Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: The Room with Coffins
- Chapter 2: The Bathroom
- Chapter 3: The Second Floor
- Chapter 4: The Cabinet
- Chapter 5: The Cave
- Chapter 6: The Riverside
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Dark Romance: Vampire in Love.
- Bats can be spent at the Castle, Garlic can be used at the interface shop.
- This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
- We will use the acronym HOP for Hidden-object puzzles. Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence.
- Use the map to travel to a location.
Chapter 1: The Room with Coffins

- Switch to play Emily (A).
- Take the CROWBAR (B).
- Take the MATCHES (C) and note (D).
- Take the note (E), CLOCK PART 1/4 (green), KEY (blue), and SHEAR (purple).
- Use the CROWBAR (F).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the STRINGS (G).

- Take the RAG (H); insert the KEY into the lock (I).
- Move forward.
- Take the SCREW (J) and TROWEL (K).

- Connect the STRINGS to the harp (green).
- Take the ROSE (L).
- Place the ROSE on the niche (M).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (N).

- Take the AWL (O) and GARGOYLE PART 1/3 (P).
- Use the AWL (Q).
- Move forward.
- Touch the roses (R).

- Take the HAMMER (purple).
- Use the TROWEL (S); take FRAME PIECE 1/2 (green).
- Turn right.
- Put down the SHEAR; put the SCREW into it (orange).
- Take the SHEARS (T).
- Walk down.

- Use the SHEARS (U); you receive the ROSE.
- Play the HOP.

- You receive the DOOR HANDLE (V).
- Turn right.

- Place the DOOR HANDLE on the slot (W).
- Turn right.
- Hit the glass cover with the HAMMER (X); take the CRESCENT (purple).
- Light the candle with the MATCHES (Y); take FRAME PIECE 2/2 (Z).
- Walk down.

- Give the ROSE to the dove (A).
- Take the FEATHER (B).
- Switch to play Enron.
- Take the STONE (C).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the KNIFE (D).

- Open the letter with the KNIFE (E).
- Take the ROSE (purple), STICK 1/2 (green), and note (blue).
- Place the STONE on the niche (F).
- Arrange the stones correctly (G); take the KEY (H).

- Insert the KEY into the lock (I).
- Move forward.
- Take STICK 2/2 (J).
- Place 2 STICKS on the door (K).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (L).
- Move forward.
Chapter 2: The Bathroom

- Take the OIL CAN (M).
- Take the SPLINTER (N).
- Walk down twice.
- Hold the SPLINTER next to the candle (O) to acquire the LIT SPLINTER.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the SCISSORS (P).
- Move forward.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the BUTTERFLY PART (Q).

- Apply the OIL CAN to the gramophone (R); take the BUTTERFLY PART (purple).
- Move forward.
- Use the LIT SPLINTER (S); take PORTRAIT DETAIL 1/4 (T).
- Take the ROSE (U).

- Use the SCISSORS (V).
- Take the ARROWS (W) and PORTRAIT DETAIL 2/4 (X).
- Place 2 BUTTERFLY PARTS on the box (Y).
- Take PUZZLE PIECE 1/2 (Z) and PORTRAIT DETAIL 3/4 (A).
- Walk down.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the RIBBON (B).

- Place the ROSE into the vase (C).
- Take PUZZLE PIECE 2/2 (purple) and PORTRAIT DETAIL 4/4 (green).
- Put 4 PORTRAIT DETAILS on the portrait (D); take the STONE (E).
- Move forward.
- Give the STONE and RIBBON to the dove (F).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the WING (G).

- Take EYEBALL 1/3 (H).
- Put down 2 PUZZLE PIECES (I).
- Play the mini-game.

- To solve this puzzle, move the segments of the puzzle pieces into the central spot (green) in the following order: M, O, N, J, K, S, R, Q, L, P, M, O, J, P, S, L, N, Q, L, R, K, L, R, P, Q, Q, K, M.
- Switch to play as Emily.

- Take GEM 1/2 (T).
- Walk down twice.
- Place 2 FRAME PIECES on the painting (U).
- Rotate the frame pieces: Vx2, Wx3, Xx1, Yx3.
- Take GEM 2/2 (purple).

- Put down 2 GEMS (Z).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (A).
- Turn left.

- Turn the switch (B).
- Take the MALLET (C).
- Remove the blanket (D).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the BRICK (E).

- Clean the portrait with the RAG (F).
- Place the CRESCENT (green) and FEATHER (purple) on the niches.
- Turn the page twice (G).
- Go to the Pantry.

- Put the BRICK into the wall (H); take the WINGS (I) and LEVER (J).
- Walk down three times.
- Put down the LEVER (K); take the SCREWDRIVER HANDLE (L).
- Go upstairs.
Chapter 3: The Second Floor

- Remove the carpet; take CLOCK PART 2/4 (M).
- Break the vase with the MALLET (N).
- Take CLOCK PART 3/4 (O) and the MEDALLION (P).
- Go to the Garden.

