Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Prologue
- Chapter 1: Dr. Grey's Office
- Chapter 2: India
- Chapter 3: New York
- Chapter 4: Scotland
General Tips

- You can choose to play in Casual Mode, hints and skip buttons recharge faster, and active areas sparkle. Expert Mode has no sparkles and the hint and skip button's recharges slower.
- Click on the Menu (M) button in the lower left corner to exit, pause or resume the game. You can also adjust your options (sound, music, and screen size).
- The Hint (H) will show you where a hidden object is, suggest you look in another scene, or reveal the next step.
- You can zoom into your Journal (J) to review what you have done.
- You can click on the Task button (T) to see what your current tasks.
- Mini-games can be skipped once the Skip Button (S) is full.

- During hidden object scenes an item in the inventory box with a Gear (G) next to it requires an additional action to uncover the item.
- When gears appear over an item it means you need to place another item over it.
- You can exit a hidden object scene before collecting all of the items and return. You will need to finish the scene before receiving an inventory that you will need to proceed in the game.
- In Hidden Object scenes you can click on the Goggles (P) a piece of the scene will appear. Place it on the matching background to locate a hidden object.
- If you click randomly to many times your curser will be unavailable for a short time.
- In between chapters you can hit next to move the storyline ahead or skip it altogether.
- Throughout the entire game you will need to first click on a trigger item to unlock inventory items.
- Each time you play a Hidden Object Scene the items in the inventory list may change. The screenshots in this walkthrough shows the items as listed during the current gameplay.

- Click on the chain (A), it will trigger the ability to pick up the ROCK (B).
- Smash the chain with the ROCK three times.
- Walk over the bridge (C) to the water.
- Zoom into the power box (D) and click on the keyhole (E) then close the pop up window.
- Click on the rocks (F) in the water.
- Return to the first screen at the bottom of the scene.
- Click on one of the two FRENCE POSTS (G) then return to the water.
- Move the rock (H) and pick up the SHOVEL (I).
- Back in the first screen SHOVEL out both FENCE POSTS and pick them up.
- Place the POSTS over the water connecting the land to the rocks (F) and zoom in to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Use the KNIFE (H) to pry off the shell (I) and pick up the FISHHOOK (J).
- Pick up the remaining items on the list as marked in green in the screenshot, and the FISHHOOK will be automatically added to your inventory.

- Pick the power box's lock with the FISH HOOK then zoom back into the power box.

- Solve the mini puzzle by dragging the picture pieces into the matching box. As you pair the pieces up new pieces will be populated until all of the squares have been matched. The pieces will not stay in if placed in the wrong position. The screenshot shows a few examples color coded.

- Once all of the squares have been matched up, swap the tiles with each other to complete the picture as seen in the screenshot.
- Cross the bridge.
Chapter 1: Dr. Grey's Office

- Click through the opening dialogue then close the scroll.
- Click on the Officer (A) then enter the garden through the side archway (B).
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green and the HANDCUFFS (C) and return to the front door.
- Give the HANDCUFFS to the Officer and enter through the front door (D) into the lobby.

- Click on the Doctor (E) then close the pop up window and pick up the LETTER marked in green in the screenshot.
- Enter the office through the doorway (F) and pick up the LETTER marked in green.
- Zoom into the painting (G) and click on the hole (H) then exit the screen by clicking at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the desk (I) in the lobby.

- Pick up the KEY (J) in the garden then return to the lobby.
- Unlock the desk using the KEY to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Cut the envelope (K) with the scissors (L) and pick up the POSTAGE STAMP (M).
- Pick up the remaining items as marked in green in the screenshot, the LOCK PICKING TOOL will be added to your inventory.

- Zoom into the painting in the office and place the LOCK PICKING TOOL into the hole.
- Click on the twelve eyes hidden in the painting as marked in green in the screenshot.

- Enter the secret passage way (N) the painting opened.
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green and click on the computer (O).
- Click on the painting (P) in the lobby and set the time to 10:25.
- Pick up the PASSWORD PAPER (Q) from the safe.
- Exit back to the front door area.

