Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- The Proposal
- Sightseeing
- Trip to the Villa
- The Bouquet
- Explore the Villa
- The Centerpiece
- The Fountain
- The Wedding Cake
- The Family Vintage
- Jewelry and Accessories
- Ravioli
- The Gown
- Candied Almonds
- Return to Florence
- The Rehearsal Dinner
- Wedding Countdown
- Capri
- Going Home
- Bonus Level
General Tips
- At the beginning of the game you must choose which mode you will play. Casual has no timer and all mini-games can be skipped. First Time Traveler has a timer and all mini-games can be skipped. Seasoned Traveler (Expert mode) has a timer, longer find lists, and mini-games are more difficult and cannot be skipped.
- There is also a bonus level that is only available in the Seasoned Traveler mode.
- You must complete the game in Casual or First Time Travel Mode before you can unlock the Seasoned Traveler Mode.
- Use the MENU button in the lower left to return to the Main Menu.
- The game autosaves automatically.
- All objects are generally appropriate to the scene and the right color and close to the right size.
- Remember that throughout the game your character is the wedding planner, not the bride or groom. This will make the story make more sense.
- If you make too many wrong clicks in a row, you will lose some time on the clock.
- There are 3 Bluebirds hidden in some of the scenes. For every 5 Bluebirds you collect, you get an extra hint. The position of the Bluebirds is random, so different players will see them in different locations.
- Collect the Bluebirds before you collect the last item on the Find List, or you will miss your opportunity to get them.
- Take your time trying to find objects on your own (or check the walkthrough), as the number of hints is limited.
- When you use a hint, an arrow will shoot at the item and a circle of light will be drawn around the general area. The item will not necessarily be in the exact center of the light circle.
- You will visit a number of rooms multiple times during the game. However, the Find List will be different and items may be in different places.
- Many item locations are random, so different players will find, say, the sunglasses in different places in the scene.
- The game uses sparkles to point out interesting places in the scene, but these are often irrelevant to the current task you are pursuing.
- Several of the mini-games are inventory puzzles with no instructions. You have to hover your cursor over objects in the scene to get hints about what to do with them. Fortunately all of these make sense within the context of the story. In addition to using items you find in the scene, make sure to check machines for switches and controls.
- When you start Seasoned Traveler mode, the inventory hints will be turned off. If you want to turn them on again, use Main Menu, then Options.
- Some of the scenes are jumble puzzles where you must drag items out of the way in order to find the ones on the Find List. When you drag one item, several other items may come with it. Be aware that items can be hidden in between layers, so at some point you will want to carefully separate the piles into their individual components in case something is stuck between them.
- Most of the pages in the story album will turn automatically. However on some, particularly those with maps, you will have to look for the “Click to Continue” message and then click to go on to the next page.
The Proposal: Your Office
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The Jolt of Caffeine is the coffee cup on the desk.
- The Brush is a paintbrush on the floor in the lower right.
- “Open the Drawer” means to click on the desk drawer. When you click on the drawer you will trigger a mini-game.

Drawer Jumble Mini-Game
- Collect the Items on the Find List.
- You will have to click and drag objects in the drawer to move them so you can find items underneath.
- Some items are stuck in between two items in the drawer, so drag top items individually to clear them away.
- Once you have found everything in the drawer, you will be automatically returned to the main scene.
- Once you have found everything on the main scene’s Find List, the phone will ring. Click on it to answer it. It is underneath the desk on the right.
- Click on the OK button to take the call.
- Click on the OK button to end the call again.
- The FAX will start. Click on the FAX to receive the message.
- Click on the paper that comes out of the FAX to read it.
The Airport
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The Laptop is silver. It is on a stack of luggage on the other side of the conveyor belt.
- The Pashima is blue. It is on a blue suitcase on the far side of the conveyor belt.
- The directions to the Hotel are on a sheet of paper stuck to the wall in front of the conveyor belt.

- You see a man approach you. If you trust him and ask for his help, he will turn out to be an Airport Official who will automatically cross 3 items off your Find List.
- If you don’t trust him, he will go away and you will have to find all the items yourself.
Your Hotel Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Before you can collect the items on the Find List, you will have to translate them from Italian to English. Locate the 3 DICTIONARIES in the scene (marked in yellow on the screenshot).
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- Bluebirds are marked in cyan, although some of yours may be in other locations.
- Many items in this scene are tone on tone, so you will have to look carefully, particularly on the table and the bed.
- The Egg is a gold pillow-sized object on the bed pillows.
- The Key is translucent on one of the glasses on the table.
- The Cloud is a stain on the ceiling.
- The Grapes are in one of the paintings, not the bowl on the balcony table.
- The Snake is on the left side of the back of the chair by the door.
- The Napkin is white. It is on the table under one of the glasses.
- After you have collected everything, the blue cell phone on the luggage will ring. Click on the phone, then click on OK to take the call. Click on OK again at the end of the call to hang up.

Mini-Game: Choosing the Engagement Ring
- You will see a tray of rings. Click on matching pairs to remove them until only one is left.
- Match rings based on the pattern on the band, the shape of the stone, and the size of the stone.
- When only one ring is left, the mini-game is complete.

Maze Mini-Game
- Click on the red shoe to pick it up and drag it through the maze.
- If your hand gets tired, you can drop the shoe and then pick it up again.
- It doesn’t matter if you touch the sides of the maze or not.

Inside the Maze
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- For the first step, you must find all the Candles and put them in holders that match the color of the ribbon on the candle.
- Click on a Candle, then put it in the matching holder.

- Now you must find 7 matches (marked in yellow) in the scene and use them to light the candles.
- Click on a Match, then click on any unlit Candle to light it.
- Finally, find 15 rose petals (marked in pink) in the scene.
- Put each Petal on the line of the Heart drawn on the path. The petal will automatically go to the right spot on the Heart.

