Walkthrough Menu
General Tips

- Mystery Agency: A Vampire's Kiss is a Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure.
- Clicking randomly in a Hidden Object Scene will make dark on the screen for few seconds.
- Clicking the settings in the main menu you can adjust the music volume, sound effects volume and full screen mode (A).
- On the second page of the options menu you can adjust the difficulty of the game: easy or hard.
- When you play the game, you will have your journal on the left from which you can quit the game (B).
- On the right side you have a crystal ball which will give you a hint or let you skip a puzzle if you get stuck (C).
- The time in which you finish Hidden Object Scenes and the number of clicks it takes you to finish the puzzles affect your score at the end.
Chapter 1

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list circled in red.
- The names in the list are randomized, so they may be different in your play through.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list circled in red.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list circled in red.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- The object of this puzzle is to line the quarters up in a diagonal line from the bottom left to the top right.
- Each line to the left and the top may have an arrow. Clicking this arrow will move the quarters in one of two ways.
- The first way, a quarter will move towards or away from the arrows, in the same column or row. If there is more than one quarter in the row or column they will all follow each other. If there is an obstacle in the way, the quarters won’t move.
- The second way, two positions in the row or column will switch places. The positions that switch will always be the same, and there will be two sets of positions for each row or column. If there is an obstacle, there will be only two spaces that switch instead of all four.
- In the first board, all of the rows and all of the columns except for the right-most column move one space at a time.
- The right-most column switches two pairs of squares.
- The trick in the first board is to not put anything in the right-most column except for the one quarter in the top right corner, use the other columns and rows to move things around.
- In the second and third boards there are a lot more columns and rows that only switch two pairs of squares.
- If you get stuck in one direction, use the other direction to move the pieces out.
- There is no way to get the pieces stuck in a way where you can’t solve the puzzle, so move the pieces as much as you want, and test which way the arrows go.
- The fewer moves you use the higher your score will be.
- The original positions of the quarters are randomized.
- Check out our random video solutions for all 3 rounds!

- Find 12 differences between the two pictures circled in green.
- You can click either side of the screen to find the difference.
- All of the differences are objects that are missing on one side compared with the other.

- This puzzle is similar to the previous one, only the pieces are now roses and the obstacles are now leaves.
- The first board is 4x4 but the last two are 5x5.
- As with the last puzzle, there is no way to get stuck, but you may need to move pieces out of the correct position if they get stuck on an obstacle and can’t go forward.
- The original positions of the roses are randomized.
- Check out our random video solutions for all 3 rounds!
- See the screenshot for the correct solutions.
Chapter 2

- Find pieces of keys in the list at the bottom of the screen.
- The list at the bottom of the screen shows pictures, and each piece that you find will go to complete the correct picture.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find pieces of documents and pictures listed at the bottom of the screen.
- As you find the hidden objects, the icons of the documents at the bottom of the screen will fill up with the pieces you have found.

- Memorize the spots that have Aidan’s face when the targets are all flipped over.
- Next all the targets will be hidden. Click on the two targets with his face without clicking on any other targets to get 10 points.
- If you click on the wrong target you will lose 5 points.
- If you click the first target with his face it will stay up while you click the other targets.
- Click the Aidan’s faces quickly in order to earn more points at the end of the game.
- To solve this puzzle, get more than 50 points.

- Find 12 differences between the two pictures.
- You can click either side of the screen to find the difference.
- All of the differences are objects that are missing on one side compared with the other.

- Find 14 differences between the two pictures.
- You can click either side of the screen to find the difference.
- All of the differences are objects that are missing on one side compared with the other.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.
Chapter 3

- Find 12 differences between the two pictures.
- You can click either side of the screen to find the difference.
- All of the differences are objects that are missing on one side compared with the other.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- The next puzzle is a sliding tile puzzle.
- Click any tile beside the open space to move the tile into that space.
- The final position of the open space is in the bottom right corner.
- First make the bottom line, with the tile above the bottom right corner in the bottom right corner space.
- Next make the top line and the left side.
- Work your way back to the bottom right corner and then slide the tile in the corner up one at the end.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.
Chapter 4

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find pieces of the 8 hidden objects listed at the bottom of the screen.
- As you find the hidden objects, the icons at the bottom of the screen will fill up with the pieces you have found.

