Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: The First Key
- Chapter 2: The Second Key
- Chapter 3: The Third Key
- Chapter 4: The Fourth Key
- Chapter 5: The Fifth Key
- Chapter 6: The Sixth Key
- Chapter 7: The Final Key
General Tips

- From the main menu you can make a new profile, adjust options like sound, music, brightness and screen mode, and see the game help.
- When starting a new game you can choose to play in expert mode or not.
- Expert mode shows places where you can click with sparkles and features faster charging hints.
- You can set up your character’s gender when you start the game. The gender will decide your character’s voice.
- You can change game difficulty from the option menu any time when you are playing the game.
- You can see your diary in the bottom left corner (A).
- You need to use the Book of Shadows when you open a lock in the end of a chapter (B).
- There are 3 different cursors.
- The arrow indicates exits and entrances in rooms.
- The magnifying glass indicates that closer examination is possible.
- The open hand indicates items that can be picked up or combined with other items in your inventory.
- When you are in high difficulty mode, you have to wait 30 seconds to recharge hints. You also can’t use the map to move to another room instantly.
- When you are in lower difficulty mode, a hint recharges in 10 seconds. You can also go to any available room by clicking a room on the map (C).
- When you get stuck, you can use the hint button in the bottom right corner of the screen to find out your next step or where an object is in a Hidden Object Scene (D).
- Active Hidden Object Scenes are always highlighted, so you can see where hotspots are easily.
Chapter 1: The First Key

- Click on the hotspot in the bottom right corner (1).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive the 5 key items in your inventory: SNAKE, FROG, RAVEN, NEWT, and LION FIGURINES.
- The inventory items are always in the same place, but the other items may be different in your game.

- Click on the door in the entrance of the mansion (2).
- Place FIGURINES from the list at the bottom on to the 5 circles on the lock.
- The highlights in your inventory and the color of the circles are the same in the screenshot.
- Enter the hall.

- Click on the note; collect the KEY and LADDER highlighted in red.
- Click on the hotspot highlighted in yellow in the bottom left corner of the screen.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive the MATCHES in your inventory.
- The location of the MATCHES will always be the same, but the other items may differ in your walkthrough.
- Return to the hall by clicking the door on the left side.

- Click on the door on the left side of the screen (1).
- Drag the LIBRARY KEY from the inventory to the keyhole to open the door (2).
- Enter the library.

- Collect the PAPER in the bottom center (1).
- Place the LADDER on the book shelf (2).
- Collect the TAP on top of the bookshelf (3).
- Click on the desk to search for hidden objects (4).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive the BOWL in your inventory.
- Return to the hall.

- Click on the fountain with lion sculpture (1).
- Place the tap on the faucet (2) and start the water running.
- Collect the EYE from the water (3).
- Return to the library (4).

- Click on the mask on the bookshelf. Place the EYE from your inventory onto the missing spot on the mask (1).
- Collect the crystal. Place the crystal on the board (2).

- In this mini-game you must find the 3 runes floating around the screen that match the 3 runes in the middle of the circle.
- Click on all 3 runes in any order to solve the puzzle.
- You can exit the mini-game by clicking the X button beside the skip button.

- Collect the RECIPE BOOK from the left stack of books (1).
- Click on the crow (2), but you cannot talk to him.
- Open the RECIPE BOOK in the inventory (3).
- Collect the POTION on the right side (4).
- Click on the desk for a closer look (5).

- Open the gas burner by clicking on the handle (1).
- Light the gas burner with the MATCHES (2).
- Place the BOWL (3) on top of the gas burner.
- Add the POTION to the BOWL (4).
- Drag the RECIPE BOOK onto the BOWL WITH POTION (5).

- Find ingredients highlighted in red to make the voice potion.
- You can only search for 5 items at a time.
- After the ingredients are found, you will make the potion and give it to the crow.

- Click on the crow to talk with it (1).
- Collect the PICTURE PIECE on the desk (2).
- Click on the door puzzle (3).

- Place the PICTURE PIECE onto the blank spot in the middle top area.
- Create the correct picture to finish the puzzle.
- Click on one tile and then another to switch their places.
- See the screenshot for the complete image.
- Enter the observatory.

- Click on the book protected with the bubbles (1).
- Click on the four globe holders highlighted in red (2).
- Look in the telescope (3).

- Use the zoom bar at the bottom to increase magnification. The further to the right the greater the magnification.
- Collect the 4 GLOBES.
- Each globe is at a different magnification. See the screenshot for the correct positions to look for the globes.

