Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Cursed Morphing Objects List
General Tips

- Hidden Object Scenes and mini-games are often randomized - your solution may vary.
- Hidden Object Scenes will be referred to as HOS in this walkthrough.
- Select the 'Parables' button to track your progress on collecting the parable gems and read the stories of those you have complete collections (A).
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the hint meter to recharge (B).
- Your inventory is in the bottom panel - click on an item to select it for use (C).
- Select the map button to see your current location and current objective (D).
- Blue stars on the map indicate that there is something available to do and white exclamation points show where an objective is located.
Chapter 1

- You will have the option of a brief tutorial.
- Talk to the guide (A).
- Look in the case and take the DYNAMITE (B).
- Use the DYNAMITE in the hole on the blocked pass (C).
- Walk forward.

- Look at the beastly figure (D).
- Look at the fallen knight on the right and take the 1/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (#).
- Select the fallen knight on the left for a HOS (E).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the MOUNTAIN KINGDOM EMBLEM.
- Walk down.

- Place the MOUNTAIN KINGDOM EMBLEM on the gate (F).
- The guide will give you a PICTURE of the GUIDE'S SON, KAI.
- Enter the gate.

- Look at the cross at the base of the statue on the right for a mini-game.
- Use the 3 red buttons (G-I) to rotate the animal discs so they are in their normal habitats.
- The discs will light up when correct; note that some will work in more than one area.
- Select the following buttons: I-G-H-G-H-I.
- Take the STAR INSIGNIA from inside the panel.
- Walk forward.

- Try to talk to the girl (J).
- Select the sword of the statue as 1/20 Cursed Objects (@).
- Select the base of the statue for a HOS (K).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the ORNAMENTAL TRIDENT.
- Walk through the gates on the left to the graveyard.

- Look at the small right statue and take the ARMORY KEY (L).
- Talk to the children in the shed (M).
- Walk down, then go up to the right to the palace entrance.

- Look at the bird, then the Snow Queen (N).
- Look at the armory door and use the ARMORY KEY on the lock (O).
- Select the statue on the right for a mini-game (P).

- Press the buttons to make a path from the left (Q) to the right (R), using the exact number of each colored token shown at the top (S).
- A check mark will appear when you have used all the tokens of a color, an 'X' means you have used too many.
- Take the SNOW QUEEN'S WAND from behind the panel.
- Enter the armory.

- Look at the desk and take the 2/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (#).
- Select the helmet as 2/20 Cursed Objects (@).
- Select the chest for a HOS (T).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the SHED EMBLEM.
- Return to the graveyard.

- Look at the shed and place the SHED EMBLEM in the indentation (U).
- The children will give you the HERALDIC SHIELD PIECE.
- Return to the palace entrance.

- After the cut-scene, look at the fallen gargoyle (V).
- Take the 2/3 MOUNTAIN BEAST PARABLE GEM (#) and the APPLE KEY (W).
- Return to the graveyard.

- Look at the corner of the building and use the APPLE KEY on the lock (X).
- Take the SNOW QUEEN'S ORB from the compartment (Y).
- Walk down twice to the passage with the King and Queen statues.

- Place the SNOW QUEEN'S ORB into the right hand of the statue (A).
- Place the SNOW QUEEN'S WAND into the left hand of the statue (B).
- Enter the cave that was hidden behind the statue.

- Look at the tombstone and take the 1/4 TALE of the TWO MIRRORS PARABLE GEM (#).
- Click on the axe handle (C) to break it off; take the METAL PRYING ROD (D).
- Note the fire pit (E).
- Select the fountain for a HOS (F).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the EAGLE SHIELD.
- Return to the graveyard.

- Use the METAL PRYING ROD to remove the boards on the door (F).
- Open the door and enter the crypt.
- Select the stained glass on the left as the 3/20 Cursed Objects (@).
- Select the cabinet on the right for a HOS (G).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the UNLIT TORCH.
- Return to the cave; use the UNLIT TORCH on the fire to get the BURNING TORCH.
- Travel to the palace entrance.
- Use the BURNING TORCH on the frost wolf and you will earn the FROST STONE.
- Walk left to the armory.