- This puzzle is similar to the previous diagonal stacking puzzles, only the pieces are now keys and the obstacles are now locks.
- The first two boards are 5x5 but the last two are 6x6.
- As with the last puzzle, there is no way to get stuck, but you may need to move pieces out of the correct position if they get stuck on an obstacle and can’t go forward.
- The original positions of the keys are randomized.
- The last puzzle is the hardest one. Use the right-most column to move pieces around to the other rows, and then use those rows to move those pieces to different columns.
- The bottom left piece can be done first and the right two pieces will need to be done last.
- Check out our random video solutions for all rounds!
- See the screenshot for the correct solutions.

- Before moving to the next Hidden Object Scene you will need to do the target game again. This time you will be looking for four targets at the same time.
- Memorize the spots that have Aidan’s face when the targets are all flipped over.
- Next all the targets will be hidden. Click on the four targets with his face without clicking on any other targets to get 10 points.
- If you click on the wrong target you will lose 5 points.
- If you click the first target with his face it will stay up while you click the other targets.
- Click the Aidan’s faces quickly in order to earn more points at the end of the game.
- To solve this puzzle, get more than 50 points.
- Find 15 hidden objects in the list.

- Find 14 differences between the two pictures circled in red.
- You can click either side of the screen to find the difference.
- All of the differences are objects that are missing on one side compared with the other.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- The next puzzle is a wire puzzle.
- To finish the puzzle you need to line up all of the wires in the hexagons so that they match the colors on the edge of the hexagon they are in or if there is no color, they need to match the wire they are connected to.
- You can click and drag the pieces to their place in the grid in the middle or put them on the side.
- If you click the piece it will rotate clockwise.
- Start with the colors you know have to be in certain places – the colors on the hexagon grid.
- Next switch out pieces until you can find ones that fit with the colors on the grid.
- Refer to the screenshot for the final solution.

- Find 8 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- The next puzzle is another wire puzzle. In this puzzle the colors on the grid are larger but they work the exact same way as before.
- To finish the puzzle you need to line up all of the wires in the hexagons so that they match the colors on the edge of the hexagon they are in or if there is no color, they need to match the wire they are connected to.
- You can click and drag the pieces to their place in the grid in the middle or put them on the side.
- If you click the piece it will rotate clockwise.
- Start with the colors you know have to be in certain places – the colors on the hexagon grid.
- Next switch out pieces until you can find ones that fit with the colors on the grid.
- Refer to the screenshot for the final solution.
Chapter 5

- Find 12 hidden objects in the list.
- The names in the list are randomized.

- The next puzzle is another sliding tile puzzle. It’s the same idea as before but with more pieces.
- Click any tile beside the open space to move the tile into that space.
- The final position of the open space is in the bottom right corner.
- First make the bottom line, with the tile above the bottom right corner in the bottom right corner space.
- Next make the top line and the left side.
- Work your way back to the bottom right corner and then slide the tile in the corner up one at the end.
- See the screenshot for the completed puzzle.

- Memorize the order of lights.
- Repeat the lights in correct order by clicking on them. When you click wrong light, it will repeat again.
- There are three different orders, each longer that the one before by one light.
- After the conversation, you have to solve the memory puzzle again.
- In this time, all orders are longer than the last time.
- The order of the lights is random.

- Find pieces of the 4 hidden objects listed at the bottom of the screen.
- As you find the hidden objects, the icons at the bottom of the screen will fill up with the pieces you have found.
- Congratulations! You have completed Mystery Agency: A Vampire's Kiss!
Created at: 2011-02-18