Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips & Information
- The Welcome Wagon
- Daphne
- Vivian
- Reggie
- Libby
- Nora
- Olivia
- Brock
- Greta
- Vijay
- Chloe
- Ziggy
- Winnie
- Chet
- Amir
- Dora
- Kathryn
- Ryan
- Samantha
- Michael
General Tips & Tricks

- From the main screen you may manage player profiles.
- The settings menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume.
- You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode.
- You may disable the custom cursor and special effects.
- You will have the option of a mini-tutorial once you start the game.
- If you leave the game and come back, you are given an option to continue your game, or start fresh.
- Starting fresh will erase all data of the previous game.

- When designing your character, you may select either male or female.
- Use the arrow buttons to scroll through different body types and hairstyles.
- Click on the shuffle button to have the head, torso, and legs randomized.
- Choose the name of your character or let the game suggest a name.
- After you are satisfied with your results, click on the next button in the lower right corner.

- This screen will help you choose the hair, eye, skin and lip color.
- There are eight preset combinations.
- Click on a set of colors to see the results on your character.
- If you would like to use different colors, press the customize colors button.

- Select one of the squares in the current color section to customize your character's colors.
- Next, use the 3 sliders on the left to determine color family, depth, and lightness.
- Do this for each color you wish to change.
- Click on the done button to finish.

- Most things are accessed via the map.
- The green dollar sign shows the location of your current job.
- The circle with your character's face indicates your current location.
- The house symbol shows your current place of residence.
- Locations with locks will become accessible as the game progresses.
- The orange bar to the right of your character shows your current happiness level.
- The bar to the left indicates how much time is left in the day.
- Above the time meter is a knife and fork symbol that will blink red when you are starving (you will also hear a dinner bell).
- The knife and fork symbol or “Hungry-o-Meter” resets to a “solid red” state when you wake up, indicating that you have not eaten today.
- At the foot of your character is the amount of cash you have available.

- Hover your mouse over any location or icon to get more information such as time remaining, travel time, and salary.
- You can also click on the “Time Meter”, “Happiness Meter”, and “Hunger-o-Meter” to obtain more information.
- Clicking on the “Hunger-o-Meter” also allows you to quickly select eating locations that are currently available for easy travel.
- Select the house symbol in the right menu to see your current rent or home owner status.
- The “Family Portrait” icon is where you interact with your significant other or spouse.
- Scroll through the list to go on dates, get married and have children.
- The lower two icons show your significant other or spouse and the heart icon indicates how much they care about you.
- The yearbook will show all the classmates that are going to challenge you.
- The current goals will show where you stand against your challenger and the tasks you need to complete.
- The icon with the bar has your vital statistics.

- The vital statistics screen has all the information on your character.
- Use the scroll arrows on the lower left to view, current and past employment, education, pets, vehicles, children etc.
- You can also view information on Gedward's Gnome Quest and how many gnomes you have collected as well as your Life Point breakdown.
- Click on the shirt, pants and shoe icons by your character to change clothes.
- The upper right shows your current romantic and family status.
- The lower right shows the current intelligence, charm and practicality levels of your character.
- These levels are important in the prerequisites of classes and jobs.

- During the game you will learn about a side quest.
- Gnedward the gnome from the Kitchen Sink shop needs help finding gnomes.
- When you enter a location, sometimes you will see “Gnome Sighting” flash on the screen.
- Look in the scene and click on the gnome to earn $5.
- The objective of this game is to face the challenges presented by your classmates while paying rent, earning a living, bettering your education, and starting a family.
- There are numerous ways to successfully play this game, only a few possibilities on how to solve challenges are noted here.
The Welcome Wagon

- Should you start with the tutorial, your sister will get you started with $20 to go clothes shopping.
- Skipping the tutorial omits this section and goes straight to the classmate challenges.
- Click on the Fashion Passion clothing store that is circled on the map.
- You can purchase a new outfit and customize the colors as long as you have enough money.
- Hover over each piece of clothing to see the benefits like happiness.
- Once you are sure of your outfit, click to purchase the new items.
- Note- the tutorial continues through this challenge.
- Click on the phone icon at the bottom of the map screen.
- Its Daphne with the first of your challenges.

