Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Paints Mini-game
- Gears Mini-game
- Lock Mini-game
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
General Tips

- Click on the profile panel on the main screen to add or delete player profiles (A).
- Select 'Play' to begin or continue your game (B).
- You may play this game in full screen or windowed mode by changing the settings in the Options menu (C).
- You may adjust the volume of effects and music in the Options menu.
- You may also change the resolution from the Options menu.
- The Settings menu is accessible from both the main screen and the in-game menu.
- The best way to use this walkthrough is by clicking on the 'CTRL' and 'F' keys on your keyboard to simultaneously bring up a search box.
- Type the keyword into the search box at the bottom of your screen and click on 'NEXT' to find the section you need help with. Clicking 'NEXT' again will bring up all instances in which that keyword was mentioned in the guide.

- Select the journal (D) to see your overall progress (E).
- Above the progress bar is a recap of the last conversation (F).
- Below the progress bar is the menu button (G).
- The right side of the journal hold instructions for the mini-games (H).
- Right-click to access your inventory (I).
- Combine 2-5 items in the center of the inventory screen to create new items (J).
- Placing an item in the first slot of the combiner will usually indicate if it is a part that needs to be combined.
- Some items will not indicate if they are to be combined, so try all combinations if you get stuck.
- Try all your inventory items on items in the playing area- a fleur-de-lis indicates that it is the correct item to use.
- Use the “X” in the lower right corner to exit a close-up view (K).
Paints Mini-game

- Items with a paints mini-game will have a colored bottles icon (L).
- Click to start the mini-game.
- The mini-games are randomly generated and will vary with 2-5 end bottles.
- Instructions for this mini-game appear in your journal (M).
- Access the journal by clicking on the journal icon in the upper right corner during regular game play- you cannot access the journal inside the mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to fill any one of the bottles at the bottom of the array with the same color paint.
- Should you put the wrong color paint in a bottom bottle or exit out before you complete the mini-game, you must replay the game with a different configuration.
- There are many solutions for some configurations, here is one.
- Select the blue to mix with the green to make red (1).
- Next, choose the direction you want the paint to flow- we chose the left arrow (2).
- Mix the green with the red to make blue (3).

- Note that colored pipes will also change the color of your paint (4).
- Select the left arrow, so that the blue mixes with the green pipe to make red (5).
- Once a bottle on the bottom level fills with the same color paint, you have completed the mini-game (6).
Gears Mini-game

- Items with a gears mini-game will have a moving gears icon (N).
- Click to start the mini-game.
- The mini-games are randomly generated and will vary with 2-3 gears and 1-3 holes per gear.
- Instructions for this mini-game appear in your journal (O).
- Access the journal by clicking on the journal icon in the upper right corner during regular game play- you cannot access the journal inside the mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to align the gears.
- Begin by left-clicking on the center (1) of each gear to slow it to speed I (2).
- Click anywhere on the screen to see how the gears line up.
- The green line indicates proper alignment (3).
- The red line indicates the 2 gears are not aligned (4).
- Right-click on the center of the bottom gear to speed it up, the left-click to slow again.
- Once the lines are all green when you click on the screen, you have completed the mini-game (5).
Lock Mini-game

- Items with a lock mini-game will have a moving lock-pick icon (P).
- Click to start the mini-game.
- The mini-games are randomly generated and will vary with 3-5 tumblers gears and springs that vary in tightness.
- Instructions for this mini-game appear in your journal (Q).
- Access the journal by clicking on the journal icon in the upper right corner during regular game play- you cannot access the journal inside the mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to move the tumblers so the green laser can move through the lock.
- The silver bar on each tumbler need to move to the center line at the same time (1).
- Click on the upper springs to move the bars down (2).
- Click on the lower springs to move the bars up (3).
- Once the green laser goes through all the tumblers (4), click on the lock button on the right (5).
Chapter 1

- Talk to Joos to learn about the Aspectus (A).
- Take the PEAR SKIN (B).
- Take the KNIFE (C).
- Note the close-up area on the basket (D).
- Look at the close-up of the painting (E).

- Take the OIL PAINT (F).
- Select the broken easel for a gears mini-game (G).
- You will receive the EASEL into your inventory once you solve the mini-game.
- Select the flowers for a paint mixing mini-game (H).
- You will receive the TWILIGHT TINT into your inventory once you solve the mini-game.
- Exit the painting close-up by selecting the “X” in the lower right corner (I).

