Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: The Town Proper
- Chapter 2: The Mill Square
- Chapter 3: The Circus
- Chapter 4: The Pied Piper
General Tips

- This guide will refer to Hidden Object Scenes as 'HOS'.
- Many Hidden Object Scenes and Mini-games are randomized; your solution may vary.
- Talk to the characters in the scene to gain valuable insight.
- Collect 10 GOLD COINS throughout the game. You can view all collected coins by clicking on the pouch in the lower left (A).
- Your inventory is located at the bottom center of the screen: it will auto-hide when not in use (B).
- Items will stay in inventory until they are no longer needed.
- Look at the journal to view your tasks (C).
- The HINT button is accessible in both HOS and in quest scenes but you must wait for it to recharge in between uses (D).
- All mini-games can be skipped once the skip button has recharged.
Chapter 1:The Town

- Move the leaves and take the PIPE (A).
- Give the PIPE to the guard (B).
- The guard will give you a FLINT STONE.
- Select the wagon for a HOS (C).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the STEPLADDER.

- Put the STEPLADDER on the right side of the door (D).
- Look at the lamp and use the FLINT STONE to light the lamp (E).
- Select the wagon for a HOS (F).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the PRUNING SHEARS.

- Look at the bushes in the right.
- Take the STONE from the wall (G).
- Drop the STONE on the plant (H).
- Cut the bushes with the PRUNING SHEARS(I).
- Take the KEY (J).
- Use the KEY on the town gate and go through it.

- Look at the left door to learn you need an opener (K).
- Look at the door on the right; talk to the baker to learn he needs you to get rid of the gargoyle on the roof (L).
- Enter the middle door to the apothecary's shop (M).

- Talk to the apothecary to learn the cat will not let him near his cash (N).
- Look at the book; open it, take the KNIFE, then note the formula (O).
- Talk to the apothecary one more time to receive a COIN.
- Examine the window sill; take the PLANK (P).
- Exit the shop and walk to the right.

- Examine the wagon; take the WHEEL (Q).
- Examine the basket; take the PLANK (R).
- Select the stand for a HOS (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the TROLLEY.

- Zoom into the sack; cut it with the KNIFE, click on the tear and take the HAY and the DOOR OPENER (T).
- Zoom into the cheese; cut it with the KNIFE and take the SLICE OF CHEESE (U).
- Take a close look at the lock on the gate to learn it is rusted (V).
- Walk down then zoom into the left door.
- Put the DOOR OPENER on the door; open the door and enter the fortune teller's room.
- Select the basket on the dresser for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the CAGE.

- Take the GLOVES, CANDLE, and the PLANK (W).
- Give the SLICE of CHEESE to the rat (X).
- Use the CAGE on the rat to get the CAGED RAT (Y).
- Look at the fortune teller (Z).

- Insert the COIN in the coin slot (A).
- Click on the right wheel once to lower the height of the slider (B).
- Click on the left wheel when her mouth is opening to roll the coin into her mouth (C).
- The fortune teller asks to be moved closer to the table.

- Put the TROLLEY below the fortune teller and click on the trolley to move her closer to the table (D).
- Look at the wall and take the WIRE CUTTERS (E).
- Click on the fortune teller to bring up the Ouija board (F).

- Move your cursor over the pointer to make it move (G).
- Follow the pointer to 3-J-A-7 (H).
- Remember the position of each number and letter on the paper (I).
- Make sure to click on the paper to add the safe to your task list.

- Examine the safe and move the dials to enter the code '3JA7' from left to right (J).
- Take the CYCLOPS' EYE and the LIBRA PLATE (K).
- Examine the device on the ground; put the LIBRA PLATE on it to activate a puzzle (L).

- Light all the symbols on the dial (M).
- The left button moves the pointer 3 spaces counterclockwise, while the right button moves the pointer 2 spaces clockwise.
- To solve the puzzle, click on the arrow buttons in this order: Ox3, N, Ox2.

- Look at the world model and take the SPADE (P).
- Examine the plant; use the SPADE in the pot and take the VALERIAN ROOT (Q).
- Exit the fortuneteller's place, then walk to the right.

