Walkthrough Menu
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle.
- Other solutions are possible. The solutions in this guide will earn 3 puzzle pieces per room with perfect final room placement.
- Click and hold the lantern to learn the final room placement.
- Sometimes the name of the level will give you a hint about how to proceed.
- Rooms with a large number of moves may require a less direct route to the exit.
Mansion 1
MANSION 1, ROOM 1–A MAGICAL HOUSE- Walk right (GOLD KEY); walk right.
- You will take the GOLD KEY automatically.
- Final position (A).
- Move the room right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (B).
- Move the room right.
- Walk up and left.
- Final position (C).
- Move the room left; walk up and right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Final position (D).
- Move the room right; walk down and left.
- Move the room up; walk right and down.
- Move the room left; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Walk up and left; move the room down.
- Walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Final position (E).
- Move the room right and up.
- Walk left and select the red phone; walk up.
- Final position (F).
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Move the room down and right; walk up.
- Move the room left 2x; walk down.
- Final position (G).
- Move the room left; walk left and select the blue phone.
- Move the room left 2x; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down and select the blue phone; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Final position (H).
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk left and select the red phone.
- Move the room right; select the red phone.
- Move the room up; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right and select the red phone; walk right.
- Final position (I).
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Move the room left, down; walk down, and select the red phone.
- Move the room up and select the red phone; walk up.
- Move the room right; walk down.
- Final position (J).
- Move the room right; walk right and select the blue phone.
- Walk right 2x and select the red phone.
- Move the room down and right; walk right and select the blue phone.
- Move the room left and down; select the blue phone.
- Walk left 2x and select the red phone; walk left.
- Move the room left 2x; walk left and down.
- Final position (K).
- Walk right; move the room up and right.
- Select the blue phone; walk down.
- Move the room right and down; walk right and select the red phone.
- Move the room down and left; select the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room up 2x.
- Walk right.
- Final position (L).
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Move the room down and right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk right and up.
- Final position (M).
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Move the room down and left 2x; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up (GOLF KEY); walk down.
- Move the room right 2x, and up 2x; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left and switch wardrobes; walk left.
- Final position (N).
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up; move the room left and down.
- Walk right; move the room up 2x.
- Walk left.
- Final position (O).
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room up and left 2x; walk left and select the red phone.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Final position (P).
- Walk down; move the room left 2x.
- Walk up; move the room left and switch wardrobes.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk down and left (GOLD KEY); move the room up.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk left.
- Final position (Q).
- Move the room down and left; walk up 2x (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down 2x; move the room right and up 2x.
- Walk left, up, and right.
- Final position (R).
- Move the room left; walk down.
- Move the room left; select the blue phone.
- Move the room down; select the blue phone.
- Walk up; move the room left.
- Walk down and left; select the blue phone.
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Move the room left and down; walk right.
- Move the room up; select the blue phone.
- Walk right and up; move the room right.
- Walk down; move the room right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (S).
- Move the room right; use the red phone.
- Move the room left; walk left and switch wardrobes.
- Walk right and select the red phone; walk down.
- Move the room down; walk left and select the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk down and left 2x.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room up and right 2x; walk down and select the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right.
- Final position (T).
- Walk left; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up; move the room right 2x.
- Walk up; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left; move the room down and left.
- Walk down; switch wardrobes.
- Walk right; move the room up 2x.
- Walk left.
- Final position (U).
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Walk down (SILVER KEY) and left; move the room up 2x.
- Walk left and down; move the room right.
- Walk right and down; move the room left 2x and up.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right and down; move the room down.
- Walk left; move the room up and right.
- Walk down; move the room left.
- Walk left and select the red phone; (GOLD KEY) walk left 4x.
- Final position (V).
- Walk down; switch wardrobes.
- Select the red phone; walk left.
- Select the green phone; switch wardrobes.
- Walk right (SILVER KEY); move the room down.
- Walk left and up; move the room right.
- Walk right; move the room down 2x and left.
- Select the blue phone; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right and select the blue phone; walk left and down.
- Select the green phone; move the room left and up.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Final position (W).
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; select the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room left and down.
- Walk left; switch wardrobes.
- Walk right 2x; switch wardrobes.
- Select the red phone; move the room left.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left and select the red phone.
- Move the room right; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left and select the red phone; move the room down.
- Walk right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left and select the red phone.
- Walk left 2x.
- Final position (X).