- Look at the close-up of the basket area.
- Take the RUINED BRUSH from the basket (J).
- Note the symbols on the wall (K).
- Select the lock on the chest for the lock mini-game (L).
- Once you solve the mini-game, the chest will open.
- Take the PALETTE from the chest (M).
- Exit the close-up.
- Walk down to exit the Art Shop.

- Take the HAMMER (N).
- Also remember this is where Joos Art shop is located.
- Try to walk down to the cathedral, but the dog will block your way (O).
- Note the close-up area by the wagon (P).
- Note the path to the Town Hall (Q).
- Select the close-up area to the right of the dog (R).

- Take the BROOM and the SCOOP (S).
- Look at the pulleys over the well for a gears mini-game (T).
- Look at the well cover and complete a lock mini-game to open the well (U).
- Look at the tin kitchenware and complete the paints mini-game (V).
- You will receive the POLISH.
- Exit the close-up, then select the close-up of the wagon.

- Take the ROPE (W).
- Take the NAILS (X).
- Use the SCOOP on the grating to find the DIRTY DICE (Y).
- Inside your inventory, combine the POLISH with the DIRTY DICE to get the SHINY DICE (Z).
- Exit the close-up.
- Walk forward to the town hall.

- Note the horse and carriage (A).
- Note the direction to the river (B).
- Select the gate for a lock mini-game (C).
- Once you have solved the mini-game enter the close-up.

- Take the FLASK (D).
- Take the BRICK (E).
- Select the pile of bricks for a paints mini-game (F).
- You will earn the BRICK DUST.
- Select the mechanical arm for a gears mini-game to unlock the arm (G).
- Combine the BRICK and the ROPE in your inventory to create the IMPROVISED HOOK (H).
- Exit the close-up, then walk right to the river.
Chapter 2

- Talk to Elsje to learn she wants some wine (A).
- Take the GLASS (B).
- Take the FISHING ROD (C).
- Look at the small boat for a gears mini-game to repair the rudder (D).
- Note the way to the gate, but you need a lantern (E).
- Note the close-up of the boat on the left (F).
- Look at the close-up of the box (G).

- Take the BOOTS (H).
- Take the HOOK (I).
- Select the toad for a paints mini-game (J).
- You will receive the TOAD (in a flask).
- Inside your inventory, combine the HOOK, FISHING ROD, and the PEAR SKIN to make the MOUSETRAP (K).
- Exit the close-up, then select the boat on the left.

- Select the chest for a lock mini-game (L).
- Once the chest is open, take the UNFINISHED LETTER (M).
- Exit the close-up and walk down to return to the Town Hall area.
- Walk to the horse and carriage.

- Take the GLOVE (N).
- Speak to Adeline to learn she has lost a letter (P).
- Look at the close-up of the courtyard (Q).

- Use the IMPROVISED HOOK on the tilted scaffolding (R).
- Take the BALL of RAGS (S).
- Take the MAP from the wall (T).
- Exit the close-up and walk down twice to return to Artisan Street.
- Select the close-up of the wagon area on the left.

- Take the MOUSETRAP from your inventory and use it on the manhole.
- The MOUSE will go into your inventory.
- Exit the wagon area then select the area to the right of the dog.

- Place the TWISTED HORSESHOE on the anvil (U).
- Use the HAMMER on the anvil then take the HORSESHOE.
- Place the MOUSE in the hole in the wall (V).
- The dog will no longer prevent you from going to the cathedral.
- Exit the close-up and walk down to go to the cathedral area.
Chapter 3

- Note the buildings on the left (A).
- Note the cathedral entrance (B).
- Take the WOODEN PLANKS (C).
- Walk to the right.

- Talk to Barthold to learn he needs a horseshoe over his door (D).
- Take the FRAGMENTS of POTTERY (E).
- Use the HAMMER on the cart wheels to get the WHEEL SPOKES (F).
- Inside your inventory, combine the WHEEL SPOKES, WOODEN PLANKS, NAILS and the HAMMER to make the LADDER (G).
- Walk to the left.