- Examine the chain; cut the chain with the WIRE CUTTERS (R).
- Zoom into the ground; take the PARASITE with the GLOVES (S).
- Put the WHEEL on the cart, click on it to move it out of the way, then take the LEVER (T).
- Examine the ladder machine; put the CAGED RAT in the hamster wheel (U).
- Put the LEVER on the outside of the wheel; click on the lever to extend the ladder (V).
- Climb up the ladder.

- Talk to the gargoyle to learn he needs his watch (A).
- Take the BUCKET (B) and the CROWBAR (C).
- Zoom into the attic door; remove the planks with the CROWBAR (D).
- Open the door; take the GLUE and the STOOL LEG (E).
- Climb down the ladder.

- Select the market stall for a HOS.
- Find the items to obtain the POCKET WATCH.
- Return up the ladder and try to give the POCKET WATCH to the gargoyle.
- The gargoyle will not accept the watch until it is set to the correct time.
- Return to the apothecary's shop.

- Zoom into the stool; put the GLUE in the hole followed the STOOL LEG (F).
- Examine the window; take the SUNDIAL and the EMPTY POT (G).

- Zoom into the mortar and pestle; put the VALERIAN ROOT in the mortar (H).
- Use the EMPTY POT in the mortar to obtain the VALERIAN ROOT (I).
- Give the VALERIAN ROOT to the cat (J).
- Zoom into the drawer; take the ROOT OF EVIL and the 1/10 GOLD COIN (K).
- Exit and return to the fortune teller's.

- Zoom into the world model and place the SUN DIAL in the center (L).
- Select the basket for a HOS (M).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the LANTERN.

- Zoom into the world model and place the LANTERN over the sun (N).
- Put the CANDLE in the lantern (O).
- Put the POCKET WATCH on the scene to activate a mini-game (P).
- Click on the pocket watch hand (Q) on the right to change the time so the hand lands in between the 2 and the 3 to match the sundial on the left (R).
- The CORRECT TIME will be added to your inventory.
- Exit the fortune teller's and return to the roof.

- Give the CORRECT TIME to the gargoyle (S).
- Return to the bakery door and speak to the baker.
- Enter the bakery.

- Talk to the baker and he will give you the BURNER HANDLE (U).
- Take the last PLANK to complete the FIREWOOD (V).
- Put the FIREWOOD and HAY in the furnace (W).
- Examine the basket; take the MATCHES (X) then use them to light the fire in the furnace.
- Click on the furnace door to receive a new task (Y).
- Put the BUCKET on the water pump to receive the BUCKET WITH WATER (Z).
- Exit the bakery and walk to the right.
- Select the market stall for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the CHIMNEY SWEEPER.
- Return to the roof.

- Use the CHIMNEY SWEEPER in the chimney (A).
- Return to the bakery.
- Click on the furnace to receive the CASH REGISTER KEY (B).
- Look at the register; put the CASH REGISTER KEY on it to activate a mini-game (C).

- Rearrange the numbers so all the keys in each row and column adds up to 15.
- Click on 2 adjacent numbers to swap positions.
- Please look at the screenshot for the solution (D).
- Take the 2/10 GOLD COIN and the GATE KEY (E).
- Return to the apothecary's shop.

- Talk to the apothecary to learn how to make rust remover potion (F).
- Look at the base of the cauldron; put the BURNER HANDLE on the cauldron and click on it to light the flame (G).
- Zoom into the top of the cauldron (H); in this order, put the BUCKET OF WATER, CYCLOPS EYE, PARASITE, GARGOYLE'S FEATHER, and the ROOT OF EVIL into the cauldron to create the RUST REMOVER (1-5).
- Exit the shop and walk right.

- Zoom into the gate; use the RUST REMOVER on the lock (I).
- Insert the GATE KEY into the lock (J).
- Walk through the gate.
Chapter 2: The Mill Square

- Zoom into the well.
- Look at the steps and remove the loose stone (A).
- Take the BATTERY (B).
- Look at the well mechanism and take the MIXING BLADE (C).
- Exit the well and walk forward on the path to the left of the mill steps.

