore.
- You will see Pandora explode as you reach the shore.
- You are taken back to the Shipwreck. Proceed to the Steamboat.
- As soon as you get there, Laura is standing by the Hot Air Balloon.
- Click on Laura and you will be taken to another cut scene. Matthew and Laura go over what happened on Pandora.
Hot Air Balloon
- Once the cut scene ends Laura is standing by the Hot Air Balloon.
- Click on the side of the Hot Air Balloon and you will be taken to a different scene.

- Click on the 4 sandbags on the side of the Hot Air Balloon.
- Each time you click on a sandbag, a dark figure moves in closer.

- You are taken to another cut scene in which Matthew is going away in the Hot Air Balloon leaving Laura behind.
Chapter Nine: Laura’s Revenge!
Holy Water

- You start this chapter at the Grandfather’s house.
- Click on Grandpa. He wants you to find a flask with holy water and pour it on the girl.
- Go to the Bedroom.
- Click on the Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up the Flask of Holy Water in the lower left. It is attached to the end of the chair.

- Click on Laura for a closer view.
- Place the Holy Water on Laura.
- Laura is revived and she hits Tyler as soon as she gets up and then she proceeds to the Living Room.
- Grandpa points the gun at Laura but she flashes red eyes at him.
- The scene takes you back to the Bedroom, go back to the Living Room.
- Grandpa is dead in the chair.

- Click on Grandpa for a closer look.
- Click on the Pendant in his hand 2 times to open it. It is a picture of Tyler and Laura in the locket.
Created at: 2009-09-27