- Go to City hall to view the job postings.
- Jobs you are qualified for are in blue.
- Hover your mouse over each job to get more information.
- Note the “Junior Janitor” pays the most, but is both depressing and time consuming.
- The “Car Washer” pays the middle, but is the furthest from the eating establishments, so more time is required to travel to the restaurant.
- The “Cook” pays the least, but not additional travel is required to eat food.
- Tip- The highest paying job is not always the best.
- Make note of the higher paying jobs and their prerequisites.
- Click on a job to apply, then accept the position.
- Once at the map, click on the dollar sign to go to your work location.
- Depending on the job you accepted, you may have the option to be a customer as well.

- Click on the 'Go To Work' button.
- Click on the 'Work” button to earn your first paycheck.
- Click on the 'Work” button again.
- The dinner bell rings to indicate you are hungry.
- Select the Buccaneer Burger from the map.

- Hover your mouse over each food item to see how much happiness it will bring.
- Select an item to eat.
- You will need to eat daily to prevent the loss of time units for the next day.
- Tip- the happier you are, the more time you will have available tomorrow.
- After eating, your sister tells you to explore the city.
- Click on any location.

- You have run out of time units and immediately go to bed.
- If you did not get your happiness meter to the top, the difference is deducted from the next day's time units.
- You will get a bonus for going to bed early in the form of time units.
- Having pets will give you bonus happiness to give a daily boost to your happiness meter.
- If you forget to eat, you will lose 10% of your current “Time Unit Capacity”.
- Note- the rival icon racing around the city while you sleep has no bearing on how much progress the rival makes at night, so no need to rush through a screen.

- Every morning, the challenge status will show you where you stand against your rival.
- You can access this at anytime by clicking on the goals button.
- You need to save $20 and visit the pet store to get a fish.
- Go to your job and work until you hear the dinner bell.
- You should now have enough for the fish and dinner.
- Go to Buccaneer Burger and eat then return home to sleep.
- When the house icon appears at the bottom of the screen, rent is due.
- Your sister will pay for it this time, but you will need to put aside money to pay rent every eight days or your wages will be garnished.
- Your rent is currently $50.

- Visit PETropolis to purchase your fish.
- Click on the 'fish' button and select a fish within your budget.
- You may change the color and select a name for your fish.
- When you like the changes, purchase the fish to end the challenge.
- The fish will now give you a sleep bonus.

- Congratulations! You have won the challenge.
- Select the lower right button for the next challenge.
- Answer the ringing phone for your next challenge.
- Note- if you have disabled the tutorial, the challenge box will pop-up without the phone ringing.
- For this contest, you must complete a course at the College of Knowledge and obtain a new job with the higher wage of $10.
- You can visit the City Hall to see that next tier of higher paying jobs require 50 points in either charm, intelligence or practicality.

- Visit the College of Knowledge to see the cost and number of classes for each course.
- Hover over each class to see the benefit and prerequisites.
- Some courses require addition items to attend.
- Go to work and earn money for the course and food.
- Tip- the more you work, the less happy you will be. And the less happy you are when you go to bed at night, the less time you’ll have for the next day
- Enroll in one of the courses and take all the classes.
- Remember to eat and sleep each day.
- Tip- If you remember to eat everyday, then you will wake up with full time units IF you end the day with at least 75% happiness.
- Once you have completed the course, go to the City Hall and get a job that pays a wage of $10.
- Tip-look at the new job that requires you to be an expert at your current job and take the course that will allow you to get the $13 wage.
- Reggie's challenge is to buy a vehicle and a sofa, then go home and relax.
- Vehicles can decrease the amount of time units used when traveling.
- Relaxing at home on your sofa will increase the happiness meter.
- You can visit the Wheel Deal to see that the least expensive item is the skateboard at $50.
- Go to work to earn the money needed for your purchases.
- When the house icon appears at the bottom of the screen, rent is due.
- Your sister will pay for it this time, but you will need to put aside money to pay rent every eight days or your wages will be garnished.
- Your rent is currently $50.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.

