Walkthrough Menu
General Tips

- Click on 'PLAY' (A) to begin your adventure.
- The 'PROFILES' (B) tab allows you to add or delete a new player.
- Use the 'OPTIONS' (C) button to adjust sound, custom cursor, screen size, and 3D mode.
- The 'HELP' (D) button gives you some tips on playing the game.
- People with exclamation points over their head have something to say; click on them to hear valuable information.
- Use the Diary in the lower left side to view valuable clues and information about the game.
- Suspect Cards will be added to the Diary as you talk to the characters in the game.
- The Hand cursor allows you to pick up items in the scene.
- The magnifying glass icon lets you zoom into certain areas.
- The Hint button is in the lower right corner. It helps you find a random object from your list in Hidden Object Scenes and helps you navigate the game in regular scenes.
Chapter 1

- Read the note (A) on the ground.
- Head left.
- Grab the PIECE OF PAPER 1/16 (@) on the ground.

- Click down and go forward.
- Grab LADDER STEP 1/3 (B) on the ground.
- Read the poster (C) on the left.
- Grab the PIECE OF PAPER 2/16 (@) on the lower left.
- Go forward to reach the gate.
- Talk to the Commissaire (D) to activate a Hidden Object Scene; play it.

- Find the items on the list.
- The GATE KEY will be added to inventory.

- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 3/16 (@) on the lower right.
- Zoom into the gate; place the GATE KEY on the lock (E).
- Go through the gate.
- Talk to the Commissaire again (F).

- Play the Hidden Object Scene in the lower left.
- Find the items on the list.
- The HACKSAW will be added to inventory.

- Head left.
- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 4/16 (@) on the right.
- Zoom into the left gate; cut the chain with the HACKSAW (G).

- Go through the gate to encounter a maze.
- You will start in the lower end of the maze (A).
- Click on the direction you want to go in and the path will reveal itself little by little.
- To get through the maze follow the red line in the screenshot all the way to the end (B).

- Talk to the Fisherman standing by the tree (H).
- Grab the BOWLER HAT (I) in the water to add info to the diary.
- Click on the FISHING NET (J) in the lower left to add info to the diary.
- Click on the Fisherman again to enter the Fisherman Suspect Card into the diary and activate a Hidden Object Scene; play it.

- Find the items on the list.
- The DIP NET will be added to inventory.

- Click down.
- Zoom into the water in the fountain.
- Use the DIP NET to remove the CASTLE KEY from the water (K).
- Click down.
- Talk to the Commissaire (L).
- Zoom into the front door; unlock it with the CASTLE KEY (M).
- Go into the Castle.
- Talk to the Commissaire to activate a puzzle.

- Your goal is to move the pieces of furniture into their matching colored spots.
- For example: the round table has a blue highlight below it; place it on the spot marked with a blue plus sign on the floor.
- The furniture must be moved in a certain order to solve the puzzle, otherwise you will get stuck and unable to make additional moves.

- Click on the red arrows surrounding the character to move it in that direction. Once you get behind a piece of furniture you want to move, click on the red arrow and the character will move the furniture in the direction you chose.
- If you make a mistake click on the 'Reset' button at the bottom.
- Please follow the steps in both screenshots to solve the puzzle.
- The furniture must be placed in this order to solve the puzzle: Red, Green, Both Yellows, and Blue.
- The PIECE OF PAPER 5/16 (@) will be added to inventory after the puzzle has been solved.

- Talk to the Commissaire; he wants you to look around the Castle.
- Head right into the kitchen.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find all the items on the list.
- The CROWBAR will be added to inventory.

- Click on the Fisherman's Pipe on the kitchen table (N) to add a note to the diary.
- Read the dining schedule (O) on the left side of the room.
- Click down and go forward through the archway in the center.
- Read the article (P) below the table.
- Zoom into the table.
- Take the SUN (Q) on the table.
- Click on the large bottle 3 times until the word 'vinegar' appears on the label (R).

- Examine the left door to activate a puzzle.
- Your goal is to move the smaller silver arc into the bigger one.
- The only way to move the arc is with the gold coin inside of it.
- Drag the coin or the arc to the desired spot.
- Follow the steps in the screenshot to solve the puzzle. If the coin is circled in red, move only the coin. If there is a box around the arc with the coin inside move both items.

