Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips & Information
- Part One – Levels 1-10
- Part Two – Levels 11-20
- Part Three – Levels 21-30
- Part Four – Levels 31-40
General Tips & Information
- This game may be played in windowed or full screen mode.
- You may play by yourself or in two player mode.
- You have several different options for game controls.
- You may use the mouse, keyboard or game controller.
- To MOVE: hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse or on the keyboard, press the arrow keys/w,a,s,d or you can use the directional pad on the game controller.
- To PERFORM AN ACTION: click the left mouse button quickly or press the left CTRL key or press button one on the game controller.
- To LINK/UNLINK the characters: hold down the left mouse button and right-click or press the space bar, or press 3 on the game controller.
- Note- there is no linking in two-player mode.
- To SWITCH between controlled characters: click the right mouse button or press “C” on the keyboard or press 2 on the game controller.
- In two player mode the switch only changes camera focus from one player to another.
- A help section is accessible from both the main menu and the in-game menu.

- You have two scores while playing.
- Game score is related to your progress in the game.
- Skill points is a separate score that is earned through achievements in the game.
- Completing a level in the target time will give you one point.
- Complete a level without a save point activated earns you two skill points.
- Complete a level with an activated save point that is not used and you earn one skill point.
- One skill point is represented by a 4 pointed star.
- Three skill points equal a silver, 8-pointed star.
- Three silver stars equal one gold star or 9 skill points.
- Skill points are noted on the high scores list.
- Skill points are not earned on the first two introductory levels.

- There are two types of lifts.
- The automatic lift will move automatically in the direction of the arrow once Lucy steps in the center.
- A robot cannot use an automatic lift if Lucy and Sunny are floating down that shaft.
- The manual lift requires Lucy to take the controls with the action command, then move in the desired direction.
- You will learn about switches and energy units in the tutorial.

- When you are playing a warehouse level, you are in a red and white vehicle.
- Watch the other vehicles- they have set patterns to follow.
- If they detect you, they will follow you and have a blinking red light.
- Some levels will require you to force robots to chase you in order to clear a path.

- There are several types of robots you must avoid.
- The basic cargo robot is green and slow moving. It is able to catch Lucy but has short range vision. It has no special abilities, nor does it use the lifts with a purpose.
- The basic cargo robot- fast model is blue and fast moving. It is able to catch Lucy but has short range vision. It has no special abilities, nor does it use the lifts with a purpose.
- The standard cargo robot is yellow with a variable speed that increases if it spots Lucy. It is able to catch Lucy and has long range vision. It has no special abilities, but it does use the lifts with a purpose.

- The special cargo robot- magnetix is aqua and spins like a top. It ignores Lucy, but will capture Sunny. It has short range vision and does not use the lifts with a purpose.
- The purple special cargo robot- walker has a special long cargo arm that can reach across gaps. It is slow moving and does not use the lifts with a purpose.
- The standard cargo robot- advanced model is red and very fast. It has long range vision in both the front and back and will use the lifts to capture Lucy.
- The orange advanced cargo robot can capture both Lucy and Sunny. With long range vision, variable speeds and purposeful use of the lifts, they are quire dangerous.

Part One – Levels 1-10
Level 1
- After Sunny wakes Lucy and explains the situation, walk right to the lift and go down one level.
- Walk right and use the yellow switch to open the yellow door.
- Walk right and take the lift down one level.
- Walk left and turn off the red energy unit.
- Walk left and take the lift up.
- You may use the save point if you choose.

- Walk left to the lift and go down 2 levels.
- Unlink and take Sunny up one level.
- Move right through the tunnel and go down one level by the lift.
- Move left and open the red door.
- Move left and re-link with Lucy.
- Walk right to the lift.
- When the robot starts heading to the right, take the lift down.
- Quickly turn off the energy unit and return to the lift.
- Go up one level and walk right to the exit.

Level 2
- Link with Sunny.
- Walk left and take the manual lift down two levels.
- Walk right to the green door control.
- When the robot begins to head to the right, open the door and walk right to the lift.
- Take the lift up one level.
- Turn off the energy unit and go up one level.

- Unlink and move Sunny to the right through the tunnel and up the lift shaft one level.
- Move right and close the yellow door so that the robot is on the left side of the door.
- This will force the robot onto the lift and up one level.

- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up one level.
- Walk left and link with Sunny.
- At the edge of the lift shaft. Push the action button to have Lucy ride Sunny down one level.
- Walk to the left and take the lift up one level.
- While avoiding the robot, quickly turn off the energy unit and take the lift down.
- Walk right to the manual lift and go up one level.
- While avoiding the robot, quickly turn off the energy unit and take the lift up one level.
- Walk left to the exit.

Level 3
- Walk left and when the robot starts to the right, take the lift up one level.
- Quickly walk right and take the lift up one level.
- You may use the save point here.
- When the blue robot heads to the right, quickly go up one level and close the yellow door.
- Walk left and turn off the energy unit.
- Walk right and take the lift up one level once the green robot starts to the right.
- Take the lift down one level and turn off the energy unit while avoiding the blue robot.
- Note- You may want to go down two levels from the top if the timing is off on the blue robot.
- Take the lift down two levels and walk to the left.
- Ride Sunny down the lift shaft.
- When the green robot starts left, go up one level and turn off the energy unit.
- Go down one level and walk right to the exit.

Level 4
- When the green robot heads to the left, have Lucy take the lift down.
- Move Sunny down the to the same level.
- When the lift goes back up, move Lucy to the left.
- Move Sunny all the way to the left and go up two levels.
- Move to the right and open the yellow door.
- Once the blue robot goes through the door, close it again.
- Avoiding the robots, take Lucy down the lift.
- Walk left to the next lift and go up one level.
- Go right and turn off the energy unit.
- Take the lift up one level.
- You may use the save point here.

- When the blue robot heads left, have Sunny quickly open the yellow door and move Sunny, then Lucy to the lift.
- Link before the lift ascends.
- Move off the lift and unlink.
- Walk Lucy right to the lift and go up one level.
- Walk left to the door and wait.
- Switch to Sunny and move to the red door switch.
- When the green robot heads right, quickly open and close the red door.
- Because Lucy was so close to the door on the left, it should be open.
- Move Lucy left and turn off the energy unit.
- Walk right to the red door.
- Switch to Sunny and when the green robot heads right, quickly open and close the red door.
- Because Lucy was so close to the door on the left, it should be open.
- Move Lucy right to the lift and go down one level.

- Link Sunny and Lucy, then go left to the lift.
- Avoiding the blue robot, go down one level.
- Quickly move to the right lift and go down one level.

- Move off the lift and unlink.
- Walk Lucy to the left lift and take it down, then up one level.
- Step off the lift and wait.
- Take Sunny back up one level and to the left.
- Close the yellow door when the blue robot is on the left.
- Switch to Lucy.
- When the blue robot goes up, step on the lift and go up one level.
- Move to the left and link with Sunny.
- Walk to the left and turn off the energy unit.
- Walk right to the lift and go up two levels, making sure to avoid the green robots.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 5
- Walk Lucy to the left and link with Sunny.
- Take the left lift up so that you arrive as the green robot starts to move to the right.
- Quickly turn off the energy unit and take the lift down.
- Move all the way right to the lift.
- There is a save point you may use.
- Watching the green robot, take the lift up two levels and to the left.
- Walk left and when the blue robot starts heading left, ride Sunny down and take the lift back up.
- Turn off the energy unit to the left.

- Watching the green robot, take the lift to the right and then down two levels.
- Walk to the left and take the lift down one level and up two levels.
- Quickly walk to the left and ride Sunny down one level.
- Walk to the left and ride Sunny down two levels.

- Turn off the energy unit and take the lift up one level.
- Go to the right and open the yellow door.
- Walk all the way to the right.
- Ride Sunny down two levels.
- Unlink and move Sunny to the door switch.
- When the yellow robot heads to the left, open the door and move Lucy in between the two doors.
- Quickly close the doors.
- Move Lucy to the left door.
- Switch to Sunny.
- When the robot heads left, open the door, switch to Lucy and turn off the energy unit.
- Quickly move Lucy back in between the doors, switch to Sunny and close the door.
- Switch and move Lucy to the right door.
- When the yellow robot heads to the left, open the door and move Lucy to the right of the doors.
- Quickly close the doors.
- Link Lucy and Sunny then walk left to the lift.
- Go up one level to the exit.

Level 6
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.

Level 7
- Link Sunny and Lucy, then walk right to the lift.
- Go up one level and walk right to the lift.
- Avoiding the three green robots, go down two levels and turn off the energy unit.
- Quickly move up two levels.

