Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Task 1: Make Coffee
- Task 2: Magic Boots
- Task 3: Bake Bread
- Task 4: Through Space
- Task 5: Through Time
- Task 6: Magic of Health
- Task 7: The Black Stone
- Task 8: Altar of Air
- Task 9: Altar of Fire
- Task 10: Altar of Water
- Task 11: Moon Plants
- Task 12: Green Moon
General Tips
Game Controls
- There are 12 tasks you need to complete in order to beat the game.
- When you want to move around the rooms you can click on the navigational arrows on each corner of the scene.
- The Menu Button is on the top left corner. Use it to Resume, Save and Load Games. You can also access the Options, Tutorial and the Main Menu from this button.
- The Book is in the upper right corner of the scene. Use it to look for your tasks in the game. The pages in the book will turn after each task is completed.
- The Moon Navigator Button in the lower left corner can be used to explore the moon.
- The Magic Generator Button is located in the lower right corner. All of the button the Magic Generator will not be unlocked right away. They will unlock as you progress through the game.
- You can hold up to 14 items in your inventory.
- Use the arrows on the right and left side of the inventory tray to scroll through all available items.
- When your inventory gets full you have to drop your items back where you found them to make room for new items.
- To use an item from inventory you can right-click on an item. For example, if you want to light a match, pick it up, right-click it anywhere in the scene and it will light up.
- If you want to drink a potion, pick it up and right-click on it to drink it.
- You can combine 2 items directly from the inventory box. Pick up one item and left-click it onto the other item to combine them. Once combined, the inventory will display the names of the new item.
- You will begin the game with a brief tutorial on how to use your inventory items.
- Pick up the BRONZE RAKE on the left side of the fireplace.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE in the inventory tray at the bottom of the scene.
- Grab the BRONZE RAKE from inventory and place it back on the stand.
- Pick up the TALL WINEGLASS from the table and place it into inventory.
- Pick up the DECANTER from the table and drag it over to the TALL WINEGLASS in inventory to fill the glass.
- Click on the table and put the DECANTER back.
- Grab the TALL WINEGLASS WITH WISH-WASH from inventory and right-click on it. This action makes you drink the wine.
- Left-click the TALL WINEGLASS to put it back on the table.
- Pick up the BOX OF MATCHES above the fireplace.
- Right-click on the BOX OF MATCHES in the middle of the scene to light a match.
- Place the LIT MATCH into the fireplace.
- Put the BOX OF MATCHES back on the mantle.
- This is the end of the tutorial.
Living Room
- Pick up the BOX OF MATCHES again and place it into your inventory for future use.
- Click on the newspaper on the coffee table to move it aside.
- Pick up the OLD KEY below the newspaper.
- Place the OLD KEY on the left door to open it.
- Place the OLD KEY on the right door to unlock it.
- The Old Key goes back on the table. Place it back in inventory.
- Go to the kitchen by clicking on the arrow on the right.
- Pick up the SUGAR from the island and place it in inventory.
- Click on the right arrow to head into the laundry room.
Laundry Room
- Click on the clock on the right side of the door to open it.
- Pick up the KEY at the bottom of the clock.
- Go back to the living room and go through the left door.
- You encounter an old closed door.
- Place the KEY from the clock on the door to open it.
- When you get to the basement it is completely dark.
- Grab your BOX OF MATCHES from inventory and right-click it to light it.
- Place the LIT MATCH on the torch in the upper left to light it.
- Click on the book for a closer look.
- Click on the right page of the book to receive your first task. Exit out of the book.
- The book will now go in the upper right corner of the scene and can be viewed at any time.
- Click on the back door to access the basement.
Task 1: Make Coffee
- Pick up the following items from the room and place them into inventory.
- Pick up the MORTAR FOR GRINDING on the shelf.
- Pick up the MUG on the shelf.
- Place the MUG on the wash-basin in the upper left to fill it with water. You now have a MUG WITH WATER.
- Grab the IRON NAIL in the lower center.
- Place the IRON NAIL on the coffee sack in the lower right.
- Click on the COFFEE BEANS from the sack and place them into inventory.