- Go to the Wheel Deal and select a vehicle to purchase.
- Click on the next button to customize and purchase the vehicle.
- You will now travel faster and use less time units.

- Visit More Décor to get your sofa.
- Click on the 'Sofas” button to the the available pieces.
- Click on a sofa to see how it will look in your apartment.
- Press the next button to customize and purchase your sofa on the next screen.
- Eat and return home- make sure you have some time units available.

- Clicking on the relax button can earn anywhere from 100 to 350 happiness points.
- Tip-Each item you purchase has a “Relaxation Bonus” assigned to it so purchase items for your living room when you are able.
- Hover over items to see the bonus they provide.
- You will also earn a time bonus if you go to sleep before you run out of time units.
- Tip- if you are far ahead of your rival, work some extra shifts or take some extra classes before you finish the challenge.
- To best Libby, you will need to purchase a yoga mat, take a yoga class and watch a movie.
- You can stop by each location to find that the movies are $10, the mat is also $10 and the class is $150.
- From the map, click on The Kitchen Sink.

- Once you arrive at the Kitchen Sink, the proprietor, Gnedward tells you about the gnomes playing hide and seek in the city.
- Watch for “Gnome Sighting” to flash on the screen when you enter a location.
- Search out the gnome and click on him for an instant reward of $5.

- Inside the Kitchen Sink, you need to purchase a yoga mat.
- Hover your mouse over an item to see the benefits of purchasing the item.
- Click on the yoga mat to put it in your shopping cart, then click on checkout to purchase.
- Tip- when you see a sale, try to purchase several items at a time, based on the prerequisites of classes needed for future jobs to prevent repeated trips to the shop.

- Head to the 4Reelz Movie Cinema.
- Select any movie to watch.
- Tip- use the Review Movie button at the bottom to earn $7 and get the jump on a later challenge.
- Reviewing movies does use more time units, so watch your levels.

- From the map, go to Flex Gym.
- Click on the Yoga course to enroll.
- Click on the button to take each class until you have completed the course.
- Remember to watch your time units.
- Tip- Take all the gym courses as soon as you are able as they will increase your maximum number of time units.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.
- Nora's challenge is to get a job with a $20 wage and then celebrate at the Stuffy Truffle.
- Head over to city hall and look at the job prerequisites.
- Most will require courses from the college.
- Take college courses that will increase the attributes needed for the job you desire.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.
- Once you have met the prerequisites, return to city hall and take the new job.

- Time to celebrate!
- From the map select the Stuffy Truffle.
- Hover your mouse over each item to see the amount of happiness it provides.
- The upper crust at $42 provides 270 happiness points.
- Olivia wants to move to a better place and have a cat or a dog as a pet.

- Visit the Tower Terrace To learn you may rent for $200 or purchase the condo for $1200.

- Now that you have moved to the condo you can move your belongings into the room.
- Tip- placing the items in your living room will insure your receive the relaxation bonus.
- Click on an item in the owned column to use it in the room.

- Go to PETropolis and select either a dog or a cat.
- Dogs are more expensive but give a larger sleep bonus, they start at $1000.
- Cats are priced starting at $250.
- Select the color combinations you like, then name and purchase your pet.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.
- Tip- try to purchase the condo to avoid paying future rent if possible.
- Brock's challenge is to race around town and be the first to spend $40 at 8 different locations.
- It does not matter which locations you visit, but some purchases will help you in future challenges.
- Since you have to eat, visit the Stuffy Truffle and have the Upper crust for $42.
- A visit to the Kitchen Sink would net some items you will need for future classes.
- Make sure to visit the Flex gym and increase your maximum time units.
- Additional courses at the college will help in getting better jobs in the future.
- You can visit More Décor and pick out a plant and a painting to increase your relaxation bonus at home.