Sightseeing: Shoe Shopping
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in yellow—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the Items from the Find List.
- The Gold Buckle is on the purple purse in the upper right.
- The Baby Blue shoe is just behind the shelves on the right.
- The Shiny Red Shoe is on the back wall.
- The Baguette Purse is the pink one on the left shelves.
- You can just see the Gladiator Shoe through the door in the storeroom. As soon as you collect it, the storeroom door will close, trapping you inside.

Trapped in the Storeroom Mini-game
- Start by trying the Key in the door. It will break in half.
- Pick up the half from the floor.
- Collect the Pliers.
- Click on the Pliers in inventory and drag them to the door to get the other half of the broken key.

- Combine the two pieces of the Key in your inventory.
- Collect the Modeling Clay and combine it with the Key to make a mold.
- Put the Mold in the machine on the right as shown.
- Click the CLOSE button.
- Pick up the metal shavings from the left side of the machine and put them in the pot.
- Click the MELT button.
- Click the FILL button.
- Now you have a new Key, but you have to get it out of the clay.
- Take the Hammer from the wall and use it to break the mold.

- The new Key will be revealed.
- Collect the Key and use it on the door.

- This will return you to the main room of the shoe store.
- Collect any remaining items.
Carina’s Gowns
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in yellow—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The Knife Pleats are at the hem of the first gown on the left.
- The Crystals are just below the waistline on that same dress.
- The Loose Hem is on the floor on the gown to the right of the dress with the crystals.
- The Doll is a small blonde doll in a red-pink dress just to the left of the roses.
- The Hairbrush is on the floor on the right.
- The pins are the multicolored items on a circle card on the table.
- The Hidden Camera is the black spot in the sunflower motif at the top of the mirror.
- The Buttoned Corset is red, next to the red curtains.
- The Frond is just next to the Buttoned Corset.
- The Satin Purse is hanging on a dress just to the left of the purple dress with butterflies in the back.
- After you have collected all the items, the blue phone on the table will ring. Answer it.
- Click OK to take the call.
- Click OK to hang up again.

Crisis! Boboli Gardens
- Collect the Birds.

Build an Item Bonus Round
- You can design the engagement ring any way you like.
- Use the arrows on the left page to see the available settings and stones.
- You’ll see the result on the right in the ring box.
- When you find a combination you like, just exit the bonus round.
Ufficiale Gallery
- Click on the painting that is sparkling to zoom in.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The Golden Branch is a golden laurel wreath on Cupid’s head.
- There are many things that look like cloaks in the picture, but the one that counts is a woolen traveling cloak with a hood, by the trees in the back.
- The Square is a square of branches in the upper left.

- Whenever you like you may click on the person on the right to zoom in and reveal another Hidden Object Scene where you must find hearts.

Family Restaurant
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in yellow—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- When you collect the Scopa Cards from the table, the Scopa Mini-game will open up.
Scopa Cards Mini-Game
- Match pairs to remove them from the table.
- If you get a Joker, match it to any card and it will remove that pair.
- If you get match two Snake cards, the game will reshuffle all the cards, so try to avoid doing this until the very end.
- When you complete the mini-game you will automatically return to the main scene.
- At some time during the main scene, a woman will come up and tell you she is lost. To get the best outcome, be friendly but do not take out your own map.
- If you ask her to sit down and offer her a glass of line (but do not take out your own map), 3 items will be removed from your Find list (good outcome).
- If you take out you own map to help her, you will lose time and 3 more items will be added to your Find List.
- If you pretend to speak Italian and act like Sophia Loren, 3 more items will be added to your Find List (bad outcome).
- The Bell is on the Bicycle.
- The Tongs are on the Bicycle.
- The Sundial is on a building at the back of the scene.
- The Clock is in the church tower.
- The Handle is on the door inside the restaurant.
- The red brick is across the street on the wall just above the bicycle.
- The Clothes are hanging on a line at the back of the scene.
- When you have found all the items, the blue phone the table will ring.

- Click OK to answer it.
- Click OK to hang up at the end of the call.
Trip to the Villa: Your Hotel Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in yellow—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- The Euros are coins on the carpet in the lower right.
- The Star is in the landscape painting.
- When you have collected everything on your Find List, a letter will be pushed under your door. Collect it.

Villa Entry
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect all the large rocks.
- The Key will appear under the last rock, no matter which rock you pick last. At some angles it can be a little hard to see, but it’s there.

- Collect the Key.
- Click on the door. This will trigger a mini-game.
Remove the Vines Mini-Game
- You must remove the vines one by one. First time travelers will have 14, seasoned travelers will have 18.
- You may remove any vine which is covered by no more than one other vine by clicking on it.
- When you hover your cursor over a vine, it will light up so you can more easily see where it goes.
- If you click on a vine that cannot be removed, it will briefly turn red, but there is no penalty. Just move on to another vine.
- There is some randomness in this puzzle, so your solution may not exactly match ours.

Your Room at the Villa
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- The Find List has many instructions like “Play the Lute” and “Test the Chair.” In each case you just have to click on the object named. So click on the Lute to play it.
- To Charge the Laptop, click on the electrical outlet on the wall.
- To Open the Blinds, click on the window curtains.
- The Butterfly is on the right end of the curtain rod.

Kitchen Pantry
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places. Some players will find a bluebird inside the refrigerator!
- There are several bottles of water. The one that counts for the Sparkling Water clue is inside the Refrigerator. Click on the Refrigerator to open and close it.
- The Cake is a single slice on a plate inside the Refrigerator.
- The Wine Opener is a silver corkscrew on the left shelf.
- The Skewer is on the right side of the stepladder.