- Place GLOBES from the inventory onto the holders.
- Collect the book on the desk highlighted in red.

- Collect the LADDER (1) and use it on the wall to the left of the door.
- Click on the observatory window to open it and collect 3 PIECES OF PAPER (2).
- Collect the NOTE on the steps (3).
- Look at the book on the floor (4).
- Click on the book shelf in the right for a closer look (5).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the scene.
- You will receive the SUN in your inventory.
- Return to the library through the door.

- Collect the paper scraps highlighted in red.
- Click on the shelf highlighted in yellow for a closer look.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the scene.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT in your inventory.

- Click on the green portal to return to the normal library (1).
- Click on the top of desk to research (2). Find another ingredient highlighted in purple.
- Click on the puzzle (3).

- Place the Runic code in the middle (1).
- In this mini-game you must match the runes on the edges of the triangle in the middle with the runes on the outside.
- Click on the middle of any triangles – except the one in the middle – to rotate the positions of those triangles clockwise.
- Shown in the screenshot is one possible solution, but the starting positions of the runes are all randomized.
- Work on one rune at a time starting with the top. After that do the left bottom and then the right bottom.
- Because only the center runes matter, this puzzle can be easily solved by rotating 3 or 4 triangles.
- Enter the living room from the opening door.

- Collect the NOTE from R and SCISSORS on the table (1).
- Move the chair (2).
- Click on the shelf (3) to go to another Hidden Object Scene.

- Before finding objects, you need to open both sides of the case door.
- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT in your inventory.

- Click on the drawers to start the puzzle (1).
- In this puzzle you need to get all of the drawers in the out position to finish.
- Every drawer except for one will push another drawer back in when you click it. Save that drawer for last.
- For the others, first click on a drawer and then find the drawer that that pushes back in.
- Next try the drawer that’s getting pushed in, and find the drawer that that one pushes in.
- Complete the puzzle by pushing the drawers in the opposite order, so that the drawer that would get pushed back in is always already pushed in.
- The solution is randomized; see the screenshot for an example. The red highlight is the order to push the drawers and the green highlight is what drawer gets pushed back in when you do. Notice it is always the next drawer picked.
- Take the CRYSTAL above the drawers after solving the puzzle (2).
- Enter the hall from the double door on the right.

- Click on the post with the bird statue in the middle (1).
- Place the red CRYSTAL into the middle spot (2).

- Find the matching pairs of runes in the scene.
- The pairs will be circled in the same color in the screenshot.

- Find 3 SCRAPS highlighted in red (1).
- Return to the hall from the portal (2).

- Click on the bottom left corner in the room (1).
- Collect the TWEEZERS (2).
- Click on the sofa on the right side (3).
- Use the SCISSORS to cut the patch on the couch (4).
- Collect the MAGIC ACTIVATOR.
- Enter the living room through the double door on the left side.

- Click on the piano to zoom in (1).
- Collect another INGREDIENT with the TWEEZERS (2).
- Return to the hall again.
- Click on the green portal in the middle to move to another hall.

- Open the Book of Shadows in the bottom left corner.
- Check that all of the locations for the INGREDIENTS and the MAGIC ACTIVATOR. It will be on one of the pages.
- Click on the altar in the middle (1), it will look just like the diagram you just saw.
- Place all ingredients and the magic activator into the correct spots (2).
- See the screenshot for the solution.

- This mini-game is a classic game of match 3.
- Click 2 icons to switch their places. If you match 3 icons vertically or horizontally they will disappear and be refilled from the top of the board.
- Match all of the icons with gray tiles underneath them at least once to win.
- After matching icons in the gray spaces the tiles below will disappear to help you keep track.
- Collect the KEY after solving the match 3 puzzle and use it on the green lock on the gate toward the back of the room.
- Return to the hall from the portal in the middle.
Chapter 2: The Second Key

- Click on the door to zoom in (1). Collect the FEATHER DUSTER.
- Move to the upstairs from the fixed stairs in the middle (2).

- Collect the last SCRAP (1).
- Solve the paper scraps jigsaw puzzle (2).
- See the screenshot for the completed page.
- Collect the BEDROOM KEY (3). Open the bedroom door with the KEY.
- Enter the bedroom.