- Visit the electronics store, Sparks to purchase some items to relax at home with.
- You can also purchase kitchen appliances.
- Click on an item to see how it would look at home.
- You can customize most items to fit with your color scheme.

- Visit Spa La Land to get a makeover.
- Hover your mouse over each item to see the benefits.
- A good place to increase your happiness and charm.

- Check marks will appear on the map at the locations you have spent $40.
- Other places you may shop at are PETropolis, 4Reelz, Fashion Passion, and the Wheel Deal.
- You can also visit Buccaneer Burger as the amounts are cumulative.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.
- Greta's challenge involves eating at home.
- Purchase a refrigerator, a microwave or oven and groceries.
- Visit Sparks to purchase your appliances.

- Visit GrocerEase to purchase groceries.
- There are three types of meals you can buy.
- The processed food requires you to buy the microwave and refrigerator.
- The regular food requires the oven and the fridge, while the organic food only need the fridge.
- The costs differ as well as the benefits.
- You can purchase from 1 day to 2 weeks of food.
- You can even purchase a lottery ticket!
- Tip- purchasing 2 weeks of food will save a lot of time units.

- Once at home, click on the eat button.
- You will see the number of meals available.
- Make sure you have the correct appliances for each type of meal.
- Remember to work, eat and sleep each day.
- The challenge from Vijay is to purchase the largest TV from Sparks along with a cable box and any speakers.
- The largest TV is $1200, with the cable box costing $80.
- The speakers range from $100-2000.
- If you purchased any of these items during the shopping spree challenge, you are way ahead of Vijay and should get a class or two completed.
- Once you have accumulated at least $1380 visit Sparks and purchase these items (watch for sales).
- To best Chloe, you need to increase your charm to 400 points and spend $300 at Fashion Passion.
- You can increase your charm by taking courses at the college and university, visiting Spa-La Land, or purchasing new clothing.
- Visit Fashion Passion and purchase some new clothes that cost at least $200.

- Visit Whatsamatta U and take the Elective Languages course to increase your charm points by 100.
- Ziggy's challenge involves food, video games, and relaxing at home.
- Shop at Sparks to purchase a gaming console.
- Stop at Buccaneer Burger and have a Buccaneer Burger.

- Travel home and relax 5 times in one day.
- Winnie dreams of owning a house in Hilltop Heights and renovating her dream kitchen.

- Purchase the home for $3000.
- Wait as long as you can to move to keep from paying a higher rent.
- Try not to rent; it will take you longer to save for the purchase.

- Click on an item in the owned column to place it in the house.
- To see what renovations you can make to the house, click on the Home Upgrades button.

- The Do It Yourself option is based on your Practicality; the higher your Practicality, the more likely that the DIY option will be preferable to hiring a contractor.
- Continue to renovate to prepare for the final challenge.
- Chet is worried that the reunion is coming soon and he does not have a degree.

- Visit Whatsamatta U and earn a degree.
- Place your mouse over a course to view the requirements.
- You will need a basic class, an advanced class, and two elective classes to apply for your degree.
- Continue taking classes to get your masters and PhD.
- Amir's challenge is to start a family.
- There are two ways to start dating.

- You can visit Dancy Pants dance hall and ask someone to dance (click on one of the six people to dance with them).

- Or you can take out a personal ad at the Daily News (select Place a Personal Ad).
- You can also sell unwanted items in the Personals as well, if you would like.

- When creating your ad, first select a gender in the left box.
- Select two things you like in the center box.
- Select Place Ad on the right.
- You will see your ad and confirm that you want to spend $25 and place the ad.

