Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips & Information
- Chapter One: Down the Rabbit Hole
- Chapter Two: The White Rabbit
- Chapter Three: The Caterpillar
- Chapter Four: The Duchess
- Chapter Five: The Tea Party
- Chapter Six: The Rose Garden
- Chapter Seven: The Trial
- Chapter Eight: The Kidnapping
General Tips & Information

- From the main screen you may manage player profiles.
- The options menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume.
- You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode.

- Click on the Fictionizer in the lower right corner to obtain a hint.
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the Fictionizer to refill.
- During hidden object scenes, it will highlight one item from the list.
- You may skip mini-games once the skip meter fills.

- Click on the compass symbol in the upper let corner to view the map.
- The pulsing red circle shows your current location.
- Exclamation points indicate there are still things to be done in that location.
- The magnifying glass marks a hidden object scene that needs to be solved.

- Click on the file folder in the lower left corner to read the case file.
- The case file will document all that has happened and give you clues on what needs to be solved next.
Chapter One: Down the Rabbit Hole

- You have just become a cadet of the Fiction Fixers!
- For your first assignment, you must follow the agent into the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and thwart his evil plans.
- Take and read the dossier on the case.
- Pick up the Fictionizer and the map.
- Select the book the enter the story.

- Look at the close-up of the rabbit hole.
- Click to remove the 4 clumps of grass blocking the hole.
- Click on the rabbit hole to enter.

- Try and catch up to Alice by grabbing 20 “heavy” items as you fall.
- The heavy items are falling faster than you are.
- Examples are the piano, bowling ball and weights.
- Don't worry if some of the heavy items pass you by.

- The agent has stuffed the leaf pile that Alice will land in with sharp objects.
- Select the leaf pile for a hidden object area
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Take the inventory items: TILE CHISEL, HEDGE TRIMMERS.

- Make note of the boarded cupboard.
- Talk to Alice to learn she wants to find the White Rabbit.
- Walk down and to the right to move to the next scene.

- Someone has taken the shrinking potion.
- Click on the empty bottle for a mini-game.

- The object of this Simon-like mini-game is to repeat the sequence of droppers to get the correct mixture.
- Watch the sequence, then click on the droppers to repeat.
- Our sequences were: yellow, green, yellow; yellow, green, yellow, blue; yellow, green, yellow, blue, red; yellow, green, yellow, blue, red, green.
- The sequences are randomized so your solution may vary.
- Take the SHRINKING POTION and give it to Alice.
- You can now investigate the small box under the table.
- Click on the down arrow.

- Take the red BUTTON.
- Select the glass chest for a hidden object area.

- Find all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory items: WONDERLAND KEY and CUPCAKE.
- Give the MAGICAL GROWTH CAKE to Alice.
- Alice ate too much cake, so give her the SHRINKING POTION.
- Walk to the right.
- Select the broken tiles at the base of the curtain for a mini-game.

- Place the broken tile pieces into the grid.
- Pay attention to the black and white tile pattern to help with placement.
- You will have 3 sections of tile to repair.

- Look at the close-up of the loose tile.
- Use the TILE CHISEL on the loose tile.
- Click on the tile to move it out of your way.
- Place the BUTTON into the circular niche.
- Press the BUTTON and the curtain will open th reveal the Hall of Doors.
Chapter Two: The White Rabbit

- Look at the close-up of the lock on the left door.
- Use the LARGE IRON KEY on the lock.
- The keyhole scrambles.
- You need to rotate the rings and restore the keyhole.
- Click on a ring to rotate its position.

- Enter the doorway and find that the Illiterati agent has stolen the signs.
- Select the sparkling bush to the left of the signpost for a hidden object area.
- Find all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory items: MEDIUM WATCH GEAR and the MAGNET.

- Return to the Hall of Doors and look at the close-up of the mouse hole.
- Use the MAGNET on the mouse hole to get the HAMMER.
- Take the two SMALL WATCH GEARS from either end of the sign above the center door.

- Walk down then left to return to the blue boarded-up cupboard.
- Look at the close-up of the cupboard.
- Use the HAMMER on each of the boards to remove them.
- Click on the doors to open them and the WOODEN SIGN will go automatically into your inventory.
- Return to the Hall of Doors and enter the left door.

- Place the WOODEN SIGN on the signpost.
- You can now travel to the White Rabbit's house.
- Walk up the left path.

