Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: Shanhaiguan Mountain Pass
- Chapter 2: Chinese Market and the House of Master Wu
- Chapter 3: The Temple and the Gardens
- Chapter 4: The Harbor
- Chapter 5: The Old House at the Mountains
- Chapter 6: The tent Camp
- Chapter 7: Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
- Chapter 8: The Way to the Fortress
- Chapter 9: Inside the Fortress
General Tips
- There are 2 modes in the game, Timed Mode and Relaxed Mode.
- The game will automatically start with the Untimed mode so if you wish to change that make sure that you check the "timed Mode" box before you begin playing.
- You can go back and forth between locations just click on the yellow arrows that appear.
- Silhouettes viewer when you click on the items in the list you will see the silhouettes of the item that you’re looking for.
- Once in a while you may not be able to access certain locations until all items have been found in other scenes.
- Pay attention to what the main character is telling you because a lot of times those hints can help you solve puzzles.
Jade Compass Hint
- You have unlimited hints with the Jade compass, but you must wait for it to recharge before you can use it again.
- Click on the compass when it is recharged, and it will form a circle around an item in the scene.
- The item the compass shows you is random, there’s no way to choose the item you need help locating.
- Your compass will not be activated during most of the puzzles.
Inventory Items
- In most scenes you will find items that will go into your inventory-list.
- To access your inventory items, click on the scroll that is in the lower left side of your screen.
- The items in your inventory are needed in order to access other areas in the scene or to help you solve a puzzle.
- Some inventory items go into your scroll list so quickly that you may not have noticed that a new item has been added.
- Constantly check your inventory scroll list to make sure that you did not miss anything.
- Hotspots are hidden locations within each scene. A hotspot will have a glowing outline around an item that needs to interact with another item before you can access it.
- The only way to find hotspot is by moving your cursor around the scene, once you see a light around an object, click on it. You can only enter it once you have found particular items for it.
The Story
- Let Master Wu and the glorious sword of the 10 powers take you on an adventurous trip through ancient China. This exciting mystery story is a brand new game that combines hidden object & adventure game play with inventory-based puzzles and challenging mini-games.
- In your quest for the lost sword you will be investigating various Chinese locations like a harbor and an ancient Chinese fortress, looking for artifacts and clues to help you reach your goal. Starting in the house of Master Wu’s friend, your journey will take you through 9 chapters of 63 levels. Levels with a lot of variety, from searching hidden items, balancing games and matching games and other challenging puzzles.

- Find all the (12) items from the list. In general, the hidden objects are somewhat randomized and might be different when you play the game.
- Including (1) key will go in your inventory list.
- Place the key on to the door
- The house door will slide open
Main lounge

- Click on the messy plate on the table to enter a Hidden Object scene.
Messy Table Plate

- Look for all the (12) items on the list.
- Including (1) key and a scrape note it will go in your inventory list. As you will need it later on.
Main lounge

- Use the key to open the door for the training room.
Training Room

- First find the (12) items from the list. Including a (North America shape) will go in your inventory-list.
- Once done click on the brown trunk to start the hidden-game.
Brown Trunk

- Continue.

- Take the scrape note paper, place it near the trunk and use the combination to open it!
- Enter the numbers, click on the dials to change the numbers of the trunk.
- Collect the wooden beam shape from the trunk. It will go into your inventory as you need them for your balance game.
Library Room

- Take the (America shape) form your inventory-list and place it on the globe!
- You will receive an item that you can use on the balance mini-game once you have all the necessary items for it.
- Now that you have the wooden beam wooden box and the round disk. You can enter the balance mini-game by clicking on it.
The Balance Mini-Game

- Place the items from your inventory-list in the scene.
- Follow the instructions on the left side of the screen to play the perfect balance game.
- You will be rewarded with a book, it will go in to your inventory-list!
Library Room

- Place the book on the empty spot of the bookshelf.
- As reward you will receive a scrape note.
- Once it is in your inventory-list, grab it and place it on the safe.
The Safe Mini-game

