Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Entry 1: Leonardo Da Vinci
- Entry 2: Ferdinand Magellan
- Entry 3: Raphael Santi
- Entry 4: Francis I
- Entry 5: Leonardo Da Vinci
- Entry 6: Vasco da Gama
- Entry 7: Ferdinand Magellan
- Entry 8: Julius Caesar Scaliger
- Entry 9: Niccolo Machiavelli
- Entry 10: Niccolo Machiavelli
- Entry 11: Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Entry 12: Raphael Santi
- Entry 13: Albrecht Durer
- Entry 14: Niccolo Machiavelli
- Entry 15: Suleiman the Magnificent
- Entry 16: Hayreddin Barborossa
- Entry 17: Albrecht Durer
- Entry 18: Phillip Paracelsus
- Entry 19: Julius Caesar Scaliger
- Entry 20: Francis I
- Entry 21: Nicolaus Copernicus
- Entry 22: Suleiman the Magnificent
- Entry 23: Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Entry 24: Catherine de Medici
- Entry 25: Phillip Paracelsus
- Entry 26: Hayreddin Barbarossa
- Entry 27: Roxalana
- Entry 28: Nicolaus Copernicus
- Entry 29: Ivan the Terrible
- Entry 30: Francis Drake
- Entry 31: Roxelana
- Entry 32: Elizabeth 1
- Entry 33: Catherine de Medici
- Entry 34: Ivan the Terrible
- Entry 35: Miguel de Cervantes
- Entry 36: Elizabeth I
- Entry 37: Francis Drake
- Entry 38: Giordano Bruno
- Entry 39: Miguel de Cervantes
- Entry 40: Giordano Bruno
General Tips

- You can change players by clicking on the player great-secrets-nostradamus at the top of the main menu (1).
- Click the options menu to adjust the different sound volumes, toggle full screen and custom cursor (2).
- The game is broken up into 40 entries with 4 levels each. After you complete a level you can always go back and do it again by selecting the box and then the bookmark (3).
- Select the entry and the bookmark and then hit the Play button to start.
- There is a slider at the bottom of the journal screen that you can use to navigate the different chapters. Each chapter has a journal entry.
- There are two different modes: Casual Mode and Advance Mode.
- Casual Mode has no timer.
- Advanced Mode has a timer as follows: each Hidden Object level has a timer and you must complete the level before the time runs out. If you fail to complete the level you will need to try it again.
- For puzzles the time can run out, you have to replay from the beginning.
- There is a skip button at the bottom of the screen of the puzzles as well that fills up slowly as you play. Once the skip button is full you can skip that puzzle.
- The hidden objects may be randomized and many of the puzzle answers in your play through.
Entry 1: Leonardo Da Vinci

- Find 15 scrolls circled in green in the screenshot.
- Remember that your play through may be randomly different from the Hidden Objects in this walkthrough.

- Rotate each pipe to connect from the bottom to the top of the machine.
- Each time you make a connection another yellow ball will be added to the row that you connected to.
- It is possible to connect to multiple rows on the bottom and the top.
- The connected pieces will then be removed and more pieces will come in from the side.
- Pieces that aren’t connected to the bottom will be darker than the other pieces.
- Once all of the green circles have been replaced with yellow you will have won this mini-game.
- See the screenshot for an example connection.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in the place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- When a piece is in the correct location it will lock in place.
- See the screenshot for the completed image.

- Find 15 hidden objects circled in green. You can only find objects that are currently on the list to the left.
Entry 2: Ferdinand Magellan

- Click the objects from the list and place them on the objects of the same shape that are in the scene.
- First click the object on in the left menu and then click on the place where it should go.
- There are 16 objects circled in green.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.

- Find 15 compasses circled in green.

- Find 9 pairs of identical feathers in the scene.
- In the screenshots, matching feathers are highlighted with the same color.
- Click on one feather and then another to find a match.
Entry 3: Raphael Santi

- Find 15 hidden objects in the list.