- Unlink and move Sunny to the right and up through the tunnel two levels.
- Move left to the red switch.
- Change to Lucy and go up the lift one level.
- Move next to the left door.
- Switch to Sunny.
- When the blue robot starts to the right, quickly open and close the red doors.
- The door by Lucy should now be open.
- Walk Lucy left to the lift.
- Move Sunny up one level and to the left.
- Move Sunny down and link with Lucy.
- There is a save point here.

- When the green robot starts left on the level above the energy unit, Take the lift down one level and walk to the left.
- Ride Sunny down, turn off the energy unit and take the lift back up while avoiding the green robot.

- Unlink and move Sunny back to the red switch.
- Have Sunny open the red doors and switch to Lucy.
- Move Lucy up one level and hurry to the right.
- Take the lift up one level and walk to the left.
- Switch to Sunny and move to Lucy's position.

- Link together and float down one level.
- Move the lift down two levels and unlink.
- Move Sunny back to the red switch.
- Close the door when the blue robot is to the right of the door.
- Switch to Lucy and come up two levels.
- Walk left and turn off the energy unit.
- Return to the lift and move down two levels.

- Switch to Sunny and open the red door.
- Move to Lucy's position and link.
- Take the lift up three levels.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 8
- Move Lucy next to the right yellow door.
- Move Sunny to the yellow switch.
- When the blue robot starts heading to the left, quickly open and close the door.
- The right door should be blocked open by Lucy.
- Walk to the lift and ride it down, then up one level while avoiding the blue robot.
- Walk next to the door to stop the lift.
- Just before the green robot gets to the right edge, take the lift up and quickly turn off the energy unit.
- Take the lift down one level and walk next to the door.
- Switch to Sunny.
- When the blue robot starts heading to the left, quickly open and close the door.
- The right door should be blocked open by Lucy.
- Move Lucy to Sunny and link.
- When the blue robot starts heading to the left, quickly open the door and hurry to the lift.

- Walk left and take the lift down.
- There is a save point here.
- Unlink and fly Sunny to the red switch.
- Open the red door until the green robot gets on the lift, then close the red door.
- Fly to the green switch and open the green door.
- Wait for Lucy here.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift right, down and left.
- Exit by Sunny and relink.

- Walk left and rid Sunny down one level.
- While avoiding the yellow robot, take the lift down and turn off the energy unit.
- Go up to the next stop and walk to the right.
- When the blue robot heads left, ride Sunny to the lift and go up, left and right.
- Exit the lift to stop.
- Just before the blue robot heads to the left, take the lift down and turn off the energy unit.
- Quickly take the lift up and get off.

- When the green robot starts up in the lift, push the red switch to open the door.
- Walk to the left and ride Sunny down two levels.
- Walk left to the exit.

Level 9
- When the lower blue robot is to the left of the yellow door, push the switch to close the doors.
- Once the robot starts up the lift, open the doors.
- As soon as one robot is to the right of the door, press the button to close them again.

- When the right blue robot is on the lower lever and starts to head to the right, open the door.
- Quickly close the yellow door, so that both robots are trapped.
- The right lift the robots were using, must be in the down position.

- Link Lucy and Sunny, then take the lift down.
- Walk left and ride Sunny down one level.
- Unlink and move Sunny down two levels.
- There is a save point here.
- Open the green door, then close it once the green robot leaves.
- Return to the yellow switch at the beginning of the level.

- Move Lucy down two levels to safety.
- Switch to Sunny and open the yellow doors.
- Avoiding the yellow robot, move Lucy up one level and run to the energy unit and turn it off.
- Run to the right side of the yellow door.
- Quickly switch to Sunny and close the door.
- When the yellow robot start to head to the left, have Sunny open the door.
- Switch to Lucy, move left to the lift and go down one level.

- Fly Sunny to one level below Lucy and use the red switch to trap the green robot on the right side of the door.
- Return to Lucy and link.
- Because the yellow robot can see you, he is not moving.
- While avoiding the blue robot, go down one level.
- Immediately come back up and go right.
- Turn off the energy unit and quickly get on the lift and move to the left.
- As soon as the blue robot gets to the green door when coming from the upper area, hit the green switch.
- Ride Sunny down and take the lift to the top.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 10
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.

Part Two – Levels 11-20
Level 11
- Move Lucy next to the door and have Sunny quickly open and close the door so that the blue robots stay in their place.
- The door should be held open by Lucy.
- Link and take the lift up one level.
- Avoiding the green robot, run to the right.

- Ride Sunny down two levels.
- Just before the yellow robot is at the right edge, move the lift up one level.
- Quickly turn off the power unit and return to the lift.
- Move up two levels.
- There is a save point here.