- Look at the robotic gardener and click on the access plate (D).
- Try using the BATTERY as a power supply (E).
- Walk down to see something crash.
- Look at the smashed barrel on the side of the blacksmith's and take the FORGE KEY (F).
- Look at the forge door and use the FORGE KEY on the lock for a mini-game (G).

- Use the device to rearrange the numbers to match the sequence scratched above (H).
- Slide the numbers then click on the center to move to the left or top (I).
- Note – the digits do not need to vertical to solve this mini-game.
- Check out our video solution!
- Enter the forge.

- Click on the sleeping blacksmith to receive a new task (J).
- Look at the tool rack and take the TONGS (K).
- Open the oven and take the POT (L).
- Exit the forge and return to the gardener.

- Look at the window grate and use the TONGS to remove the pin (M).
- Open the grate and take the GEAR JOINT (N).
- Walk down, then look at the second door on the left.
- Use the GEAR JOINT on the gears at the top of the door (O).
- Select the upper left section of the door for a mini-game (P).

- Using the toggle switches, turn on all the lights.
- Turning a switch off or on will also effect the lights on either side.
- Flip the switches in this order: 3-4-7-5-7.
- Enter the laboratory.

- Take the WIRE CUTTERS (Q).
- Look at the charger; take the 3/10 GOLD COIN and the HANDLE (R).
- Place the BATTERY into the charger (S).
- Look at the burner and take the PENCIL (T).
- Select the shelves for a HOS (U).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the MECHANICAL LEG.

- Look at the robot and place the MECHANICAL LEG on the torso (V).
- Look at the top of the robot and remove the broken bulb (W).
- Look at the burner and place the HEATING ELEMENT on top (Y).

- Look at the chest and use the wire cutters to cut the chain (A).
- Take the ORE and the CROWBAR (B).
- Look at the vise and use the HANDLE on the end (C).
- Click on the handle and take the GEAR (D).
- Look at the grate over the oven and place the POT there (E).
- Return to the robot lab.

- Look at the operating table, then zoom in on the gears (F).
- Place the GEAR with the other gears to raise the table (G).
- Look at the table again and take the METAL FISH (H).
- Exit the lab and look at the first door on the left.
- Place the metal fish in the indentation below the cat.
- Open the door and enter the building.

- Look at the clay mixer and insert the MIXING BLADE (I).
- Look at the barrel and use the CROWBAR to remove the lid (J).
- Take the COALS and the 4/10 GOLD COIN (K).
- Look at the easel and use the PENCIL to reveal a code (L).
- Take the COFFEE BEANS (M).
- Walk down to exit, then go to the windmill and look at the door for a mini-game.

- Enter the combination found on the easel (N).
- Clicking on one wheel will turn the blades on that wheel and the blue wheels on the other two.
- Naming the wheels R for the right wheel, M for the bottom middle wheel, and L for the left wheel, click on the following wheels: R x 5, M x 6, R x 6, M x 1, R x 1, L x 8, R x 8.
- Open the door and enter the mill.

- Take the LIGHT BULB (O).
- Look at the wooden gears and use the CROWBAR to retrieve the WRENCH (P).
- Select the millstone for a HOS (Q).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the CROSSBOW.
- Exit the mill and return to the pottery studio.

- Use the CROSSBOW on the bird (R).
- Take the WIND-UP KEY from the floor (S).
- Return to the robot lab.

- Look at the robot and place the LIGHT BULB on top (T).
- Use the WIND-UP KEY on the keyhole, then click on the key to start the robot (U).
- Look at the charger and take the CHARGED BATTERY (V).
- Exit and return to the gardener.

- Look at the gnome and use the WRENCH on the bolt (A).
- Click on the gnome's arms to lower them, then take the GNOME HAT (B).
- Take the COFFEE POT that is under the hat (C).
- Look at the robot and place the CHARGED BATTERY into the compartment (D).
- Talk to the robot to receive the RUSTY SHEARS (E).
- Return to the windmill and select the millstone for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SHOVEL.
- Return to the gardener.

