Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Case 1: A Warm Welcome
- Case 2: A Sip of Lies
- Case 3: Wax Moth
- Case 4: A Boy of Few Words
- Case 5: The Man Who Ate the World
- Case 6: A Friend in Need
- Case 7: A Visit to Grandmother
- Case 8: As Seen on TV
- Case 9: Eye of the Beholder
- Case 10: Like Father, Unlike Son
- Case 11: All in Good Time
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Mystery Case Files: Rewind.
- This guide won't tell you when to zoom into a location; the screenshots show each zoom scene.
- Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. Only the locations of the HOPs will be shown.
- Each completed HOP awards you with a fragment of a key blueprint.
- Use the Map to fast travel to a location.
Case 1: A Warm Welcome

- Take CASE FILE on scene.
- Look at newspaper; use PAINT SCRAPER and select; open zipper and take PLASTIC FLOWER (B).
- Solution (@1): (L-K-J-K). Press Button (O).
- Take Map (P).
- Select investigate (Q) and choose Reception (R).
- Arrange key parts (S).
- Matching keys solution (1-5).
- Set clock to 3 o'clock (T).

- Play Elevator HOP (U).
- Puzzle solution (V).
- Select key blueprint (Y).
- Select (Z) for a solution hint.
- Solution (B-D-F-G-E-F).
- Go to Dining Room (I) for a puzzle.

- Select punching bag 3x (J).
- Move weight (K).
- Select winding key (L).
- Place wishbone (M) in hands (N).
- Select marked stars (O).
- Toast pops out (P); change calendar to 36 (Q).
- Select Crime Computer (R).
- Crime Computer Solution (S).
Case 2: A Sip of Lies

- Select Case #2 and Investigate.
- Play Restroom HOP (T).
- Use saw on handcuffs (U).
- Use fishing rod in toilet (V).
- Play Wine Cellar HOP (W).
- Use knife (X); select twice. Look at note and take cat collar (Y).
- Select key blueprint (Z).
- Solution (Z1).

- Select Bar scene for a puzzle.
- Arrange pipes (A).
- Select three grape bunches (B).
- Take slicer (C) and use on cheese wedge 3x to reveal 4728 (D).
- Select numbers 4-7-2-8 in any order, as they appear through hole (E).
- Remove corkscrew (F).
- Play Bar HOP (G).
- Crime Computer Solution (H).
Case 3: Wax Moth

- Select Case #3 and Investigate.
- Play Corridor HOP (A).
- Select note (B).
- Find items on picture (C-D-E-F-G).
- Find rest of items (A1).
- Select 2nd Floor Tab; play Library HOP (H).
- Arrange books (I).
- Play Balcony HOP (J).
- Puzzle solution: (Kx2-Mx5-Lx5).

- Select blueprint key (O). Solution (P).
- Select Surveillance Room scene.
- Place both batteries (Q).
- Use calculator key to add to 51: (3+2x3x3+3+3)(R).
- Select button 6x (S).
- Flip switches as shown (T).
- Position cameras as shown (U).
- Play Surveillance Room HOP (V).

- Collect floating items (W).
- Crime Computer Solution (X).
Case 4: A Boy of Few Words

- Select Case #4 and Investigate.
- Play Pool HOP (A).
- Play Gymnasium HOP (B).
- Play Arcade HOP (C). Select correct ball under cup (D).
- Select Ground Floor Tab; play Restroom HOP (E).

- Select key blueprint (F). Solution (G).
- Select Day Care scene for a puzzle.
- Select 1-12 (yellow numbers) and remove tape.
- Select moles 1-5 (red numbers).
- Select soldier (H); press button (I). Enter 241 (J). Follow same steps 3 more times and enter 542, 325, and 412 respectively into (J).
- Play Day Care HOP (K).
- Crime Computer Solution (L).
Case 5: The Man Who Ate the World

- Select Case #5 and Investigate.
- Go to Dining Room. Play puzzle one (A).
- Play puzzle two (B).
- Play puzzle three (C).
- Play puzzle four (D).

- Go to Map. Play Back Alley HOP (E). Separate recycling items (F). Take boomerang (G).
- Play Freezer HOP (H).
- Select 2nd Floor tab and play Library HOP (I).
- Select Ground Floor tab and play Wine Cellar HOP (J).

- Play Elevator HOP (K).
- Select key blueprint (L). Solution (M).
- Select Kitchen scene for a puzzle.
- Select matching fruits (N).
- Select 31-14-22-56 (O).
- Use pepper shaker (P) on nose (Q).
- Use knife (R) on onion (S).
- Stuff hot dog (T) in mouth (U).
- Place mold (V) in oven (P).
- Take key from oven (W); insert in keyhole (X).

- Play Kitchen HOP (Y).
- Crime Computer Solution (Z).
Case 6: A Friend in Need

- Select Case #6 and Investigate.
- Play Freezer HOP (A).
- Select 2nd Floor Tab and play Gymnasium HOP (B).
- Play Balcony HOP (C).
- Select 4th Floor tab and play Office HOP (D).