- Take the 2 WATCH GEARS.
- Talk to the White Rabbit- he needs his watch repaired.
- Click on the watch to trigger a mini-game.

- Place the 7 gears into the watch so that all connect the 2 gears already in place.
- Press the red button at the top to start the watch.
- Talk to the White Rabbit again and he asks that you fetch his gloves and fan.
- Try to open the front door, but the door knob is missing.
- Take the path up and find your way blocked by branches.
- Return to the pile of leaves at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

- Click on the leaves for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Take the SAW.
- Return to the woods behind the White Rabbit's house.
- Use the saw on the branches blocking the path to trigger a mini-game.

- The object is to remove all the branches and clear the path.
- Click on each of the 13 branches to remove them from the path.
- The LARGE STICK will automatically go into your inventory.
- Walk forward on the path to the giant puppy.
- Give the puppy the GIANT STICK.

- Click on his fur to activate a mini-game.
- The object is to collect 10 bugs.
- Click on a bug as it hops across the fur.

- Take the RUSTY DOOR KNOB from the puppy's fur.
- Take the BUGS that fell to the ground.
- Take the SPECIAL-SHAPED GEM from the log.
- Make note of the fish in the pond.
- Walk down to return to the forest.

- Look at the close-up of the spider web.
- Place the BUGS on the web.
- Once the spider moves, take the TOOLBOX KEY.
- Make note of the eagle in the tree with a large envelope.
- Walk down and return to the White Rabbit's house.

- Look at the close-up of the toolbox.
- Use the TOOLBOX KEY on the padlock.
- Click on the padlock top open the toolbox.
- Make note of the number code. (This will be recorded in the case file.)
- Take the OIL CAN.

- Look at the close-up of the front door.
- Place the DOOR KNOB into the hole.
- Use the OIL CAN on the door knob.
- Enter the White Rabbit's home.

- Look at the close-up of the safe on the left.
- Enter the code you found in the toolbox.
- You can also find the code in your case notes.
- The code is randomly generated- your code may differ.

- Make note of the shield display on the right wall.
- Talk to Alice and learn she has found another potion.
- Now she is too big to use the door.
- Click on the sparkling area in the lower right for a hidden object area.

- Find all the hidden objects on the list.
- Take the inventory items: STRANGE CAKE and MINUTE HAND.
- Give the STRANGE CAKE to Alice.
- Walk up the stairs.

- Note the rusty shovel on the wall.
- Take the SPECIAL-SHAPED GEM from the left.
- Select the sparkling area for a hidden object scene.

- Find all the hidden objects on the list.
- Take the inventory item: MAGICAL KEY.
- Walk downstairs and exit the house.
- Give the WHITE RABBIT'S GLOVES AND FAN to the White Rabbit.
- Return to the Hall of Doors.
Chapter Three: The Caterpillar

- Look at the blue door, second from the right.
- Use the BUG-SHAPED KEY on the lock.
- The keyhole scrambles.
- You need to rotate the rings and restore the keyhole.
- Click on a ring to rotate its position.

- Enter the blue door and talk to the caterpillar.
- His has lost his pipe.
- Select the sparkling mushroom for an hidden object area.

- Find all the hidden objects on the list.
- Take the inventory items: GREEN GEM, STRANGE PIPE, and FISHING POLE.
- Give the STRANGE PIPE to the Caterpillar to activate a mini-game.

- The object of the mini-game is to move both the cats and mice to the other side.
- You cannot have more cats then mice on one side.
- At least one animal must travel each trip the boat makes.
- Make the following moves:cat and mouse to the right mouse to the left 2 cats to the right cat to the left 2 mice to the right cat and mouse to the left 2 mice to the right cat to the left 2 cats to the right cat to the left 2 cats to the right
- After solving the mini-game, the Caterpillar gives you a VERY PRETTY KEY.
Chapter Four: The Duchess

- Return to the hall of doors.
- Select the wooden door on the right.
- Use the VERY PRETTY KEY on the keyhole.
- The keyhole scrambles.
- You need to rotate the rings and restore the keyhole.
- Click on a ring to rotate its position.

- Enter the door.
- Talk to the Fish Courtier and learn he lost his invitation in a large envelope.
- Take the LADDER and return to the pond behind the White Rabbit's home.

- Look at the close-up of the pond and use the FISHING POLE to catch the FISH.
- Walk down to the forest area.