- Go left to reach the alchemical device.
Alchemical Device
- From the inventory tray combine the COFFEE BEANS and the MORTAR FOR GRINDING to grind the coffee.
- Grab the BOX OF MATCHES and right-click it to light a match.
- Place the LIT MATCH on the burner below the cauldron.
- Place the MUG WITH WATER in the cauldron.
- Place the MORTAR WITH GROUND COFFEE in the cauldron.
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left corner of the scene.
- Place the MUG on the device’s tap on the right to fill it with coffee.
- From the inventory tray combine the SUGAR with the MUG OF COFFEE.
- Pick up the MUG OF SWEET COFFEE and right-click on it to drink it.
Task 2: Magic Boots
- Turn right from the device.
- Pick up the OLD TORN BOOT close to the barrel.
- Place the MORTAR FOR GRINDING back on the shelf.
- Place the MUG on the wash-basin to fill it up.
- Click on the right arrow.
Sewing Room
- Pick up the SPOOL OF THREAD on the table
- Go back to the laundry room by turning left, down 3 times, through the right door and one more right.
Laundry Room
- Place the OLD KEY on the door to open it.
- Go through the door to access the yard.
The Yard
- Pick up the STONE on the right.
- Pick up the RUSTY HORSESHOES in the upper center.
- Grab the SAND with your cursor in the back of the scene.
- Pick up the TORN BOOT on the left.
- Turn down, left, down, and up the steps in the living room to get to the attic.
- Pick up the NOTE in the lower right and place it in inventory.
- Go back to the basement and make 2 lefts to access the shelves.
- Pick up the GLASS RETORT on the shelf.
- Make a right to go back to the device.
Alchemical Device
- Place the MUG WITH WATER in the cauldron first.
- Place the following items into the cauldron:STONE SAND HORSESHOES THREAD
- Click on the DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap on the right to fill it.
- From the inventory tray combine the GLASS RETORT WITH YELLOW LIQUID and the NOTE you found in the attic to form the magic potion.
- From inventory combine the OLD TORN BOOT and the TORN BOOT.
- Pick up the SOLID BOOTS and right-click them to put them on.
Task 3: Bake Bread
- Go right from the device to enter the basement.
- Place the IRON NAIL on the sack of flour on the right to cut it open.
- Click on the FLOUR and add it to your inventory.
- Place the MUG on the wash-basin in the upper left.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Pick up the NOTE above the fridge.
- Open the refrigerator and grab an EGG. Close the refrigerator door.
- From the inventory tray combine the FLOUR and the EGG.
- Combine the FLOUR WITH EGGS with the MUG WITH WATER to obtain DOUGH.
- Pick up the BOX OF MATCHES and right click it to light a match.
- Combine the LIT MATCH with the DOUGH to make LENTEN LOAF.
- Combine the LENTEN LOAF with the NOTE you found on the fridge.
- Pick up the LENTEN LOAF and right-click on it to eat it.
Task 4: Through Space
- Pick up the GLASSES on the left side of the counter.
- Turn right.
Laundry Room
- Pick up the NOTE in the upper left side of the cupboard.
- Go through the door to go to the yard.
The Yard
- Pick up the IRON PLIERS on the left.
- Go back to the attic.
- Place the IRON PLIERS on the uninsulated wire in the upper right to obtain the MAGNETIZED IRON PLIERS.
- Place the IRON NAIL on the pillows.
- Click on the pillows to obtain a BIRD FEATHER.
- Go to the entrance of the basement.
- Click on the spider web in the upper right to obtain a SPIDER WEB THREAD.
- Go into the basement.
- Click on the broom to obtain a MISTLETOE BRANCH.
- Pick up the POWDER BOX in the upper right side of the shelf.
- Place the MUG on the water-basin to fill it with water.
- Click left to go back to the device.
Alchemical Device
- Place the MUG WITH WATER into the cauldron first.
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap on the right of the device to fill it with blue water.
- From inventory combine the GLASS RETORT WITH BLUE WATER with the NOTE from the laundry room to make the MAGIC POTION.