- Follow the (Safe Combination) to unlock the safe.
- You will notice that there is a piece of paper above the safe and it has some numbers written on it!
- The numbers here below is an example of what you need to do in order to unlock the safe.
- It says 9+21=30 which is the first number that is written on the piece of paper.
- In order to unlock the safe you have to enter the numbers of the piece of paper in the order that they are shown.
- However, you must turn the knobs to make sure that the numbers on both dials add up to the numbers on the piece of paper.
- If the sum of numbers is not the same order as you see in the paper, you will have to start adding the numbers again from the beginning.
- Once you enter the two numbers onto the dial, click on "unlock" and a green light will appear on the dial if you did it correctly.
- Once all 4 numbers are entered correctly each time you will hear a click and see the green light turning on.
- SOLUTION:9 + 21 = 30 34 + 7 = 41 4 + 8 = 12 14 + 6 = 20
- Pick up elements to play the Coin bucket mini-game.

- Find 12 objects including a coin and a cross and (1) fire element it will go in your inventory list.
- You will need the coin and the cross to play the coin bucket mini-game.

- Grab the cross and the coin objects from your inventory and place it in the right positions. Now when you have all the elements in place press on the start button.
- To let the coin roll in to the bucket.
- You will be rewarded with a door knob.

- After played the mini-game,follow the arrow and head back upstairs.
Attic Room

- Place the knob from your inventory-list on the drawer, a hidden game will be started.

- First find 12 items including a fire wood, piece of soil, can be found here and it will go in to your inventory list
- After this hidden game you fade to the attic room once more.
Attic Room

- Click on the scroll that is on the floor near to the bed to start a mini-game.
5 Elements mini-Game

- Place the elements according to the colored arrows of the map see picture.
- If you placed a piece incorrectly, just click on it again to remove it.
- Following element order: Wood, fire, Earth, Metal, Water.
- At the end of the game you receive a colored coin it goes in your inventory and you will need it later on in the next chapter.
Fish Noodles Soup Market

- Find first 12 objects including a key this will go in your inventory!
- The soup bowl is a hidden game you can start this later.
- Pick up the Chinese zodiac symbol It will go in your inventory list to start the mini-game you need to find all 4 of them.
- Once done you can start the mini-game.
Fruit Market

- First find 12 items including ( 3) triangles shapes object, they will go in your inventory list.
- Place the Key on the (yellow door) once done you can enter the home.
Old Room

- Find first the items from the list.
- Including 2 triangles shape and 1 cube object it will go in your inventory-list.
- Go back to the location you just left by placing your cursor at the bottom of the scene.
Fruit Market

- Click on the green trunk to trigger a mini-game.
- Open your inventory and place the triangle shapes in the right order, follow the instructions on the left side of the scene.
Chinese TanGram Mini-Game

- Turn and flip the shape to fit the silhouette.
- You will be rewarded with a pair of chopsticks it will go in your inventory list.
Fruit market

- Click on the yellow arrow and return to the fish-market.
Fish Noodles Soup Market

- Place the pair of chopsticks on the soup bowl.
- Once done a hidden game will started.
Hidden Noodle Soup Game

- Pick up the Chinese horse zodiac symbol; it will go in inventory list.
Fish Noodles Soup Market

- Have a closer look on the puzzle box on the right hand side, you click on it.
- Now that you have the 4 Chinese zodiac symbols you can trigger the puzzle box on the right side of the scene.
Chinese Zodiac Symbol Mini-Game

final position
- Open your inventory and place the zodiac symbol in the scene, and follow the instructions.
- Once finished you will be rewarded with a fortune cookie you need it in the fish market scene.
Fish Noodles Soup Market

- Give the Fortune Cookie, from your inventory-list to the Octopus in the tank.
- Once the Octopus blows bubbles, a Letter will pop up it’s a mini-game.
Colored Coins Mini-Game

- Use the colored coin from the inventory and follow the instructions.
- Make sure the colored coins match the same colored patterns next to the coins.
- Once you finished the mini-game. You will be rewarded with a Mahjong tile that you will use later on.
Master Wu’s House

- Place the mahjong playing card on the table a mini-game will be started.
Mahjong Playing Card Mini-Game

- Your goal is to find a pair of identical cards. Once finished you receive a door handler.
- You need it to enter the house of master WU.
Master Wu’s House

- First find all the (12) items from the list.
- After that use the door handler to enter the house.
Living Room

- Pick up the (2) feathers. They will go into your inventory list.
- Now that you found all items go to the next scene, click on the yellow arrow.
Trophy Room