- Unlink and move Sunny up two levels and to the left.
- Go down one level and use the yellow switch when the green robot hits the yellow door.
- Make sure to avoid the spinning robot.
- Go up one level and wait for Lucy.
- Switch to Lucy and run to the left and take the lift up one level.
- Avoiding the green robot, go up one level and run to the right.
- Link with Sunny and ride Sunny down.
- Immediately unlink and move Sunny up one level to avoid the spinning robot.
- Switch to Lucy and turn off the energy unit.

- Avoiding the green and yellow robots,take the lift up and walk to the left.
- Take the lift down two levels and walk to the right.
- Wait for the yellow robot to move down on the center lift, then go up two levels.
- Run to the left and turn off the energy unit.
- Link with Sunny.
- Return right to the lift and go all the way to the bottom.
- Walk to the left and exit the level.

Level 12
- Fly Sunny up two levels and go left to the first lift shaft.
- Fly down three levels and click on the green switch.
- Return to Lucy and link together.

- When the green and yellow robots are headed to the left, take the lift up two levels and go to the right.
- Quickly float down the lift shaft. *Note- the lift cannot be used while you are floating down.
- You will have to time it so you land on the lift as the blue robot is heading to the left.

- Ride the lift up one level, and deactivate the energy unit.
- Quickly move left to the manual lift and avoid the green and yellow robots if necessary.
- You may have time to go directly to the second lift from the left.
- Ride the lift down one level, while avoiding the green robot.
- Walk left and take the lift down one level and deactivate the energy unit.

- Avoiding the green robot, return the way you came and go to the center lift.
- Take the lift down three levels and run all the way to the left.
- Float down one level and unlink.

- Fly Sunny up one level. There is a save point here.
- Wait for the yellow robot to take the center lift up and go down the center one level.
- Use the yellow switch to trap the spinning robot by Lucy.
- Once the robot goes up the lift, reopen the yellow door and link with Lucy.
- Walk left and float down.
- Deactivate the energy unit and take the lift up one level.

- Run to the far right and take the lift up one level.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift down two levels.
- Walk left to the exit.

Level 13
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You may have to get certain robots to follow you to make spaces.
- In the first section, wait until all robots head to the right at about the same time.
- Move along the left wall to the next section.

- In the next section, avoid the blue robot and move to the right.
- You will have to make the green robot follow you to clear a path.

- Move the the right and up to the next section.
- Move into the nook, while avoiding the sight of the yellow robot, because it has long-range vision and it will pursue.

- A second after the yellow robot looks down your row, quickly follow it and move to the next section.
- Avoid the remaining robots and move to the exit.

Level 14
- Move Lucy right to the door.
- Move Sunny left through the wall tube and down one level.
- Open and close the yellow door when the blue robot heads right.
- Switch to Lucy and go up one level on the lift.
- Move next to the left door.

- Switch to Sunny.
- When the yellow robot heads left, open the yellow door.
- Quickly switch to Lucy and open the green door so the yellow robot goes up the lift.
- Close the green door.

- Wait for the second yellow robot to get in the area of the blue robot and close the yellow doors for a bit. He will be stuck there.
- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Just before both robots move away from the lift, float down and ride it up one level.

- Walk right to the next lift shaft and float down three levels.
- There is a save point here.
- Unlink and fly Sunny to the yellow switch.
- Trap all three robots to the left of the yellow doors.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up two levels and deactivate the energy unit.
- Walk to the left and ride the lift up one level.
- Move next to the yellow door.
- Switch to Sunny and open and close the yellow doors, while keeping all the robots trapped.

- Change to Lucy. You should be blocking the door open.
- Walk to the left and take the lift up.
- Walk right and take the lift up.
- Walk right and deactivate the energy unit.
- You can return to the save point the same way or take any of the lifts.

- Switch to Sunny and open the yellow doors.
- Return to Lucy and link.
- Float down one level and land to the left of the blue robot.
- Run left to the lifts.

- Ride the lift up and to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Float down so you land to the right of the robot.
- Run right to the lift.
- Take the lift all the way up to the exit.

Level 15
- Avoiding all the robots, take the left lift all the way down.
- Deactivate the energy unit.

- Walk to the right lift and take it up one level.
- Quickly walk right to the manual lift and move up to the starting level.
- Walk left and float down the lift shaft you first rode down.

- Take the lift up one level and deactivate the energy unit.
- Walk left and take the manual lift to the second highest level.