- Note the chest on the left (H).
- Place the EAGLE SHIELD into the indentation (I).
- Look inside the cabinet for a mini-game.

- Use the red buttons (J) to move the dragon to the castle (K) and the eagle to the aerie (L).
- Each button may affect one or both animals.
- Press the following buttons: O x 4, N x 1, and M x 8.

- Press the center buttons to move the appropriate tool to each person.
- Press the woodsman (P) 3 times, the press the knight (Q) 3 times.
- Press the bottom button (R) 3 times, then the upper button (S) 3 times.
- Select the chest on the left for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the CRYSTAL COIN.
- Exit to the palace entrance.

- Look at the gate and place the HERALDIC SHIELD PIECE into the shield (T).
- Walk forward to enter the palace.
Chapter 2

- Note the bronze gate (A).
- Note the stairs to the upper level (B).
- Note the vase of flowers; this will become a Cursed Object shortly (@).
- Open the library door and go inside (C).

- Note the glass case (D).
- Look at the door and place the STAR INSIGNIA into the top portion (E).
- Place the ORNAMENTAL TRIDENT into the statue's hand (F).
- Select the statue for a mini-game.

- Press a gold button in the center (G) to open the 3 nearest circles; only 3 circles can be open at a time.
- Click on 2 foods to swap positions and move the foods to the correct animal; the animal will light up when correct.
- The solution is shown here with all the circles open (H).
- Press the button that appears.
- Exit the library.
- Select the vase of flowers by the library door as the 4/20 Cursed Object.
- Walk up the stairs then try to walk forward.

- Look at the picture on the right and take the 3/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (#).
- Open the small chest and take the 1/6 GOBLET COLLECTION (I).
- Select the table for a HOS (J).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the MOON INSIGNIA.
- Walk left to the balcony.

- Talk to Gerda and she will give you the GOLDEN COMPASS (K).
- Take the 2/6 GOBLET COLLECTION (L).
- Return to the library.

- Take the 3/3 MOUNTAIN BEAST PARABLE GEM from the statue's hand (#).
- Look at the door and place the MOON INSIGNIA into the lower portion (M).
- Enter the astronomy room.

- Select the planet as the 5/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Look at the globe and take the WORKSHOP KEY (N).
- Look at the column and place the GOLDEN COMPASS into the circle (O).
- Select the mechanism for a HOS (P).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the GILDED APPLE.
- Return to the balcony.

- Show the GILDED APPLE to Gerda (Q).
- Look at the stand and place the GILDED APPLE on it (R).
- Walk left to the apple room.

- Select the top center of the left stained glass for the 6/20 Cursed Object (*).
- Look at the portrait and take the 1/3 GOLDEN CHILD PARABLE GEM (#).
- Take the 4/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (@).
- Try to open the door at the rear (S).
- Select the flowers for a HOS (T).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the BRONZE SHIELD.
- Return to the main hall with the snow globe.
- Use the BRONZE SHIELD on the bronze gate to the left.
- Walk to the left.

- Look at the door and use the WORKSHOP KEY on the lock (U).
- Look at the statue's shield and take the 5/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (#).
- Note the base of the statue (V).
- Enter the workshop.

- Take the 1/5 GLOBE COLLECTION (W).
- Select the helmet as the 7/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Look at the mirror and take the 2/4 TALE of the TWO MIRRORS PARABLE GEM (#).
- Read the plans (X).
- Select the workbench for a HOS (Y).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the HEART GEM.
- Return to the balcony.

- Look at the balcony wall and place the HEART GEM into the indentation (Z).
- Look over the balcony.
Chapter 3

- Look at the right side of the table and take the 6/6 RISE of the SNOW QUEEN PARABLE GEM (#).
- Look at the left side of the table and take the 1/6 SNOW QUEEN TALE PARABLE GEM (@).
- Open the drawer and take the SILVER ARROW (A).
- Select the skeleton for a HOS (B).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the ROPE and HOOK.

