Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1- Patio
- Chapter 2 - Gym
- Chapter 3 - Docks
- Chapter 4 - Theatre
- Chapter 5 - Barn
- Chapter 6 - Great Hall
- Chapter 7 - Spa
- Chapter 8 - Private Quarters
General Tips
- This is a Hidden Object Game with arcade type mini games.
- Click on Profile, choose a slot, click New, click in the blank space to open an entry space for your name, type in your name, hit the enter key on your keyboard and then click on Create to choose your mode of play.
- Choose Scary Mode for regular gameplay and Relaxed Mode to avoid the penalties and get faster recharging hints.
- Hints replenish in 30 seconds in Relaxed Mode and 1 minute in Scary Mode.
- Click on Options to adjust Music, Sound Effects and Dialogue volume.
- Click on Options to choose Fullscreen or Custom Cursor options.
- Click on Extras to replay the mini-games, check awards, get Bonus Content and other goodies when the game is completed.

- Click in the lower left on items (A), messages and log (B) to see your goals and progress in the game.
- Random clicking will cause you to lose control of your cursor for a few seconds.
- The main room in each chapter can be scrolled left and right by moving your cursor to the left and right of the screen.
- When the inside of the monocle glows on the bottom right it indicates there are ghosts hidden in the room. To exit the monocle, click on it again. If it is still glowing, you have more ghosts to locate.
- Click on the glowing monocle to activate ghost vision and move the monocle around watching the meter below indicating if you are close (hot -red) or far away (cold -blue).
- Click on the ghosts to capture them when you find them and you can read about them in the ghost log (C).
- You must click on each ghost 3 times in different locations within the sane room to capture them.
- The cursor will change into a door when you can leave room. Each location has one main location and 3 additional rooms, one on the left, one in the middle and one towards the right.
- When in a room other than the main room; click on the arrow just above the menu on the lower left to return to the main area.
- There is an option to skip the mini games after you have completed the first round.
- 3 out of 5 rounds in a mini-game need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. The Spa and Flatliner mini game only has 3 rounds and you need 1 gold or 2 silvers to unlock the award.
- You will have the option to retry the mini-games to get a better score.
- Mini-Game tips can be found in the walkthrough at the end of each chapter where the mini-game occurs.
- Find all the Gadget items to complete the gadget (D) in each chapter. These are marked in red in the screenshots and will display a spray of gears when found.
- Find the Riddle pieces to complete the riddle in each chapter. These are marked in green in the screenshots and will display a spray of question marks when found.
- Find the messages in each scene. These are marked in blue in the screenshots and will pop up for you to read when found.
- You will get a diary entry after each chapter is complete.

- Clicking on Log and then the checklist (E) and you can see exactly what you still need to do in each room (excluding the Ultimo Energy Drinks and regular items).
- Click on the red X in the corner of the pop ups to return to the game.
- There are 4 Ultimo Energy cans in each chapter; one in each room. Finding them all will unlock a movie in the extras section.
- Check your status on Ultimo Energy before solving the riddle in each chapter by clicking on Extras in the startup screen and then clicking on Ultimo Energy.
- The Ultimo Energy Cans will display bubbles when clicked on and these are marked in yellow on the screenshots.
Chapter 1- Patio

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list that are on the right side of the room and get the riddle item – SPRING and the message item – ENVELOPE.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Head to the left side of the room and enter the door to the rock garden.

- Find the items on the list that are on the left side of the room and get the riddle item – IRON and the gadget items – DYNAMITE and PROPELLER.
- Head through the door on the left to the rock garden.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – POT, the gadget item – DRAGON, and the message item - PHOTO.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head straight through the doorway to the tea room.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – SALT SHAKER, the gadget item – KATANA, and the message item - SCROLL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the door to the right upstairs to enter the bath.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – PLUNGER, and the message item - SCROLL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles to solve it.
- Click on the table (F) to complete the riddle.

- The solution to the riddle is “Plunge the iron and salt into the hot springs”.
- Place the plate of salt (G) and the plate of iron (H) into the hot springs (I) by the table.