- Click on the top of the shelf to zoom in (1). Move the middle box and collect the KEY.
- Move the open book (2). See the PICTURE.
- Move the teddy bear (3). Check the NEWSPAPER with the clock.
- Click on the painting to flip it (4). Collect the FLASK.
- Move the picture frame on top of the side table beside the bed (5). Collect the PICTURE on the other side of the picture frame. Collect the BLUE CRYSTAL behind the picture frame.
- Use the KEY to unlock the desk and to move to the next Hidden Object Scene (7).

- Find 9 hidden objects in the list.
- You will receive an INGREDIENT in your inventory.

- Click on the blue portal on the wall.
- Place the BLUE CRYSTAL into the portal.

- This mini-game has you finding the correct runes that will make the larger rune in the middle.
- Each correct rune you select will go into the picture if correct.
- First you need to find 3 symbols that match the finished image (1).
- Next, find 4 symbols (2) and another 4 symbols (3).
- The correct rune collections are shown in the screenshot.

- Collect the note and take the KEY. Collect the CANDLE on the table (1).
- Collect the STAR-SHAPED KEY (2).
- Click on the drawer in the upper left corner of the screen to zoom in (3).
- Move the box in the middle and collect another INGREDIENT.
- Open the door in the middle with the KEY in the inventory (4).
- Click on the candle to get another INGREDIENT (5).
- Click on the spider web on the bed and clear it with the FEATHER DUSTER (6).

- After talking with the ghost, click on the bed again.
- Find 14 items related to time.
- You will receive another PICTURE in your inventory.
- Move to the next room through the double door in the middle.

- Click on the shelf highlighted in red in the middle.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive the KNIFE in your inventory.
- Move to the observatory through the double door in the middle.

- Click on the star door on the desk to zoom in.
- Place the STAR SHAPED KEY in the middle (1).
- Rotate the 2 disks to complete the picture (2).
- The middle disk is fixed, so start from the inside and work your way out.
- Click and hold to rotate the disks.
- Click on the book shelf to find the next Hidden Object Scene (3).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive CARDS in your inventory.

- Collect the RECIPE and another INGREDIENT (1).
- Return to the library (2).

- Click on the desk to zoom in.
- Add the ACID POTION RECIPE to the glass bowl highlighted in red.
- Collect ingredients highlighted in yellow.
- Put the ACID POTION into the flask.
- Return to the bedroom from the double door in the left side of the screen.
- Click on the portal on the wall to go back to the normal bedroom.

- Click on the pillows in the bed to zoom in.
- Cut the pillow case with the KNIFE.
- Collect the YELLOW CRYSTAL.
- Move to the hall through the door in the middle.

- Click on the picture in your inventory to find a clue on the correct way to open the safe in the hall (1).
- In the picture the left and right candle sticks are pulled down. Set them to the same position to open the safe behind the picture. (2).
- You do not yet have the code to open this safe.
- Open the drawer from under the mirror (3).
- Collect the CROWBAR in the drawer.
- Click on the door with wooden boards (4).

- Use the ACID to destroy the heavy lock (1).
- Remove the 4 boards with the CROWBAR (2).
- Return to the living room.

- Click on the book shelf to enter the Hidden Object Scene.
- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive a LIGHTER in your inventory.

- Click on the wall clock on the left side of the screen.
- Drag the 3 TIME HINTS from the inventory to the clock (1).
- Set the time by following the hint pictures.
- Set the clock hands as follows:
- Set 12:15 (2).
- Set 3:00 (3).
- Set 6:30 (4).
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.
- Then you will have all of the ingredients. Click “yes” to go to the Alter to assemble the key.

- Open the Book of Shadow in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the positions of all the purple key ingredients.
- Place 5 ingredients by following the book.
- Click on the magic activator highlighted in green in the bottom right corner.
- Play another match 3 game to break all the gray blocks.
- Take the PURPLE KEY.
- Click on the gate in the middle and open the purple lock with the PURPLE KEY.
Chapter 3: The Third Key

- Break the tea pot with the CROWBAR (1).
- Collect the DARK CANDLE.
- Click on the painting on the wall to zoom in (2).
- Place the DARK CANDLE on the left and the WHITE CANDLE on the right (3).
- Light the candles with the LIGHTER (4).
- Collect the RECIPE (5).
- Click on the drawer to go to another Hidden Object Scene (6).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive 3 CARDS in your inventory.
- Click on the portal beside the bed to move to the shadowy bedroom.

