Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
General Tips
- This is a Hidden Object Puzzle Game.
- You can choose between Relaxed or Timed Mode.
- Click on Options to adjust the Music Volume, Sound Volume, Ambient Volume, Fullscreen, Custom Cursor and Widescreen.
- There is an assortment of wallpaper you can choose under the bonus content.
- Look for hidden fairies in the hidden object scenes and if you click on them, they will find an object for you. They are marked in blue on the screenshots, but your locations may vary.
- Look for wands and earn extras hints by clicking on them. They are marked in red on the screenshots, but your location may vary.
- The most hints you can collect are 5, if you do not use your hints below 5, you will not find additional wands.
- To use the hint wand, click on Hints and then click the wand on the name of the item on the item list that you wish to find.
- Look for gem stones in the scenes to earn extra cash. They are marked in pink in the screenshots, but your location may vary.
- Some of the gem stones will be hidden under the objects you are looking for.
- You get extra bonus points for clicking on the hidden objects quickly in a row.
- If you do not find an object for awhile, they will begin to glow to help you locate them.
- There is an option to skip the puzzles.
- Purchase the least expensive upgrades, you can always add money to upgrade further, but if you change your mind and like a lower priced scheme you will not get money back.
- Random clicking will cause you to lose control of the cursor for a few seconds but if you click incorrectly multiple times in a row slowly there will be no penalty.
- There are 10 different kinds of puzzles and 8 of each for a total of 80 puzzles. You can access these puzzles to play anytime from the main screen under Puzzles.
- You can exit the game by clicking on the menu in the lower left.
Chapter 1
- Find all the items listed.
- Click on the left tower and you can choose an upgrade (A) you wish to purchase within your price range (B).
- You do not need to spend your money now.
- You can click on the design (C) button and change your choices anytime.
- When you are ready to continue playing click on Play (D) on the lower right.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Put the pieces together to complete the bill.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (E) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find 10 fruits.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the middle ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the inner ring till in the correct position; don’t worry about the outer ring turning.
- Turn the outer ring till correct and don’t worry about the middle ring turning.
- Turn the middle ring till correct and the puzzle will be complete. See screenshot (F) for solution.
- You can do it in less steps (inner first, then outer, then the middle) but you need to be sure your placement is correct.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 2
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all 12 cobwebs.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 5-4-3, 1-4-1 and 4-7-2-3. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (G) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the middle ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the inner ring till in the correct position; don’t worry about the outer ring turning.
- Turn the outer ring till correct and the puzzle will be complete. See screenshot (H) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all of the10 wands.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 3
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (I) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 3-6-2, 7-1-5-3 and 5-5-5-7-6. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all 8 horseshoes.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch. See screenshot (J) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (K) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 4
- Find all 10 musical notes.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (L) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (M) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all ten test tubes.
- Find all the items listed.
- Put the pieces together to complete the note.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (N) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch. See screenshot (O) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 5
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (P) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 buckets.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot (Q) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (R) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (S) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (T) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 6
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (U) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 5-1-3-1, 6-7-5-1-7 and 1-6-3-2-2. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the center ring till the second outer ring is in place.
- Turn the 2nd inner ring till in the correct position.
- Turn the center ring till it is in the correct position.
- Turn the 2nd outer ring till correct.
- Turn the outer ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from center till correct and the puzzle will be complete. See screenshot (V) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all 10 necklaces.
- Put the pieces together to complete the handkerchief.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (W) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (X) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 7
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 teacups.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 7-3-7-7-3, 3-6-6-4-5 and 5-5-2-5-1. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Put the pieces together to complete the dress.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (Y) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all 10 bells.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot (Z) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (A) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 8
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (B) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all 10 dolls.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (C) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 3-7-6-2-5, 6-6-3-4-2 and 2-6-6-6-2-5. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 wine bottles.
- Put the pieces together to complete the treasure map.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (D) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 9
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (E) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 witch hats.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring until it’s correct.
- Turn the center ring until it lines up with the ring next to it.
- Turn the2nd from outer ring till it’s correct.
- If this does not work the first time, hit reset and the center will be in a slightly different lineup.
- It is random, but my solution worked one out of three times so just keep resetting. See screenshot (F) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find 10 torches.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 5-7-2-6-2, 3-1-5-7-5-5 and 5-1-1-1-3-6. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (G) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 10
- Put the pieces together to complete the will.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (H) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 stars.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (I) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring until it’s correct.
- Turn the2nd from outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the middle ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 2nd from center ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct.
- Turn the middle ring till correct and the puzzle is complete. See screenshot (J) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (K) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (L) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (M) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (N) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Put the pieces together to complete the photo.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (O) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (P) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 11
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring until it’s correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the middle ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 2nd from center ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct.
- Turn the outer ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till correct.
- Turn the middle ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from the center ring till correct.
- Turn the outer ring till correct and the puzzle is complete. See screenshot (Q) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (R) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (S) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (T) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (U) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot (V) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (W) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (X) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 12
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (Y) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 5-7-2-7-7-4, 2-4-4-1-2-5 and 3-2-7-1-3-3-5. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (Z) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring until it’s correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 3rd outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 4th ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from center ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct.
- Turn the outer ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct.
- Turn the 3rd outer ring till correct.
- Turn the 4th ring till correct and the puzzle is complete. See screenshot (A) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to repeat the sequence of keys.
- Numbering the keys left to right, my sequences were; 7-5-5-6-7-2-5, 4-5-5-1-2-7-4 and 1-7-6-6-4-6-6. Yours may be different.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (B) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Find the 10 differences.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (C) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
Chapter 13
- Put the pieces together to complete the photo.
- The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed. See screenshot (D) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place all the gears on the pegs from the spinning one on the top left to the one on the bottom right so that they all spin. See screenshot (E) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (F) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Complete the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the empty rows so that each square has a number from 1-9 with no duplicates vertically or horizontally in any row.
- If you have duplicates they will turn red. See screenshot (G) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by moving the green squares out of the way. See screenshot (H) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Place the squares in the center grid so that only the same colors touch.
- You can use the blue square against any other color. See screenshot (I) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Turn over the squares to finds the matching sets. See screenshot (J) for my layout.
- Find all the items listed.
- Arrange the pipes so that you get a continuous flow from the top to the bottom. See screenshot (K) for solution.
- Find all the items listed.
- Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
- Turning one ring will turn others.
- Turn the outer ring until it’s correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 3rd outer ring till it’s correct.
- Turn the 4th ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from center ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct.
- Turn the 2nd from outer ring till correct.
- Turn the 4th ring till correct.
- Turn the center ring till correct and the puzzle is complete. See screenshot (L) for solution.
- Congratulations! You have successfully completed Chronicles of Albian: The Magic Convention.
Created at: 2010-12-06