- The Curse Breaker mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 4 regular rounds and a final boss round.
- Click the left mouse to shoot the demons (J).
- Click the right mouse to shoot kamikaze rockets.
- Kamikaze rockets have to charge up. You can see if they are charged up by the meter on the left (K).
- You must destroy the jade box (L) with a kamikaze rocket (right click) to win.
- In order to hit the Jade Box you need to shoot the kamikaze rocket ahead of the box to time it so they will come together. The rocket starts slow and then speeds up.
- You need to protect your fuse boxes on the bottom of the screen. Your final score is based on how much damage they have received.
- Power ups (M) will randomly fall and they will help you by increasing bullets, shielding you, giving you a flamethrower etc.
- You can use up to 2 power-ups at a time. Your current power ups (N) are located in the lower right.

- The 5th level of the mini game is a Boss Fight.
- To defeat the Boss, you have to blow off its 4 arms and its eyes (O) by right clicking and using a kamikaze rocket.
- Watch the eyes for red lasers that can damage your fuses.
- The upper hands shoot fire; shoot at the growing flame in his hand before he releases it.
- The lower hands shoot lightning bolts (P) and you need to keep firing away at it as you see it glowing in his hands to stop it from being thrown.
- You can shoot a kamikaze rocket when it recharges on the left.
- Shoot at the arms and the head to make it turn red (Q) and then you can blow it off with the kamikaze rocket.
- You will get a trophy (R) when you complete all 5 rounds depending on your skill.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 2 - Gym

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list that are on the right side of the room and get the riddle items – BRASS RING and ORANGE JUICE, the gadget items – LOBSTER CLAW.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list that are on the left side of the room and get the message item – FIGHT POSTER.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Head through the locker doors on the left with the danger sign and enter the locker room.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – DUMBBELL, the gadget item – JUMP ROPE, and the message item - LETTER.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head straight through the doorway to the sauna.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – ANT, the gadget item – ARM, and the message item - ENVELOPE.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the giant mouth to the right side of the room to enter the juicebar.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – BEEHIVE, the message item – LEGAL NOTEPAD and the gadget part – STEEL CHAIR.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Ring the bell 5 times with the giant orange hammer”.
- Click on the table in front of the ring with the pink tablecloth.
- Pick up the gold hammer (S) and click it on the bell (T) 5 times to get a SLAM BOT.

- The Down for the Count mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 5 rounds in total.
- Shoot the block in the center (U) so that it falls next to same color block snaking it’s way around to make a chain of 3 or more to eliminate them.
- The goal is to clear out all the blocks before they reach the CPU.
- Keep an eye out for power-ups and shoot them with a marble to use them.
- You will get a trophy when you complete all 5 rounds depending on your skill.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 3 - Docks

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list that are on the right side of the room.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – THREAD SPOOL and STARFISH, the gadget item – CRAB NET and CANNON and the message item – BOTTLED MESSAGE.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Head through the door on the left shanty to enter the bait shack.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – COTTON SWAB, the gadget item – HARPOON, and the message item - JOURNAL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head straight up the ship in the center to the pool deck.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – DECK OF CARDS, and the message item - JOURNAL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the door to the boat house on the right.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – SURFBOARD, the message item – MAP and the gadget part – DESK FAN.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Swab the starboard side of the pool deck”.
- Head up the ship in the middle to the pool deck.
- Click on the area with the green stains (V) by the pool ladder.
- Use the mop (W) to clean up the three spots by holding the mouse down and repeatedly rubbing over the area till they are gone to get a CHUM RUNNER.

- The Gone Fishing mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 5 rounds in total, 4 regular and a final boss round with the shark.
- Catch the fish by clicking the left mouse to fire the harpoon.
- Move the Chum Runner (X) back and forth by right clicking the mouse and dragging it across the screen.
- Avoid shooting the jellyfish (Y); you will lose your catch if you do.
- Loose gators can chew through a net and release your catch so try and harpoon them first.
- Avoid the bombs or you will lose your catch.
- Move your fish to the chum nets (Z) on either side of the screen to unload them.

- The final round will release the shark after loading the net.
- Be ready to harpoon the shark (A) at every pass he makes.
- If you stay in the middle and harpoon him when he is heading left and again when going right, you will catch him in a few passes.
- You will get a trophy when you complete all 5 rounds depending on your skill.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 4 - Theatre

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – POT and WITCH HAT, and the gadget item – SKELETON.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – DARTS, and the message item – CONCERT FLYER.
- Head through the door on the left under the fiery metal stiletto sign to enter the backstage.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – ICE BUCKET, the gadget item – BOOMBOX, and the message item – NEWSPAPER CLIPPING.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head straight through the wheeled hatch behind the drums to the control room.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – FIDDLE, and the message item - PHOTO.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Scroll right and enter the door to the Tour Bus.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – LIGHTER, the message item – JOURNAL and the gadget part – JUMPER CABLE.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Switch the middle spotlight on and off twice”.
- Head into the control room through the hatch behind the drums.
- Click on the controls (B) to get a close-up.
- Follow the line from the middle spotlight (C) to the corresponding switch E.
- Click the E button (D) 4 times (2 times on, and 2 times off).
- You get a WAILING SIREN when complete.