- Click on the ghost to talk with him (1).
- Give the 8 CARDS to him (2).
- He will show you a fortune card game.
- This mini-game is similar to a mahjong game.
- Click on matching cards to remove them from the table until there is only one card left.
- If there are no more possible matches, the game will start over.
- Remove the cards on top of the piles first, if possible, to minimize the chances of getting stuck.
- Play 3 times. You will receive 3 RUNIC CARDS (3).
- Click on the bed to find another Hidden Object Scene (4).

- Find 12 hidden objects in the screen.
- You will receive the DOOR HANDLES in your inventory.
- Open the map and move to the hall with the safe.

- Click on the safe in the left side to zoom in (1).
- Place 3 RUNIC CARDS onto the safe (2).
- You have to rotate 3 disks to match the symbols in the middle (3).
- Click on disk A until the symbol is correctly positioned.
- Click on disk B until the symbol is correctly positioned.
- Click on disk C until the symbol is correctly positioned.
- Click on the handle to open the safe (4).
- Click on the inside of the safe to start another Hidden Object Scene.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the scene.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT in your inventory.
- Enter the Nursery through the middle double door.

- Click on the shelf in the upper left corner (1).
- Move the toy dog, and collect the SCREWDRIVER (2).
- Click on the desk to zoom in.
- See that the figure has a missing piece; collect the NEEDLE and THREAD (3).
- Collect the NOTE from R on the side table (4).
- Open the drawer with the KEY from R (5).

- Drag the objects in the drawer around to look for the items listed at the bottom of the screen.
- Find 2 door panels and 8 bolts.
- You will receive them in your inventory.

- Click on the closet in the right side (1).
- Fix the handle by following these instructions (2).
- Place the DOOR PLATE highlighted in light blue.
- Place the 8 BOLTS highlighted in yellow into the hole. Fasten bolts with the SCREWDRIVER.
- Place the DOOR HANDLES highlighted in green.
- Open the closet to find the next portal.

- Click on the portal inside the closet to zoom in.
- Place the yellow crystal in the middle (1).
- Find matching runes with the 3 runes in the middle of the screen, like before (2).

- Find four SPIRIT HUNTERS highlighted in red (1).
- Collect the KEY on the crib (2).
- Open the closet with the KEY from your inventory (3).
- Click on the closet to find another Hidden Object Scene.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the scene.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT in your inventory.

- Click on the stone beside the closet to zoom in.
- Cut the stone with the knife in the inventory to find another INGREDIENT (1).
- Move broken rocking horse parts on the floor to find the DOLL’S ARM (2).
- Place 4 SPIRIT HUNTERS on the wires (3).
- Click on the shelf, and you will see the portal (4).
- Click on the portal to move to the normal Nursery.

- Click the doll on the desk to zoom in.
- Place the ARM on the doll (1).
- Collect the fixed doll.
- Open the door in the side table highlighted in green.
- Collect another INGREDIENT (2).
- Move back to the Bedroom.

- Click on the board on the wall highlighted in red.
- Place the DOLL in the middle (1).
- Click on the doll’s joints to move them to match the red guide line (2).
- Collect another INGREDIENT.
- Click on the portal and then move to the Shadowy hall (3).

- Open the Book of Shadow in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the position of all the blue key ingredients.
- Place 5 ingredients by following the book.
- Click on the magic activator highlighted in green in the bottom right corner.
- Play match 3 to break all highlighted blocks.
- Take the Blue KEY.
- Click on the gate in the middle; open the blue lock on the right side with the BLUE KEY.
Chapter 4: The Fourth Key

- Move to the Shadowy Nursery.
- Collect four SCRAPS highlighted in red.
- Enter the Shadowy Hall through the middle door.

- Find 2 SCRAPS highlighted in red (1).
- Collect the BEAR’S EAR (2).
- Click on the key holders on the wall (3).

- Find 6 pairs of matching keys.
- Matching keys are circled with the same colors in the screenshot.
- You will receive the last KEY that doesn’t have a match once you are finished.
- Return to the nursery through the middle door.

- Click on the teddy bear in the bottom right corner to zoom in.
- Place the missing EAR on the teddy bear (1).
- Sew the ear with the NEEDLE AND THREAD (2).
- You will be able to take the MAGIC STICK (3).
- Return to the hall from the middle door (4).

- Drag the MAGIC STICK to the door with magic at the right side of the hall (1).
- Draw with the MAGIC STICK over the line inside of the circle (2).
- If the lines match up correctly 3 times, the magic protecting the door will disappear.
- Open the door with the KEY from your inventory (3).