- Mindful of the two robots, take the next lift up to their level and immediately float down.
- Run to the right and float down to the manual lift.
- Take the lift up two levels.

- Walk to the left and float down so you land to the left of the blue robot.
- Run left to the manual lift and move to a safe place.
- Take the lift up to the top and deactivate the energy unit while avoiding the green robot.
- Go down one level and run to the next lift.
- Take it up and right.
- Get on the manual lift and take it down three stops.

- Walk to the left and float down.
- Step to the side to reset the direction of the lift.
- Go down one level to the exit.

Level 16
- Move Sunny left and up as high as possible to be safe from the spinning robot.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up one level.
- Move Lucy to the manual lift.
- When the spinning robot goes down one level, move Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Move the lift up to the next stop.
- There is a save point here.
- Once the spinning robot starts to the right, run right to the lift.
- Take the lift down one level and run to the left.
- Float down and deactivate the energy unit.

- Unlink and have Lucy take the lift up.
- Go right and ride the lift up.
- Move Lucy left to the manual lift.
- Go up and run to the right side of the spinning robot.
- As long as you are to the right, the yellow robot cannot get you.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Move all the way to the right.
- Switch to Sunny and take the tunnel to the right.
- Fly up to Lucy and link together.
- Float down to the lift and ride it up two stops.

- Unlink and have Lucy open and close the red door while Sunny flies to open the green door.
- Open and close the green door with the blue robot on the left.
- Switch to Lucy and open the red door once the blue robot heads to the left.
- Run to the second lift and go up.
- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Walk to the right and float down.
- Ride the lift up and run to the left lift.
- Take it down, making sure that the yellow robot sees you and crosses over the lift.
- This ensures he is facing the other direction when he takes the lift down.

- The yellow robot will head to lower levels.
- Walk right and take the lift up.
- Walk left and unlink.
- Fly Sunny to the green switch and open the door.
- Return to Lucy and relink.
- Float down and land just as the blue robot is to the right of you.
- Run all the way right and float down to the lift.
- Take the lift to the top and walk to the exit.

Level 17
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow robots see you.
- At the save point you may head down and to the left, or up and to the left.

Level 18
- Link Lucy and Sunny together.
- Ride the lift up and close the green door.
- This will force a robot to take the lift down one level.
- Quickly open the door and float down.
- Ride the lift up and close the green door.
- Repeat the same procedure with the second robot so that both are trapped.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Walk right and take the lift down two stops.
- Walk left to the door switch.
- When the purple robot is heading left, quickly open the door and deactivate the energy unit.
- Run to the right and close the door.

- Walk right to the far lift.
- Timing it so the lift arrives just as the top robot is heading to the left, go up two levels.
- Quickly deactivate the energy unit and take the lift down two levels.
- Walk left to the next lift and go down one level.
- There is a save point here.

- Walk to the left and float down, landing to the left of the green robot.
- Run to the left and take the lift up.
- Run left and take the lift down to the bottom level.
- Go right to the next lift and go up one level.
- Follow the robot to the next lift and go up.
- Depending on your timing, walk left and deactivate the energy unit or go right to the next lift for safety.
- When the blue robot heads left, take the lift down and deactivate the energy unit.
- Run all the way to the right.

- Float down and take the lift down one more level.
- Go left and deactivate the energy unit.
- Return to the right and take the lift up one level to the exit.

Level 19
- Fly Sunny to the right and all two levels.
- While avoiding the spinning robot, fly down to open the yellow door and go up one level to safety.
- Once the spinning robot heads to the left, return and close the yellow door.

- Once the lift over the one by Lucy is moved out of the way, have Sunny open the yellow doors.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up and walk to Sunny.
- Link together then walk to the right and float down.
- Take the manual lift up two stops and disable the energy unit.

- Go up one level and open the green door.
- Float down two levels and unlink.
- Move Lucy to the left of the yellow door.
- Have Sunny close the door when the blue robot one level up is on the right of the door.
- Walk Lucy to the far left lift and go up one level.

- When the spinning robot moves to Lucy's start position on this level, have Sunny close the door to trap it there.
- Move Lucy to the right and go up one level.
- Run to the left and take the lift up and disable the energy unit.
- Quickly move the lift to the right.
- There is a save point here.

- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Float down one level and take the lift down two levels.
- Walk to the left and take the lift down.
- Walk to the left and take the lift up and disable the energy unit.
- Return the way you came, stopping by the first yellow door.