- Click on the well (R).
- Place the ROPE (S) over the well.
- Pick up the FLASHLIGHT (T) from the table in the lobby.
- Shine the FLASHLIGHT down the well.
- Remove each board (U) one at a time by clicking on the top one until they are all removed. (Hint: you can click on any of them until one is removed and continue on that way).
- Go down the well.

- Pick up the CD (V) the USB DRIVE (W) and the two LETTERS marked in green in the screenshot.
- In the secret room place the USB DRIVE in the port (X).
- Drop the PASSWORD over the keyboard (Y) and insert the CD in the computer.

- Zoom into the grate (Z) in the garden.
- Pick up the CROWBAR (1) on the well then go down the well.
- Zoom into the area at the right screen (2) trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Open the box (3) with the crowbar (4) and pick up the ROPE LADDER (5).
- Pick up the remaining items as marked in green in the screenshot, the ROPE LADDER will be added to your inventory.

- Open the grate in the garden with the CROWBAR.
- Descend the grate using the ROPE LADDER.
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green.
- Click on the back tunnel wall (6) and the ray of light (7).
- Click on the angel statue (8) in the garden and the rose bush (9).

- Open the scroll (10) and drop the LETTERS in the empty tiles to spell “choking” to receive the FOLDER PIECE.

- Pick up the GARDEN SHEARS (11) by the fountain.
- Pick up the LETTER (12) from inside the well.
- Pick up the TONER POWDER (13) from the table in the office.
- Trim the rose bush with the GARDEN SHEARS and zoom in to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Move the rock (14) with the shovel (15) to pick up the PITCHER.
- Pick up the items as marked in green in the VALVE HANDDLE and the PITCHER will be added to your inventory.
- After you have picked up all the items but are still in the Hidden Object scene place the VALVE HANDLE on the fountain (16) and fill the PITCHER with water.
- Exit the scene by clicking at the bottom of the screen.

- Pour the PITCHER of WATER on the angel statue and pick up the LETTER (17).
- Down the grate pour the TONER POWDER on the light ray and pick up the LETTER (18).
- Place the LETTERS on the tunnel walls shown in blue in the screenshot.
- Zoom into the back tunnel wall to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Light the candle (19) with the lighter (20) and pick up all of the items marked in green and return to the lobby.
- The PENCIL will be added to your inventory.

- Pick up the folder (21) on the desk and drag the FOLDER PIECE over the cut out shape followed by the PENCIL.
Chapter 2: India

- Drag 2 matching card pieces together to assemble the cards (color coded in the screenshot) then arrange them in the following order in the open slots: Top row left to right; queen of hearts, jack of hearts, two of spades, king of clubs, queen of spades. Bottom row left to right; king of hearts, jack of clubs, three of diamonds, five of spades, ace of spades.
- Close the pop up window.

- Click on the woman (A) then the doorway (B) to the main room.
- Zoom into the broken Shiva statue (C) then click on it (1).
- Exit the scene at the bottom then pick up the four broken STATUE PIECES marked in green in the screenshot.
- Zoom back into the Shiva statue and drop the four STATUE PIECES over it.
- Exit the scene and enter the doorway into the main room.

- Pick up the LETTER TILE marked in green and click on the curtain (D).
- Cut the curtain with the KNIFE (E) then click on the revealed puzzle (F).
- Pick up the RUBIE marked in orange in the screenshot.
- Exit back to the outside and pick up a RUBIE marked in orange.
- Zoom into Shiva and pick up the last RUBIE marked in orange then return to the main room.
- Drop the RUBIES over the puzzle.
- Click on a moving piece as it lines up with the one next to it to lock them together. Continue until the puzzle is solid.

- Enter the alter room through the hole (G) behind the puzzle.

- Zoom into the shelf on the back wall (H).
- Place the lamps on the shelves as follows. Place the first lamp (from left to right) on the fourth Shelf, the second lamp on the third shelf, the third lamp on the second shelf and the fourth lamp on the first shelf. Color coded in the screenshot.