- Select the graffiti as the 8/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Pull back the blanket, look at the bed and take the WATER VIAL (C).
- Look at the hole beneath the window, place the FROST STONE inside then use the WATER VIAL on the stone (D).
- Use the ROPE and HOOK on the window then exit the jail (E).
- Enter the workshop.

- Place the SILVER ARROW on the box to open it (F).
- Take the 3/6 GOBLET COLLECTION (G).
- Select the work area for a HOS (H).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the PHOENIX PORTRAIT.

- Return to the main hall to learn the ice has melted.
- Select the banner as the 9/20 Cursed Objects (@).
- Select the table for a HOS (#).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the SCYTHE.
- Walk forward and select the throne for a mini-game.

- Press a gold button in the center (I) to open the 3 nearest circles; only 3 circles can be open at a time.
- Click on 2 headgear to swap positions and move the headgear to the correct person; the person will light up when correct.
- The solution is shown here with all the circles open (J).
- Press the button that appears.
- Walk to the right.

- Take the 2/3 GOLDEN CHILD PARABLE GEM (#).
- Give the SCYTHE to the statue (K).
- Talk to the children to get the 4/6 GOBLET COLLECTION (L).
- Select the painting as the 10/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Walk to the right.
Chapter 4

- Talk to Kai (A).
- Note the door mini-game (B).
- Select the table for a HOS (C).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the PRINCE FIGURINE.
- Select the door for a mini-game.

- Press the buttons to make a path from the left (D) to the right (E), using the exact number of each colored token shown at the top (F).
- A check mark will appear when you have used all the tokens of a color, an 'X' means you have used too many.
- Press the button that appears, then walk forward.

- Take the 5/6 GOBLET COLLECTION (G).
- Pull the switch (H).
- Select the shield as the 11/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Look at the glass case and take the 3/4 TALE of the TWO MIRRORS PARABLE GEM (#).
- Exit the room, then select the device on the right for a mini-game.

- Click on the 2 wolf tails (I), then press the button that appears on the right (J).
- Click on the tiles to form the picture of the rose (K).
- Use the 4 buttons to light the blue flowers- each button changes 4 flowers.
- Push buttons L, M, and N.
- Use the buttons to move the flower to the center-line.
- Press P x 5, O x 5, and P x 4.
- Press the button that appears in the center.

- Give the PICTURE of the GUIDE'S SON, KAI to Kai (Q).
- Enter the portal (R).
- Select the fountain for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 2/5 GLOBE COLLECTION.
- Exit the cave.

- Select the chest as the 12/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Walk down.
- After the cut-scene, Kai will give you the SILVER PENDANT.
Chapter 5

- Walk forward to the frog prince's caravan on the misty trail.Select the shield on the left end of the wagon cover for the 13/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Walk forward and select the fallen knight on the left for a HOS.
- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the HEAVY SLEDGEHAMMER.
- Walk down, go forward to the right then forward again.
- Select the statue base for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 6/6 GOBLET COLLECTION.
- Walk to the left.

- Select the star at the top of the shed for the 14/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Enter the crypt.
- Note the door on the left (A).
- Note the shelf on the right (B).
- Look at the cabinet for a mini-game (C).

- Place the goblets on the correct stand; click on two goblets to swap positions.
- Hover your mouse over a goblet to see the name, then find the similarly themed base.
- The solution is shown here (D).
- Look at the shelf for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the TOWER KEY.
- Look at the left door for a mini-game.

- Press the buttons to make a path from the left (E) to the right (F), using the exact number of each colored token shown at the top (G).
- A check mark will appear when you have used all the tokens of a color, an 'X' means you have used too many.
- Walk left to enter the shrine.

- Look at the boy's portrait; take the 3/3 GOLDEN CHILD PARABLE GEM (#).
- Place the PHOENIX PORTRAIT on the back wall (H).
- Look at the compartment behind the portrait and take the 1/4 JEWEL COLLECTION (I).
- Look at the case, place the CRYSTAL COIN in the niche then select the area for a mini-game (J).

- Press a gold button in the center (K) to open the 3 nearest circles; only 3 circles can be open at a time.
- Click on 2 tails to swap positions and move the tails to the correct animal; the animal will light up when correct.
- The solution is shown here with all the circles open (L).
- Press the button behind the panel.

