Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Prologue
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
General Tips
- You may play this game in full screen or windowed mode by pressing "Alt + Enter."

- From the Option Menu you can adjust a variety of settings like screen mode and volume.
- You are given the option of a Tutorial at the beginning of the game.
- This game can be played in Relaxed or Survivor Mode.
- When playing in Relaxed Mode a tutorial is offered. There is no Relaxed Mode time limit, hint and skip buttons recharge faster, and the number of inventory items left to be found in current locations is displayed in the Inventory Box.
- When playing in Survivor Mode a tutorial is not offered, there is a time limit, hint and skip buttons recharge half as quickly, and there is no inventory item tracker.

- The Inventory has two arrows to scroll through items you have collected.
- Use inventory items by picking them up and clicking onto the area in which you wish to use it.
- There may be some interactive elements in the scenes, marked with green lights.
- The cursor will change when you move the mouse over the active area.
- Hidden items written in blue will require an additional action to be unlocked.
- Clicking on the map will open the Island View; here you can select other locations.
- Hints are unlimited, but they need to recharge before they can be used again.
- Some of the mini-games are randomized; your solutions may vary.
- You can skip any cut scene by pressing the skip button.

- Pick up any of the four mice in the scene.
- Select a MOUSE from the inventory and feed it to the owl.
- The owl will "hoot" a certain number of times.
- Click on the door and knock as many times as the owl "hooted."

- Find all the bees and flies in the scene.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Pick up the SPRING and use it on the toy.
- Click the toy to distract the monkey. At that moment, take a peek at his cards and click on the KING!

- You need to collect all the cursed objects from every sea dog on the island. These objects are called Black Spots.
- Test each Black Spot by dropping them in the barrel, filling the bottle with the resulting potion from the barrel, and giving the concoction to the monkey.
- Successful testing of the Black Spots will turn the monkey back into Flint’s parrot.
Chapter 1

- Find all the kitchenware.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Pick up the CORN from the inventory, place it on the stick over the fire and grab the POPCORN.
- Click on the watch to start a mini-game.
- To repair the watch, place the gears in the slots according to the pattern of the existing gears (each row should follow a time sequence).

- Click on the chest, for a mini-game, and on the shipwreck, for the next location.

- Click on the jewels to rotate them clockwise until each side matches the jewels that surround it.

- Find Cap’n Guywood’s head coverings.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Click on his face to access a mini-game.
- Pick up the LIPSTICK from the inventory; use it on his cheek to draw a kiss.
- Click on the needle box to access a mini-game.
- Rotate the needles until they resemble a man.
Chapter 2

- Pair up the animals with the same song.

- Click on the door to access a mini-game.
- Flip over all the tiles by clicking them in the order shown.
- Press the Reset button to start over.

- The pirate offers you a challenge that has ten rounds.
- Find the new object that appears somewhere in the room with each round.
- If you click the wrong object, the challenge will start over from the beginning.

- Find all the rats.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Pick up the COCONUT from the inventory and place it on the pirate’s hat.
- Grab the FEATHER from the inventory and use it on Anne.
- After she sneezes, grab the COCONUT HALF.
- Click on the mace to access a mini-game.
- Arrange all the books by color, in descending order.
- Click once on a book to select it, then on another to swap their places.
- Pick up the SECRET SWORD.
Chapter 3

- Find all the eggs.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Lure the SQUIRREL to the trap by placing the ACORNS in the areas shown.
- Click on the two pieces of wood to fix the VOODOO sign.

- Click on the woodpecker and he will tell you the code to the safe.
- Click on the inner circle to scroll through the numbers.
- Click on the outer circle to scroll through the positions.
- The solution to this puzzle is "VII."
- Inside the safe you will find the CHILI PEPPER and the INKWELL.

- Click on the well to access the next location; go down the ladder.

- Find all the masquerade masks.
- Go up the ladder to find the last two masks.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Use the MAGNET on the pirate’s hand; then click the hand until he finds the RING.
- Fill the CUP with water from any of the three locations shown.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Pelvis (1) from cabinet B.
- Spine (2) from drawer C.
- Skull (3) on the beach.
- Left Femur (4) from cabinet A.
- Wig (5) in cabinet A.
- Bandana (6) in cabinet A.
- Rib Cage (7) from the beach.
- Left Humerus (8) from the bottom of the wardrobe.
- Hat (9) from the beach.
- Left Leg (10) from the cabinet.
- Foot (11) from drawer D.
- Eye (12) from drawer D.
- Sock (13) from drawer D.
- Pipe (14) from drawer D.
- Right Humerus (15) from drawer F.
- Beard (16) from drawer F.
- Right Forearm (17) from cabinet A.
- Shirt (18) from cabinet A.
- Right Hand (19) from drawer E.
- Right Femur (20) from drawer E.
- Eye Patch (21) from drawer E.
- Right Sleeve (22) from the beach.
- Jacket (23) from the beach.
- Prosthesis (24) from the beach.
- Pants (25) hanging on the left side of the wardrobe.
- Shoe (26) from the beach.
- Chest Belt (27) from the top of the wardrobe.
- Left Forearm (28) from drawer C.
- Belt (29) from drawer C.
- Neckerchief (30) from drawer C.
- Left Sleeve (31) from cabinet B.
- Left Hand from drawer D.
Chapter 4

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the fireflies.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Place the WINGS and the HEAD on the horse’s body.
- Click the left hole on the floor and give the SHOVEL to the lady.
- Catch the CROWN when it is thrown from the hole.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the frogs.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Click on the drawer and select coins 3, 5, and 1.
- Grab the TAROT CARD.