Dining Room
- This is an inventory puzzle. There are no instructions, but as you mouse over various objects you will get clues about how they can be used.
- Your objective is to make yourself a cup of Espresso.
- Begin by collecting the seven items marked in yellow: Silver Milk Pitcher Espresso Bag Coffee Holder Lever Coffee Cup Water Pitcher Milk
- These will go into your inventory tray.
- Combine the Silver Pitcher (A) and the Milk (G) in your inventory tray. Now you have a Pitcher with Milk.
- Combine the Espresso (B) and the Coffee Holder (C) in your inventory tray. Now you have a Holder with Coffee.
- Put the Lever (D) on the machine as shown in green.
- Put the Coffee Cup (E) on the machine as shown in blue.
- Put the Holder with Coffee on the machine just above the Coffee Cup as shown in pink.
- Click on the top of the machine to open it.
- Put the Water (F) in the top of the machine as shown in red.
- Click again to close the top of the machine.
- Click on the On Button on the left side of the machine as shown in orange.
- Put the Pitcher with Milk on the table under the steamer tube as shown in cyan.
- Click on the steamer lever on the machine that is circled in cyan to steam the milk.
- Pull the lever you put on the machine to make the Espresso.
- Click on the Pitcher with Milk after it steams and add it to the coffee cup.
- Click on the Coffee Cup to pick it up.

- The blue Phone on the table will ring. Click on it to pick it up.
- Click on OK to answer the call.
- Click on OK again to end the call.
Villa Attic
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Start by clicking on the BOX on the top of the Cabinet (marked in orange). It will fall down to the floor and all of the photos and documents will blow around the room.
- Collect the items on the Find List.

Bouquet: Find the Differences Mini-Game
- There are no hints available for this mini-game. The screenshot is for the Seasoned Traveler version.
- If you are playing in the Casual or First-time Traveler Modes, you can skip it if you prefer.

Villa Garden
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- Look for flowers that don’t belong in the group they are with, like a white rose in a group of pink flowers.
- Some flowers are on the far side of the fence.

- The neighbor woman will come and start yelling at you at some point.
- If you smile at her, she will continue to yell at you.
- If you ignore her AFTER you smiled at her and start picking flowers as quickly as you can, you will have 5 items removed from your Find List (good outcome).
- If you yell back at her, you will have 3 extra items added to your Find list (bad outcome).
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List.
- Some items may be visible outside through the door or windows.
- The extension cord is on a yellow reel on the floor beneath the easel.
- The Knife is hanging horizontally on the wall between two saws.
- The Two Person Saw is on the beams below the shelf on the top right.
- The Whetstone is the round grey item on the floor to the left of the toolbox.

Dressing Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- After you have collected all the items, the blue phone on the bench will ring. Click on it.

- Click on OK to take the call.
- Click on OK again to end the call.
Crisis! Villa Garden Lift the Curse
- In this scene you must collect the flowers shown on the Find List and give them to the neighbor.
- Click on a flower, then drag it to her.
- The flowers will be in different places for different players—we have just marked some examples.
- Look for flowers that don’t belong in the group they are with, like a white rose in a group of pink flowers.
- Some players will have a white rose on the far left of the scene near the steps which can be quite hard to see.

Explore the Villa: Your Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- The Mosaic is a band of red tiles on the large clay pot by the window.
- The Leather Journal has a tie and is on the top shelf. It looks more like a portfolio at first glance.
- The Euros are coins on the bed.
- The Bruschetta is in the photo to the right of the bed.
- The Iris is a yellow flower on the Lute.
- The Swallow’s Next is hard to see, but it’s by the ceiling beam.
- The star is a very faint mark on the pillowcase.
- The Music Box has a ballerina on it.
- When you click on the Scopa Cards, a Scopa mini-game will open up. This has the same rules as last time.

Villa Courtyard
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in pink—yours may be slightly different places.
- The Find List is in Italian, so start out by finding the three Dictionaries (marked in yellow).
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- The Skipping Stone is a triangular stone in an alcove just to the left of the fountain.
- The Knitting Project is a ball of green yarn in the lower right.
- The Box is a small wooden box hidden in the planter on the right.
- The Glasses are sunglasses that are stuck in the bush on the right.

- You will see a young boy approach at some point during the scene.
- If you try some Italian, he will laugh. If you then shrug and point to the dictionary, he will teach you some words, which will remove 3 items from your list (good outcome).
- If you try some Italian, he laughs, and you frown (bad outcome).
- If you just wave and then you go back to your Italian practice, he will come back with his sister, who will remove some items from your list (good outcome).
- If you just wave, he will leave. If you follow him, you will lose time (bad outcome).
The Cellar
- There are 3 Bluebirds in the scene. We have marked ours in cyan—yours may be slightly different places.
- Note that the items on the Find List represent categories, not the exact object. For example, although the picture on the Find List may be a rectangular frame, yours might be an oval.
- Different players will have different items.
- Some players will have to collect a dark candle on the top left shelf that looks more like a bottle.
- Some players will have a round candle on the middle shelf on the left that looks like a caramel apple.
- Some players will have a folding table on the left end of the top shelf on the left of the archway. This can be very hard to see.
- Some players will have to collect a black tray next to the jars on the left.
- Folding tables can be large or small, round or rectangular, folded or unfolded.
- Light bulbs are all standard incandescent bulbs, but can be any color and may be lit, unscrewed, or burnt out.
- The candle on the wall to the left of the doorway does not count.
- When you collect the Candle marked in yellow on the screenshot you will fall down into a space below the floor and become trapped.

- Start by collecting the Flint (marked in yellow) and the Cloth (marked in cyan). They will go into your inventory tray.
- Put the Cloth on the ground to the right of the candle, below the metal handle that’s in the wall.
- Take the Flint and click it on the metal handle several times until sparks fall onto the Cloth and it catches fire.

- Take the burning cloth and use it to light the candle.
- Pick up the Chisel (marked in pink) and use it to loosen the 3 large stones marked in the screenshot.
- You will not be able to pick up the Chisel until after the candle is burning.
- Click on each stone to collect it. The stones will go into your inventory tray.

- Make a tower of the 3 stones with the largest on the bottom as shown.
- Collect the 3 green vines from the wall. Only the green vines will work.
- Combine the 3 vines in your inventory tray to make a rope.
- Attach the rope to the metal hook (marked in green).
- Click on the rope once it is hanging and you will be able to climb out.