- Look in the hole and use the SHOVEL to take some CLAY (F).
- Take the 5/10 GOLD COIN (G).
- Walk down and go to the lab.
- Look at the operating table; use the RUSTY SHEARS on the strap to get the BELT (H).
- Exit and go to the well.

- Look at the millstone and use the SHOVEL to dig it out; take the MILLSTONE (I).
- Look at the mechanism and use the BELT on the gears (J).
- Use the GNOME HAT on the sluice to get the GNOME HAT with WATER (K).
- Travel to the mill.

- Place the MILLSTONE on the grinder (L).
- Pour the COFFEE BEANS into the chute (M).
- GROUND COFFEE will be added to your inventory.
- Return to the robot lab.

- Look at the burner and place the COFFEE POT on the element (N).
- Pour the GNOME HAT with WATER (O) into the coffee pot, then add the GROUND COFFEE (P).
- Take the COFFEE (Q).
- Exit and return to the forge.

- Give the COFFEE to the sleeping blacksmith.
- Talk to the blacksmith, then give him the COALS (R).
- Take the OVEN TONGS and the GRINDING STONE (S).
- Look at the stove and place the ORE in the POT (T).
- Use the OVEN TONGS to take the MELTED ORE (U).
- Return to the pottery studio.

- Look at the mixer and place the CLAY inside (A).
- Pour the GNOME HAT with WATER inside (B) and click on the lever (C).
- The POTTER'S CLAY will go into your inventory.
- Look at the pottery wheel and place the POTTER'S CLAY on top (D) then use the RUSTED SHEARS to make an impression in the clay (E).
- Pour the MELTED ORE into the impression (F) then use the GNOME HAT with WATER (G) to cool it down, then take the NEW SHEARS (H).
- Return to the robot lab and select the shelves for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the FISHING ROD.
- Travel to the well.

- Look inside the well and use the FISHING ROD on the coin (I).
- This will trigger a mini-game.

- Use the arrow buttons to control the descent of the fishing line (J).
- Move left or right to avoid the tree roots (K).
- Drop the line so the jaws grab the coin (L).
- Pull the line back up, moving to avoid the tree roots again.
- You will earn the 6/10 GOLD COIN.
- Return to the windmill.

- Place the GRINDING STONE on the wheel (M).
- Use the NEW SHEARS on the grinding stone to make the SHARP SHEARS (N).
- Exit the mill and walk forward to the robot gardener.

- Give the SHARP SHEARS to the gardener (O).
- Once the path is clear, walk forward (P).
Chapter 3:The Circus

- Walk left to the tiger cage.
- Look at the tiger in the cage to learn he wants you to free him (A).
- Try to lift the bar to the cage, but it is too heavy (B).
- Look at the barrel and take the KNIFE and the PLAYING CARD (C).
- Walk down, then go forward towards the main tent entrance.

- Zoom into the ticket booth on the left and take the WRENCH (D).
- Look at the crate on the left; click on the WEIGHT to make it lighter, then take it and the 7/10 GOLD GOIN (E).
- Use the KNIFE on the crate lid then take the PLAYING CARD and the INSULATING TAPE (F).
- Return to the tiger cage area.

- Look at the tiger cage and hang the WEIGHT on the bar; click on the weight to make it heavier (F).
- Open the cage door and talk to the tiger.
- Take the 8/10 GOLD COIN and the GAME PROGRAM (G).
- Look at the carousel horse; use the WRENCH on the bolt then take the RUBBER GLOVE (H).
- Select the wagon for a HOS (I).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the GENERATOR CONTROLLER.
- Return to the main tent entrance.

- Look at the arcade booth on the right; open the grate and insert the GAME PROGRAM (J).
- Select the front of the booth for a mini-game (K).

- You need to knock the COIN out of the sun (L).
- Select the various elements in the screen to shoot a cannonball at the sun.
- Check out our video solution!

- Look at the ticket booth and use the COIN on the ticket dispenser (M).
- Pull the lever to get the CIRCUS TICKET (N).
- Use the CIRCUS TICKET on the gate (O).
- Walk forward.

- Look at the generator and remove the broken fuse (P).
- Use the RUBBER glove on the frayed wire followed by using the INSULATING WIRE (Q).
- Place the GENERATOR CONTROLLER on the left (R).
- Select the seating area for a HOS (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the FISHING ROD.