- Select the cathedral door for a lock mini-game.
- Enter the cathedral clock hall.
- Take the SEALING WAX (H).
- Look at the close-up of the desk (I).

- Take the BLOTTER (J).
- Select the lemon for a paints mini-game (K).
- You will earn INVISIBLE INK.
- Select the secret compartment for a lock mini-game (L).
- Once the compartment is open, take the PEN and the INKWELL (M).
- Inside your inventory, combine the GLOVE, BLOTTER, and FRAGMENTS of POTTERY to get the PRICKLY GLOVE (N).
- Inside your inventory, combine the UNFINISHED LETTER, SEALING WAX, PEN, and INKWELL to get the FINISHED LETTER (O).
- Exit the close-up and walk to the right.

- Select the device behind the clock face for a gears mini-game (P).
- The lower right portion of the clock face will open.
- Walk down twice to return to the cathedral square.
- Select the buildings on the left.

- Take the SHOVEL (R).
- Select the poison ivy for a paints mini-game (S).
- You will earn the ANTIDOTE.
- Note the entrance to your house (T).
- Walk to Barthold's house (U).

- Take the HANDKERCHIEF (V).
- Select the door for a gears mini-game (W).
- Place the HORSESHOE over the door (X).
- Inside your inventory, combine the HANDKERCHIEF and the CUP to make the REFINER (Y).
- Exit the close-up, then enter your house.
Chapter 4

- Select the lantern for a gears mini-game (A).
- Take the LANTERN.
- Take the CUSHION (B).
- Note the close-up of the mantle (C).
- Look at the close-up of the dresser (D).

- Select the jewelry box for a lock mini-game (E).
- Take the GOLD NECKLACE from the jewelry box.
- Look at the bottle for a paints mini-game (F).
- You will earn the TONIC.
- Exit the close-up, then look at the close-up of the mantle.

- Take the TINDER BOX (G).
- Take the PLATE (H).
- Exit the close-up.
- Walk down, then to the right.
- Talk to Barthold to learn about Christoffel.
- Walk left, then down to return to Artisan Street.
- Walk forward to the Town Hall area.

- Give the FINISHED LETTER to Adeline (H).
- Talk to Adeline to learn about the destruction to the relief.
- Use the LADDER on the nest to get the MAGPIE EGG and the SILVER JEWEL (I).
- Inside your inventory, combine the CUSHION, MAGPIE EGG and the BALL of RAGS to make the ARTIFICIAL NEST (J).
- Look at the close-up of the courtyard (K).

- Use the REFINER on the undrinkable wine to get the VINTAGE WINE (L).
- Inside your inventory, combine the VINTAGE WINE and the TOAD to get the IN VINO VERITAS (M).
- Exit the close-up, walk down and to the right to return to the river.
- Give the IN VINO VERITAS to Elsje (N).
- Talk to Elsje to learn she had been robbed.
- Give the SILVER JEWEL to Elsje.
- Talk to Elsje about leaving.
- Give the PRICKLY GLOVES to Elsje.
- You will receive the BLOODY PAPER.
- Use the LANTERN on the right end of the bridge to walk to the city gates (O).

- Right-click to return the lantern to your inventory.
- Take the GARMENT from the road (P).
- Talk to Pritt (Q).
- Give Pritt the SHINY DICE.
- Talk to Priit again and he will give you the METAL RING.
- Note the barn area (R).
- Look at the close-up of the bridge (S).

- Take the LEAVES (T).
- Take the APPLE (U).
- Select the hops for a paints mini-game (V).
- You will earn the SOFTENER.
- Use the SHOVEL on the puddle (W).
- Place the RING into the hole, then use the SHOVEL again to cover the ring.
- Use the SHOES on the ring in the hole to leave footprints that do not implicate Priit.
- Inside your inventory, combine the BROOM, FLASK, GARMENT, and LEAVES to make the SCARECROW. (X).
- Exit the close-up of the bridge.
- Talk to Priit again, until he talks about needing a new hiding place.