- Right-click on the MAGIC POTION to drink it.
Magic Generator
- The magic of transition is now available on the magic generator in the lower right.
- Click on the blue button in the lower right corner of the scene.
- Select the moon icon.
- You do not have enough air to breathe at this moment.
- Click on the blue button again.
- Click on the "Outside the Moon" option.
- Click on the house icon to return there.
Task 5: Through Time
- From the alchemical device turn right to return to the basement.
- Place the POWDER BOX back on the shelf.
- Pick up the following items and place them in your inventory:
- Pick up the OLD MOUSETRAP ion the 3rd shelf.
- Pick up the VINEGAR on the right side of the shelf.
- Pick up the ANTIQUE CLOCK on the 2nd shelf.
- Click on the broom to obtain the MISTLETOE BRANCH.
- Pick up the EMPTY BOTTLE on the 3rd shelf.
- Go to the living room.
- Pick up the BRONZE RAKE next to the fireplace.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Open the fridge and grab the PIECE OF CHEESE inside.
- Go to the right.
- From inventory combine the PIECE OF CHEESE and the OLD MOUSETRAP.
- Place the READY TO USE MOUSETRAP on the mouse hole on the floor.
- Go to the yard.
- Pick up the COPPER WIRE in the upper left.
- Pick up the NIPPERS on the lower left.
- Combine the STEEL NIPPERS with the copper wire to form a COPPER SHOT.
- Place the STEEL NIPPERS back on the ground.
- Pick up the NOTE in the upper left.
- Go back to the laundry room.
- Click on the READY TO USE MOUSETRAP to obtain the MOUSE WHISKER.
- Go to the Attic.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE on the loose floorboard in the lower left.
- Pick up the GARNET below the floorboard.
- Go back to the device.
Alchemical Device
- Add the VINEGAR to the cauldron first.
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap on the right to collect the liquid.
- Combine the GLASS RETORTWITH PINK LIQUID with the NOTE you found in the yard.
- Right-click on the MAGIC POTION to drink it.
- The magic of time is now available on the Magic Generator.
Task 6: Magic of Health
- Go right from the device.
- Place the VINEGAR back on the shelf.
- Pick up the MOULD in the dish in the lower right.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the liquid where the mould was located to obtain RETORT WITH FOUL WATER.
- Place the MUG on the wash-basin to obtain a MUG WITH WATER.
- Pick up the NOTE in the lower left corner.
- Pick up the BAR OF SOAP in the lower left.
- Go back to the living room.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE on the fireplace and a piece of COAL will fall on the ground.
- Pick up the COAL from the floor.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE back on the stand.
- Go to the yard.
- Pick up the SOIL on the back of the scene.
- Pick up the PLANTAIN LEAF on the far right.
- Pick up the CATERPILLAR on the lower left.
- From inventory combine the PLANTAIN LEAF and the CATRPILLAR to obtain an EATEN PLANTAIN LEAF.
- Place the CATERPILLAR back where you found it.
- From inventory combine the MUG WITH WATER and the SOIL to form MUD.
- Click on the small blue button in the lower right.
- Click on the large blue button on the lower right.
- Click on the museum.
- Talk to the director and he asks you to bring back a nautilus shell.
- Click on the small purple button in the lower right.
- Click on the large purple button in the lower right.
- Select the fisherman’s hut.
Fisherman’s Hut
- Talk to the lady and she tells you that she lost the key in the water. She gives you the fishing rod at the end of the conversation.
- Pick up the FISHING ROD on the left side of the house.
- Click on the down button.
Fishing Mini-game
- Your goal is to catch the fish that contains the key.
- Click on the water to drop the line.
- Click on the line once you see it moving in the water to pick up the fish.
- You may have to catch several fish until you find the right one.
- Look at the image circled in yellow to see the type of fish you need.
- Once you find the right fish, click on the DONE button to end the game.
- If you have the right fish, the FISHERMAN’S HUT KEY will go into your inventory.
- Go back to the hut.
- Place the FISHERMAN’S HUT KEY in the hut’s door.
- Enter the hut.