- Exit the scene and click on the door (I) then the alter (J).
- Click on the panel above the archways (K) and pick up the LOTUS CUP, the BOOKCASE and the GRATE marked in green in the screen shot.

- Zoom into the right archway (1) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.
- Tie back the curtain (L) with the ROPE and TASSLE (M).
- Pick up all of the items as marked in green in the screenshot, the BOOKCASE will be added to your inventory.

- In the main room move the panel with the candle carving, the skull carving and the one with the plates carving, all marked in green, and pick up the matching items inside.
- Outside open the three skull panels and pick up the SKULLS as marked in green.
- Zoom into the statue and move the bowls of rice panel and the half suns panel and pick up the items inside marked in green.

- Place the items on the alter in the following order; the GRATE, BOOKSHELVES, HALF SUNS, BOWLS OF RICE, CANDELS, SKULLS, PLATES, then the LOTUS CUP.
- Zoom into the note (O) then close the pop up window and pick up the KEY (N).
- Open the door with the KEY (I) and exit to the exterior of the pool house.

- Open the five panels with Shiva on them and pick up the ADORNMENTS inside as marked in green in the screenshot.
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green and enter the pool house through the door (J).

- Open the five panels and pick up the ADORNMENTS and the LETTER all marked in green in the screenshot.
- Enter the back room through the door (1).

- Open the three panels and pick up the ADORNMENTS and the LETTER all marked in green.
- Click on the Goddess Kali statue (K) and the far right door (L).
- Go back to the pool and click on the wooden door (M), then the dark doorway (O) to trigger a hidden object scene.

- Pick up all of the items outlined in the item list as marked in green in the screenshot.
- The TRIDENT and the RECTANGULAR TILE will be added to your inventory.
- Place the RECTANGULAR TILE over the wooden door in the pool house to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Clean the mirror (P) with the CLOTH (Q) then pick up all of the items as marked in green in the screenshot, the DRUM and PENTAGONAL TILE will be added to your inventory.

- Exit the pool house and pick up the BOW marked in green in the screenshot.
- Zoom back into Shiva place the ADORNMENTS over the statue and click on the base (R).

- Click on the pump handle (S) in the pool house and enter the back room.
- Click the middle door (T), place the PENTAGONAL TILE over the far right door and enter it.

- Click on the slab (U) then pick up the LETTER, the OCTAGONAL TILE, and the KNIFE all marked in green.
- Pick up the CROWBAR (V) from outside the pool house and use it to move the slab.
- Pick up the MACE marked in green.

- Place the KNIFE, MACE, and BOW over the Kali statue.
- Click on the far left door (1) then place the OCTAGONAL TILE over the middle door and enter it.
- Click the cat's (W) then pick up a FISH, MOUSE, a BIRD, and a LETTER all marked in green.

- Click on the wooden door (X) in the pool house and exit to the exterior.
- Move the brick and pick up the POLYGONAL TILE marked in green.
- Place the TILE over the wooden door (X) in the pool house and enter it to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Spoon (A) out the bowl (B) and pick up the WEAPON inside it.
- Pick up the rest of the WEAPONS marked in green and KALI”S BROACH will be added to your inventory.

- Place the BROACH over Kali then return to the pool.
- Pick up the five LETTER TILES and one blank TILE marked in green to spell flask then pick up the FLASK (Y).
- Hold the FLASK under the Kali statue to collect the POTION.
- In the alter room pour the POTION over Mary.
- Return to the pools back room and enter the far right door.

- Click on the left panel (Z) and solve the puzzle. See the screenshot for the final image.
- Once the puzzle is complete a new doorway will be open (1) enter it.

- Pick up the HEXAGONAL TILE and two LETTERS all marked in green in the screenshot.
- Move the plasma rays by clicking at their sources, marked in blue, until all of the amulets are lit. See the screenshot for how many times each source needs to be clicked to get all amulets lit.
- Once all of the amulets are lit a panel will open, pick the FISH and MOUSE marked in green.