- Collect the SCRAPS and the PYRAMID PIECE highlighted in red.
- Light the candle on the desk with the LIGHTER (1).
- Collect the LONG STICK on the right side (2).
- Use the LONG STICK to get the KEY stuck to the chandelier (3).
- The KEY will fall off into the bread dough.
- Click on the KEY on the dough and the spirit will steal the KEY.
- Click on the shelf to start a Hidden Object Scene.

- Find 12 hidden objects in the scene.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT in your inventory.

- Click on the puzzle on the floor (1).
- Place the PUZZLE PIECE on top of the other pieces (2).

- The goal here is to stack all the pieces on the right pole.
- There are 4 pieces on the left pole (1).
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the middle.
- Move the second smallest disk (B) to the right.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the right.
- Move the second largest disk (C) to the middle.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the left.
- Move the second smallest disk (B) to the middle.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the middle.
- Move the largest disk (D) to the right (2).
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the left.
- Move the second smallest disk (B) to the right.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the right.
- Move the second largest disk (C) to the left (3).
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the left.
- Move the second smallest disk (B) to the middle.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the middle.
- Move the second largest disk (C) to the right.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the left.
- Move the second smallest disk (B) to the right.
- Move the smallest disk (A) to the right.
- Collect the CONSOLIDATION POTION highlighted in red.

- Collect the BURNING CANDLE on the counter (1).
- Use the BURNING CANDLE for the key shape on the dough.
- Pour the CONSOLIDATION POTION into the key to fasten (2).
- Collect the KEY (3).
- Open the bathroom door with the KEY (4).

- Collect the SCRAPS highlighted in red.
- Collect the NOTE highlighted in yellow in the middle.
- Click on the bathtub highlighted in purple to search.
- Collect the CRYSTAL highlighted in green, and put it on the portal after finding all the hidden objects.

- Find 12 beetles.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.

- Repeat the order on the rune sequence shown in the middle of the screen by clicking the surrounding runes.
- The first sequence will be 3 runes long, the next 4 runes long, and the last 5 runes long. See the screenshots for the correct order.
- There are three 3 in the first order (A).

- There are 4 steps in the second order (B).

- There are 5 steps in the last order (C).

- Collect 4 SCRAPS highlighted in red.
- You will find all of the SCRAPS if you have been following this guide so far.
- The jigsaw puzzle will start when you find the last SCRAP.
- See the solution to the jigsaw in the screenshot (D).
- Click on the light bulb highlighted in green in the upper right corner.
- Turn off the light by clicking the string below the light bulb.
- Take off the cover on the light bulb.
- Collect the LIGHT BULB.
- Clear the broken mirror pieces.
- Collect another INGREDIENT highlighted in yellow in the bottom left corner.

- Arrange the jigsaw puzzle.
- Return to the Shadowy Bathroom.

- Click on the bulb holder (1).
- Place the LIGHT BULB (2).
- Move the bottles until you see a box.
- Click on the box to open it; collect another INGREDIENT inside (3).
- Move the vase (4).
- Collect the hour glass which is another INGREDIENT (5).

- Open the Book of Shadow in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the position of all the ingredients for the orange key.
- Place 5 ingredients by following the book.
- Click on the magic activator highlighted in green in the bottom right corner.
- Play match 3 to break all the highlighted blocks.
- Take the ORANGE KEY.

- Click on the gate in the middle, and open the orange lock on the left side with the ORANGE KEY.
- Return to the Shadowy Bathroom.
Chapter 5: The Fifth Key

- Collect the DRY CLOTH (1).
- Collect the BUCKET (2).
- Click on the mirror on the right side (3).
- Place the BUCKET in the sink (4).
- Fill the BUCKET with water (5).
- Splash water from the BUCKET onto the large dirty mirror on the left side (6).
- Clean up the mirror with the DRY CLOTH (7). You have to slide your cursor right to left until the mirror is completely clean.
- Click on the shelf to enter another Hidden Object Scene.

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.
- Click on the clean large mirror to move to the study.

- Click on the trash can at the bottom of the screen next to the desk (1).
- Move trash until you see the PAGE of Book of Shadow and the HOT WATER TAP highlighted in green.
- Collect the NOTE on the desk (2).
- Collect the BOAR TUSK on the desk (3).
- Click on the horn on the wall, and then the KEY will fall down from it. Collect the KEY (4).
- Click on the Hidden Object Hotspot (5).