- Pick up the BUNCH OF DRY CAMOMILES in the upper center.
- Grab the BUNCH OF DRY CORNFLOWERS in the upper center.
- Pick up the SHELL OF SOME SHELLFISH in the upper left.
- You have to travel back to your time.
- Click on the large purple button in the lower right.
- Choose your house.
- Click on the small blue button in the lower right.
- Click on the large blue button in the lower right.
- Choose the museum.
- Give the SHELL OF SOME SHELLFISH to the director.
- Take the BLACK TEAR PEARL from the director’s hands.
- Go back to the house by clicking on the large blue button.
- Go to the device.
Alchemical Device
- Place the RETORT WITH FOUL WATER in the cauldron first.
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap to fill it up.
- Combine the GLASS RETORT WITH GREEN LIQUID with the NOTE you found in the basement to form the MAGIC POTION.
- Pick up the MAGIC POTION and right-click it to drink it.
- The Healing Magic is now available in the Magic Generator.
Task 7: The Black Stone
- Click on the small blue button on the magic Generator in the lower right.
- Click on the large blue button in the lower right corner of the scene.
- Select the moon icon.
- You do not have enough air to breathe at this moment.
- Click on the small green button on the lower right immediately or you will run out of air.
- Click on the large green button to obtain air.
- Click on the screen to continue.
- Click on the small blue button on the right.
- Click on the large blue button on the right to bring up the question: "Where do you want to travel?
- Choose the "On the Moon" option to bring up the navigational arrows and the map.
- Click on the small blue button in the lower right side of the blue button (Moon Navigator) on the LEFT to scroll through the map.
- Select the "Celestial Mountains" grid in the lower right.
- Double-click that area to select it.
- You are now in the area of the black stone.
- Right-click on the note in the lower right to read it.
- Drop the note back down before you leave.
- Click on the large blue button in the lower right again.
- Click on the "Outside the Moon" option.
- Click on the house icon to return there.
Task 8: Altar of Air
- Click on the bedside cabinet on the left side of the bed to open it.
- Pick up the PEN inside the drawer.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Open the third drawer on the left.
- Pick up the COOK BOOK in the drawer.
- Open the refrigerator.
- Pick up the PIZZA SLICE inside the fridge.
- Pick up the MIRROR in the upper left.
- Pick up the HAMMER on the bottom shelf.
- Place the HAMMER over the MIRROR to obtain MIRROR FRAGMENTS.
- Return the HAMMER back to the shelf.
- Go left twice.
- Pick up the first ANCIENT SCROLL in the upper left. You can right-click on a scroll to verify its contents.
- Pick up the third ANCIENT SCROLL from the left in the upper left side of the shelf.
- Click on the small purple button on the right.
- Click on the large purple button in the lower right.
- Select Greece.
- Once you arrive in Greece you are greeted by 2 ladies. Turn left, go through the arch and left twice.
- You will encounter the Commander of Hoplites.
- Click on the Commander to talk to him. Go through the dialogue.
- Give the Commander the scroll shown (Catapult) in the screenshot above.
- Click on the screen to trigger a mini-game.
Ship Mini-game
- Your goal is to sink 30 ships before time runs out.
- I would recommend saving the game at this point so if you lose the mini-game you can come right back to this point.
- You will lose the game if any of the ships get too close to you.
- Use the keyboard arrows to aim.
- Click on the spacebar button on your keyboard to fire.
- You can also use the controls at the bottom of the screen to aim and fire.
- Please watch the video for a step-by-step solution for this puzzle.
- Go to the right after you complete the mini-game.
- Click on the small green button in the lower right.
- Click on the large green button to obtain air.
- Pick up the 1st PART OF AN INSCRIPTION in the center of the wall.
- Pick up the CATAPULT WHEEL in the lower center.
- Let’s go to the Volcano.
- Click on the small purple button in the lower right.
- Choose the volcano location.
- Go right 2 times.
- Pick up a PIECE OF COOLED LAVA on the right side of the volcano.
- Click on the pink button.
Fisherman’s Hut
- Go back to the Fisherman’s Hut.