- Go through the door after the puzzle has been solved.
- Click on the shield on the left wall to remove it; take PIECE OF PAPER 6/16 (@) on the wall.
- Read the invitation (S) on the table.

- Examine the left door.
- Place the SUN on the door to activate the puzzle.

- Your goal is to move the smaller silver arc into the bigger one.
- The only way to move the arc is with the sun inside of it.
- Drag the pieces in the direction you want to go in.
- Please follow the steps outlined in the 2 screenshots to solve the puzzle.

- Go through the door after the puzzle has been solved.
- Open the center drawer; open the book (T).
- Click on the dog's picture to add a diary page (U).
- Note the name 'Cesar' at the bottom of the photo (V).
- Open the armoire to access a safe.
- Enter the name 'Cesar' with the arrows and click on the handle to open the safe (W).
- Take the poison bottle (X) to add a diary page.
- Half a photo is missing on the right; close the pop-up window (Y).

- Click down 6 times.
- Remove the rotten tree stump in the lower right with the CROWBAR (Z) 3 times.
- Head towards the right.
- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 7/16 (@) on the lower right.
- Head right.
- Talk to the Stableman (1) to add the 'Stableman Suspect Card' to the Diary.

- Play the Hidden Object Scene by the stables.
- The MATCHES will be added to inventory.

- Click down and head left.
- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 8/16 (@) in the lower left.
- Go forward.
- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 9/16 (@) on the right.

- Return to the formal dining room inside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene on the table.
- The AXE will be added to inventory.

- Exit the Castle; click down twice, head right, and then left.
- Chop the FIREWOOD in the lower right with the AXE (A) 3 times.
- Take the FIREWOOD.
- Return to the Castle.
- Talk to the Commissaire in the hallway (B) to add the 'Countess Suspect Card' to the Diary.
- Go through the archway in the center and then through the right door.
- Zoom into the fireplace in the lower left; put the FIREWOOD in the fireplace (C).
- Light the FIREWOOD with the MATCHES to light up the room.
- Click on the ghost at the chair and she will disappear (D).
Chapter 2

- Go outside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene in the lower left.
- Find the items listed.
- The KNIFE will be added to inventory.

- Go back inside the Castle; go forward, and then through back door to reach the office.
- Zoom into the chair; cut the chair with the KNIFE to obtain the SAFE COMBINATION (E).
- Remove the painting above the desk (F).
- Zoom into the safe behind the picture.
- Use the arrows to enter the combination found in the Diary '183445' (G).
- Click on the handle (H) to open the safe and trigger a Hidden Object Scene; play it.

- Find all the items on the list.
- The GLASS CUTTER will be added to inventory.

- Examine the back door to activate a puzzle.
- Rotate the discs to form the image shown in the screenshot (I).
- Go through the door after the puzzle has been solved.

- Take the TORN PHOTO CARD (J) on the table.
- Click on the VASE (K) in the upper left; you can't reach it.
- Examine the books on the left side of the back wall.
- Open the OTHELLO (O) book; read the note.
- Open the BOTANY (B) book; flip the pages to view all the plant species.
- Open the CHEMISTRY (C) book; read the solvent formula.

- Click down twice and then head left twice to reach the bedroom.
- Zoom into the open drawer on left.
- Place the TORN PHOTO CARD next to the other picture. Exit the close-up window (L).

- Exit the Castle and head left twice.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene by the tree.
- Find the items listed.
- The SLINGSHOT will be added to inventory.

- Return to the stables.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find all the items on the list to obtain the SHOVEL.

- Return to the Castle; go forward, and through the next 2 back doors.
- Place the SLINGSHOT in the vase in the upper left to knock it down (M).
- Zoom into the broken vase (N) on the ground; take PIECE OF PAPER 10/16 (@).

- Exit the Castle; click down 3 times, and head left.
- Use the CROWBAR to remove the NAIL attached to the board on the right (A).
- Take LADDER STEP 2/3.
- Zoom into the greenhouse door; cut the glass with the GLASSCUTTER (B).
- Enter the greenhouse.