- Once you are back in the Cellar, finish collecting the items on the Find List.
The Fountain: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Begin by putting together the torn photo.
- This is a standard jigsaw puzzle. The edges don’t match perfectly.
- Pieces will lock into place when set correctly.
- Two pieces that go together can be combined anywhere on the board, then moved as a unit.
- To move a puzzle piece, click on it once and drag it into position.
- To rotate a piece, left click as needed to rotate it.

The Shed
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- You must collect the pieces of copper pipe. The locations will be random.
- The pieces are many different shapes—look for the copper color.
- We have marked several examples of different shapes of copper in orange.

The Fountain
- The Fountain will unlock after you complete the Shed scene.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours in pink.
- Pick up each piece of the Fountain and drag it to the Fountain to put it in place.
- If you want to see what the completed fountain looks like, click on the photo lying at the center bottom of the scene.
- One of the pieces looks like a thin flagstone near the photo.
- There is a lot of variation in the size and shape of the pieces. We have marked ours in red, but yours may be in different locations.
- You do not have to click on the exact spot, but you do have to click in the right sector: Top, Middle, or Bottom.
- If you click in the wrong place, the piece will go back to its original spot and you can pick it up and try again in a different sector.

Cleaning the Fountain Mini-game
- Once you have completed rebuilding the Fountain, it’s time to clean it.
- You will click on the scrub brush at the bottom of the screen, then drag it along the dirty spots on the fountain to clean them.
- Notice the meter on the left side of the scene. It shows you how much soap you have left and how much of the fountain is clean.
- Try to use the soap sparingly.
- There are sparkles along the fountain through the game, but they do not seem to mark dirty areas, they’re just calling your attention to the fountain itself.

- Our best strategy was to first use horizontal strokes working from top to bottom so that we had gone over the entire fountain once.
- Then we went back to the dirtier spots.
- This succeeded in cleaning the fountain 100% with 46% of the soap remaining.
- If you do run out of soap, you will have to redo both the Shed and Fountain scenes before you can try again.
- If you are almost out of soap and you think you won’t make it, you can choose to skip the mini-game if you are playing in the Casual or First Time Traveler modes.
Fountain Pipes Puzzle
- Once the Fountain is 100% clean, you will return to the main view of it.
- Click on the Trapdoor in the right side of the basin to start the Pipes puzzle.

- You must connect all the pipes so water can flow through.
- You must use all the pipes.
- There must be no open ends.
- Click on a pipe to rotate it. Note that rotation is unusual in this game—the piece may rotate away from its original starting point, so you can’t tell just by looking what it will connect to.
- Here is our solution.
- Rotate the piece marked in yellow to complete the puzzle.

The Centerpiece: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Begin by putting together the torn photo.
- This is a standard jigsaw puzzle. The edges don’t match perfectly.
- Pieces will lock into place when set correctly.
- Two pieces that go together can be combined anywhere on the board, then moved as a unit.
- To move a puzzle piece, click on it once and drag it into position.
- To rotate a piece, left click as needed to rotate it.

Villa Arbor
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with cyan.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.

Villa Garden
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with yellow.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Some players will have to collect a pink peony near the base of the white planter on the right which seems to be impossible to see. We were only able to find it with random clicking in that area.

Villa Entry
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The fruit (lemons and peaches) may be seed packets, growing on trees, or loose fruit.
- Some players will find that a cloud in the sky counts as a lemon.
- Some players will find that a shadow on the wall to the right of the pot by the door will count as a lemon.
- Some players will find that an etched shape on the door counts as a lemon. For this one, you must click on the line, not in the center of the shape.
- We have marked some lemons in yellow as an example.

Dining Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with yellow.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Glassware can be any shape or color, but is usually translucent.
- Some players will have one or two blue glassware pieces drawn on the wall in the back. One is a glass and one is a vase tilted at an angle.

The Wedding Cake: Find the Differences Mini-Game
- Most of the differences are just a matter of color. This screenshot is for the Seasoned Traveler version.

Kitchen Pantry
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Buttermilk is in a measuring cup on the floor on the right.
- The Frosting Spreader is a long thin metal spatula on the stepladder.
- The Almonds are on top of the stepladder.
- The “Cabbage Colour” is a white cauliflower with green leaves that is on the top shelf in the kitchen. The other cauliflower that are in the pantry room do not count.
- The Peach is in the center of the wreath above the door to the kitchen.
- The Pesto is green. It is in an unmarked jar in the refrigerator.
- The Mascarpone Cheese looks like cream cheese and is in a package in the refrigerator.
- The only White Wine that counts is in a bottle marked Vin Blanc in the refrigerator.
- The only Metal Lid that counts is the lid for a pan that is standing vertically on a shelf in the Kitchen.
- The only apples that count are green, and are in one of the wine bins.
- The grapes are a drawing on the wall just above the door to the kitchen.

Kitchen Puzzle
- This is an inventory puzzle. Your goal is to make a 3 layer wedding cake.
- Begin by collecting the items marked in yellow: Butter Mascarpone Cheese Buttermilk Eggs Sugar Lemon Frosting Spreader

- Put the Butter (A), Buttermilk (C), Eggs (D) and Sugar (E) in the mixer as marked in blue and turn the mixer on.
- Collect the Batter from the Mixer.
- Pour the Batter into the three Cake Pans marked in pink.
- Click on each Cake Pan with Batter to put it into your inventory.
- Click on the oven door marked in green to open it.

- Put the 3 Cake Pans with Batter into the Oven and click on the door again to shut it.
- While the Cakes are baking, put the Mascarpone (B), Sugar (E), and Lemon (F) in the Mixer and turn it on.
- Click on the Frosting to collect it.
- Combine the Spreader with the Frosting.

- Now you are ready to finish the Cakes! Although the message will say “Don’t Peek” if you hover your cursor, go ahead and click on the door to open it. This will start the final countdown for the Cakes.
- When the Cakes are ready, take them out of the Oven.
- Stack the cakes from largest to smallest.
- Apply the frosting to the Cake 3 times to frost all 3 sections. This will trigger a mini-game.