- Pick up the KNIFE on the table.
- Click on the pink button on the lower right again.
- Choose the Egypt location.
- Go right 2 times once you arrive in Egypt.
- Talk to the architect.
- Give the CRANE SCROLL pictured above to the architect.
- The architect gives you a MAGIC SCROLL in return.
- Place the MAGIC SCROLL on the entrance to the pyramid
- Go through the door.
- Place the MIRROR FRAGMENTS on the door.
- Click on the screen to start the puzzle.
Mirrors Puzzle
- Your goal is to place the mirror pieces in the right spots so the path of the beam’s reflection reaches the sarcophagus from the starting point.
- Grab the mirror pieces from inventory and place them on the board.
- Click on a mirror piece to remove it.
- You can click on the CLEAR button in the lower right to clear the field.
- Click on the DONE button in the lower left when you think you have the right pieces on the board.
- You will receive the 2nd PART OF AN INSCRIPTION at the end of this puzzle.
- The game will autosave itself at this point.
The Forest
- Click on the pink button on the lower right.
- Travel back to the house.
- Click on the blue button in the lower right to travel back through space.
- Choose the Forest which is the last icon on the right.
- Click on the UP arrow.
- Click on the hole in the tree to receive the 3rd PART OF AN INSCRIPTION.
Prehistoric Era
- Click on the pink button.
- Click on the Prehistoric Era on the map.
- Pick up the BRUSHWOOD in the lower right.
- Click on the UP arrow 2 times.
- Click on the Troglodyte in the upper left to talk to him. He lets you know the location of the Shaman’s Cave.
- Go right 2 Times and enter the cave.
- Place the BRUSHWOOD on the hearth made of stone in the lower center.
- Pick up the BOX OF MATCHES and right-click it to light a match.
- Place the LIT MATCH on the BRUSHWOOD on the hearth.
- Talk to the Shaman and he will give you the 4th PART OF THE INSCRIPTION.
- Click on the pink button to travel back to the house.
- From inventory combine the 4 PARTS OF THE INSCRIPTIONS to form a PLAQUE.
- Pick up the RUSTY SWORD in the upper left.
- Right-click on the RUSTY SWORD to wear it.
- Pick up the OLD JACKET in the upper center.
- Right-click on the OLD JACKET to wear it.
- Pick up the FEATHERED HAT on the shelf.
- Right-click on the FEATHERED HAT to wear it.
The Governor
- Use the pink button in the lower right to travel to the Governor.
- Before you proceed make sure that you put on the JACKET, HAT, AND SWORD located in the basement. If you don’t have those items yet, go back and get them.
- Go left and then up.
- Go forward to encounter the guards at the door.
- Talk to the guard on the door and tell him that you need to speak to the Governor.
- Go through the door.
- Talk to the Governor.
- Give him the PEN from the attic in order to receive the SAPPHIRE.
- Click on the pink button to travel to the kingdom.
- Go to the right once you arrive at the kingdom.
- Talk to the man.
- Give him the PIZZA SLICE in order to receive the COOK’S CERTIFICATE.
- Go right and then up.
- Give the guard at the door the COOK’S CERTIFICATE so he can take you to the King.
Cooking Mini-game
- Your goal is to prepare 3 dishes for the king.
- Click on the COOK’S NOTEBOOK in the top right to view the dishes. Right-click the book to close it.
- Leftover food needs to be thrown into the trashcan.
- The BIG BOWL is used to mix ingredients.
- The SPOON is used to add the ingredients.
- Some ingredients have to be mixed in the correct order or the recipe cannot be completed correctly.
- The SMALL BOWL on the left is used to make the sauces.
- Use the WHISK to stir the ingredients.
- Pay attention to the indicator on the left, it helps you gauge your progress.
- You need to prepare dishes 5, 10 and 13 only.
Dish 5
- Open the book in the upper right and follow the recipe for Dish 5.
- To add the green pea, just pick it up with your cursor and dump it into the bowl.