- Pick up the last remaining (2) feathers.
- And a (1) key, Now go back to previous scene and open the closet room.
- The scroll on the floor is a mini-game but you need to have all the feathers first to start it.
Living Room

- Use the key to open the closet door.
Closet Room

- Find all the (12) items from the list including the last feather, it will go in your inventory list.
Living Room

- Click on the (yellow arrow) to go headback to the Trophy Room.
Trophy Room

- Now that you have all the feathers. Click on the scroll on the floor, it will trigger a mini-game.
Matching Feathers Mini-Game

- Your goal is to eliminate all the matching feathers.
- You will be rewarded with a pair of clippers. It will go in to your inventory-list.
Buddhist Temple

- The black puzzle on the table is a mini-game, but you can start it later on.
- You need first to explore the other locations.
- You can access the Hallway by clicking on the (yellow arrow).
Temple Hallway

- First find the (12) items from the list.
- There is something missing on the large copper vase. Can you find out what it can be?
Garden Pond

- You can now cut the (flowers) in the garden with your clippers.
- The ( flowers) will go in to your inventory-list.
- Return to the Temple hall scene.
Temple- Hallway

- Place the flowers in de copper vase.
- You will receive A fish food glass jar.It will go in your inventory list as a reward.
- Go back to the garden pond once more!
Garden Pond

- You need to place the fish food jar on the water. Once done a mini-game is started.
Matching koi fishes mini-game

- Your goal is to find a pair of matching Koi fishes.
- After you finished this mini- game you wil receive a puzzle item. It will go in your inventory-list.
Garden Pond

- Ping yu will tell you to return to the temple entraince. follow the (yellow arrows).
Buddhist Temple

- Now that you have the puzzle tile.Click on the black puzzle thats on the table to start a mini-game.
Dragon tile Mini-Game

- Move all the tiles in the correct spot. Make sure to place the correct colors and shape of the dragon to match and to create one single image.
- But be careful once you place the tiles on the wrong spot it will pop’s back to its previous place.
- To complete the final dragon image. See below.

Dragon tile Mini-Game final result
- Click on the tiles to move them.
- You will be rewarded with (1) shiny triangle shape object. It will go in to your inventory-list.
Chapter 4: THE HARBOR

- Pick up the triangle shape piece on the raft (inventory item).
- Click on the harbor storages room to enter.
Harbor Storages Room

- First find the (12) items from your list.
- The crate on the left side is a mini-game. You need a crowbar to open the crate.
- You can come back to this spot later.
Upper Room

- Pick up the crowbar and (1) key it will go in your inventory list.
- Go back to the harbor store-room follow the arrows.
Harbor Storages Room

- Take the crowbar from inventory –list, and place it on the wooden crate.
- Pick up the triangle shape item; it will go in your inventory-list.
- Now return to the Upper-Room.
Upper Room

- Now that you have all the triangle items .Click on the puzzle box to start the mini-game.
Triangle Mini-Game

- Click on the circles to rotate them, when two identical colors are facing they generate a light beam between them, this means they match!
- After finishing this mini-game you will receive a Painting it goes in your inventory list.

- Find first the (12) items from the list, a cross item, a painting goes in your inventory list.
- Use the key from your inventory-list on the door, to enter the house.
FenShui living Room

- The balance is a mini-game.
- You can’t do anything with it until you've found the necessary items.
- The 3 black stain frames on the wall need the ( 3) missing paintings. Once you found them hang them on the wall. To start a hidden-game!
Attic Smith Room

- Find the (12) items from the list including 1 painting frame, L shape goes in your inventory list.
FenShui living Room

- Looking for the perfect Balance.
- But first we need to have all the items, like the, (1) L shape wooden beam, (1)wooden beam and the (1) cross.
Balance Mini-Game

- You have to place the objects on the fix beam, but be careful as gravity will let the elements fall down, if they are not placed correctly.
- You will receive the 3rth painting. It will go in your inventory list.
FenShui living Room

- You have over looked a mini-game put all 3 paintings on the wall. A Hidden-game will be started!
Painting Hidden Game

- Look for these items in this scene:
Painting Hidden Game

- Look for these items in this scene:

- Look for these items in this scene:
Mountain Steps

- First find (12) items from the list.
Rope Bridge

- First find 12 items from the list.
- The flower jar will go in your inventorylist.
- Go back to the previous scene.
Mountain Steps

- Place the flower jar on the shrine!
- You will receive two wooden planks that you need for fixing the bridge.
- Click on the yellow arrow to head back to the bridge.
Rope Bridge

- Use the wooden plank from the inventory; place them on the gaping hole of the rope bridge.
Chapter 6: THE TENT CAMP

- The scroll is a hot spot but you can’t play it at this moment.
- Enter the Tent on the right side, follow the yellow arrow.
Interior main tent room

- Find first (12) items, there is a mini-game on the table but you can’t enter it right away.
- Exit the tent on the right hand side.
Exterior tent camp

- Find (12) items from the list including a coin this will go in your inventory list.
- Go back inside the tent click on the arrow.
Interior main tent room

- The chessboard is a minigame once you have all the you can start the mini-game.
Chinese Coin matching mini-game

- Follow the instructions see picture, make sure non of the same coins are in each row.
- You will be rewarded with (1) chinese characters , it goes in your inventory-list.
Interior Main Tent Room

- You will come back here later on, click on the (yellow arrow) at the bottom to go to the next scene.
The Tent Camp

- Place the Chinese symbol from your inventory-list on the scroll, it’s on the floor.
- This will trigger a mini-game.
Matching Chinese Card Mini-Game

- Click on all the cards and look for the same pairs.
- This is like any normal memory game; start in one corner and move your way around systematically so that the symbols are easy to remember.
- You will be rewarded with a Ying yang symbol.

- First find (12) objects from the list.
Dragon Mountain

- Take the yin yang symbol from your inventory –list.
- And place it on the symbol in the sand.
- Once placed a mini-game will be started.
Matching Ying Yang Symbol Mini-Game

- Your goal is to turn the circles till all the black and white parts matches!
- You will be rewarded with a number (7) it will go in the inventory list, you can use it later on.

- First find the (12) items from the list.
Fortress Hallway

- First find (12) items from the list. Use the number (7) from your inventory list, to trigger the puzzle box on the table.
Magic Square Mini-Game

- Take the number (7) from the inventory list and place it in the scene.
- Move the numbers such way that horizontal and vertical equals the number of (15).
- You will be rewarded with a (glass lens) object. It will go into your inventory-list.
Fortress Hallway

- Follow the (yellow arrow) to head to the next scene.
Telescope Room

- First find (12) items from the list.
- Place the lens from your inventorylist on the telescope to activate it.
Telescope view Hidden Game

- The goal here is to spot (9) animals that you will find on the side of the mountain and the city walls.
- Let your cursor hover around the scene and the viewfinder will move in the direction of your cursor.
- Also a (lion door- handler) it will go in your inventory list.
Telescope Room

- Click on (yellow arrow) to exit the scene.
Entrance Fortress

- Place the lion door-handler on the Red door. You will be able to enter the fortress.
First Throne Room

- First find (12) items from the list.
- Click on the painting on the wall a hiddengame will be started.
Painting Hidden Game

- First find the (7) items from the list.
- Including (1) Key will go in your inventory-list
First Throne Room

- Use the key from the inventory list and place it on the green chest.
- You find (1) diamond that will go in your inventory-list you will need it later on.
Dragon Throne Room

- First find (12) items from the list.
- Place the diamond from your inventory list on the bowl a mini-game will be started.
Diamond Mini-Game

- Each diamond has an value drag them in the bowl’s in such way that the total adds up to the value written underneath it.
- Your reward is a jade ball.
Dragon Throne Room

- Once finished you will come back to this scene and you will see the cave entrance on the left side is closed!
- While you place a jade in the hand of the dragon.
- You will see now the cave entrence on the left is light up! It means you can enter.
Yin Yang Color mini-game

- Your goal is to swap colors between the rings, to line up the same colors.
- Pushing a yellow button turns the colors of the two stones in its segment.
- You can click and turn the two outer circles, going around clock wise.
- Goal is to have all the same colors in each side.
- You will be rewarded with a golden key.
Final Fortress Cave

- First find (12) items from the list, after that you can use the (Golden key) on the golden chest.
- Watch the end scene!
Created at: 2010-04-26