- Look at the chest on the right; take the HAMMER and the 9/10 GOLD COIN (T).
- Use the KNIFE on the lock; open the lock, then the chest lid (U).
- Take the FUSE (V).
- Look at the generator and replace the FUSE (W).
- Take the PLANKS (X).
- Return to the area with the tiger cage.

- Look at the strongman game (A) and use the hammer on the base (B).
- When the dynamometer (C) is full, click on the base to earn the KEY RING (D).
- Look at the wagon for a HOS (E).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the TONGS.
- Return to the tent.

- Look at the chest and use the TONGS to retrieve another playing card to make THREE PLAYING CARDS (F).
- Walk down twice and look at the door on the wagon (G).
- Use the KNIFE to get the 10/10 GOLD COIN (H).
- You will now have TEN GOLD COINS in your inventory.
- Place the THREE PLAYING CARDS into the grid for a mini-game (I).

- Select 2 cards from the bottom area (J) that equal a greater number than displayed on the upper right (K).
- Select 2 more cards from the bottom area that equal a greater number than displayed on the lower right (L).
- Repeat this process 2 more times to unlock the 3 tumblers (M).
- Enter the wagon.

- Talk to the magician's assistant to learn she lost her earring (N).
- Use the KEY RING on the tank's padlock (O).
- Look inside the tank and use the FISHING ROD on the earring for a mini-game (P).

- Use the arrow buttons to control the descent of the fishing line (Q).
- Move left or right to avoid the debris (R).
- Drop the line so the hook grabs the earring (S).
- Pull the line back up, moving to avoid the debris again.
- You will earn the EARRING.

- Give the assistant the EARRING (T).
- Look at the rabbit with the hat; click inside the hat then open the latch (U).
- Look in the assistant's cabinet and take the MAGICIAN'S HAT (V).
- Walk to the tiger cage area.

- Look at the cannon and place the MAGICIAN'S HAT into the barrel (W).
- Look at the rear of the cannon; press the large button 3 times (X), then click on the lever (Y).
- Walk down to exit the area and watch the hat land on the tent.
- Enter the wagon.

- Look inside the rabbit's hat and take the HANDLE (A).
- Return to the tent.

- Look at the generator and place the HANDLE at the end (B).
- Place the PLANKS in the archway (C).
- Select the seating area for a HOS (D).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the TOOLBOX.
- Use the TOOL BOX on the planks in the archway, then walk forward.
Chapter 4: The Pied Piper

- Walk to the right.
- Look at the drainpipe and take the SCREWDRIVER (A).
- Look where the pipe enters the wall and take the TEST TUBE (B).
- Walk down and left to the office.

- Take the SWORD and the 5 TRIBAL MASKS (C).
- Look at the cardboard box; talk to the children and they will give you a SMALL KEY (D).
- Look in the drawer and take the CHAIN (E).
- Look at the roll-top; use the key in the lock, then open it for a HOS (F).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SWISS ARMY KNIFE.

- Look at the cabinet and place the TEST TUBE in the rack (G).
- Use the SWISS ARMY KNIFE to remove the cork from the flask (H).
- Click on the flask to pour acid into the test tube (I).
- Take the test tube of ACID (J).
- Exit and look at the wooden door in the center.

- Zoom in on the rusty plate and use the ACID on one of the bolts (K).
- Remove the metal plate and use the CHAIN on the gears for a mini-game (L).
- You need to get electricity to the magnet.
- Move the upper gold ball to the center, the middle ball to the right, put the lower gold ball in the center position (M).
- Click on the red switch (N) rapidly to make the electricity jump from ball to ball until it reaches the magnet (O).
- Open the door and walk forward.

- Look at the fan; use the SWORD to stop the blades and take the HANDLE (P).
- Take the SMALL ENERGY GEM from the floor (Q).
- Look at the machine and use the SMALL ENERGY GEM on the indentation (R).
- Look in the niche and take the REAGENT (S).
- Click on the armor and take his KNIGHT'S ARM when it falls (T).
- Exit and return to the study on the left.