Frosting the Cake
- You can decorate the cake any way you like, but you must never let two adjacent sections have the same color.
- Click on a frosting tube to pick it up. When you hover over a section, it will highlight so you will see what will be frosted.
- If you make a mistake, you can color over that section with a different color, but only if it meets the adjacency rules.
- If you need to clear a section without putting another color in immediately, you will have to use the CLEAR button at the bottom of the cake to clear the entire cake and start over.
- The key to most solutions will be to use the same color for two of the group of four Roses on the center band (see screenshot).

- When you are playing in Casual or First Time Traveler mode you can skip the mini-game if desired.
The Family Vintage: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Begin by putting together the torn photo.
- This is a standard jigsaw puzzle except that you will have some pieces left over when you finish. The edges don’t match perfectly.
- Pieces will lock into place when set correctly.
- Two pieces that go together can be combined anywhere on the board, then moved as a unit.
- To move a puzzle piece, click on it once and drag it into position.
- To rotate a piece, left click as needed to rotate it.
- You can leave the extra pieces in a pile anywhere. We spread them out so you could see them all.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Wine Cooler looks like a silver wastebasket. It is just behind the plates through the archway.
- The Silver Tray is all the way in the back.
- The empty bottles can be any color. Some have labels, some don’t. Several are green.
- The Glass Charms look a bit like key rings.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Corks vary in size, shape, and color. We have marked a few samples in yellow.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Grapes vary in size, shape, and color. We have marked a few samples in yellow.
- As you collect each bunch of Grapes, put it in the Barrel.

- You will encounter a dog at some point in the scene.
- If you try to ignore him, but then you give him a cracker, you will have items removed from your Find List (good outcome).
- If you try to ignore him, and then you decide to get on with your work, you will lose time off the clock (very bad outcome).
- If you try to be friendly, he will lunge at you.
- If you then back up, he will save you from a snake, but you will have items added to your Find List (bad outcome).
- If you just stand up quietly, he will run away, and you will lose time on your clock trying to get him out of the Shed (very bad outcome).
- After you have dealt with the dog, continue putting the grapes in the barrel.
- When you have all the grapes, click on the Spigot on the front of the Barrel twice to fill the jug with wine.
- There will be an earthquake.
- Pick up your phone when it rings.
- Click the OK button to check the message.
- Click the OK button to complete.
Crisis! Earthquake, Kitchen
- Collect the broken Glassware and broken Dishes and put them in the trashcan by the oven.
- Drag the broken pieces of table one by one back to the table. You don’t have to get them perfectly in place, just get them close to where they fit.
- Some of the pieces have reverse orientation—they will rotate themselves automatically when you click near where they go.
- Item locations may be different for different players.

Jewels and Accessories: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Begin by putting together the torn photo.
- This is a standard jigsaw puzzle except that you will have some pieces left over when you finish. The edges don’t match perfectly.
- Pieces will lock into place when set correctly.
- Two pieces that go together can be combined anywhere on the board, then moved as a unit.
- To move a puzzle piece, click on it once and drag it into position.
- To rotate a piece, left click as needed to rotate it.
- You can leave the extra pieces in a pile anywhere. We spread them out so you could see them all.

Dressing Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with yellow.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Hairbrush is a Comb on the floor.
- One of the Empty Frames is on the ceiling. The other is a white frame around one of the dressing table drawers.
- One of the Hearts is a very small pink heart on the flowered hat box on the top shelf.
- The Stockings are still in the package. They are under the dressing table.
- The Mascara is stuck horizontally on one of the drawers of the cabinet.

Villa Attic
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- The Small Suitcase is on the right side of the scene.
- The Starch is in a spray bottle on the cabinet.

- When you click on the Jewelry Box (marked in yellow), you will trigger a mini-game.
Remove the Necklaces Mini-Game
- You must remove the necklaces one by one.
- You may remove any necklace which is covered by no more than one other necklace by clicking on it.
- When you hover your cursor over a necklace, it will light up so you can more easily see where it goes.
- If you click on a necklace that cannot be removed, it will briefly turn red, but there is no penalty. Just move on to another necklace.
- There are several solutions, here is one for Seasoned Traveler mode:

Ravioli: Find the Differences Puzzle
- Compare the two recipes. Every kind of difference counts—spelling, capitalization, spots on the paper, torn edges. The screenshot is for the Seasoned Traveler version.

Kitchen Pantry
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- First collect the 3 Dictionaries (marked in yellow) so you can translate the Find List.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Drawn Apple is drawn on the wall above the arch. You must click on the line, not the center, to collect it.
- The only Onion that counts is in the potato bin.
- Some of the items are inside the Refrigerator. Click on it to open or close it.
- The Colander is on the bottom shelf of the Refrigerator.

- You will hear a noise in the kitchen. Someone is there.
- If you go to investigate, and then you wave at him, he will turn out to be the grocer and you will take 3 items off your list (good outcome).
- If you hide, he will go away. Unfortunately, he was the grocer, so you missed him. 3 items will be added to your Find List (negative outcome).
- If you go to investigate and you chase after him, you will lose time on the clock (negative outcome).
Kitchen Puzzle
- This is an inventory puzzle. It will unlock after you complete the Kitchen Pantry scene. In First Traveler mode, you can hover your cursor over items on the screen to get clues about them.
- Your goal is to make the Ravioli. The filling is already made in the bowl on the stool.
- Throughout this puzzle you will often have to use multiple clicks to complete a step.
- Collect the items marked in yellow. These are: 3 Eggs, Spoon, Cookie Cutter, Sieve, and an Oven Knob.

- Put each of the 3 Eggs onto the flour that is sprinkled on the table (marked in blue).
- Click the Eggs on the table until they form dough and the dough goes back into your inventory tray.
- Put the Dough on top of the Pasta Machine (marked in pink).
- Click on the lever on the Pasta Machine until the sheet of Pasta has come all the way out of the machine and is lying on the table.
- Use the Spoon on the Bowl of Filling (marked in yellow). It will go back into your inventory as a Spoon with Filling.