- Unlink and send Sunny to the yellow door switch.
- Relink with Lucy and walk to the right.
- Float down and walk left to the exit.

Level 20
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Part Three – Levels 21-30
Level 21
- Have Lucy deactivate the energy unit.
- Switch to Sunny and move left through the tunnels.
- Use the yellow switch to force the upper robot to use the lift.
- Open the door again to trap the robots on the bottom two levels.
- Fly to the right.
- There is a save point here.

- Use the three red door switches to force the two robots to move the lifts down one level.
- When the robots head to the left, fly to the right and unlock the yellow door.
- Hurry back to the red door area and go up one level for safety.
- After the robots head to the right, wait for one to return to the left.
- Fly to the right and down the lift shaft and left into the tunnel.
- Go left and open the green door.
- Move to Lucy and link.
- Take the lift down and walk to the exit.

Level 22
- Fly Sunny to the left and down to the yellow switch.
- Capture the spinning robot between the two yellow doors.
- This will force it to a lower level.
- Open the yellow doors and return to Lucy.

- Link to Lucy and float down.
- Run to the left lift and go up one level.
- Quickly deactivate the energy unit and run left.
- Take the lift down to near the save point.
- Note- your timing must be perfect for the above.
- An easier solution is to skip the energy unit and take the lift down.
- Unlink and fly Sunny up to the red switch and force the purple robot to take the lift up.
- Now have Lucy return and you have much more maneuverability to get the energy unit.

- Unlink and have Sunny open the yellow doors, then move to safety.
- Switch to Lucy and walk left.
- Take the lift down and walk right to the next lift.
- Go down the lift, timing it so it lands just as the yellow robot is turning away.
- Deactivate the energy unit and run to the lift.
- Return to the save point area.

- Walk right to the next lift and go up.
- You need to land just as both robots are turning away.
- Run to the right and deactivate the energy unit.
- Run left to the lift and go down two levels.

- Carefully watching the two robots, take the lift up one level.
- You need to land just as both robots are turning away.
- Run to the right and activate the green switch.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- When the purple robot heads left, open the green door.
- Run left to the lift and go down one level.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 23
- Move Sunny left through the tunnel and wait.
- Switch to Lucy and open the green door.
- Walk to the left and take the lift up.
- There is a save point here.

- Walk right and take the lift to the right and down.
- Walk right to the next lift and ride it up and to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift up one level and wait for the spinning robot to move to the left side.
- Ride the lift down one level.
- Switch to Sunny and fly up to the top of the screen.
- Avoiding the spinning robot, move to the far, upper left.
- Use the yellow switch to trap the blue on the left side of the yellow door.

- Switch to Lucy and return to the save point the same way she came.
- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.

- When the blue robot starts down on the lift, quickly take your lift up one level.
- Walk left and open the yellow door.
- Float down, Remember that the lift cannot be used by the robots while you are floating.
- You may have to ride the lift up and down a few times to get the timing right.
- Make the lift land at the bottom just as the robot is turning away.
- Turn off the energy unit and run to the lift.
- Return to the save point area.

- Unlink from Sunny and take the manual lift down.
- Walk right and take the manual lift down when the spinning robot is on the right side of Lucy.
- Run to the left edge and wait. Remember the yellow robot cannot pass the spinning robot to get Lucy.
- Fly Sunny down to Lucy, avoiding the spinning robots.
- Float down one level.
- Walk all the way to the right.

- There is a save point here.
- Take the lift up two levels and deactivate the energy unit.
- Ride the lift down and walk left to the exit.

Level 24
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Level 25
- Take the manual lift down one level and disable the energy unit.
- Quickly take the lift down.
- There are three energy units on the lower level.
- Use the manual lift to disable all three while avoiding the robots.
- Take the manual lift up to the second level from the top.

- Unlink and move Sunny to the yellow switch.
- Move Lucy down on level and go left to the lift.
- Go down one level and run to the left.
- Quickly switch to Sunny and close the yellow door.
- Have Lucy deactivate the energy unit and switch to Sunny.
- When the green robot starts to the right, open the yellow door.
- Switch to Lucy and retrace your steps back to the manual lift.

- Take the manual lift up and to the left.
- Deactivate the energy unit and return to the lift.
- Move to the right and down three stops.
- Walk to the left and exit the level.