- Play Basement HOP (E). HOP Solution (F-1; press G)-(F-2; press G)-(F-3; press G)-(F-4; press G). Take sock (@1).
- Select wire (H) and take electricity (I). Open case; take rocket (@2).
- Go to Dining Room. Puzzle Solution (J).
- Go to Map. Select key blueprint (K). Solution (L).
- Select Altar scene for a puzzle.
- Use ice pick (M).
- Select 1-5.
- Arrange tokens (N).
- Select fishing rod (O). Take tape; place in recorder (P).
- Select plus button (Q) twice. Enter 62337478 (R).
- Take key (S) and insert (T).

- Play Altar HOP (U). Play puzzle (V); solution is random (W). Take Tree Star (X).
- Select floating items (Y).
- Crime Computer Solution (Z).
Case 7: A Visit to Grandmother

- Select Case #7 and Investigate.
- Go to Dining Room. Puzzle Solution (A).
- Go to Map; select Ground Floor Tab. Play Restroom HOP (B).
- Play Wine Cellar HOP (C).
- Play Elevator HOP (D).

- Select 2nd Floor Tab. Play Library HOP (E).
- Play Balcony HOP (F).
- Select 3rd Floor Tab. Play Cat Room HOP (G).
- Select Key Blueprint (H). Solution (Kx3-L-M-J-I).

- Select Parlor for a puzzle.
- Put 1-N; select P. Rotate wheel (O) until you see letter S.
- Put 2-N; select Q. Rotate wheel (O) until you see letter T.
- Put 3-N; select R. Rotate wheel (O) until you see letter A.
- Put 4-N; select S Rotate wheel (O) until you see letter I.
- Put 5-N; select T. Rotate wheel (O) until you see letter N.
- Use razor (U).
- Solution (V).
- Play Parlor HOP (W).
- Crime Computer Solution (X).
Case 8: As Seen on TV

- Select Case #8 and Investigate.
- Go to Dining Room. Puzzle Solution (A).
- Go to Map. Select Ground Floor Tab and play Elevator HOP (B).
- Select 2nd Floor Tab and play Pool HOP (C).
- Play Arcade HOP (D).

- Play Surveillance Room HOP (E).
- Select 4th Floor Tab; play Garden HOP (F).
- Play Office HOP (G).
- Select Key Blueprint (H). Solution (I-Jx3-Kx2).

- Go to Morgue for a puzzle.
- Assemble remote (1-6) (L).
- Select remote (M). Select lightbulbs (1-9) (N).
- Select lines 1-4 (O).
- Enter 5739 (P).
- Select pipe (Q).
- Place key (R) in keyhole (S).

- Play Morgue HOP (T).
- Crime Computer Solution (U).
Case 9: Eye of the Beholder

- Select Case #9 and Investigate.
- Select Ground Floor Tab. Play Restroom HOP (A).
- Play Wine Cellar HOP (B).
- Select 2nd Floor Tab. Play Pool HOP (C).
- Play Gymnasium HOP (D).

- Play Arcade HOP (E).
- Select 3rd Floor Tab. Play Back Alley HOP (F).
- Select 5th Floor Tab. Play Rooftop HOP (G).
- Go to Dining Room. Puzzle Solution (H).

- Go to Map. Select Key Blueprint (I). Solution (J).
- Go Backstage for a puzzle.
- Rotate wheel clockwise to spot shown (K). Select nail gun 3x (L) to shoot each of the three stars (orange). If you miss any stars and the wheel stops, repeat the steps.
- Use nail polish (M) to paint the 4 fingernails (N-O-P-Q).
- Select marked corners (R).
- Select clown nose (S).
- Select lever 3x (T).
- Place key (U) in keyhole (V).

- Play Backstage HOP (W). Wipe mirror; take Award (X).
- Crime Computer Solution (Y).
Case 10: Like Father, Unlike Son

- Select Case 10 and Investigate.
- Play Cinema HOP (A). Place bag (B) next to popcorn machine (C). Press button (D); find items (E). Press button (F); find items (G).
- Go to Dining Room. Puzzle Solution (H).
- Go to Map. Select 2nd Floor Tab. Play Library HOP (I).
- Select 3rd Floor HOP. Play Back Alley HOP (J).

- Play Cat Room HOP (K).
- Play Freezer HOP (L). Use awl (M); take fish (N).
- Select 4th Floor Tab. Play Garden HOP (O). Place battery (P) in compartment (Q). Select middle head and egg; receive Chick (R).
- Play Basement HOP (S).

- Select Key Blueprint (T). Solution (1-6) and (7-10).
- Select Attic Lab for a puzzle.
- Strike match (A).
- Use lit match on dynamite (B).
- Push button (C) and repeat sequence shown in brain (D) by pressing on the animal buttons (orange).
- Sequence one: fish-butterfly-elephant-giraffe.
- Sequence two: camel-fish-hippo-seahorse.
- Sequence three: elephant- fish-giraffe-camel.
- Sequence four: hippo-butterfly-elephant-seahorse.
- Change clock to 19:83 (E).
- Use key (F) in keyhole (G).

- Play Attic Lab HOP (H).
- Crime Computer Solution (I).
Case 11: All in Good Time

- Select Case #11 and Investigate.
- Match 1-9 (J).
- Congratulations, you've completed Mystery Case Files: Rewind!
Created at: 2018-07-20