- Put down the MEDALLION (Q).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: S-4, S-2, S-3, S-4, T-3, T-2, T-3, T-2, U-6, U-3, U-6, U-9.
- Go to the Basement.

- Take the BAT (X).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the SCISSORS (Y).
- Walk down twice.

- Put down the SCISSORS (Z).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (A).
- Take the NOTE (B) and BAS RELIEF DETAIL (C).
- Move forward, go upstairs.

- Place the BAT on the niche (D).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: Push the buttons (E) and (F) to move the ball along the line (purple). The path of the ball is fixed, but how often buttons have to be pushed is randomized.
- Move forward.

- Take GARGOYLE PART 2/3 (green), CYLINDER 1/2 (purple), and the note (blue).
- Place the WINGS on the doll (G).
- Arrange the dolls correctly (H).
- Take the PICTURE (I) and SAFE DETAIL (J).

- Put down the SAFE DETAIL (K).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (L).
- Connect the SCREWDRIVER HANDLE to the screwdriver (M); take the SCREWDRIVER.
- Put the NOTE into the crystal ball (N).
- Walk down three times.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the GLOVES (O).

- Open the compartment with the SCREWDRIVER (P); take the FACE (Q).
- Switch to play as Enron.
- You receive the NOTE.
- Put down the NOTE (R).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: S one step clockwise, T four steps counterclockwise, U four steps counterclockwise.
- Move forward.

- Connect the WING to the raven (V); take the CORD (W).
- Turn left.
- Put down the ARROWS (X).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (Y).
- Take EYEBALL 2/3 (Z).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive GARGOYLE 1/3 (A).

- Open the hand; take the STICK (B).
- Place the ROSE on the niche (C).
- Move forward.
- Take the PINCERS (D).
- Walk down.

- Collect the ROD with the PINCERS (E).
- Walk down twice.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the PICK (F).

- Put the STICK into the niche (G).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: K, I, L, J, H.
- Turn right.
- Take the SKULL (M).

- Place the SKULL (N); you receive the CHIP FOR DOOR.
- Walk down, turn left.
- Put down the CHIP FOR DOOR (O).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: P clockwise, Q clockwise, R clockwise, P counterclockwise.
- Move forward.
Chapter 4: The Cabinet

- Take EYEBALL 3/3 (S).
- Walk down.
- Place 3 EYEBALLS on the threads (T).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (U).
- Take the MAN (purple).
- Move forward.

- Put down the MAN (V); take the GARGOYLE PART (W).
- Walk down twice.
- Put the GARGOYLE PART into the crystal ball (X).
- Go to the Secret Passage.

- Break the wall with the PICK (Y).
- Take the GEM (Z).
- Go to the Garden.
- Place the GEM on the flower (A).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: D, C, B, F, D, E, F, D, C, F.
- Move forward.

- Remove the blanket (G).
- Take the SLEDGEHAMMER (H).
- Remove the wax with the ROD (I); take the STONE (J).
- Go to the Cabinet.

- Hit the wall with the SLEDGEHAMMER (K).
- Play the HOP.

- You receive GARGOYLE 2/3 (L).
- Switch to play as Emily.
- Go to the Cabinet.
- You receive GARGOYLE PART 3/3.
- Go to the Bridge.

- Put down 3 GARGOYLE PARTS (M).
- Assemble the gargoyles correctly (N).
- Turn left.

- Put down the PICTURE (O).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (P).
- Go to the Basement.

- Cut open the glass with the DIAMOND RING (S); take CLOCK PART 4/4 (green).
- Walk down.
- Connect 4 CLOCK PARTS to the clock (T); take the SQUARE (U).
- Go to the Alcove.

- Connect the SQUARE to the gate (V).
- Turn left.
- Place the BAS RELIEF DETAIL on the niche (W); take the BUGLE (X).

- Connect the FACE to the figurine (Y).
- Take the STAR RIGHT PART (Z).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the CROWBAR (A).
- Go to the Garden.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the MATCH BOX (B).

- Use the BUGLE (C); take the PORTRAIT PART (D) and GARGOYLE (E).
- Go to the Cabinet.
- Place the STAR LEFT PART and STAR RIGHT PART on the niche (F).
- Take the POUCH (G).
- Go to the Alcove.

- Put down the PORTRAIT PART (H); put the GARGOYLE into the portrait (green).
- Turn left.
- Put down the MATCH BOX (I); use the GLOVES (J).
- Take CYLINDER 2/2 (K) and the MATCHBOX (L).
- Walk down.

- Place 2 CYLINDERS on the slots (M).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: N, O, P, Qx3.
- Use the POUCH (R) to acquire the PHOSPHORUS.
- Turn right.
Chapter 5: The Cave

- Put down the MATCHBOX (S); pour the PHOSPHORUS over the bats (T).
- Use the CROWBAR (U); take the HOOK (purple) and BOARD (V).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the FISH (W).
- Switch to play as Enron.
- Go to the Barn.