- The goal is to move all of the metallic disks from the left column on the right column.
- Click on a spindle to move the top disk and click on another spindle to place it there.
- Disks can only rest on top of disks of a larger side, so you will have to move them back and forth a bit.
- Move the smallest disk to the right (1).
- Move the middle disk to the middle (2).
- Move the smallest disk to the middle (3).
- Move the biggest disk to the right (4).
- Move the smallest disk to the left (5).
- Move the middle disk to the right (6).
- Move the smallest disk to the right (7).
- You should then see the completed puzzle (8).

- Find 15 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.
Entry 4: Francis I

- Find 15 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Find 9 pairs of identical daggers in the scene.
- In the screenshots, matching daggers are highlighted with the same color.
- Click on one dagger and then another to find a match.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.

- Place tiles in the empty boxes by following the associations noted on the left of the squares.
- The top row should be filled with royalty / important people.
- The second row should be filled with animals.
- The bottom row should be filled with flowers.
Entry 5: Leonardo Da Vinci

- Find 15 differences between the two pictures.
- You can find the differences from either side of the picture – where the item is, or where it isn’t.

- Slide the board with the spring to the left and right to move objects to the right side of the screen.
- If an object falls without hitting the springboard or the goal it will be lost.
- You need to get 20 objects to the other side before the timer runs out.
- Try to focus on bouncing one or two objects at a time. If you try more than that, you may lose all of them before getting to the goal.
- The different objects bounce at different speeds and heights as well, depending on their shape.

- Find 15 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.
Entry 6: Vasco da Gama

- Find 15 hidden objects in the list.
- The next scene is a claw game puzzle in an aquarium.
- Click the hook to start it moving across the stop of the screen and click again to release it.
- You are trying to grab 10 objects before time runs out.
- Try not to catch any fish. They will not count towards your total and just waste time when you catch and release them.
- The fish will run away from the cursor, use this to help you clear a path.

- Find 15 differences between the two pictures.

- Connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- You can also click the red valve at the top to let the water out early.
- You can continue to build as the water comes out, but if it hits any part of the maze that is incomplete or not caped is entered you will lose.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.
Entry 7: Ferdinand Magellan

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list circled in green.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- When a piece is in the correct location it will lock in place.
- See the screenshot for the completed image.

- Find 15 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.
Entry 8: Julius Caesar Scaliger

- Find 20 zodiac symbols circled in green in the image.

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list circled in green in the image.

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.

- Restore the three different kinds of stars to complete the zodiac symbol.
- Drag the stars to the correct place in the sky as noted in the instructions in the upper left corner.
- If the placement is correct the star will snap in place.
Entry 9: Niccolo Machiavelli

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Open the safe with using a combination of the three numbers above the safe.
- Right clicking decreases the number and left clicking increases the numbers.
- After you finish putting numbers, click the handle to try to open the safe.
- The answer is randomized, but if you just try every combination you should be able to get it in time.
- See the combos you have already tried on the right.

- Find 20 differences between the two pictures.

- Click and move each ring inside the three images to complete them.
- The rings move completely independently of each other.
- Each circle will start with some rings already in the correct spot.
- Once a ring is correctly placed it cannot be moved.
- See the screenshot for the final image.
Entry 10: Niccolo Machiavelli

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Balance the scale three different times with three different sets of weights.
- Drag a weight and drop it on one side of the scale to place it there.
- After the balancing the scale three times the puzzle is done.
- In the next puzzle, slide the board with the spring to the left and right to move objects to the right side of the screen.
- If an object falls without hitting the springboard or the goal it will be lost.
- You need to get 25 objects to the other side before the timer runs out.

- Find 25 lamps circled in green in the image.
Entry 11: Michelangelo Buonarroti

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list circled in green.