- Talk to the Botanist twice to add the 'Botanist Suspect Card' to the Diary (C).
- Take the PIECE OF PAPER 11/16 (@) in the lower left.

- Click down twice; head forward, right, left, and forward.
- Cut the sacks of wheat with the KNIFE 3 times (D).
- Clear the path with the SHOVEL 3 times (E).
- Go forward and then head left.
- Grab PIECE OF PAPER 12/16 (@) in the lower right.
- Zoom into the left side of the water; click on the shoe (F) to add a Diary page.

- Return to the bedroom inside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find the items listed.
- The BOTANIST HOUSE KEY will be added to inventory.

- Exit the Castle; click down 3 times and head left.
- Zoom into the Botanist's door; unlock it with the BOTANIST HOUSE KEY and go inside (G).
- Click on the stepladder 3 times to move it out of the way (H).
- Open the cabinet doors on the left to activate a Hidden Object Scene; play it (I).

- Find all the items on the list.
- The PLIERS will be added to inventory.

- Click down twice; go forward, right, left, cross the bridge and head left.
- Zoom into the boathouse door; cut the wires with the PLIERS (J) 3 TIMES.
- Slide the bar and go inside.
- Zoom into the crate in the lower left (K);place the CROWBAR on each of the 4 nails.
- Take PIECE OF PAPER 13/16 (@) from inside the crate.

- Play the Hidden Object Scene by the boat.
- Find all the items listed.
- The EMPTY BUCKET will be added to inventory.

- Go to the outside of the Castle.
- Zoom into the water pump on the side of the house (L).
- Place the EMPTY BUCKET on the pump.
- Click on the handle (M) to fill the bucket; take the FULL BUCKET (N).

- Return to the bedroom inside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene by the bed.
- Find all the items on the list.
- The POKER will be added to inventory.

- Click down 3 times and head right to access the kitchen.
- Zoom into the fire; extinguish it with the FULL BUCKET (N).
- Use the POKER on the top of the chimney (O).
- Take the COPPER COIN (P) that falls by the bricks.

- Return to the inside of the boathouse.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- The OIL CAN will be added to inventory.

- Return to the stables.
- Zoom into the door; oil the 3 rusty brackets with the OIL CAN to activate a puzzle.
- Please follow the steps in the screenshot to solve the puzzle.

- Enter the stables after the puzzle has been solved.
- Take LADDER STEP 3/3 (Q) in the lower left.
- Move the barrel on right aside; zoom into the ground (R).
- Remove the planks with the CROWBAR 2 times; take the MONEY to add a Diary page (S).
- Examine the bale of hay inside the gate; take the leather jacket to add a Diary page (T).
Chapter 3

- Return to the kitchen inside the Castle.
- Zoom into the back door; oil the 2 hinges with the OIL CAN (U).
- Open the door and go through it.
- Take the PIECE OF PAPER 14/16 (@) on the right side of the table.
- Grab the BOTTLE WITH SULFURIC ACID from the table (V).
- Take the jacket pocket (W) on the table to add a diary page.

- Return to the inside of the Botanist's house.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find all the items on the list to obtain the SCREWDRIVER.

- Zoom into the table.
- Place the BOTTLE WITH SULFURIC ACID into the test tube (X).
- Put the COPPER COIN inside the test tube.
- Light the bottom of the tube with the MATCHES.
- Take the TEST TUBE WITH SOLVENT. Exit the table.
- Zoom into the painting on the back wall (Y).
- Place the TEST TUBE WITH SOLVENT on the picture; note the name of the 5 poisonous plants from the book in the library (Z).
- The EMPTY TEST TUBE is automatically added to inventory.

- Return to the formal dining room in the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene by the table.
- Find all the items listed to obtain the MACHETE.

- Head left into the bedroom.
- Zoom into the grandfather clock on the ground (A).
- Loosen the 4 screws with the SCREWDRIVER (B).
- Click on each of the 4 screws to remove them.
- Remove the cover by clicking on it.
- Arrange the gears in the order shown in the screenshot (C).
- Take the PIECE OF PAPER 15/16 (@) after the puzzle has been solved.

- Return to the kitchen.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find all the items on the list to obtain the CHURCH KEY.