- The Siren’s Song mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 5 rounds in total.
- The goal is to click the symbol (E) under the dropping skulls when they reach the fire zone (F).
- Click the symbol under the single skulls one time.
- Click – hold the symbol under the skull with the trailing green line till the line is gone.
- If you see red blood splatter you clicked too soon or too late.
- If you see white flashes of light after clicking you were in the target zone and gained a point.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 5 - Barn

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list and get the message item – POSTER, and the gadget item – SEAT BELT.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle items – BUCK and BELL.
- Head up through the covered doorway on the left above the chomping mechanical caterpillar to the chuckwagon.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – STRAW, the gadget item – BUNGIE CORD, and the message item – NEWSPAPER.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Click on the top of the ladder to the left of the mechanical bull to get to the hayloft.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – SWORD, the riddle item – TANK, and the message item - POSTCARD.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Scroll right and pass through the swinging doors to the stable.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – CANDLE, the message item – NOTICE and the gadget part – SHOVEL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Crank up the bucket in the well with the straw handle”.
- Click on the well to the right of the mechanical bull to get a close-up.
- Click-hold on the straw handle (G) and rotate clockwise till the bucket comes up.
- You get a SPIRIT SADDLE when complete.

- The Ghost Rider mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 5 rounds in total.
- The goal is to stay on the horse as long as you can.
- Move the rein (H) on the bottom to the left if the rider leans to the right, and move the rein to the right, if the rider leans to the left.
- When the horse stops to take a breath, press the left mouse button to hold on because he will jump and throw you.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or 2 out of 5 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 6 – Great Hall

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – ANKH, the message item – PUBLIC DECREE and the gadget item – CROSSBOW.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – FLAIL, and the riddle item – WHISK.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Head up through the icy doorway on the left to enter the bottlery.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – ONE (1), the gadget item – SUNDAE, and the message item – SCROLL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the door straight ahead in the center of the room to enter the taproom.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – TORCH, the riddle item – OILCAN, and the message item - SCROLL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Scroll right and click on the hole in the ground in front of the fireplace.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – ALE FROTH, and the message item – TROLL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Stay in this room.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Boil the shank bone, kale and whiskey”.
- Click on the cauldron (I) to get a close-up.
- Place the shank bone (J), kale (K) and whiskey (L) in the cauldron.
- You get a MID GUARDIAN when complete.

- The Kingdom Come mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 5 rounds in total.
- The goal is to protect the gates (M) on the bottom.
- You have an array of weapons (N) to use but they all cost points (O) to use. You can earn points by eliminating enemies.
- The battlefield is wide and you will need to scroll to see the whole thing.
- Crossbows are good against dragons and bats, flails cannot hit a flying enemy, flamethrowers burn enemies and are required to finishing eliminating a troll.
- You can slow down enemies by using ice cream.
- The axe (P) should be used sparingly since it has to recharge.
- Watch the arrows (Q) on the top of the screen; they will let you know where enemies are coming down to the battlefield that are out of your line of view.
- I found that placing an assortment of weapons along the paths so that they cover two paths is the most effective way to defeat the enemy. See screenshot for my placement.
- The blue area (R) that appears around a weapon when placing it on the field is the radius of destruction for that weapon.
- If the zone around a weapon is red that means you can’t place it there.
- To defeat the boss at the 5th round, use the same strategies as the other level but be sure to save the axe energy to attack it.
- 3 out of 5 rounds need to be silver or you need one gold and one silver to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 7 – Spa

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle items – AXE and BICYCLE, the message item – NOTEBOOK and the gadget item – PAINTBRUSH.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – ELECTRIC MIXER.
- Head through the blue and cream striped portal all the way to the left to enter the rec room.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – QUARTER, the gadget item – COLANDER, and the message item – POSTER.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the door straight ahead in the center of the room to enter the nursery.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget item – GARDEN SHEARS, the riddle item – SAFETY PIN, and the message item - ENVELOPE.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Scroll right and click on the window under the awning above the basket to enter the laundry room.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – PUTTER, and the message item – POST CARD.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Stay in this room.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Put the spin cycle on max for a quarter hour”.
- Click on the washing machine to get a close-up.
- You need to click-hold and drag 46 cents (S) into the coin slot to start the machine; note the warning that states you must insert 5 coins into the machine.
- The correct combination is 1 quarter, 1 dime, 2 nickels and 1 penny. If you make a mistake the coins will come out of the slot indicating you need to start over.
- Click-hold and turn the timer dial to the 4th line (15 minutes – quarter hour).
- Click-hold and turn the middle dial to the H (Hot – Max).
- Click-hold and turn the right dial to spin.
- Push the start button.