- The goal is to move all of the stone disks from the left column on the right column.
- Use the same solution from the puzzle before, only this puzzle is a little more complicated as it has 4 disks.
- Click on a spindle to move the top disk and click on another spindle to place it there.
- Disks can only rest on top of disks of a larger side, so you will have to move them back and forth a bit.
- Move the smallest disk to the right (1).
- Move the middle disk to the middle (2).
- Move the smallest disk to the middle (3).
- Move the second biggest disk to the right (4).
- Move the smallest disk to the left and the middle disk to the right (5, 6).
- Move the smallest disk to the top of the large pile and move the largest disk to the middle (7, 8).
- Move the smallest disk on top of the largest disk, the second disk to the left position and then the smallest disk on top of that (9, 10, 11).
- Stack the second largest and the smallest on the largest in the middle, move the second smallest disk to the right, then put the smallest disk on the right as well (12-15).
- Move the second largest disk to the left and stack the smaller disks on it. Move the largest disk to the right most spindle (16-19).
- Complete the puzzle by rearranging the smaller disks on top of the large disk as before.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.
Entry 12: Raphael Santi

- Find 15 spoons circled in green in the image.

- Click the objects from the list and place them on the objects of the same shape that are in the scene.
- First click the object on in the left menu and then click on the place where it should go.
- There are 20 objects circled in green.

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.

- Find 20 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 13: Albrecht Durer

- Find 20 circled in green in the image.

- Find 20 more hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- When a piece is in the correct location it will lock in place.
- See the screenshot for the completed image.

- Find 20 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 14: Niccolo Machiavelli

- Find 15 masks circled in green.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- You can also click the red valve at the top to let the water out early.
- You can continue to build as the water comes out, but if it hits any part of the maze that is incomplete or not caped is entered you will lose.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.

- Click the dusty areas multiple times to remove the dust from the room.
- There are four areas circled in green.
- You will need to click all around the areas many times before all the dust has been removed.
- Check the bar in the upper side to see the percentage of your progress.

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list.
Entry 15: Suleiman the Magnificent

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Find 20 crystals.
- In the next puzzle, you have click to stop the hook and click again to release it to grab 11 jewelries.

- Restore the three different kinds of stars to complete the zodiac symbol.
- Drag the stars to the correct place in the sky as noted in the instructions in the upper left corner.
- If the placement is correct the star will snap in place.
Entry 16: Hayreddin Barborossa

- Find 20 bells circled in green in the image.

- Click and move each ring inside the four images to complete them.
- The rings move completely independently of each other.
- Each circle will start with some rings already in the correct spot.
- Once a ring is correctly placed it cannot be moved.
- See the screenshot for the final image.

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list circled in green.

- Find all pairs of identical keys in the scene.
- In the screenshots, matching keys are highlighted with the same color.
- Click on one key and then another to find a match.
Entry 17: Albrecht Durer

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.

- Click the dusty areas multiple times to remove the dust from the room.
- There are three areas circled in green.
- You will need to click all around the areas many times before all the dust has been removed.
- Check the bar in the upper side to see the percentage of your progress.

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list circled in green.

- Click the pearls until they all disappear.
- When you click a pearl the other pearls above and below, left and right will either disappear or reappear, depending on their current visibility.
- Click on the 6 highlighted spaces in any order to finish the puzzle.
Entry 18: Phillip Paracelsus

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Find 20 plants highlighted in green.

- Balance the scale with the set of weights in front of it.
- Drag a weight and drop it on one side of the scale to place it there.
- After the balancing the scale once the puzzle is done.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve to the hole.
- Solution is randomized every time.
Entry 19: Julius Caesar Scaliger

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Find 20 differences between the two pictures.

- Place tiles to the empty boxes by following the associations on the left side of the squares and the top row of squares.
- Put all earth related squares in the top row, in the correct column for their shape.
- Next put the water related squares in the correct columns in the second row.
- Lastly put the fire related squares in the correct columns in the bottom row.
- The hardest ones are the metals. Think color more than use.

- Like the previous pearl puzzle, click the six locations in the screenshot to open up all of the doors.
- Each door opened will flip the position of the doors above, below, left and right of it.
Entry 20: Francis I

- Find 20 differences between the two pictures.