- Look in the casket at the boy's hand (M).
- Place the SILVER PENDANT into the hand (N).
- Select the painting as the 15/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Walk down twice then talk to the guide.
- Return to the palace entrance and select the statue on the right for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the PRINCESS FIGURINE.
- Enter the palace and walk to the left.

- Look at the tower door and use the TOWER KEY on the lock (O).
- Enter the tower door.

- Note the jewelry box (#).
- Note the closed panel (P).
- Look at the display on the right for a HOS (Q).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 2/4 JEWEL COLLECTION.
- Pull the switch in the panel, then walk up the stairs.

- Select the console for a mini-game.
- Press all the sequences of red buttons to light up the picture; pressing one button will make others appear.
- Press the buttons in this order: A-B-C, A-B-D, A-E-F, A-G-H, A-G-I, J-K-L, J-K-M, J-N-O, J-P-Q, J-P-R.
Chapter 6

- Look where the beast was standing and take the 2/6 SNOW QUEEN TALE PARABLE GEM (#) and the FALSE MIRROR SHARD (A).
- Look at the spot light and see the guide on the ground level (B).
- Walk down and take the jewelry box as the 16/20 Cursed Object.
- Look at the display on the right for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the ROYAL KEY.
- Return to the jail and select the skeleton for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the STEP-MOTHER GEMSTONE.
- Return to the throne room.

- Look at the door on the left and use the ROYAL KEY on the lock.
- Walk to the left.
- Select the clock as the 17/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Place the PRINCE FIGURINE (C) and the PRINCESS FIGURINE (D) on the console.
- Pull the switch (E).
- Select the end of the bed for a HOS (F).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 3/5 GLOBE COLLECTION.
- Return to the children in the cage.

- Use the HEAVY SLEDGEHAMMER on the cracked wall (G).
- Talk to the guide and he will give you the MAGICAL AXE.
- Walk down twice, then walk left twice.

- Use the MAGICAL AXE on the vines (H).
- Open the door.
- Select the garden for a HOS (I).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 4/5 GLOBE COLLECTION.
- Walk forward through the door.

- Take the GOLDEN CROWN (J).
- Look at the door and place the STEP-MOTHER GEMSTONE in the niche (K).
- Select the console on the right for a mini-game (L).

- Press the buttons to make a path from the left (M) to the right (N), using the exact number of each colored token shown at the top (O).
- A check mark will appear when you have used all the tokens of a color, an 'X' means you have used too many.
- Take the ICE SCEPTER from behind the panel.
- Walk forward to enter the godmother room.

- Select the bottles for the 18/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Look at the book and take the 4/6 SNOW QUEEN TALE PARABLE GEM (#).
- Walk down 5 times to the main hall.

- Select the floor gem for the 19/20 Cursed Object (@).
- Walk to the left.
- Take the 4/4 TALE of the TWO MIRRORS PARABLE GEM (#).
- Look at the base of the statue and place the GOLDEN CROWN into the niche (P).Look at the base of the statue again for a mini-game.

- Click on the first circle on the left to open it (A).
- Count the number of hearts in the scene then click on the second circle to set the Roman numeral to 'V' (B).
- Count the number of castle towers in the scene and set the third circle to show roman numeral 'IV' (C).
- Take the jeweled 'petals' from the first 3 circles and place them on the flower (D).
- Take the shield that appears under the flower and place it under the eagle (E).
- Click on the right circle to open it then take the wing and place it on the eagle (F).
- Click on the right figurine until the queen shows (G).
- Click on the left figurine until the king shows (H); place the wing on the eagle (I).
- Return to the throne room.

- Place the KNIGHT'S SHIELD on the suit of armor (J).
- Look at the diagram inside the shield (K).
- Return to the Godmother room.

- Select the coal furnace in the rear for a HOS.
- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the MIRAGE STATUE.
- Exit the room.

- Place the MIRAGE STATUE on the pedestal (L).
- Enter the mirage room (M).