- Put the Oven Knob on the Oven (marked in green).
- Put the filling on the pasta. Do this until the Spoon disappears.
- Use the Cookie Cutter on the pasta. Do this until the Cookie Cutter disappears.

- Click on the dough that is in between the ravioli circles to take it away.
- Now click on the individual ravioli circles to fold each one in half.
- Click on the Knob marked in green to start the water.
- Put the Ravioli in the pot on the stove. You can pick up all the folded Ravioli with one click. If you can’t pick it up, you missed folding one.
- When the Ravioli is done, use the Sieve to take it out of the pot. You can do this almost immediately. If it doesn’t work, just try again in a few seconds.
- Put the Ravioli in the Ceramic Bowl on the table (marked in pink).

The Gown: Find the Differences Mini-Game
- This is a Find the Differences Mini-Game. The screenshot is for the Seasoned Traveler version.

- Once you have found all the differences, you will get a phone call. Click OK to take the call.
- Click OK again to end the call.
Dressing Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- The Beads are the Bead Necklace on the floor.
- The Thimble is on the door handle of the Cabinet.
- The Key is quite hard to see. It is red, on the ceiling beam in the upper left.
- The Tailor’s Chalk is a triangular white piece on the chair on top of some white fabric.
- The Lite Lace is pink. It is wrapped around one of the hatboxes on the shelf.

- When you collect the Sewing Kit on the floor, you will trigger a mini-game.
Button Pairs Mini-Game
- Collect any matching pairs of buttons. There are more buttons than there are matches.

- Once you have collected all the pairs, you will return to the Dressing Room scene. Finish collecting any items on the Find List.
The Villa Attic
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- You must collect the pieces of the wedding dress (marked in blue) and put them onto the gown.
- Like the Fountain, the gown is divided into sectors, in this case the bodice and the skirt.
- Click a skirt piece anywhere in the bottom sector, and it will go into place.
- Click a bodice piece (or the necklace or the veil) anywhere in the top sector, and it will go into place.
- If you click a piece in the wrong sector, it will go back to its original position in the scene. Just pick it up and try it in the other sector.
- The gown pieces are marked in blue in the screenshot.
- Collect the Tiara (marked in cyan) from the lower left and put it on the head.
- Collect the Shoe (marked in yellow) from the top of the Cabinet and put it next to the other shoe to the left of the dress.
- Collect the Bow (marked in yellow) from the typewriter and put it on the shoe that is missing a bow.

Candied Almonds: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Begin by putting together the torn photo.
- This is a standard jigsaw puzzle except that you will have some pieces left over when you finish. The edges don’t match perfectly.
- Pieces will lock into place when set correctly.
- Two pieces that go together can be combined anywhere on the board, then moved as a unit.
- To move a puzzle piece, click on it once and drag it into position.
- To rotate a piece, left click as needed to rotate it.
- You can leave the extra pieces in a pile anywhere. We spread them out so you could see them all.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Almonds can be brown, split green, or solid green. We have marked some examples in yellow.
- When you hover your cursor near the tree marked in yellow, the message will say, “This looks like an interesting spot.” Click there to zoom in.

Almond Jumble Puzzle
- You must search through the leaves to find all the almonds.
- When you click on one leaf and drag it, you may drag several other items with it. You need to carefully separate all the items and search between leaves as well as under them.
- Some items that look like they should be almonds aren’t. Don’t worry about it. If you click on an item and it doesn’t count as an almond, just move onto something else.

- After you collect all the items in the Almond Jumble scene you will return to the main Arbor scene. Finish collecting the almonds there.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Some of the silver items look copper, depending on how the light hits them.
- Some players will find a vertical silver spoon on the rightmost bottle on the top shelf just to the left of the arch. This can be quite hard to see.
- Most players will find some items through the arch.
- Some players will find a silver bowl inside the slatted crate that is through the arch. You can only see a sliver of it.
- The large silver punch bowl on the lower left does not count as a silver bowl. However, some players will find a silver tray inside it, or a silver spoon at its base.

Coloring the Almonds Puzzle
- You can color the almonds any way you like, but you must never let two touching almonds have the same color.
- Click on a dye bottle to pick it up. When you hover over an almond, it will highlight so you will see which one will be colored.
- If you make a mistake, you can color over that almond with a different color, but only if it meets the adjacency rules.
- If you need to clear an almond without putting another color in immediately, you will have to use the CLEAR button at the bottom of the scene to clear the entire plate and start over.
- There are many possible solutions. Here is one.

- When you are playing in Casual or First Time Traveler mode you can skip the mini-game if desired.
- When you finish coloring the almonds, you will get a phone call. Click OK to take the call.
- Click OK again to end the call.
Return to Florence: Crisis! 7 Year Moths
- First you must find 20 moths in the scene. The moths will be in different locations for different players.
- Moths vary in size, color, shape, and may have wings spread or folded.

- Once you collect all the moths, the gown will fall into pieces! You must collect all the pieces again.
- Pieces will be in different locations for different players.
- Any pieces already touching the gown won’t count—you have to look around the room for scattered pieces.
- Some of the lace is so fine it’s translucent and will take on the color of whatever’s behind it. So some pieces of lace will look pink if they’re on the red chair, or gold if they’re on the gold part of the Chinese lantern.
- After you have collected all the pieces, the phone will ring. Click on it to pick it up.
- Click on OK to take the call.
- Click on OK to end the call.
Gowns by Carina
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Some spools of thread may be the long thin kind used on commercial sewing machines.
- Pins can be safety pins or straight pins.

- When you finish this location, you will receive a phone call.
- Click on OK to take the call.
- Click on OK again to end the call.
Build an Item: Wedding Gown
- You may design the gown as you like using the arrows on the left page. You will see your choice in the wedding album at the end of the game.
Ufficiale Gallery
- Click on the leftmost painting to zoom in.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- The Reeds are a group of cat-tails in the lower left.
- The Pipes are a panpipe held by the left-most figure.
- One of the Shells is the large shell that Venus is standing in.
- The Birdie is a red bird pulling the braid of the woman on the right.