- Find 15 lions circled in green in the screenshot.

- Find 25 hidden objects in the list on the left.

- Click and move each ring inside the images to complete it.
- The rings move completely independently of each other.
- The circle will start with some rings already in the correct spot.
- Once a ring is correctly placed it cannot be moved.
- See the screenshot for the final image.
Entry 21: Nicolaus Copernicus

- Find 25 hidden objects in the list to the left.

- Click and move each ring inside the five images to complete them.
- The rings move completely independently of each other.
- Each circle will start with some rings already in the correct spot.
- Once a ring is correctly placed it cannot be moved.
- See the screenshot for the final image.

- Find 20 numbers circled in green in the image.

- Restore the three different kinds of stars to complete the zodiac symbol.
- Drag the stars to the correct place in the sky as noted in the instructions in the upper left corner.
- If the placement is correct the star will snap in place.
Entry 22: Suleiman the Magnificent

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.

- Find 25 hidden objects from the list on the left.
Entry 23: Michelangelo Buonarroti

- Find 25 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Click the dusty areas multiple times to remove the dust from the room.
- There are four areas circled in green.
- You will need to click all around the areas many times before all the dust has been removed.
- Check the bar in the upper side to see the percentage of your progress.
- The next scene is a claw game puzzle in an aquarium.
- Click the hook to start it moving across the stop of the screen and click again to release it.
- You are trying to grab 11 objects before time runs out.
- Try not to catch any fish. They will not count towards your total and just waste time when you catch and release them.
- The fish will run away from the cursor, use this to help you clear a path.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 24: Catherine de Medici

- Find 25 chess pieces circled in green in the image.

- Find 25 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- You can also click the red valve at the top to let the water out early.
- You can continue to build as the water comes out, but if it hits any part of the maze that is incomplete or not caped is entered you will lose.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 25: Phillip Paracelsus

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.

- Find 25 hidden objects in the list.

- Place tiles into the empty boxes by following the associations on the left and the top of the grid.
- The columns are from the left to the right: men, women, materials and plants.
- The rows are the four elements: air, earth, water and fire.
- Match the tiles by colors and feeling as related to the four elements, and put them in the correct column at the same time.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 26: Hayreddin Barbarossa

- Find 20 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.

- This is a puzzle similar to the pearls and the doors, but with five rows instead of four.
- When you click a latch the other latches above and below, left and right will either open or close, depending on their current state.
- The best advice is to keep working down from the top clicking below any spot that is open above it.
- For the solution click on the highlighted spaces once each in any order.
Entry 27: Roxalana

- Find 25 hidden objects in the list.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- When a piece is in the correct location it will lock in place.
- See the screenshot for the completed image.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.

- Find 25 flowers circled in green.
Entry 28: Nicolaus Copernicus

- Click the dusty areas multiple times to remove the dust from the room.
- There are four areas circled in yellow.
- You will need to click all around the areas many times before all the dust has been removed.
- Check the bar in the upper side to see the percentage of your progress.

- Find 25 differences between the two pictures.

- Find 25 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
- In the next puzzle, open the safe with using a combination of the three numbers above the safe.
- Right clicking decreases the number and left clicking increases the numbers.
- After you finish putting numbers, click the handle to try to open the safe.
- The answer is randomized, but if you just try every combination you should be able to get it in time.
- See the combos you have already tried on the right.
Entry 29: Ivan the Terrible

- Find 25 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
- In the next puzzle, the goal is to move all of the disks from the left column on the right column.
- Use the same solution from the puzzle before.
- Click on a spindle to move the top disk and click on another spindle to place it there.
- Disks can only rest on top of disks of a larger side, so you will have to move them back and forth a bit.
- Complete the puzzle by rearranging the smaller disks on top of the large disk as before.

- Find 10 pairs of identical rings in the scene.
- In the screenshots, matching rings are highlighted with the same color.
- Click on one rings and then another to find a match.

- Find 20 nested dolls circled in green.
Entry 30: Francis Drake

- Find 30 hidden objects in the list.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.