- Dice the following items on the hardboard. Place the ingredients into the blending bowl and throw out whatever is left on the hardboard.1 CUCUMBER 1 CHICKEN BREAST 2 BOILED EGGS 1 CARROT 1 APPLE GREEN PEA 3 SPOONS OF SAUCE
- Leave the ingredients in the bowl for now. Let’s make the sauce.
- To obtain a spoon of mustard, use the spoon in the upper right.
- For a portion of oil or vinegar just shake the bottle over the sauce bowl.
- For the raw egg, just place the whole egg in the sauce bowl and throw out the shell.
- Place the following ingredients into the sauce bowl to make the sauce. The sauce only has to be made one time.A RAW EGG 1 SPOON OF MUSTARD 1 PORTION OF OIL 1PORTION OF VINEGAR
- Place the WHISK in the sauce bowl.
- Place 3 SPOONS OF SAUCE into the blending bowl. Use the spoon in the upper right to dip into the sauce.
- Click on the DONE button once all the ingredients are in place.
Dish 10
- This recipe has to be done in the order shown. Start with the first layer and then move on to the second layer.
- Dice the following items on the hardboard. Place the ingredients into the blending bowl and throw out whatever is left on the hardboard.
- After the 2 layers have been placed in the bowl in the order shown above, cut some PARSLEY on the hardboard and add it to the bowl. DO NOT mix the ingredients.
- Click on the DONE button in the lower left.
Dish 13
- Chop 3 of the CRAYFISHES and add them to the bowl.
- Pick up the RICE with your cursor and add it to the bowl.
- Chop I BOILED EGG and add it to the bowl.
- Cut up some CORN and add it to the bowl.
- Add 3 CLOVES OF GARLIC to the bowl. Make sure that you chop the cloves of garlic before you try to add them to the mix.
- Add 2 SPOONS of sauce.
- Use the SPOON (without sauce) to mix all the ingredients.
- Place the WHISK on the ingredients.
- You will receive a DIAMOND at the end of this quest.
The Temple
- Use the purple button to travel to the Temple.
- Go right and then up.
- Click in the middle of the calendar to obtain the TOPAZ.
The Forest
- Click on the purple button to travel back home.
- Click on the blue button to travel to space.
- Select the Forest shown in the screenshot.
- Go up 2 Times.
- Place the TOPAZ on the ancient statue to make a PIECE OF CHALK.
- Grab the PIECE OF CHALK from the statue.
- Enter the dark cave.
- Use the CHALK to draw an "X" on the upper center of the wall.
- Go right.
- Drop the chalk into inventory.
- Pick up the AMETHYST in the lower right.
- Go up, right, up, left, and up.
- Pick up the MOON STONE in the center.
- Click on the blue button in the lower right.
- Go back to the moon.
- Click on the green button in the lower right so you can breathe.
- Click on the blue button in the lower right,
- Choose "On the Moon".
- Use the right arrow on the Moon Navigator to go right one time.
- Select the spot (below the Grey Ravine) shown on the map.
- Pick up the BALLONS WITH OXYGEN in the lower left.
- Go back to the Celestial Mountains spot on the map.
- Place the following items on the Altar of Air in the order shown:DIAMOND SAPPHIRE MOON STONE PLAQUE BALLOONS WITH OXYGEN
- This action creates air in the moon.
Task 9: Altar of Fire
- Click on the blue button in the lower right.
- Select "On the Moon".
- Double- click the spot shown on the screenshot. It is on the Foggy Valley area.
- Pick up the MOON WALKER WHEEL in the lower center.
Altar of Fire
- Click on the blue button in the lower right.
- Select "On the Moon".
- Click on the left arrow of the Moon Navigator in the lower left.
- Go to the spot marked "Quick Ground" shown on the screenshot. Double-click on that area of the map to reach it.
- A sink hole appears and you fall in it. The Altar of Fire appears.
Wild West
- Click on the purple button.
- Go to the Wild West.
- Pick up the WHEEL in the center of the scene.
- Go right.
- Enter the saloon.
- Talk to the cowboy on the right to trigger a mini-game.
A Marksman Mini-Game
- Your goal is to shoot 3 out of 6 glasses while drunk.