- Click on the center painting to zoom in.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- The Moon is drawn faintly to the left of the woman.
- The Seal is a red wax seal on the man’s arm.
- The Cone is a pinecone at the bottom center.
- The Box is a chest to the left of the man.
- The only Feather that counts is the red one in the man’s hat.
- The Shield is a symbol on the man’s arm.
- The Note is a musical note near the top right of the frame around the man.
- Spades is a symbol on the woman’s arm.
- The Bow is a ribbon by the woman’s ear. The Crossbow on her shoulder does not count as a Bow (but it will count as an Arbalest).

Shoe Shop
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The items will be different for different players.
- If you cannot read the full name of an item on the Find List, hover the cursor over the name.
- The Pearly Pumps are white with crosshatching.
- Only the black lace up shoes count as Sneakers.
- The Bright Flats are yellow.
- The Animal Print Purse is a Zebra clutch on the Zebra rug.
- The only Tissue Paper that counts is the gold paper. It is usually inside a shoe box or under the ottoman.
- The Rhinestone Clip is a rosette. It is usually on a purse, but may be on a shoe.
- The Burnt Out Bulb is on the orange ottoman.
- Some players will have a gray credit card high on the back wall by the metal rod. It is gigantic—larger than the security camera.
- There are many shoes that are “multicolored,” including the polka dots and the stripes. However, the game will only count a two-tone dark red shoe. We have marked these in yellow in the screenshot.

- You will see a saleswoman approach you at some point during the scene.
- If you hide from her, and then refuse to try on any shoes at all, you will have 3 items removed from your Find List (good outcome).
- If you smile and wave her over, regardless of your next choice you will have more items added to your list (bad outcome).
Jewelry Engraving
- This is similar to the clean the fountain mini-game, but much more difficult.
- You must get the Engraving 100% completed before the Battery Charge runs down to 0.
- We recommend choosing the shortest phrase, Tesoro Mio.
- Click on the Engraver to pick it up. It will attach to your cursor. Now trace over the letters on the two rings.
- For unknown reasons, this mini-game was noticeably easier to complete when we used the Custom Cursor. Choose Main Menu, then Options, then turn the Custom Cursor on. You can turn it off again after the game is complete if you like.
- You will have just enough battery power to complete the game, so use it sparingly. Instead of broad strokes like we did in cleaning the fountain, just trace the actual letters.
- Make sure you get the tips of the letters.
- Remember to dot the i’s!
- The large ring on the top is 51% of the engraving. We recommend doing it completely before moving on to the smaller ring.
- It is very difficult to tell where you’ve missed a spot, so try to draw evenly from the beginning.
- If the engraver gives off sparks, there was work you needed to do there. That’s not very useful information the first time through, but if you had several times when you were using the battery without sparks, you’ll probably fail and have to go again, so try to recognize areas that have already been engraved. (We know it’s difficult.)
- The sparkles that appear on the rings during this game are meaningless in terms of what has been engraved and what hasn’t.
- The sides of some slanted letters, particularly the m’s, look black as though they haven’t been engraved, but as long as they changed from the original, you’re fine.
- The game is doable if you can trace accurately, but it will take most players several tries.
- If you fail, you will have to replay the Gallery and the Shoe Shop again, so you may want to SKIP if you’re having trouble. (Seasoned Travelers are not allowed to skip.)
- If you do fail, do not replay the Hidden Object Scenes until after you complete (or skip) the Jewelry Engraving. Just keep trying the Jewelry Engraving until it’s done, then go back to the Hidden Object Scenes so you’ll only have to do them once more.
- In our screenshot, we have just completed engraving the top ring (51% engraving complete), and still have 53% of the battery left. That’s a good goal to aim for.

Rehearsal Dinner: Family Restaurant
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with cyan.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find.
- The Tube is a long silver pipe running vertically on one of the buildings across the street.
- The Tape is the yellow and black caution tape across the building at the far end of the street.
- The Chili is the red chili pepper on the table.
- The only Arrow that counts is on a wind vane at the far end of the street.
- The Lucky Coin is on the ground in front of the door inside the restaurant.
- The Coffee Cup is hard to recognize. It is on top of a lamp on the wall inside the restaurant.
- The Track is a line of mud in the street just in front of the wall.
- The Clover is a cloud in the sky.

- Once you collect the Sword, you will be trapped!
- Water is running in the sink. Turn the handle to turn it off.
- The Handle will break off and fly up on the window (marked in yellow). It’s too high to reach.
- Take the Trident (marked in pink). Use the very tip of the Trident to collect the Handle.
- Put the handle back in place and turn it to shut off the water.
- Now there is water all over the floor (3 dashed orange spots). The Towel Cabinet is locked.
- Look in the mirror—the combination to the Towel Cabinet is written there.
- Click on the combination numbers one at a time and set them to match the mirror code.
- Click on the handle to the Towel Cabinet (marked in orange).
- The Towel Cabinet will open. Take all 3 Towels.
- Use the 3 Towels to mop up the 3 puddles on the floor.
- At the back of the Towel Cabinet is some writing that says you will find the Key at the Rainbow’s End.
- There is a Rainbow on the wall. Click on the plant there to reveal the Key as shown..
- Collect the Key (marked in Cyan) and use it to open the door.

- When you return to the main Restaurant scene, finish collecting the items on the Find List.
Hotel Magia
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find.

Wedding Countdown: Find the Differences Mini-Game
- This is a Find the Differences Mini-Game. The screenshot shown is for the Seasoned Traveler version.
- This Mini-Game seems to cause some problems for people once they get to Seasoned Traveler mode and have to find 18 differences. There is some randomness, so if you can’t find all 18, just let the time run out and try again with a different set of objects.
- Note that the Centerpiece on the left table is sometimes missing 1 flower and sometimes missing 2 flowers.
- Some people have a gift sack on the center table in one of the pictures.
- In almost all versions, the tablecloth corner on the right is longer in one photo than the other.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Musical instruments can be anything from a harmonica to bagpipes.