- Put the LIZARD’S POO in the cup and the pirate will fall asleep.
- Take the kerchief off and get the GOLDEN TOOTH.
- Click the lever and place the SHARK TOOTH, and the GOLDEN TOOTH, in the dog’s cage lock.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the bones.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Click on the stone in the middle of the wheel to access a mini-game.
- Move the squares inside the lock to make the expression true.
- Rotate the wheel clockwise to get the FLAG.
Chapter 5

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Go down the well and click on the door.

- Find all the sweets.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Place the CROWN on the FROG and click on it.
- Click on the bride to get a description of Long John Silver.
- Customize the mannequin as the bride describes it.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the vegetables and fruits.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Take a coal, using the PINCERS, and put it on the pirate’s leg so you can get in the cellar.
- Swap bottles from the cellar until you get the FLAG.

- Find all the seafood.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Separate the mollusks from the rest of the seafood.

- Click the frog; put the stick in the pelican’s mouth, when it’s opened, and grab the ROPE.
- Put the ROPE onto the energy source to revive the DOG.
Chapter 6

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the meat.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Select the three items with something in common.

- Open Plato’s book; scroll to page 145 and grab the WOODEN STAR.
- Use the WOODEN STAR on the coffin; click it four times to open it, and then pick up the PARROT.

- Click on the chest to access a mini-game.

- Click on the tumblers to change the all colors on the lock flower to green.
- The solution is: Bx4, Dx4, Cx2, Ex2, and Ax4.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the runaway protein.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Make a snowman from ingredients.
- Match pairs of cups using "What Eats What" logic.
Chapter 7

- Find all the letters.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Arrange the soldiers in chronological order to open the chest and get the SCROLLS.
- Click on a figurine to select it, and click on another one to swap the two.

- Place the SCROLLS on the picture frame until he gets distracted; cut his PROSTHESIS off with the SAW.

- Click on the shown area to access a mini-game.

- Click on the numbers in ascending order from 1 to 30 in fewer than 75 seconds.
- If a wrong number is clicked or time runs out, the mini-game must be restarted.

- Find all the discount coupons.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Build the blacksmith; place the KEY in the keyhole to animate him.
- Drag the wires until the image looks like a Jester.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the bats.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Put the cards in the right order to have the animation of a RUNNING CHEETAH.
- The solution is: 1-3-4-2-5.
- Win the fight to get the DIAMOND.
- Click the attack button as fast as you can until the fight is over to win.
Chapter 8

- Break all the bottles.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Fill the tapestry with different colored threads until it resembles real life.
- Click on the desired colored thread with the needle and then the object you wish to paint on the tapestry.
- Win the turtle race to get the PEARL.
- Control your turtle with the left or right mouse buttons.

- Click on the shown area to access a mini-game.

- Move the pin through the envelope channels without passing through the same one twice.
- Click the Reset button to restart the mini-game if you make a mistake.
- Take the KEY and use it on the door.

- Find all the hallucinations.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Grab the coin to make all the BLACK CATS appear. If you miss one grab another coin.

- Use the coin on the Fresh Grog machine.
- You need to win three rounds.
- Hit the button as fast as you can.
Chapter 9

- Find all the toy ships.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Hold and rotate the wheel counter clockwise.
- Click on the chest to access a mini-game.

- Move the pirate to the treasure to open the chest and get the GOLDEN SKULL.
- Click on cells adjacent to the pirate to move him.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the razors and scissors.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Click the cactus parts to rotate them until they form a dog as shown.
- Using the correct frame, cut the monkey’s hair.

- Click on the shown area for the next location.

- Find all the magnifying glasses.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Use the MAGNET on the COMPASS to obtain the CRAZY COMPASS.

- Give him the QUILL and he will ask you to help him find three items.
Chapter 10

- First piece of the cave’s map.
- As you complete the levels in this chapter you will gain more map pieces.

- Find the opposite of every item the pirate announces.

- For every item that Steve names, you must find the two items from which it is made.

- Find all the dung that fell on the two pirates during the seagull’s flight.

- Unlock Cap’n Guywood’s favorite marriage box.

- Win an IQ contest for a map piece.
- The answers to the questions are: six, the right, Friday, second, b, Mary, dog, c, and "Once upon a time."

- Open the safe by placing the animals in their natural habitats.
- Click on the disks to rotate them.
Chapter 11

- Pick up the FLINT STONES and use them on the powder.
- Take the center path.

- Click on the lever; it will break.
- Replace the lever with the SPINE.
- Go back one screen.
- Take the path to the right.

- Press the symbols in the order shown to open the gate.
- Take the left path.

- Pick up the two legs from the floor.
- Pull the ball to lift the door; quickly use the legs on the door.

- Solve the riddle to open the gate.
- Use the stones on the floor to enter the answer: moon.
- Head right then left.

- Click on the chest to access a puzzle.
- Select from the three scrolling rows the items that make up the one on the lock.

- Line up the selections with the lock.
- Grab the axe and cut the vines with it.
- Take the left path.

- Click on the eye to access a mini-game.
- Use the arrow buttons to rotate the rectangle until the blue gem falls down the passage.
- White gems cannot fall down the passage.
- One possible solution is: L-R-R-L-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-L-L-L-L-R-R-R-L-L-R-R-L-R-R-R-R-R-R-L-L-R.
- Click on the skull’s mouth.
Chapter 12

- Click on the door to enter the ship.

- Exit to the previous screen after realizing you need protection against Flint’s voodoo magic.

- Click on the area shown.
- Pick up the rock and use it to break the bottle and get the message.

- Click on the area shown.

- Collect all the mandragoras.

- Find all the hidden objects in the scene.

- Feed the ONIONS to the raccoon to get the RACCOON TEARS.

- Replace the bottle on the table with the potion when Flint is not looking.
- Congratulations! You have completed Robinson Crusoe and The Cursed Pirates!
Created at: 2010-05-21