- Go about your day, taking classes, shopping etc.
- A response to your ad will appear.
- You can accept or reject the person.
- You may receive other responses to your ad, even after accepting one.

- Select the Picture Frame icon beneath the money meter.
- Choose an activity to take your date on.
- Make sure you date every day to keep their interest high.
- After seven days of dating, you can propose marriage.

- After three days of marriage, you can have a baby.
- Click on the Have A Baby button.
- The game will decide the gender of the baby.
- Choose a name or let the computer suggest one.
- Dora is not happy with the way things are at Dancy Pants.
- Her challenge is to purchase a stereo and the largest speakers at Sparks, take a music course, and become an expert DJ.
- The largest speakers cost $2000; the stereo is $400.
- Visit Sparks when you have $2400; purchase the speakers and stereo.
- The music course requires a musical instrument.
- You can purchase a triangle or a guitar from the Kitchen Sink.
- Go to the college and complete the music course.
- Visit City Hall and apply for the DJ position at Dancy Pants.

- You must work to become an expert DJ.
- Go to Dancy Pants and click on the work button until you have filled the job expertise meter.
- If you had a higher paying job before, remember to return to the City Hall and get it back.
- Kathryn has decided to become a movie critic and challenges you to review nine movies.
- From the map, select 4Reelz.

- Click on the review a movie button in the lower left.
- The lower section will indicate what number review this will be and your payment for completing it.
- The higher your intelligence, and the more movies you review, the higher your pay will be.
- Movies you have previously reviewed will be grayed out.
- Review 9 movies to best Kathryn
- Ryan's challenge is to achieve 100% practicality and make an improvement to the house.
- To raise your practicality, visit the College of Knowledge and take courses like Repair and Sewing.
- Some of the courses may require items like a tool kit or sewing machine, so make sure to visit The Kitchen Sink for the necessary items.
- You can also visit Whatsamatta U, where some of the electives will raise your practicality.

- There are several improvements you can make to your home, like adding a swimming pool, gazebo, deck, or extra rooms.
- Since you renovated the kitchen when you first moved in, that will not be an available option.
- Place your mouse over the buttons to see the difference in cost and number of sessions depending on whether you do it yourself or hire a contractor.
- Click on the button until your upgrade is done.
- Sam's challenge is to achieve 100% Intelligence and complete a PhD.
- To raise your intelligence, visit the College of Knowledge and take courses like Chess, Photography, and Art Appreciation.
- Some of the courses may require items like a chess set or a painting; make sure to visit The Kitchen Sink to get the necessary items.
- Paintings can be purchased at More Décor.
- You can also visit Whatsamatta U, where some of the electives will raise your intelligence.

- While you are at Whatsamatta U, you need to complete your PhD.
- Since you earned your degree during Chet's challenge, you will need to complete the Masters course and then complete your PhD.
- Besting Michael involves owning a mansion in Hilltop Heights and purchasing the Chariot from The Wheel Deal.

- Visit The Wheel Deal to find that the Chariot is a luxury vehicle that costs $10,000.
- Click on the car to see that it gives you maximum speed and fun factor.
- Click on next to customize your new vehicle.

- Click on the preset color combinations to see how they look.
- Select one of the squares in the current color section to customize your vehicle's colors.
- Use the 3 sliders on the left to determine color family, depth, and lightness.
- Do this for each color you wish to change.
- Since you have previously purchased a vehicle, push the Trade-In button to purchase.

- Return home and select the Home Upgrades button.
- You must complete all the other renovations to unlock the Mansion upgrade (you must also add two additional rooms).
- Choose to do it yourself or hire a contractor.
- Click on the button until the upgrade is complete.

- Congratulations! You have bested all of your rivals from high school.
- The video diary will scroll through all your activities on each day.
- To access the video diary again, select the icon that previously appeared during the current challenge.
- There are no more challenges, but you can continue to immerse yourself in the world you’ve created!
Created at: 2010-04-30