- If you can’t break 3 glasses you lose.
- Glasses that have been hit will be marked in green on the right. Missed glasses will be in red.
- Position your gun in the spot that has the most glasses and do not move it until it is time to shoot.
- The amount of cartridges left is shown in the lower left.
- If you lose you have to give him a gold coin to play again. You can get the coins at the Mayan Temple.
- You could also exit out of the game and go back to your last autosave to play again.
- You will receive a BULLET after you win the game.
Mayan Temple
- Click on the purple button.
- Select the Mayan Temple.
- Go right and then up.
- Pick up 1 GOLD COIN on either the lower right or left side of the screen.
- Go back to the house so you can drop off and pick some inventory.
Living Room
- Place the BOX OF MATCHES back on the mantle.
- Drop the CHALK on the floor.
- Drop the COOK BOOK on the floor.
- Pick up the BRONZE RAKE by the fireplace.
- Pick up the DECANTER WITH WISH-WASH on the table.
- Go to the yard.
- Pick up the STEEL NIPPERS in the lower left.
- Combine the STEEL NIPPERS with the BULLET to obtain GUNPOWDER.
- Drop the STEEL NIPPERS back on the grass.
- Pick up the CAR WHEEL in the lower right.
- Go to the attic.
- Open the bottom bedside drawer.
- Pick up the THERMOMETER inside the drawer.
- Go to the basement.
- Pick up the HOT PEPPER in the upper center.
- Pick up the MORTAR FOR GRINDING on the shelf.
- Combine the PEPPER and the MORTAR FOR GRINDING to obtain HOT PEPPER.
- Go left.
Alchemical Device
- Place the DECANTER WITH WISH-WASH in the cauldron first.
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap to obtain the red liquid.
- Go left.
- Pick up another GLASS RETORT.
- Go right twice.
- Drop off the MORTAR in the basement.
- Go to the living room and drop off the DECANTER on the table.
Prehistoric Era
- Travel to the Prehistoric Era.
- Go up 2 times.
- Place the CAR WHEEL on the Mastodon.
- Place the wagon WHEEL on the Mastodon.
- Place the MOON WALKER WHEEL on the Mastodon.
- Place the CATAPULT WHEEL on the Mastodon.
- You will receive a WOLF FANG.
The Witch
- Use the purple button to travel to the witch.
- Go up and then right.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE on the stone and a hole will open up in the ground. Go through the hole.
- Talk to the witch. She wants a dragon scale.
- Go to the dinosaur area.
Dinosaurs & Witch
- Once you reach the dinosaurs area go to the right 3 Times.
- Click on the dinosaur, it can see you; get out of there before it attacks you.
- Go back to the Witch.
- Go up and right. Go down the hole.
- Talk to the Witch.
- Give her the WOLF FANG and she will ask you for a clean glass retort.
- Give the Witch the GLASS RETORT and she will give you the MAGIC POTION.
- Right-click on the MAGIC POTION to drink it. The Invisibility Magic (yellow button) will be added to your Magic Generator.
- Go back to the dinosaurs.
- Go right 3 times.
- Click on the small yellow button in the lower right.
- Press the large yellow button to become invisible.
- Place the KNIFE on the dragon to take the SCALES.
- Go back to the Witch.
- Give the Witch the SCALES and she will give you the FIRE STONE.
- From inventory combine the RETORT WITH RED LIQUID with the FIRE STONE to make the MAGIC POTION.
- Right- click the MAGIC POTION to drink it.
- The Magic Fire is now available on the Magic Generator in the lower right.
- Go back to the house.
- Place the BRONZE RAKE back in the stand.
- Drop one of the GLASS RETORTS on the floor.
- Go to the moon.
- Click on the blue button.
- Choose "On the Moon".
- Go back to the Quick Ground location. Wait for a few seconds for the sink hole to appear before you are taken to the Fire Altar.
Fire Altar
- Select the Fire Magic from the Magic Generator.
- Click on the small red button in the lower right.
- Click on the large red button.
- Throw the flame on the Altar of Fire to warm the moon.