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.

- Open the door on the left side of the screen with the KEY in the inventory (6).
- Enter the hall on the Second Floor (7).
- Enter the bathroom from the right door.

- Place the HOT WATER TAP on the faucet (8).
- Click on the Hidden Object Hotspot (9).

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive another BOAR TUSK.
- Return to the hall on the Second Floor.

- Click on the Boar’s head to zoom in (1).
- Place two BOAR TUSKS (2).
- The Ruby INGREDIENT will appear in the Boar’s mouth.
- Collect the ruby INGREDIENT (3).
- Enter the Bathroom.

- Click on the sink to zoom in (4) and open the hot water tap (5).
- Take the PAPER with four numbers: 7158 (6).
- Click on the buttons attached to the bottom left corner of the desk (7).
- Type “7158” and click “OK” under the buttons (8).
- Collect the KEY (9).
- Leave the Bathroom and enter the Study.

- Open the drawer in the desk with the KEY (1).
- Move the items around in the drawer until you see and collect 5 PLATES with jewelry (2).
- Click on the board on the desk (3).
- Place 5 PLATES on the board.

- Rearrange the objects so that every row and column has only one of each plate type.
- When a row or column is correct, a green light will light up by it.
- To rearrange the objects click and drag to take them off of the board and put them back on.
- See the screenshot for a possible solution.
- Enter the Observatory from the secret door.

- Click on the box on the desk (1).
- This mini-game is a classic slider puzzle. The one free space needs to be in the middle to finish it.
- Click on a tile to move it into the empty space.
- See the screenshot for the solution (2).
- Open the box and move the objects around until you can see the KEY.
- Collect the KEY with blue stone (3).
- Click on the bookshelf in the right side of the screen to search.

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.

- Open the Book of Shadow in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the position of all ingredients of the yellow key.
- Place 5 ingredients by following the book.
- Click on the magic activator highlighted in green in the bottom right corner.
- Play Match 3 to break all highlighted blocks.
- Take the YELLOW KEY.
- Click on the gate in the middle, and open the yellow lock on the left side with the YELLOW KEY.

- Collect the PIECE OF THE DIARY highlighted in red.
- Return to the Shadowy Bathroom.
Chapter 6: The Sixth Key

- Collect GEARS highlighted in red.
- Collect the CANDLES, the HANDKERCHIEF WITH A PENTAGRAM, and the MATCHES highlighted in green. One of CANDLES is inside the globe in the bottom right corner in the screen.
- Click on the board highlighted in yellow at the bottom of the screen.
- Place GEARS on the board.

- Place GEARS in the board to connect the gear in the bottom left corner to the gear in the upper right corner.
- Collect the ANTI-SPELL POTION.

- Click on the bookshelf on the right side.
- Collect the HAMMER highlighted in green.
- Return to the bathroom.

- Break the vase to the left of the sink with the HAMMER.
- Collect the BOAR’S EYE.
- Go through the mirror into the Study.

- Place the HANDKERCHIEF WITH A PENTAGRAM on the floor (1).
- Click on the hotspot (2).
- Collect another BOAR’S EYE (3).
- Return to the Hall on the Second floor.

- Click on the Boar’s head (1).
- Place the 2 BOAR’S EYES into the eye sockets (2).
- Collect another INGREDIENT (3).
- Click on the vase beside the door to zoom in (4).
- Break the vase with the HAMMER (5).
- Return to the Study.

- Light the CANDLES with the LIGHTER (7).
- Give the ANTI-SPELL POTION to the spirit (8).
- Collect the PURPLE CRYSTAL (9).

- Place the PURPLE CRYSTAL on the portal (10).

- Find 10 pairs of matching runes.
- Matching runes are circled with the same colors in the screenshot.

- Click on the painting highlighted in red in the Shadow World.

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive another INGREDIENT.

- Click on the right door highlighted in red.
- Click and drag the dots so that none of the lines between the dots cross each other.
- If a line crosses another line, they will be drawn in gold. If the line is correctly not crossing another line it will be drawn in blue.
- Search for dots that can be clumped together and move some dots from the inside to the outside, or the opposite side, if you get stuck.
- See the screenshot for an example solution.

- Enter the Shadowy Living Room.
- Collect the POKER (1).
- Click on the book shelf to search it (2).

- Find 14 keys circled in red in the screenshot.
- You will receive 5 KEYS in your inventory.
- After finding all the keys in the Hidden Object Scene, click on the drawer (3).