- Walk to the barn area.
- Take the TILE (A).
- Use the KNIFE on the fir tree (B).
- Use the PLATE on the engraving on the fir tree to collect RESIN.
- Select the door of the left shack for a lock mini-game (C).
- Take the COPPER POT from the open doorway (D).
- Inside your inventory, combine the RESIN with the BRICK DUST to make GLUE (E).
- Also combine the COPPER POT, OIL PAINT and the GOLD NECKLACE to make the COPPER POT with GOLD AND OIL (F).
- Combine the TILE with the HAMMER to get IMPROVISED CHALK (G).
- Exit the close-up.
- Talk to Priit until he leaves.
- Walk to the right over the bridge.
Chapter 5

- Walk down to return to the Town Hall area.
- Walk to the horse and carriage.
- Give the APPLE to the horse (A).
- Use the KNIFE on the horse to get the MANE (B).
- Inside your inventory, combine the MANE, SOFTENER, and RUINED BRUSH to make the EXCELLENT BRUSH (C).
- Walk down 3 times to return to the cathedral area.

- Enter the clock hall.
- Walk to the right (D).
- Use the ARTIFICIAL NEST on the cage (E).
- This will distract the cat.
- Walk down and take the STONE ARM (F).
- Inside your inventory, combine the STONE ARM and the GLUE to get the PASTE ARM (G).
- Walk down to exit the clock hall.

- Select the building on the left.
- Use the SCARECROW on the lower left window (D).
- Use the PASTE ARM on the relief (E).
- Enter your house (F).
- Use the WOODEN PLANKS on the fireplace (G).
- Use the TINDER BOX on the fireplace.
- Use the COPPER POT with GOLD AND OIL on the lit fireplace to get the GOLD PAINT.
- Inside your inventory, combine the GOLD PAINT, BLOODY PAPER, TWILIGHT TINT and the palette to get the PALETTE of DARKNESS and LIGHT (H).
- Walk down twice to return to the cathedral area.
- Walk to the right.
- Talk to Barthold until he tells you about the poisoned water.
- Walk to the left, then down to return to Artisan Street.

- Select the close-up area on the right (K).
- Use the ANTIDOTE on the well (L).
- Exit the close-up.
- Walk down, then to the right.
- Talk to Barthold until he tells you about making a valuable frame.
- Walk to the left, then down to return to Artisan street.
- Walk forward to the Town Hall area and select the horse and carriage.
Chapter 6

- Talk to Adeline about the relief (A).
- Talk to her again to learn she needs a tonic.
- Give the TONIC to Adeline.
- Talk to her once more so she tells you to evacuate the route of the destroyers.
- Walk down, then to the right to return to the river.
- Talk to Elsje until she leaves (B).
- Take the CHISEL (C).
- Inside your inventory, combine the CHISEL, WOODEN PLANKS, and the HAMMER to make the ROUGH FRAME (D).
- Walk down 3 times to return to the cathedral area.
- Walk to the right.

- Give Barthold the ROUGH FRAME (E).
- He will give you the EXPENSIVE FRAME.
- Inside your inventory, combine the EXPENSIVE FRAME, MAGNIFICENT PAINTING and the EASEL to get the HARMLESS ASPECTUS (F).
- Walk to the left, then walk down to return to Artisan Street.

- Enter Joos Art Shop (G).
- Note Joos at his desk (H).
- Look at the close-up of the basket area (I).

- Use the MAP on the SYMBOLS in RELIEF (J).
- Use the IMPROVISED CHALK on the map on the wall (K).
- Take the map from the wall to get the TRIANGULATION (L).
- Exit the close-up.
- Give the TRIANGULATION to Joos.
- Talk to Joos again to learn he needs a brush.
- Give Joos the EXCELLENT BRUSH.
- Talk again to Joos to learn he need a palette.
- Give Joos the PALATTE of DARKNESS and LIGHT.
- Walk down to exit the shop.
- Walk forward to the Town Hall Area.

- Select the horse and carriage (M).
- Talk to Adeline until she leaves (N).
- Walk down twice to return to Artisan Street.
- Enter Joos Art Shop on the right.
- Talk to Joos to learn the Latin Spell (O).
- Combine the HARMLESS APSECTUS, PEN, and INVISIBLE INK to create the ASPECTUS (P).
- Walk down to exit the shop.
- Walk forward to return to the Town Hall Area.

- Select the gated area to the right of the horse and carriage (Q).
- Use the ASPECTUS on the mechanical arm (R).
- Congratulations! You have completed Aspectus: Rinascrimento Chronicles!
Created at: 2011-03-27