- Exit the Castle, head left and then right.
- Zoom into the church door; unlock it with the CHURCH KEY (D).
- Go into the church.
- Take the WOOD PLANK (E) on the ground.
- Zoom into the candles on the right; take the CANDLE (F).
- Examine the pillar on right; note the beetle (G).

- Click down 5 times; head right, and then left.
- Zoom into the bush on the far right; cut the bush with the MACHETE (H).
- Place the CANDLE in the cave.
- Light the CANDLE with the MATCHES (I).

- Go into the cave.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find all the items listed to obtain the RAZOR.

- Examine the footprint in the lower right to add a Diary page (J).
- Click on the necktie in the lower left to add a Diary page (K).

- Return to the greenhouse.
- You must cut all the flowers that were shown in the Botany book in the library with the RAZOR.
- Cut the ANTHURIUM (A), FOXGLOVE (B), CHRYSANTHEMUM (C), OLEANDER (D), and NARCISSUS (E) flower shown in the screenshot to trigger a mini-game.

- Click on 2 identical flowers to eliminate them.
- Eliminate 3 sets of flowers to beat the game; the solution is random.
- A Diary page will be added after the puzzle has been solved.
- Talk to the Botanist again.

- Go into the Botanist's house.
- Zoom into the table.
- Place the ANTHURIUM, FOXGLOVE, CHRYSANTHEMUM, OLEANDER, and NARCISSUS flowers into the mortar (F).
- Take the pestle and place it into the mortar to crush the flowers (G).
- Place the EMPTY TEST TUBE into the mortar to add a Diary page (H).

- Return to the formal dining room in the Castle and head to the right.
- Place the PLANK (I) below the steps.
- Place the CROWBAR on the loose stone on left.
- Take PIECE OF PAPER 16/16 (@). Since this is the last paper piece a puzzle will automatically appear.

- Arrange the pieces of paper within the outlines of the frame.
- Right-click on a piece to rotate it.
- Correct pieces will lock in place.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution (J).

- Go left outside the Castle, make a right and go into the church.
- Examine the beetle relief (K).
- Arrange the legs in the same order as in the puzzle you just solved; the diagram is in your Diary (L).
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution (M).
- Take the GRAVE KEY (M) after the puzzle has been solved.

- Click down.
- Examine the ground in the lower center (N).
- Place the SHOVEL on the soil 3 times (O).
- Place the GRAVE KEY on the lock attached to the top of the coffin to activate a Hidden Object Scene (P); play it.

- Find all the items on the list.
- The DOOR KNOB will be added to inventory.

- Return to the formal dining room in the Castle and go into the right door.
- Zoom into the door; place the DOOR KNOB in the lock (Q).
- Turn the DOOR KNOB; go into the door and watch a brief cut scene (R).

- The mirror just shattered as you entered the room.
- Pick up the 10 MIRROR SHARDS marked in yellow.
- Zoom into the mirror (S).

- Place the 10 MIRROR SHARDS into the correct spots.
- You can only place one shard at a time; pieces placed correctly will lock in place.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution (T).

- Return to the stables.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene.
- The LADDER will be added to inventory.

- Return to the gate outside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the HAMMER.

- Go to the Botanist's house.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the NAILS.

- Click down twice, go forward, right, left, forward, cross the bridge and zoom into the mill.
- Place the LADDER on the right side of the mill.
- Put the 3 LADDER STEPS on the ladder.
- Place the 6 NAILS on the steps.
- Put the HAMMER on the 6 NAILS marked in white.
- Click on the area above the ladder.
- Try to go in but you can't because it's too high (A).

- Return to the office inside the Castle.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the REVOLVER.

- Return to the cave. Exit the Castle, click down twice, head right, left and enter the cave on the right.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the ROPE.

- Return to the mill.
- Go up the ladder.
- Place the ROPE in the window and go into the mill (B).
- The lights are off and you need something to hook onto the ring in the upper right.
- Click on the board by the back door.
- Go through the door to exit this location.

- Return to the cemetery outside of the church.
- Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the WALKING STICK.

- Return to the inside of the mill.
- Place the WALKING STICK on the ring in the upper right (A).
- Go up the ladder and watch the ending scene.
- Congratulations! You have completed Mystery Chronicles: Betrayal of Love.
Created at: 2011-05-01