- You receive GARGOYLE 3/3.
- Go to the Secret Passage.
- Put down 3 GARGOYLES (X).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.
- Move forward.

- Hit the ball with the STONE (Y).
- Take the AWL (Z).
- Go to the Cabinet.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the PRUNING SHEARS (A).
- Go to the Bridge.

- Cut the ladder with the PRUNING SHEARS (green); take the LADDER (B).
- Go to the Garden.
- Put down the LADDER (C).
- Use the AWL (D); take the ZIPPER (E) and NET (F).
- Go to the Basement.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the SCREWDRIVER (G).

- Connect the ZIPPER to the wallet (H); take the NUMBER (I) and GEAR 1/2 (J).
- Go to the Bridge.
- Collect GEAR 2/2 with the NET (K).
- Walk down.

- Put down 2 GEARS (L).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (M).
- Take the GRAVE STONE (N) and PICTURE PART (O).
- Go to the Barn.

- Put down the PICTURE PART (P); place the GRAVE STONE on the hand (purple).
- You receive the LENS.
- Walk down.
- Put down the LENS (Q).
- Switch to play as Emily.
- Walk down.
- You receive the GRAVE STONE.
- Turn left.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the SCISSORS (R).

- Place the GRAVE STONE on the niche (S).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 1-6, 3, 1, 5, 6.
- Go to the Cabinet.

- Place the BAS RELIEF DETAIL on the niche (U).
- Move forward.
- Cut the ribbon with the SCISSORS (V).

- Take the STATUE (W) and BEAR (X).
- Take the TEETH TOKEN (Y).
- Take the FLINT STONE (Z); collect TOKEN 1/5 with the HOOK (A).
- Go to the Cave.

- Put down the STATUE (B).
- Use the FLINT STONE (C).
- Move forward.
Chapter 6: The Riverside

- Take the SCREWDRIVER (D).
- Give the FISH to the animal (E); take CRYSTAL 1/2 (F).
- Go to the Cemetery.
- Put down the BEAR (G); you receive the CIRCLE.
- Go to the Hall.

- Put down the CIRCLE (H); take CRYSTAL 2/2 (blue).
- Go to the Cave.
- Place 2 CRYSTALS on the board (I).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (J).
- Push the button (purple).
- Take the NUMBER (K).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the BRACELET (L).
- Move forward.

- Throw the NUMBER into the hole (M).
- Switch to play as Enron.
- You receive the NUMBER.
- Go to the Bridge.
- Put down the NUMBER (N).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (O).
- Enter the Tower.

- Use the SCREWDRIVER (P); put the CORD on the magnet (Q).
- Take the MAGNET ON ROPE.
- Put down the NUMBER (R).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (S).
- Take CANNON SHELL 1/2 (blue).
- Go to the Barn.

- Dangle the MAGNET ON ROPE into the vase (T) to acquire the VALVE.
- Connect the VALVE to the trap (U) to acquire CANNON SHELL 2/2.
- Go to the Secret Passage.
- Put down 2 CANNON SHELLS (V).
- Play the mini-game.

- To solve this puzzle, shoot the colored balls on top of the cannon (Q) at segments of the same color.
- The order of the colored balls is randomized.
- Take the FLOWER (green) and BAT (purple).
- Go to the Tower.

- Place the BAT (blue) and the FLOWER (white) on the niches.
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (R).
- Push the button (orange).
- You receive the RAKE.
- Go to the Garden.

- Use the RAKE (S); take the POISON (T).
- Go to the Tower.
- Throw the POISON into the bowl (U).
- Switch to play Emily.

- You receive the POISON.
- Pour the POISON over the bush (V).
- Turn left.
- Place the TEETH TOKEN on the suitcase (W); arrange the tokens correctly (X).
- Take the TIMPANI (Y); use the SCREWDRIVER to acquire the CROWBAR (Z).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the CHISEL (A).

- Put down the BOARD (B).
- Connect the BRACELET to the statue (C); take the RAZOR (D).
- Cut the pouch with the RAZOR (E); take TOKEN 2/5 (purple).
- Walk down.

- Use the CHISEL (F); take TOKEN 3/5 (green).
- Go to Bridgette's Room.
- Connect the TIMPANI to the monkey (G); take the KEY (H).
- Use the CROWBAR (I); take TOKEN 4/5 (blue).
- Go to the Cave.

- Insert the KEY into the box (J); take TOKEN 5/5 (K).
- Move forward.
- Put down 5 TOKENS (L).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: N, O, P, Q, R, O, N, M, R, P, O, N, R, Q, P, R, M, Q, P, R, N, O, R, P, O, N, R, O, P, R.
- Congratulations, you've completed Dark Romance: Vampire in Love.
Created at: 2014-03-09