Task 10: Altar of Water
Mayan Temple
- Click on the purple button to travel to the Mayan Temple.
- Pick up the PARCHMENT on the right side of the ground.
- Go to Atlantes.
- Go up and then left.
- Pick up the EMERALD in the center of the scene.
- Go right twice.
- Click in the center of the screen to approach the puzzle.
One Atlantes’ Spell Puzzle
- Click on the parchment icon in the upper right side of the screen to see the symbols you need for the puzzle.
- Rotate the pieces by clicking on them. You have to click twice, once to select the tile and a second time to rotate it.
- It is best to place all the pieces facing the right way first so you can get a better idea of where they need to go.
- Once all the pieces are facing the right way, start sliding them around the board.
- The instructions say to click on the DONE button once you think you have the right combination. In my case the puzzle automatically disappeared after the puzzle was completed.
- The solution to this puzzle is random so we cannot give a step-by-step solution for it.
- When you exit the game without solving, your puzzle pieces will remain in the same spot.
- You will receive an ANCIENT SPELL after the puzzle has been solved.
Altar of Water
- Go back to the house.
- Go to the moon.
- Click on the blue button in the lower right.
- Select "On the Moon".
- Choose the location marked in the screenshot called "Tow headed Mountain".
- Place the ANCIENT SPELL on the altar of water.
- The moon is now soaked with water.
Task 11: Moon Plants
The Yard
- Go back to the yard in the house.
- Pick up the SKETCH in the far right.
- Go to the basement and turn right.
- Pick up the ELECTRONIC CARD on top of the table.
- Click on the purple button to travel to the future.
The Future
- Go through the door once you enter the future.
- Give the ELECTRONIC CARD to the robot to gain access inside.
- Click on the yellow invisibility button in the lower right.
- Go through the laser beams in the garden.
Seven Plants Mini-game
- Your goal in this game is to find the right plants.
- The answer is found in the sketch you found in the yard back at the house.
- Click on the sketch in the top right corner of the scene.
- Each time you pick a correct plant, the image on the paper will light up.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
- Place all the PLANTS into inventory and click on the green DONE button in the lower right.
- You will receive the SEEDS CONTAINER at the end of this puzzle.
- Go back to the house.
- Then go to the moon.
- Place the SEEDS CONTAINER on the scene.
- The seeds have been sown.
Task 12: Green Moon
- Your goal at this point is to go back and pick up all the necessary items needed to complete this chapter.
- The only item we don’t show on the list is the EMERALD that we picked up while we were in Atlantes. If you don’t have it make sure to go back and get it.
- Go to the forest.
- Pick up the CHICORY in the lower right.
- Go up 2 times and make a right.
- Pick up the DAFFODIL in the lower left.
- Go to Japan.
- Go up one time.
- Pick up the LILY in the lower left.
- Pick up LAZURITE in the lower right.
- Go to the Snowy Forest.
Snowy Forest
- Click on the SNOW to pick it up.
- Go to the Ocean.
- Go up and make a left.
- Pick up the NOTE in the upper left.
- Go back to the house.
- Pick up the BRONZE RAKE and place it in the fireplace.
- Pick up the COAL that falls on the floor.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Open the refrigerator and pick up the KETCHUP inside the door.
- Go to the basement.
- Place the MUG on the water basin to fill it up.
- Make a left to go back to the device.
Alchemical Device
- Place the MUG WITH WATER into the cauldron first.
- Place the following ingredients into the cauldron:EMERALD CHICORY DAFFODIL LAZURITE AMETHYST SNOW KETCHUP COAL LILY
- Click on the green DONE button in the lower left.
- Place the GLASS RETORT on the tap to obtain the RAINBOW LIQUID.
- Combine the RETORT WITH RAINBOW LIQUID with the NOTE to make the MAGIC POTION.
- Right-click on the MAGIC POTION to drink it.
- The Rainbow Magic is now activated on the Magic Generator.
- Go to the moon.
- Click on the small Rainbow Button in the lower right.
- Click on the large Rainbow Button in the lower right.
- We hope you enjoyed playing Green Moon!
Created at: 2010-01-23