Walkthrough Menu
Chapter 1: Paris
- During the game you can use the tutorial, which will provide you with clues. You can also turn the tutorial off when the option appears on the screen.
- Ask the policeman for the way to the Institute. Talk with him about what happened by the Seine River. Afterwards head to the Institute of Anthropology.
- On your way there look around. Notice that you can investigate certain areas up close. Investigate them. Find the cigarette pack among various objects. Find a box of matches. Now go to the Institute, following the police officer's directions.
The Institute of Anthropology
- Find the Institute of Anthropology.
- Go inside and talk with the porter. He will not let you in unless you have an invitation. Leave the institute.
- Look around and decide what to do. Go up to the bench by the square near the Institute. Among various objects you will find somebody else's invitation. Go back to the Institute and give it to the porter, who will indicate the way to Irene Jacob's office.
- Go to the office and talk with Irene. Give her Mauch's diary.
- Go back to the hall and talk with the porter. Find the dust brush.
- Return to the corridor by Irene's office. Look at the portraits hanging on the wall. They need dusting. Dust them. Notice that one is a portrait of professor Remy.

- Go in front of the Institute. Talk with the tramp. Get him something to drink. In the Institute's hall you will find some juice. Give it to the tramp. Talk with him. He will tell you where you can find Grey Hair.
- Follow his instructions. The entrance to the boat is being guarded by the policeman.
- Return to the Institute and go to Irene's office. Open the fireplace, by aligning the suns' rays towards the center.

- Light a fire using your matches. Dry the wet cigarette by the fire.

- When the cigarette is dry, go back to the police officer. Talk with him and give him the cigarette. He will tell you what happened on the barge.
- Go back to the tramp and tell him about the murder.
- Return to the Institute and tell Irene and the porter about the crime. Leave the Institute. Find the tramp near the boat.
- Talk with the tramp. Find three pieces of wood. Try getting on the boat. It's too far from the sidewalk. Use the wood to make a bridge and get on the boat. Carefully unravel the police tape.

- Get inside the steering compartment and find the lighter and an oil container. Head downstairs. Light the oil lamp, which you'll find under the steps. Find 12 pieces of a ripped up photograph.

- You'll have to piece them together quickly. If the lamp goes out they will fall to the ground. Find the pieces and try to make them form a picture.

- Look around to find more information concerning the professor's death and the trip to Africa. Compare the state the barge is in now, to its state before the crime. Find 20 differences.

- When you find the knife, look under the table. It's dark - you will have to use the flashlight you found on the barge. Notice the strange symbol drawn in the dust. Copy it into your diary.
- Find the chest and use the knife to open it. Take out the objects inside, inspect them and leave the boat.
- Talk to the tramp. Head towards the Institute.
The Lab
- Find Irene and show her the tile you found in the chest on the boat. When the woman prepares the tile for some testing, help her tidy up the lab after some students. Find misplaced objects and arrange them on the table. Arrange the test tubes in the centrifuge.

- The tubes have to be placed so that all the lamps light up in green. To do that, they all have to weigh the same.

- When you manage to get the test tubes in correctly, talk with Irene. Do one more favor for her and seal the sample, using the torch. To do so, you have to heat it up a few times for a certain period of time. You can see your progress on the bottom left of the screen.

- After sealing the sample, talk with Irene. She will ask you to bring her a gas cylinder from the porter. Go to the porter and ask for the cylinder. He will tell you that he does not keep such cylinders.
- Go back to the lab. If the door is closed (to both the lab and Irene's office), return to the porter. He will tell you where Irene has gone to catch a cab.
- Go to the square near the Institute. Talk with the tramp, he will tell you that Irene lost something while getting into the cab. Find Irene's keys.
- Return to the Institute. Go carefully past the hall so as not to wake the porter.
- Go to the lab. Use Irene's keys to open the door. Find a small key.
- Go to Irene's office. Open the door with the keys you found in the square. Look at the portrait of Napoleon. Inspect the large green book on a pedestal. Find the statue of the mummified cat and a Sphinx. Notice that they both have symbols written on them – hieroglyphs. Open the desk.
- Search the office. Find the Bastet statue and mural. They also have strange symbols - hieroglyphs. Use the key you found in the lab to open the desk's drawer and take out the granite tile and the sponsor's business card.

- Look under the desk. Arrange the hieroglyphs into the correct order - from the oldest to the youngest cat.

- Take out another piece of tile from the secret hiding place. Call the number you found on the sponsor's business card. Travel to Ethiopia to visit Mr. Menekot.
Chapter 2: Ethiopia
Menekot's Residence
- Talk with Menekot's security guard. Go to the residence and talk with the sponsor. Change clothes behind the screen.
- Find 8 stone fragments.
- Talk with Menekot. Inspect Napoleon's chair - notice the hieroglyphs.
- Go up to the chest and arrange the missing stone fragments into their correct place.

- View the chest from the top. With the help of the turning wheels, find the correct combination to the chest. You will find the correct combination on Napoleon's chair. First arrange the inner rings, and once you have done so, arrange the outer rings.

- Open the chest and retrieve the shattered tile. Put it on the table and piece it together. You will have to find something to glue it together with.

- Leave the residence and talk with the security guard. He will not let you past the gate.
- Return to the garden and look around for something you could use to glue the tile pieces together. Find some resin and a brush-shaped leaf.
- Go to the kitchen and find a stone and a fireproof pot. Go to the stone fireplace. Put the stone you found earlier into the empty spot.

- Arrange the stones by pressing them, which will unblock the airflow and let you start a fire. Put the pot near the fire. Place the resin into the pot. When it melts, dip the leaf into it and return to the residence.

- Go to the table where you left the tile. Use the resin-dipped leaf to glue the tile pieces together.

- Talk with Menekot about the chest. He will invite you to eat with him. Accept his invitation.
- Go up to the banquet table. Notice that Menekot's throne-like chair is engraved with a familiar symbol. You've seen it before.
- Eat supper with Menekot. Find a gold ring on the table. It has the same symbol as the chair. Talk with Menekot and return the ring.
Jail and Arsenal
- You unexpectedly wake up in jail. Search the cell. Find a potty and some branches. Use the branches to support the bed. Under the bed you will find an unfinished tunnel. Use the potty to finish digging.
- Go into the tunnel. You will find yourself in a long corridor. Go down the corridor until you see a door. If the door is locked, go back and find a crowbar. Use the crowbar to open the door. Enter the arsenal. Find the differences to get a key.

- Inspect Menekot's safe. Go up the stairs, open the door with the key you found earlier. Find a rubber tree leaf. Go back downstairs and smear the door to the safe with the juice from the leaf. Go back to the tunnel and find a drum. Glue the drum to the door of the safe.

- The code that opens the door is 'Makeda'. Enter the code and open the safe.

- Inspect the objects inside.
- Use the stairs to return to Menekot's room and back outside. Go to the gate and find the knife. Use it to open the door.
- Go into the car and find your clothes and other things from your suitcase, and arrange them into their proper places in your backpack. When you notice that the key is missing from the ignition, go back to the yard. Find a fishing rod. Use the rod to get the keys out of the pool.

- Return to your Jeep, start your car and escape...
- Congratulations! You have completed Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure!
Created at: 2011-04-14