- The Hair-Raiser mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 3 rounds in total.
- The goal is to accomplish the makeovers in the allotted time.
- Click-hold and drag the ingredients from the conveyor belt (T) to the area directed. The majority of all ingredients will be transferred to the mixing bowl but some will go directly to the hair etc..
- You will need to multitask in order to complete in the allotted time. You can still get a gold if you get 100% even though the time ran out.
- Click on the correct action button (U) on the top of the screen to activate the task. You can have more than one action going at one time provided it is for a separate item on the task list (V).
- When you activate the mixer, shears, heater, shower and brush you must keep an eye on it so you can stop the meter when it’s in the green zone (W) to win.
- Different actions take different times to get to the green.
- Two out of 3 rounds need to be silver or 1 out of 3 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
Chapter 8 – Private Quarters

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the left side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one below for all locations.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There are two ghosts to clear and you need to find them each 3 times using the monocle.
- You will need to scroll to the right side of the room and clear the area there as well.
- See this screenshot and the one previous for all locations.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle items – BOOT and VIALS, and the gadget item – SCALPEL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Scroll to the left.

- Find the items on the list and get the message item – PAPER STACK, and the gadget item – BANDAGES.
- Head to the platform under the blue curtains on the far left to enter the office.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – SWITCH, the gadget item – ICE TONGS, and the message item – DIPLOMA.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Head through the round hatch door straight ahead in the center of the room to enter the laboratory.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the riddle item – FIVE (5), and the message item – WARNING LABEL.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.
- Scroll right and click on the doorway in the bottom right to enter the conservatory.

- Click on the glowing monocle in the lower right to clear the room of ghosts.
- There is one ghost to clear and you need to find it 3 times using the monocle.

- Find the items on the list and get the gadget part – STITCHES, the riddle item – DICE, and the message item – NOTEBOOK.
- Pick up the ULTIMO ENERGY CAN marked in yellow.
- Click on the arrow above the menu to return to the main location.

- Click on the Log on the Taskbar and then click on Riddles.
- The solution to the riddle is “Switch the dials to those alive and reboot”.
- Head into the middle doorway straight ahead into the laboratory.
- Click on the pedestal (X) on the right.
- You need to click-hold and turn the dials to point towards living things.
- The items from upper left are, shell, heart, amoeba, eagle and tree. See screenshot (Y) for solution.
- Press the red button (Z) in the center when the dials have been set. If the electric rays turn green you are correct if they turn red you need to adjust a dial.
- Get the RE-ANIMATOR.

- The Flatliners mini – game can be skipped after one round.
- There are 3 rounds in total.
- The goal is to treat the patient according to the directions given without making any mistakes.
- Keep an eye on the vital signs (A). Too many mistakes will cause the patient to flatline and the round will end.
- When using the syringe, fill it up with the vials (B) and then place it on a corresponding colored area. Be sure to completely fill the syringe and completely empty the syringe.
- When using the scalpel, be sure to stay on the line from one end to the other. Both ends should be green when done.
- When using the needle and thread be sure and make an X (looks like a figure eight) with the stitch. You only get five clicks of the mouse to make a stitch so to get 100% see screenshot (C) for solution.
- When removing a part from the patient with the tweezers, click-hold it and drag it to the tray (D) in the upper right and drop the part into the green circle that appears in the tray.
- If you drop a part or grab the wrong tool, you will reduce the patients vital signs.
- When applying the bandage (E) be sure and trace the line from one end to another.
- The antiseptic must be applied by click-hold the antiseptic and dragging it across all the little squares (F).
- 2 out of 3 rounds need to be silver or 1 out of 3 needs to be gold to unlock an award. You will have the option to retry the game to get a better score.
- Congratulations! You have successfully completed Mishap 2: An Intentional Haunting.
Created at: 2011-01-28