- Find 25 keys circled in green.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.
Entry 31: Roxelana

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Click the dusty areas multiple times to remove the dust from the room.
- There are four areas circled in green.
- You will need to click all around the areas many times before all the dust has been removed.
- Check the bar in the upper side to see the percentage of your progress.

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.
Entry 32: Elizabeth 1

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- You can also click the red valve at the top to let the water out early.
- You can continue to build as the water comes out, but if it hits any part of the maze that is incomplete or not caped is entered you will lose.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- Start from the corners, edges and middle parts with easy to distinguish features in order to solve the puzzle quickly.
- Build on the first tiles that you get right, because it will be obvious when something doesn’t fit with its neighbor.
Entry 33: Catherine de Medici

- Find 30 hidden objects from the list.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- When a piece is in the correct location it will lock in place.
- See the screenshot for the completed image.

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.
Entry 34: Ivan the Terrible

- Find 20 hidden objects from the list.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.

- This is a puzzle has the same solution as the previous latch puzzle.
- When you click a book the other books above and below, left and right will either advance or recede, depending on their current state.
- The best advice is to keep working down from the top clicking below any spot that is open above it.
- For the solution click on the highlighted spaces once each in any order.

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.
Entry 35: Miguel de Cervantes

- Find 20 horses circled in green.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- See the screenshot for the final image.

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.
- In the next puzzle, connect the pipe from the valve in the top left corner to the hole at the bottom.
- Click on pipe and then another to switch their positions.
- You will have 1 minute to complete the puzzle before the water will start flowing by itself.
- You can also click the red valve at the top to let the water out early.
- You can continue to build as the water comes out, but if it hits any part of the maze that is incomplete or not caped is entered you will lose.
- After a failure all the position of the pipes will be changed.
- The solution is randomized every time.
Entry 36: Elizabeth I

- Find 20 horses circled in green.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- See the screenshot for the final image.

- Find 30 daggers circled in green.

- Find pairs of identical fans in the scene.
- In the screenshots, matching fans are highlighted with the same color.
- Click on one fan and then another to find a match.
Entry 37: Francis Drake

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.

- Complete the image to win this mini-game.
- Swap the tiles of the image by clicking on and then another.
- If a piece is in the correct position it will sparkle.
- Pieces in the correct position can still be moved to another location, they are not locked.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.
- In the next puzzle, slide the board with the spring to the left and right to move objects to the right side of the screen.
- If an object falls without hitting the springboard or the goal it will be lost.
- You need to get 30 objects to the other side before the timer runs out.

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
Entry 38: Giordano Bruno

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Restore the three different kinds of stars to complete the zodiac symbol.
- Drag the stars to the correct place in the sky as noted in the instructions in the upper left corner.
- If the placement is correct the star will snap in place.

- This mini-game is a simple game of memory.
- Click on card and then another trying to find matches.
- When you find a match the card will be removed from the scene. Remove all the cards to win.
- See the screenshot for a possible layout of cards.

- Find 30 hidden objects in the list circled in red.
Entry 39: Miguel de Cervantes

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle by clicking on the pieces and dragging them in place.
- To rotate each piece, click them.
- See the screenshot for the complete image.
- In the next puzzle, the goal is moving all metallic disks from the left column on the right.

- Find 30 hidden objects circled in green in the image.
- The objects are listed as images black and white images instead of text.
Entry 40: Giordano Bruno

- Find 20 stars circled in red.

- Place tiles to the empty boxes by following the associations in the columns and rows.
- The columns from left to right are: planets, symbols, colored stars, and animals.
- The rows are as always air, earth, water and fire.
- The signs are the hardest part of this quiz, and you should save them for last.
- See the screenshot for the correct answer.

- Find 30 differences between the two pictures.

- Click each tile to rotate it and complete the picture.
- See the screenshot for the final image.
- Congratulations! You just finished Great Secrets – Nostradamus!
Created at: 2010-10-29