- Look at the desk and use the REAGENT on the paper 5-7 times to reveal a drawing of tribal masks (U).
- Look at the support for the sizing weapon and place the HANDLE into the hole (V).
- Click on the handle to learn it needs to be oiled.
- Exit and walk up the circular stairs.

- Take the LIGHT BULB (W).
- Note the train and the lock on the door (X).
- Walk down, then go down the spiral staircase.

- Click on the broken bulb to remove it, then place the LIGHT BULB into the fixture (A).
- Take the MIRROR (B).
- Place the TRIBAL MASKS on the vault door (C).
- Click on the vault door for a mini-game.

- Rotate the masks into position per the drawing in the study (D).
- Click on a mask to rotate it clockwise.
- Please see the screenshot for the solution (E).
- Enter the vault.

- Click on the rope holding the weight and the spider will shoot it down (F).
- Click on the locker padlock to the spider will shoot (G).
- Open the locker and take the AXE (H).
- Place the MIRROR into the stand (I).
- Exit the close-up, then click on the mirror in the locker.
- Look at the niche and take the BOTTLE (J).
- Look at the dive helmet and use the SCREWDRIVER on the screws (K).
- Open the face plate and take the BIG ENERGY GEM (L).
- Exit the vault, then enter the wooden door.

- Look at the machine and place the LARGE ENERGY GEM into the upper niche (M).
- Exit the room, then enter the study.

- Look at the sizing weapon and press the button (N).
- Look in the alcove and take the CROWBAR (O).
- Return to the balcony.

- Look at the drainpipe and use the CROWBAR to remove the stone (P).
- Use the BOTTLE on the drainpipe to get the BOTTLE OF WATER (Q).
- Return to the vault.

- Look at the barrel and use the CROWBAR to remove the lid (R).
- Take note of the freight elevator (T).
- Exit the vault and walk upstairs.

- Look at the toy train and place the TOY STEAM ENGINE FUEL in the opening (U).
- Use the BOTTLE of WATER on the center of the train (V).
- Return to the balcony and select the crate for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the TORCH.
- Return to the toy train.

- Look at the train and use the TORCH to ignite the fuel (W).
- Exit the close-up and click on the toy train.
- Click on the intercom to speak with the Pied Piper (X).
- Return to the vault.

- Look at the freight elevator; place the TEN GOLD COINS inside and press the green button (A).
- Pull the lever on the right (B).
- Use the KNIGHT'S ARM to take the BURNING SPIDER (C).
- Return to the intercom and speak to the Pied Piper.
- Open the door and enter his room.
- Talk to the Pied Piper and he will give you a KNOB.
- Try to touch anything in the room.
- Return to the study.

- Look at the sizing weapon and place the KNOB on the spindle (D).
- Click on the knob to turn the pointer to the right (E).
- Select the roll top for a HOS (F).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the EMPTY OILER.
- Return to the vault.

- Look at the spill; use the EMPTY OILER on the oil to get the FULL OILER (G).
- Return to the study.

- Look at the weapon support and use the FULL OILER on it (H).
- Click on the handle to reposition the weapon (I).
- Look at the controls and push the button (J).
- Talk to the children: they will give you a KEY (K).
- Walk upstairs and talk to the Pied Piper for a new task.
- Walk to the vault.

- Look at the freight elevator and place the BURNING SPIDER (L) inside then push the button (M).
- Return to the Pied Piper's room.

- Click on the freight elevator (N).
- Take the VALVE (O).
- Note the flute amplifier (P).
- Walk to the balcony.

- Place the VALVE on the pipe and click to turn it on (Q).
- Look at the base of the pipe and use the AXE on the metal plate (R).
- Look at the trapdoor and use the key on the lock (S).
- Open the trapdoor and click on the weight to slide it into the trapdoor (T).
- Select the crate for a HOS (U).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the STUN GUN.
- Return to the Pied Piper's room.

- Look at the flute amplifier and use the STUN GUN on the machinery (V).
- Take the FLUTE (W).
- Use the AXE on the support rope (X).
- Congratulations! You have completed Oddly Enough: Pied Piper.
Created at: 2011-10-06