- Place the HEXAGONAL TILE on the far left door in the pools back room and enter it to trigger a Hidden Object scene.
- Pick up all of the items SHARDS as marked in green in the screenshot and the BIRD will be added to your inventory.

- Exit the scene and enter the middle door next to Kali's statue an place the BIRDS, MICE, and the FISH over the outlines (4) on the pillar.
- Pick up the LION HEAD marked in green.
- Zoom into the Shiva statue and place the LION HEAD at its base.
- Click on the now floating Shiva statue (A) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Burn the curtain (5) with the CANDLE (6) then pick up all of the items marked in green in the screenshot and the LEVER will be added to your inventory.

- Return to the pool house and place the LEVER on the pump (7).
- Enter the back room and zoom into the panel (8).
- Change the symbols to match those on the pool bottom by clicking on each one, as seen in the screenshot.

- Enter the doorway (9).
- Pick up the two LETTERS marked in green and open the scroll.
- Arrange the letters to spell out “Heart Attack” and a TATTOO will be added to your inventory.
- Drop the TATTOO over the statue (10).
Chapter 3: New York

- Click on the guard (A).
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green in the screenshot.
- Give the BANKNOTE (B) to the guard.
- Enter the elevator (1) and click the panel (C).
- Pick up the LETTER marked in green.
- Exit the elevator and click the desk (D) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Pick up all of the items marked in green in the screenshot. The ELEVATOR KEY will be added to your inventory.

- Place the KEY in the panel and hit floor 13 marked green in the screenshot.
- Zoom into the wires (E).
- Remove the wires one at a time, by clicking the one that is not covered by another, until they are all removed.

- Exit the elevator into the foyer and pick up a LETTER marked in green in the screenshot.
- Enter the waiting room (F) and pick up LETTER marked in green.
- Go through the doorway (G) into the hallway and click on the library door (H) and the computer room door (I).

- In the foyer, zoom into the far right door to room 13-01 (J) and click on the door.
- Zoom into the briefcase (K) in the waiting room then close the window.
- Return to the foyer and zoom into the far left door to room 13-04 (L) and click on the door.
- Unlock the door with the KEY (M) and go inside to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Pick up the EGG (N) from the table and place in the EGG CATON (O) and pick it up.
- Pick up the remaining items all marked in green in the screenshot. The KEY to the computer room will be added to your inventory.

- Return to the hallway and unlock the computer room with the KEY and enter.
- Click on the computer screen (P) and unscramble the poem to read “All roads lead to death, they say. But don't take shortcuts on your way. The evil waits for you and strives. To live forever at the cost of our lives”.
- Pick up the COMBINATION from the printer and the LETTER both marked in green in the screenshot.
- Drag the COMBINATION over the briefcase in the waiting room.
- The key to room 13-01 will be added to your inventory.

- Unlock the door to 13-01 in the foyer and enter it.
- Click on the projector screen (Q) and pick up a LETTER marked in green.
- Enter the door (R) to the right to trigger a hidden object scene.

- Pick up the PHONE RECIEVER (S) and place it on the phone base (T).
- Pick up the PHONE and the remaining items all marked green in the screenshot. The REMOTE CONTROL will be added to your inventory.

- Drop the REMOTE over the projector screen and pick up the KEY to the library marked in green.
- Open the library door with the KEY and enter.
- Go up the stairs (U).
- Zoom into the book (W) and close the pop up window.

- Return to the elevator and hit floor 51 (X) on the panel.
- On the roof click on the telescope (Y) then pick up three of the TELELESCOPE PARTS marked in green in the screenshot, and drop them over the telescope.

- Return to the foyer of floor 13 and zoom into the door with the statues (Z) to room 13-03 and click on the door.
- In the hallway click on the fish tank (1) then feed the fish with the FOOD (2) and pick up the TAPE MEASURE (3).