Level 26
- Fly Sunny up and to the right, hiding in the wall tunnel.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up one level.
- There is a new robot this level, the standard cargo robot- advanced model.
- This red robot is very fast and can see to the front and rear.
- It will not bother Sunny, but it will chase Lucy.
- Walk Lucy to the left and take the manual lift up one level.
- Quickly close the yellow door.
- Deactivate the energy unit then take the lift up one level.
- There is a save point here.

- Walk right and take the lift up, landing just as both green robots are turning away.
- Walk right and open the red door.
- You can attempt going down one level and getting the energy unit, but the timing is very difficult.
- Walk right to the next lift and go down.

- When the spinning robot goes up the right lift, fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Float down the lift chute and bring the lift back up on level.
- This will trap the spinning robot.
- Disable the energy unit.

- Walk left and take the lift up.
- Walk left to the next lift and ride it down.
- Deactivate the energy unit and take the lift up two levels.
- Run to the right and float down.
- Take the lift up and walk right to another lift.
- Go down, the walk right.
- Ride the lift down, walk right and exit.

Level 27
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow and orange robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Level 28
- Take the lift up and walk to the leftmost lift.
- Move to the top level and walk to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit then float down to the lift.
- Return to the top level.
- Walk to the right and deactivate the energy unit.
- Walk again to the right and float down.
- Move the lift to the top level.
- Walk to the far left lift and go down one level.

- The yellow robot should have moved the lift that was just over the purple robot.
- Using the lifts and floating, get to the lower left corner while avoiding the robots.
- Float down and deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift up two levels to the exit.
- Note- depending on how the yellow robot moves, it may leave an lift that will allow the red robot freedom.

Level 29
- Float down the second from the left lift and run to the left lift.
- Go up and down on these two lifts to make the red and yellow robots chase you until they are trapped with the three lifts in the center area.

- Unlink and fly Sunny to the yellow door switch.
- Trap the yellow and blue robots on the upper two levels.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift up one level.
- There is a save point here.
- Ride the lift to the left and deactivate the energy unit.

- Switch to Sunny and open the red doors.
- Fly to the yellow switch and open the door.
- Be careful of this new orange robot- it will chase Lucy and Sunny.
- Fly back to the red switch and trap a blue robot to the right of the blue door on the top level.
- Trap the other blue robot to the left of the doors. It will move one of the lifts.
- Make sure the yellow is on the third level from the top. It will also move an lift.
- Switch to Lucy and go up one level to stand next to the red door.
- Switch to Sunny.
- When the robot heads to the left, quickly open and close the red doors.
- Lucy should block it open.
- Link together and take the lift up.

- Go left and float down the lift shaft.
- Disable the energy unit and take the lift to the top level.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 30
- Fly Sunny up one level and activate the yellow switch.
- Switch to Sunny and walk to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit and move to the left of the door.
- Switch to Sunny and close the yellow doors.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up two levels.
- Walk left to the save point.
- Have Sunny move to the red switch and open the red doors.
- Return to Lucy and relink.
- Float down one level and land on the left side of the shaft.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Float down another level and deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the manual lift to the top level.

- Walk to the right and unlink.
- Fly Sunny to activate the yellow switch.
- Return to Lucy and relink.
- Float down two levels and deactivate the energy unit.
- You will need to take the lift down two levels then return to the top level.
- Walk left to the exit.

Part Four – Levels 31-40
Level 31
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow and orange robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Level 32
- Have Lucy disable the two energy units and wait by the lift shaft.
- Fly Sunny up one level and enter the wall tunnel on the right.
- While avoiding the orange robot, close the yellow door to force a spinning robot to take the lift up.
- Quickly open the door and go up one level and hide in the tunnel to the left.
- Manipulate the door switch so that there is a robot on each level and the upper spinning robot is to the left of the lift shaft.
- Fly up and out while avoiding the robots.

- When the red and yellow robots head to the right, open the red doors.
- Quickly fly to the left red door switch to close the doors trapping them on the right side of the right door.
- Do not let either robot on the center lift.

- Fly all the way to the left.
- There is a save point here.
- Manipulate the green doors so that a spinning robot comes to the top.
- Fly to open the red door and hurry to the right red switch.
- Trap the spinning robot over the center lift.

- After the lift descends, open the red doors and fly down the lift shaft.
- Wait someplace safe and then move Lucy to the door.
- Switch to Sunny and fly to Lucy to exit the level.

Level 33
- Using the yellow door switches, move to the right and trap the red robots.
- Float down and take the lift down one level.
- Run to the right and float down.