- Open the drawers with keys (4).
- Notice the shape of the edge of the keys and match this shape to the key holes.
- The solution in the image might be different from yours.
- You will receive 2 KEYS and some GEARS.

- Return to the Hall Second floor, with the boar’s head statues.
- Click on the board between the boars’ heads (5).
- Place the GEARS from your inventory in the contraption (6).
- Connect the gears from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner as shown in the screenshot (7).
- Start in the lower left corner and work your way to the other side.
- You do not need to use all of the gears to finish this puzzle.

- Enter the Shadowy Living Room.
- Click on the picture highlighted in red to zoom in (1).
- In this mini-game you need to get all of the red chairs on the left side and green chairs on the right side (2).
- The chairs can move to the next spot if it is empty or jump another chair if they are not the same color.
- First move C to the right 2 spaces and then jump C with F to the left.
- Then jump E with D toward the front and jump B with A toward the front as well.
- Move B and E one space towards the back. Now you have half of the correct answer.
- Jump C over F and D and into the correct position, third from the back on the right.
- Jump A 2 spaces over F and then move F one space to the left twice to get in the third position from the back.
- Jump D over A and then move D left one more time to get in the correct position on the left.
- Move A into position on the right.
- Click on the table.

- Find 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive the MIRROR and the WATER PITCHER.
- Enter the living room through the middle double door.

- Use the WATER PITCHER to put out the fire (1).
- Click the POKER (2) and pull out the YELLOW CRYSTAL (3).
- Click the mirror (4) and place it on the mirror holder (5).
- Adjust the beam from the mirror (6) to shine on the next mirror (5).
- Adjust the beam from the mirror (5) to shine on the pyramid on the box (7).
- Open the box and collect the DIARY (8).
- Move the objects around to find the KEY (9).
- Clear all the objects in the box to find the DISCHARGED CRYSTAL (10).

- Open the last drawer with the KEY (1).
- Place the missing keys in the piano (2).
- Click on the shelf to zoom in.
- Find the PLIERS (3).

- Return to the Dining room.
- Talk with the crow.
- Collect the NOTE from R on the table.
- Place the YELLOW CRYSTAL on the portal.

- Repeat the orders as shown in the middle of the screen 5 different times.
- The runes are given letters in the screenshot that correspond to the correct codes below.
- Each solution will get longer by one each time.
- The first order is C, I, G.
- The next order is H, F, E, L.
- The next order is D, A, J, G, F.
- The next order is K, B, E, G, C, I.
- The last order is G, A, J, E, B, K, D.
- The solution for this mini-game may be randomized.
- You will be transported to the Dining Room.

- Move the shelf on the floor in the bottom left corner.
- Collect the TILE highlighted in green.
- Move to the Shadowy Dining Room through the portal on the left side of the screen.

- Place the TILE on the missing spot (1).
- The objective of the next mini-game is to light up all of the tiles (2).
- The positions of the light and dark tiles are randomized every time.
- When you first open this puzzle, memorize the positions of the dark tiles.
- Click on all the tiles that were dark at the very beginning. The tiles may change from light to dark several times; make sure to click only the tiles that were dark at the very beginning.
- After doing this once, the puzzle will still be mixed up. Memorize the new pattern of dark squares and click them all again.
- Once you are finished with the second pattern, all of the lights should be lit up.
- Clicking on one tile will switch that whole row from on to off, or off to on; whichever is the opposite of each tiles’ current state.
- Collect the horse shoe INGREDIENT inside the shelf.
- Click on the table (3).
- Find the glass (4) to receive the glass INGREDIENT.
- Return to the Hall on the Second floor.

- Click on the left boar’s head (1).
- Cut the wire with the pliers.
- Collect another ingredient from the boar’s mouth (2).
- Return to the living room.

- Click on the piano to zoom in (1).
- Click on the WIRE (2) and fix the missing spot inside the piano (3).
- Repeat the notes (4) as they are played to you.
- The solution may be randomized in your game.
- Collect the feather INGREDIENT (5).

- Move to the hall and solve another magic web puzzle.
- Click and drag the dots so that none of the lines between the dots cross each other.
- If a line crosses another line, they will be drawn in gold. If the line is correctly not crossing another line it will be drawn in blue.
- Search for dots that can be clumped together and move some dots from the inside to the outside, or the opposite side, if you get stuck.
- See the screenshot for an example solution.