- Use the LADDER on the tree.
- Look at the close-up of the eagle and give him the FISH.
- Return to Hall of doors and enter the wooden door on the right.
- Give the Fish Courtier the LARGE ENVELOPE.
- Enter the house.

- Select the sparkling breakfront for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: PAPRIKA.

- Select the portrait over the Duchess for a mini-game.
- Slide the tiles to restore the picture.
- Click on a tile adjacent to the empty space to slide it.

- Select the safe that was behind the picture to open it.
- Click on the open safe for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: SPECIAL-SHAPED GEM.
- Walk left to the kitchen and take the RATTLE off the table.
- Return to the parlor and give the RATTLE to the baby.
- The INGREDIENT LIST will go automatically into your inventory.

- Return to the kitchen and use the INGREDIENT LIST on the cupboard.
- Click on the open cupboard for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: PEPPER, PEPPER MILL, AND CLOCK FACE.

- Take the ALLSPICE from the mantle.
- Look at the close-up of the soup cauldron over the fire.

- Place the PEPPER, PEPPER MILL, ALLSPICE, and PAPRIKA into the niches to activate a mini-game.
- The object of this Simon-like game is to repeat the flashing sequence.
- Watch the items flash, then click on them in the same order.
- The sequences are randomly generated and will be different every time.
- The SPECIAL SPICY SOUP will automatically go into your inventory.

- Exit the kitchen and return to the parlor.
- Give the Duchess the SPECIAL SPICY SOUP.
- The Cheshire cat will disappear.
- Exit the house and walk to the right.

- Take the SPECIAL-SHAPED GEM from the tree trunk.
- Click on the area just to the right of the cat's smile for a mini-game.

- The object is to click on the buttons to make the cat appear.
- Click on the middle button on the left, and the upper and lower buttons on the right.
- The Cheshire Cat will give you a WOODEN SIGN.
- Return to the Hall of Doors and enter the left door.
Chapter Five: The Tea Party
- Place the WOODEN SIGN on the sign post.
- Walk to the right.
- The Illuminati agent had stolen 5 special teacups.
- Leave the tea party and go to the White Rabbit's house.
- Walk upstairs and take the RUSTY SHOVEL.

- Downstairs, click on the sparkling area for a hidden object scene.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: LADLE.
- Exit the house and walk to the forest
- Climb the ladder to the eagle's nest and take the GREEN TEACUP.
- Walk to the pond and take the PINK TEA CUP.

- Walk to the signpost and use the ladder on the mound of dirt.
- The BLUE TEA CUP will automatically go into your inventory.

- Return to the Hall of Doors.
- Walk through the right door and enter the home of the Duchess.
- Enter the kitchen and look at the close-up of the cauldron.
- Use the ladle to get the RED TEA CUP.

- Return to the Hall of Doors.
- Enter the blue door to visit the Caterpillar.
- Talk to the Caterpillar for a mini-game.
- Click on the arrows to move the brother home.
- Make sure to avoid the holes.
- Some obstacles will move with you.
- There are 5 puzzles to complete.
- Click on the arrows in the following sequences:Puzzle 1: down, right, down, left, up, right, down, right, up. Puzzle 2: down, right, down, left, up, right, up, left, down, left, up, right. Puzzle 3: up, right, up, left, down, left, up. Puzzle 4: down, left, up, right, up, left, down, left, up, left. Puzzle 5: right, up, left, up, left, down, right, right, left, down, right, up, left. Puzzle 6: right, right, left, down, right, right, down, left, up, left, down, right (the first man should be home) up, right, up, left, left, down, right, up, down, left, up, right, right, left, down, right
- Return to the Hall of Doors and enter the left door.
- Take the path to the right.
- Click on the tea party table.

- Place the TEA CUPS on the saucers to trigger a mini-game.
- Place the cups in order per the instructions.
- The solution from left to right is: blue-yellow-red-pink-green.
- The HOUR HAND will automatically go into your inventory.
- Walk to the gate behind the tea party.

- Put the CLOCK FACE, HOUR HAND and MINUTE HAND onto the clock.
- Turn the hands on the clock to 2:30 to open the gate.
- Walk through the gate.

- Click on the tree trunk for a closer view.
- Place the SPECIAL-SHAPED GEMS into the matching niches.
- Click on the panel to open a mini-game.