- Place the FALSE MIRROR SHARD into the lower right mirror (N).
- Select the bench for a HOS (O).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 3/4 JEWEL COLLECTION.
- Select the lower right mirror.
Chapter 7

- Select the top of the pillar for the 20/20 Cursed Objects (@).
- Select the bench for a HOS (A).

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 4/4 JEWEL COLLECTION.
- Return to the treasure room and look at the Prince on the right for a mini-game.

- Place the jewels in the correct location; click on two jewels to swap positions.
- Hover your mouse over a jewel to see the name, then find the similarly themed base.
- The solution is shown here (B).
- Select the area below the prince for a mini-game.

- Press the buttons to make a path from the left (C) to the right (D), using the exact number of each colored token shown at the top (E).
- A check mark will appear when you have used all the tokens of a color, an 'X' means you have used too many.
- Take the ANCIENT GLOBE and read the parchment from behind the panel.
- Exit the room and select the desk for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the FIRE SCEPTER.
- Return to the library.

- Look at the display case and take the 6/6 SNOW QUEEN TALE PARABLE GEM (#).
- Enter the Astronomy room and select the device on the right for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the 5/5 GLOBE COLLECTION.
- Select the device on the left for a mini-game.

- Place the globes in the correct location; click on two globes to swap positions.
- Hover your mouse over a globe to see the name, then find the similarly themed base.
- The solution is shown here (F).

- Place the ANCIENT GLOBE onto the stand (G).
- Enter the portal (H).
Chapter 8

- Use the ICE SCEPTER on the left statue (A).
- Use the FIRE SCEPTER on the right statue (B).
- Walk up the stairs (C).

- After the cut-scene, walk down once.
- Talk to the King (D).
- Enter the portal (E).
- Return to the palace entrance.
- Select the statue on the right for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the VOLCANIC STONES.
- Walk left to enter the armory booth.
- Select the chest for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the FREEZING SAPPHIRE.
- Return to the bedroom and select the end of the bed for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the IMMORTAL OAK HANDLE.
- Return to the godmother room and select the coal stove for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the FIERY GEMSTONE.
- Walk to the Mirage cave; click on the mirror to select the frozen world, and select the bench for a HOS.

- Locate all the fragments.
- You will earn the WAND OF MENDING.
- Return to the Astronomy room and enter the portal.

- Walk up the stairs.

- Use the SACRED BLACKSMITH MALLET on the mirror 3 times (H).
- Enjoy the cut-scene.
- Congratulations! You have completed Dark Parables: Rise of the Snow Queen Standard Edition!
Cursed Morphing Objects List
- There are 20 morphing Cursed Objects throughout the game.
- Not all Cursed Objects will be active the first time you see them; some require a certain action or chapter to activate.
- The Cursed objects are listed in the approximate order you will find them.
- Finding Cursed objects will increase the speed the hint meter recharges.

- The 1st Cursed Object is found in the front garden; it is the knight's sword (1).
- The 2nd item is the skull/helmet found in the booth armory (2).

- The 3rd is found in the crypt; it is the stained glass on the left (3).
- The vase of flowers in the main hall is the 4th cursed object (4).

- The ringed planet is your 5th choice in the astronomy room (5).
- Select the upper part of the stained glass for the 6th choice (6).

- The helmet/vase in the workshop is the 7th object (7).
- Look at the graffiti on the wall in the jail for the 8th cursed object (8).

- Take the right banner in the left hall for the 9th cursed object (9).
- The 10th object is the painting in the jail (10).

- Select the shield/flower over the door in the Treasure room for the 11th Cursed Object (11).
- The 12th object is the chest/ flowers out side of the cave (12).

- Choose the left end of the caravan cover; take the shield/frog as the 13th Circled object (13).
- The 14th object is the star over the shed in the graveyard (14).

- Choose the portrait in the shrine as the 15th Cursed Object (15).
- The 16th Cursed object is the jewelry box in the tower stairs (16).

- The clock over the wardrobe in the bedroom is the 17th Cursed Object (17).
- The 18th object would be the gem on the carpet in the main hall (18).

- Choose the bottles for the 19th Cursed Object in the Godmother room (19).
- The final cursed object is the panel in the Mirage Room (20).
Created at: 2012-01-17