- Zoom into the lower shelves in the library.
- Drag the TAPE MEASURE over the red book (4) and the blue book (5). Two NUMBER TILES will be added to your inventory.
- Zoom into the door with the statues and drag the TAPE MEASURE over the statues (6). One NUMBER TILE will be added to your inventory.
- Drop the NUMBER TILES over the key pad on the door (7)in the order of 4, 8, 9, and enter the room to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Hit the punching bag (8) three times with the BOXING GLOVE (9) then pick up all of the items marked green in the screenshot. The TELESCOPE LENS will be added to your inventory.

- Place the LENS on the telescope then zoom in.
- Press the key pad (10) in the pop up window then close it.
- Click on the design lab door (11) in the hallway then return to the foyer.

- Enter room 13-04, click on the curtain (12) and enter the back room.
- Click on the hanging meat (13) then open the drawer (14) on the oven.
- Slice the meat with the KNIFE, marked in green, until it is all cut up then pick up the design room KEY (16).
- Unlock the design room with the KEY and enter it.

- Zoom into the mannequin (17) then click on it and close the pop up window.
- Zoom into the back door (18) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Put the FISH (19) in the BOTTLE (20) and pick it up.
- Pick up the remaining objects all marked in green in the screenshot. The BOX CUTTER will be added to your inventory.

- Open the box (A) with the BOX CUTTER and pick up the four ARTICLES of CLOTHING, all marked in green in the screenshot, and drop them over the mannequin.
- Pick up the MANNEQUIN and hid back to the roof.
- Place the MANNEQUIN on the stand (B) then pick up the magazine (C).

- Solve the puzzle by clicking on the correct combination of clothing to match the picture. (1, 2, and 3 in the screenshot) A NUMBER will be added to your inventory.

- Drag the NUMBER over the telescope key pad and zoom into the telescope.
- Pick up the LETTER and the number 378 both marked in green in the screenshot.
- Open the scroll and spell out “poisoning” and a TATTOO will be added to your inventory.

- Return to the library and zoom into the book (D) on the top bookshelf.
- Drag the number 378 over the book followed by the TATTOO.
- Zoom into the revealed safe (E) and click on the empty picture frame (F).

- Press the -1 (G) button in the elevator and enter the back room (H) in the basement.
- Zoom into the TV screens (I).

- Solve the puzzle by switching the tiles positions until you have the correct orientation. When a tile is in the correct spot it will lock in place and the frame will turn white. See the screenshot for the final image (J).

- Exit the room and click on the dumpster (K) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.
- Spray the PEAR (L) with the BUG SPRAY (M) and pick it up. Pick up the remaining items all marked in green in the scene shot. The PHOTO will be added to your inventory.

- Place the PHOTO in the frame next to the safe in the library and click the letters P, A, T, H on the safe key pad (O). Note the orientation of the letters may be different each play through.
Chapter 4: Scotland

- Pick up the LETTER marked in green and click on the angel statue (A).
- Take the path to the left to the graveyard.
- Pick up three LETTERS marked in green and click next to the hat (B) to trigger a hidden object scene.

- Smash the bottle (C) with the BRICK (D) and pick up the RING (E).
- Pick up the remaining items all marked in green in the screenshot and the STATUE'S BELT will be added to your inventory.

- Return to the Angel statue and drop the BELT over it then pick up the BOX (F).
- From the graveyard take the path to the right.
- Pick up the two LETTERS and click on the gate (G).

- Pick up the three LETTERS marked in green near the helicopter.
- Open the box (H) in the graveyard and pick up the KEY marked in blue.
- Open the gate with the KEY and go through it.

- Pick up the three LETTERS marked in green.
- Click on the electric box (I) and go back to the gate.
- Pick up the SAFETY PIN (J) then drop it over the electric box then zoom in.

- Rotate the individual shaped by clicking on them until they are in the positions shown in the screenshot (K) then push the red button (L).
- Click on the light house (M).
- Pick up the two LETTERS marked in green and enter the lighthouse.

- Pick up two LETTERS marked in green and click on the communication box (N).
- Enter the kitchen (1) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Cut the rope (O) with the SCISSORS (P) and pick up all of the items as marked in green in the screenshot. The FUSE will be added to your inventory.