- You will hear a noise at some point during the scene.
- If you decide to investigate, then open the door, you will discover the little boy crying. You will comfort him, and be able to take 2 items off your list (good outcome).
- If instead you hide in a corner, then scream, it will be Lucia’s father and you will be able to take 3 items off your list (good outcome).
- The other outcomes will cost you time or add items to your Find List.
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.

Villa Garden
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Chrysanthemums have blunt petals, not pointed. We have marked some samples in cyan in the screenshot. The flower marked in orange is a sunflower, not a chrysanthemum.
- Clay pots can be any size or shape, but must be terra cotta color. The white pots do not count. We have marked some samples in green.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. The locations will be different for different players.
- Rose petals can be red, white, pink, or orange. We have marked some samples in cyan in the screenshot.
- Some players will have a vase on the right table by the door that looks more like silver than glass.
- The drawing of the light bulb on the easel counts as a light bulb.

Villa Courtyard Puzzle
- You must take the items out of the inventory tray and put them into the scene to match the items in the Photo that is on the back of the chair.
- We’ve marked the placements in the screenshot for you.
- You must be fairly accurate with your placement in this puzzle—if the Candle needs to go on the left side of the fountain and you put it on the right, it won’t stick.
- You can click on the Photo anytime you want to look at it.
- The left table has a Place Setting, a Wine Glass, a Wine Bottle, a Present, and a Centerpiece. Its Candle is next to the violin on the chair.
- The center table has 2 Place Settings, 2 Wine Glasses, 2 Wine Bottles, and a Centerpiece. It has one Present on the chair. Its other Present is up on the wall. It does not have a Candle.
- The right table has a Place Setting, 2 Wine Glasses, 2 Wine Bottles, and a Candle. It has one Present on the far chair and one on the ground between it and the left table. Its other Place Setting is on the near chair and its Centerpiece is on the ground.
- There are 3 light strings in the tree, one on the wall, and one on the bush.
- Place the other objects as shown.
- After you have placed everything, the Phone will ring. Pick it up.

- Click on OK to take the call.
- Click on OK again to end the call.
Wedding Ring Jumble
- To solve this puzzle, you must move the coins aside until you find two plain platinum bands.
- There are a number of rings in the fountain, but only the ones that look like the ones in the Find List will count.
- The plain gold bands do not count.
- When you click on a ring that is not a match for the Find List, it will be removed from the fountain, but the count on the Find List will not go down. Keep looking until you find the platinum rings.
- Remember to separate the coins so you can look between them.
- The position of the rings is different for different players.

The Wedding Album
- As you look through the album, use the NEXT indicator at the bottom to turn the pages.
- Notice the items you designed: the Bouquet, the Dress, the Ring, and the Cake.
Capri: Your Room
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find.
- The Euros is this scene are bills, not coins.
- The two Italian words can appear in several different places. Try the picture frames, the window sill, and on a beam on the ceiling.
- The laptop case is a light fabric bag by the dresser.

- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- The bluebirds in this scene are the same size they usually are, but the scene is seen from a distance, so the bluebirds look gigantic in relation to everything else in the scene.
- Several other items, like the Bottle, are also out of proportion.
- The Net is in the trees in the lower left.
- The Plane is the shadow of the plane in the ocean.
- There is more than one inflatable raft in the picture, but the only one that counts as the Raft is the green one under the trees towards the lower left.
- The Wetsuit is pink and purple, towards the lower right.
- The Kayak is blue, under the trees on the lower left. It is disproportionately large for the scene.
- The coconut is lying on the sand underneath a coconut tree on the right.
- At any time in this scene you can click on the circled area in the lower right and open up a zoom scene.

Capri Zoom Scene 1
- A new Find List. Different players will have different items.
- The Patch is on the left side of the orange umbrella.
- The Orange Butterfly is on the lower right of the orange umbrella.
- The Gull is a shadow of a gull on the surfboard at the bottom of the scene.
- At any time in this scene you can click on the circled area and get another, even closer zoom scene.

Capri Zoom Scene 2
- A new Find List. Different players may have different items.
- The Amulet is the round gold object in the drink on the lower left.
- The Smile is the happy face on the yellow bottle.
- The Blue Bow is the striped bow on the hat. Ours appeared more aqua.
- The Ship is in the photo on the brochure on the left.

Going Home: the Airport
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find.
- The Vase is a thin red vase next to the red suitcase on the conveyor belt.
- The 50 Euro bill is in front of the tan bag on the floor.
- The Spill is a drop of water on the floor to the right of the black suitcase.

Your Office
- There are 3 Bluebirds in this scene. Their locations are random. We have marked ours with pink.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find.
- The Fern is an etching on the wall to the left of the clock.
- One of the Hearts is on the end of the clock hand. Another is on the large box on the floor. Another heart is a rivet on a blue binder on the top shelf on the left.
- The Raffia is the string bow around the pink and purple boxes on the left.
- One of the postage stamps is on the side of the red binder that is on the top shelf on the right.
- The Car Keys are on the Fax.

Bonus Scene (Seasoned Traveler Only)
- After you complete Seasoned Traveler mode, you will unlock a special bonus scene.
- Collect the items on the Find List. Different players will have different items to find. Some of the items are in the photos and some are objects lying on top of them.
- This Find List uses British English rather than American English.
- “Plaster” is a Band-Aid.
- “Smile” is a happy face.
- “Jar” is a clay pitcher.
- “Ladybird” is a ladybug.
- The Tie is a black tie worn by a man with a long black coat. It is quite hard to see.
- None of the jewelry counts as Diamonds. When we played, Diamonds was a single diamond-shaped reflection on the center of the fountain pen.
- “Oak Sheet” is a green oak leaf that has been inserted in the photo of the Centerpiece.
- You can now replay the game at any difficulty level.

Created at: 2010-04-22