- Open the Book of Shadow in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Check the position of all ingredients of the red key.
- Place 5 INGREDIENTS by following the book.
- Click on the magic activator highlighted in green in the bottom right corner.
- Play Match 3 to break all highlighted blocks.
- Take the RED KEY.
- Click on the gate in the middle, and open the red lock on the right side with the RED KEY.
Chapter 7: The Final Key

- Click on the chest (1). Collect the ALCHEMIST’S BOWL MACHINE PART.
- Click on the cart to zoom in (2). Move the pot and collect the CONTAINER FOR COMPONENTS.
- Click on the chest on the right to search it (3).

- Find the 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive the KITCHEN KEY.

- Open the door for the kitchen with the KEY (4).

- Open the oven (5).
- Light the fire in the stove with the MATCHES.
- Collect the BUCKET (6).
- Collect the MACHINE PART (7).
- Click on the cover behind the bottles (8). Collect the MACHINE PART.
- Click on the shelf to start another Hidden Object Scene (9).

- Find the 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive the PAIR OF CLIPPERS.

- Return to the hall.
- Click on the door with the lion, on the right side of the screen (1).
- Place the stone into the missing spot (2).
- Rotate disks from the inside to complete the picture (3).

- Enter the garden.
- Click on the bush on the fountain (4).
- Cut the bush with the CLIPPERS (5).
- Fill the BUCKET with fresh water (6).
- Click on the table (7). Collect the RUNIC CODE.
- Click on 9 plants highlighted in purple. Give WATER and cut FLOWERS each time.
- Click on the pond in the bottom right corner to start another Hidden Object Scene (9).

- Find the 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive the PAIR OF CLIPPERS.

- Move to the hall and solve another magic web puzzle.
- Click and drag the dots so that none of the lines between the dots cross each other.
- If a line crosses another line, they will be drawn in gold. If the line is correctly not crossing another line it will be drawn in blue.
- Search for dots that can be clumped together and move some dots from the inside to the outside, or the opposite side, if you get stuck.
- See the screenshot for an example solution.

- Place the RUNIC CODE onto the door on the left.

- Play the rune rotating mini-game. Match the runes on the edges of the triangle in the middle with the runes on the outside.
- Click on the middle of any triangles, except the one in the middle, to rotate the positions of those triangles clockwise.
- The starting positions of the runes are all randomized.
- Work on one rune at a time starting with the top. After that, do the bottom left and then the bottom right.
- Because only the center runes matter, this puzzle can be easily solved my rotating 3 or 4 triangles.

- Solve another magic web puzzle.
- Click and drag the dots so that none of the lines between the dots cross each other.
- If a line crosses another line, they will be drawn in gold. If the line is correctly not crossing another line it will be drawn in blue.
- Search for dots that can be clumped together and move some dots from the inside to the outside, or the opposite side, if you get stuck.
- See the screenshot for an example solution.

- Click on the cabinet to find another MACHINE PART (1).
- Click on the circle trap door on the desk (2).
- The final key will appear. Collect the KEY (3).
- Click on the hotspot to start another Hidden Object Scene (4).

- Find the 12 hidden objects.
- You will receive the CRYSTAL CHARGING MANUAL.

- Return to the normal kitchen.
- Click on the stove to zoom in.
- Place all of the MACHINE PARTS onto the stove.

- Place the CRYSTAL CHARGING MANUAL onto the machine parts.
- Guide lines will appear to show you where the different parts should go.
- Assemble the parts.

- Put the ingredients into the solution by following the outlines of the symbol in the machine.
- Click on the correct image that matches the outline before it changes to another image.
- After adding 12 potions, put the CRYSTAL in the top of the machine to charge it.
- Return to the hall.

- Solve another magic web puzzle.
- Click and drag the dots so that none of the lines between the dots cross each other.
- If a line crosses another line, they will be drawn in gold. If the line is correctly not crossing another line it will be drawn in blue.
- Search for dots that can be clumped together and move some dots from the inside to the outside, or the opposite side, if you get stuck.
- See the screenshot for an example solution.

- Open the door with the KEY.

- Click on the hand in the middle to zoom in.
- Drag the crystal to the very edge of the fingers.

- Click the symbols floating around the outside that match the inside of the ring.
- Match the runes as fast as you can. The screenshot shows an example match.
- Congratulations! You’ve Completed Mystery of Mortlake Mansion!
Created at: 2010-12-17