- Place the FUSE in the communication box.
- Pick up two LETTERS marked in green.
- Zoom into the power box (Q).

- Solve the puzzle. See the screenshot for solution.

- Cross the bridge and click on the gate (R).
- Pick up the PAPER (T) and close the pop up window.
- Return to the Angel statue and click on the crow (U).
- Cut the BRANCH (V) with the KNIFE (W) and scare the crow away with it.
- Click on the ROPE and BELL (X) and pick it up.

- Return to the grave yard and zoom into the cellar (Y).
- Pick up two LETTERS, marked in green in the screenshot.
- Move the barrel (Z) and pick up the KEY marked in blue.
- Unlock the padlock (2) with the KEY and enter the cellar.
- Zoom into the area in the middle of the room (3) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Place the HANDLE (4) on the barrel (5) and pick up the BUTTERFLY marked in green.
- Pick up the remaining items all marked in green in the screenshot. The SLEDGE HAMMER will be added to your inventory.

- Exit the cellar, smash the barrel with the HAMMER and pick up the BELLS (6).
- Return to the light house and hang the ROPE and BELL over the tree (7).
- Drop the BELLS over the ROPE and zoom in.

- From left to right hang each bell in the following order: 9, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6.
- Ring the BELLS by pulling the string (8) then click on the albatross (A).
- Click on the base of the tree (B) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Scare the owl (9) with the HORN (10) and pick up all of the items marked in green in the screenshot. The FISHING NET will be added to your inventory.

- Go down to the water and throw the NET in (11) then pull it out. Pick up the fish off of the rocks.
- Zoom into the rocks (12) in the water to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Cut the net (13) with the KNIFE (14) and pick up all of the items marked in green in the screenshot. The PLIERS will be added to your inventory.

- Outside the light house ring the BELLS and feed the albatross the FISH.
- Use the PLYERS to remove the KEY (15).
- Enter the light house and climb the stairs (16).

- Pick up the two MIRRORS, marked in green, and click on the fuse box.
- Place one MIRROR on the pole (17) and descend the stairs.
- Open the tool box (18) and the communication box (19).
- Pick up the GLOVES and the FUSE marked in green in the screenshot.
- Upstairs remove the old fuse with the GLOVES and place the FUSE in the box.

- Return to the water and place the MIRROR on the pole (20).
- Cross the bridge and click on the lotus panel (21) two times.
- Place the KEY in the key hole (22) that the light revealed and enter the temple.

- Open the scroll and spell out “shooting” and “child bearing” to receive two TATTOS.
- Place the TATTOS on the wall (23) in there matching blocks and enter the room to the right (24) to trigger a Hidden Object scene.

- Place the AMULET (A) in the wall (B) and pick up all of the items, marked in green in the screenshot. The MANUSCRIPT will be added to your inventory.

- Place the MANUSCRIPT on the pedestal (C) zoom into it then close the pop up window.
- Exit the temple and click the panel (D) above the statue on the left.
- Place the two SUN PANELS, marked in green in the screenshot, over the statues.
- Light the TORCH (E) with the fire (F).

- Back out one scene to the water and move the rock (G) click on the book bag and pick up the BOXES inside it.
- Back out on scene and pick up three FLOWERS all marked in green in the screenshot.
- Pick up two FLOWERS, marked in green from the gate.

- Pick up three FLOWERS from the graveyard.
- Pick up two FLOWERS from outside of the cellar.
- Inside the cellar, click on the bull head (I).
- Place the HORN (J) on the bull head then pick up the BOX (K).

- Pick up one FLOWER from the helicopter.
- Pick up four FLOWERS from outside of the light house.
- Inside the lights houses kitchen, pick up the MOTAR and PESTLE (L) and the BOTTLE (M).

- Inside the temple pick up the last BOX (N) and place the items on the alter (O) in the following order: BOXES, FLOWERS, MORTAR and PESTLE, JAR, and TORCH.
- Congratulations! You conquered Our Worst Fears!
Created at: 2011-04-16