- Take the lift to the right.
- There is a save point here.
- Take the lift down, right and up two levels.
- Quickly close the green door.

- Walk right to the manual lift.
- Go down one level and disable the energy unit.
- Return to the lift and go down one level.
- Land the lift as the orange robot heads to the left.
- Turn off the energy unit and run to the lift.

- Move the lift up to safety.
- Unlink and fly Sunny to the second level from the top.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift to the top level.
- Move to the left and link with Sunny.
- When the yellow robot is on the second level, float down and take the lift down one level.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Unlink and fly Sunny up one level and then down to the exit door.
- Switch to Lucy and take the lift up two levels.
- Walk right to the manual lift and go down to the exit.

Level 34
- Link with Sunny and take the lift down three levels.
- There is a save point here.
- Disable the energy unit.

- Float down and take the lift down to the bottom.
- Disable the energy unit.
- Take the lift back up to the save point area.

- Take the lift to the top level.
- Walk to the right.
- When the lift is on the next level, float down.
- Move the lift down one level.

- Walk to the right and float down one level.
- Take the lift down and walk left to the next lift.
- Move up and run to the right.
- Float down and quickly run to the left and float down again.
- Walk to the exit.

Level 35
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow and orange robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Level 36
- Fly Sunny right to the wall tunnels.
- Move up and left near the area with the spinning robots.

- Using the green door switch, force the spinning robots to the right and head to the top level.
- There is a save point here.
- Use the red door switch to make the orange robot descend.
- Do not let the yellow robot go through the red door on the right.

- When the orange robot has descended three levels, open the red door and go down the lift shaft to the wall tunnel.
- Quickly go to the right and enter the next tunnel.

- Open the yellow door and switch to Lucy.
- Take the lift down and deactivate the energy unit.
- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Walk right to the exit.

Level 37
- There is a save point here.
- Take the manual lift up one level.
- Walk to the left and ride the lift to the left and up.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift to the right.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- When the orange robot heads to the right, float down and take the lift right and up.
- Deactivate the energy unit.
- Ride the lift to the center.
- Retrace your steps and return to the save point area.

- Take the left lift down two levels and walk to the right.
- Float down to the manual lift and come up one level.
- Walk right and float down to steal the lift from the yellow robot.
- Go up three levels and deactivate the energy unit.
- Take the lift down two levels and walk left to the manual lift.

- Take the manual lift up one level and walk to the left.
- Take the lift up two levels and deactivate the energy unit.
- Return using the same path and exit at the door.

Level 38
- In this warehouse level, navigate to the exit while avoiding the other vehicles.
- There is a save point mid-way on the level.
- You will have to get certain robots to follow you to clear a path to the exit.
- Remember to avoid letting the yellow and orange robots see you.
- Watch the patterns and move carefully.

Level 39
- Move Sunny to safety under the left lift on the bottom level.
- Switch to Lucy, walk left and take the lift down.
- Walk left to the next lift and wait for the spinning robot to move up a level.

- Take the lift up and run to the right, timing it so that the spinning robot can cross the left lift, preventing the red robot from going down a level.
- Remember that the red robot will not be able to get Lucy through the spinning robot.

- Take the lift down and move to the left.
- Fly Sunny to Lucy and link together.
- Just before the blue robot nears the lift from the right, float down and run to the right.

- Run to the lift and go up.
- Run right to the next lift and go down.
- There is a save point here.

- You need to get all the yellow robots onto the lower level.
- Take the right lift up one level to entice a robot past the second lift.
- This ensures that it is facing to the left when it goes down to the lower level.
- Quickly go down one level, then back up.
- Walk left, float down and steal the lift back up.
- Do this until all the robots are on the lower level.
- Walk left to the lift and go up one level.
- Walk right to the manual lift.

- As soon as the orange robot heads to the left, take the lift up one level and run to the left.
- You will need to be very close behind the robot.
- Open and close the yellow door so the orange robot is to the left of the door.
- When the orange robot comes down the left and heads to the left, open the yellow door.
- Take the lift up and disable the energy units.
- Take the lift down and run right to the exit door.

Level 40
- Bring one of the bottom lifts up two levels to trap an orange robot with the yellow robot on the upper level.
- Run to the opposite side and wait for the other orange robot to come down from the top.
- Steal the lift and go up on level.
- Run to the manual lift and go up.

- Walk to the right and turn off the power system for the AI controller.
- Sunny is now able to communicate about Lucy and the ship heads for Earth!

Created at: 2010-06-15