- The object of this match 3 mini-game is to clear all the gems away.
- Click on two gems to swap positions.
- There are 4 levels to complete.
- Take the HEART-SHAPED KEY from the tree.
- Return to the Hall of Doors.
Chapter Six: The Rose Garden

- The Illiterati agent has made vines grow on the green door that is second from the left.
- Use the HEDGE TRIMMERS to cut the 4 vines.

- Use the HEART-SHAPED KEY on the keyhole.
- The keyhole scrambles.
- You need to rotate the rings and restore the keyhole.
- Click on a ring to rotate its position.
- Enter the green door.
- Talk to the knaves to find that the white roses need to be red.
- Take the SPEAR that is in the center of the yard.
- Exit the garden and go to the White Rabbit's house.

- Enter the house.
- Look at the close-up of the shield display.
- Place the SPEAR in the bracket.
- Take the RED PAINT from the secret compartment.
- Return to the garden.

- Use the RED PAINT on a rose bush.
- Click on each rose to paint it red.
- Do this for each bush.

- The Queen arrives and invites you to croquet.
- Walk ahead through the gate.

- The Queen demands you find a proper mallet.
- Talk to the Cheshire Cat and you will receive the MALLET.
- Show the MALLET to the Queen to start a mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to complete 5 holes of miniature golf.
- Aim with your mouse then click to show the force meter.
- The force meter determines how strong you hit the ball with purple being the hardest.
- Click again to shoot.
- After completing the holes, the Queen declares Alice a cheater.
- Take the GAVEL-SHAPED KEY from the path.
- Return to the Hall of Doors.
Chapter Seven: The Trial

- Look at the center door.
- Use the GAVEL-SHAPED KEY on the keyhole.
- The keyhole scrambles.
- You need to rotate the rings and restore the keyhole.
- Click on a ring to rotate its position.
- Enter the center door.
- The Queen's treacle tart have been stolen, but the trial cannot start until the White Rabbit blows the horn.
- The Royal seal goes into your inventory automatically.
- Exit to the Hall of Doors and enter the green door.
- Use the seal on the statue of the Queen.

- Click on the panel for a mini-game.
- The object of this match 3 mini-game is to clear all the gems away.
- Click on two gems to swap positions.
- There are 5 levels to complete.
- Take the WHITE RABBIT'S TRUMPET and return to the trial.
- Give the WHITE RABBIT'S TRUMPET to the White Rabbit.
- You must find the missing treacle tarts.
- Return to the Hall of Doors and enter the left door.

- Click on the sparkling bush for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: TREACLE TART.

- Walk right to the tea party.
- Click on the table for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: 2 TREACLE TARTS.

- Walk right to the tree trunk.
- Take the TREACLE TART.
- Walk to the White Rabbit's house.

- Walk up the stairs.
- Click on the sparkling area for a hidden object scene
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: TREACLE TART.
- Return to the Hall of Doors and enter the green door.

- Talk to the Caterpillar for a mini-game.
- The object is to bounce the lobsters into the sea.
- Move the trampoline left and right to help the lobsters.
- After completing this challenge, the Caterpillar will give you a TREACLE TART.
- Exit and return to the Hall of Doors and enter the right door.

- Enter the Duchess' home.
- Click on the sparkling area for a hidden object scene
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: TREACLE TART.

- Enter the kitchen and take the TREACLE TART.

- Return to the Hall of Doors.
- Walk down to the glass table.
- Click the down arrow to see the chest.
- Click on the sparkling area for a hidden object scene
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory item: TREACLE TART.

- Return to the Hall of Door and enter the center door.
- Look at the close-up of the table and replace all the treacle tarts.
- The return of the tarts has made the Queen happy.
Chapter Eight: The Kidnapping
- The Illiterati agent zaps in and kidnaps Alice!

- Return to the Hall of doors and look at the ceiling.
- Click on the lighted area for a mini-game.
- The object is to rotate the rings and light all the nodes.
- Click on the activated portal.

- Click on the sparkling area by the large column for a hidden object scene
- Collect all the items on the hidden object list.
- Take the inventory items: PURPLE ORB and the GREEN ORB.
- Click on the castle.

- Place the PURPLE ORB in the left gargoyle and the GREEN ORB in the left.
- Click on the door for a mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to swap the location of the purple and green balls.
- Balls can move one space or jump another ball.

- Enter the castle.
- Click on each of the energy tubes for a hidden object screen.
- Locate all the hidden objects in all three scenes to free Alice.
- Once she is free, click on Alice to escape!
Created at: 2010-05-05