Mansion 2
MANSION 2, ROOM 1–FIRE IN THE HOLE!- Move the room right; walk up.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk down; walk up and left.
- Final position (A).
- Move the room left 2x; select the red phone.
- Select the bomb; quickly select the red phone.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk left and select the red phone.
- Move the room right; select the bomb and quickly select the red phone.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Final position (B).
- Move the room up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right and down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk down and right.
- Move the room up; select the bomb and walk left.
- Walk right and up (GOLD KEY); walk down, left, down, and left.
- Final position (C).
- Move the room down; walk down and select the red phone.
- Move the room right; select the bomb and the red phone.
- Select the red phone; move the room left and up.
- Select the bomb and the red phone; move the room left.
- Walk up and left; move the room down.
- Select the red phone; walk up.
- Move the room left; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Walk left.
- Final position (D).
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Select the bomb and walk down.
- Walk up and right; move the room down.
- Switch wardrobes; walk left.
- Move the room left and up; walk right.
- Move the room right; select the bomb and walk down.
- Walk up and right (GOLD KEY); walk left and down.
- Move the room left 2x; walk left.
- Final position (E).
- Move the room up and left; select the bomb and walk down.
- Walk up and left; select the red phone.
- Move the room right 2x and up 2x; select the red phone.
- Walk right; select the bomb and walk left.
- Walk right and down; move the room down and left.
- Move the room right and up; walk up.
- Select the bomb and walk right; walk left and down.
- Move the room down and left; walk up.
- Final position (F).
- Select the magnet; move the room down.
- Select the magnet; move the room up and right.
- Walk down; move the room right.
- Walk up.
- Final position (G).
- Select the magnet; move the room right and down.
- Select the magnet; walk right and up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down and left 2x.
- Final position (H).
- Select the magnet; walk right.
- Move the room right and select the magnet; walk left.
- Select the magnet; walk left and up.
- Final position (I).
- Use the magnet; move the room left.
- Walk left and down 2x; use the magnet.
- Walk up 2x and right; move the room right.
- Select the magnet; move the room down 2x.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); walk left and use the magnet.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Final position (J).
- Use the magnet; walk up.
- Move the room up; use the magnet.
- Walk down and left; move the room left and down.
- Walk right; select the red phone.
- Move the room down and left; select the red phone.
- Move the room up 2x; walk left.
- Final position (K).
- Select the magnet; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right 2x.
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Walk left and down; move the room right.
- Walk up and left; move the room down.
- Select the bomb and walk right; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right and down.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right and down.
- Move the room left 3x; walk up.
- Final position (L).
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Select the magnet; select the red phone.
- Select the magnet; select the red phone.
- Select the magnet; move the room up.
- Select the magnet; select the red phone.
- Walk down; move the room left.
- Walk up.
- Final position (M).
- Move the room up; walk up and right.
- Select the bomb; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; switch wardrobes.
- Select the magnet; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up and left; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; select the magnet.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk right; switch wardrobes.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Walk left; select the bomb and walk right.
- Walk left and down.
- Final position (N).
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Move the room down and left; select the magnet.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; walk down.
- Switch wardrobes; walk down.
- Switch wardrobes; move the room right.
- Select the magnet; move the room up.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Select the bomb and walk down; walk up and right.
- Final position (O).
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; move the room down.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk left; move the room down and right.
- Walk right 2x; move the room up and left.
- Walk left, down, and right; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; select the magnet.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right 2x; move the room right and down.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); move the room up and right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (P).
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up; select the magnet.
- Move the room down; select the magnet.
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk left and select the magnet.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; walk right.
- Move the room right and up; walk left.
- Move the room down and right 2x.; walk up.
- Final position (Q).
- Walk down 2x and right; move the room up.
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk left, down, and right 2x.
- Select the magnet; walk up.
- Final position (R).
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Select the green phone; move the room down.
- Walk right; select the red phone.
- Move the room left 2x; select the red phone.
- Walk left; select the green phone.
- Move the room down; walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Select the blue phone; move the room right.
- Select the blue phone; walk up.
- Select the green phone; walk right.
- Move the room up 2x; walk left.
- Final position (S).
- Move the room down and right; select the green phone.
- Move the room right and up; select the green phone.
- Move the room left 3x; select the green phone.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Select the red phone; walk down.
- Move the room down and left; walk up.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down; move the room down.
- Walk right; move the room up and left 2x.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right.
- Final position (T).
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Select the red phone; move the room down.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Select the magnet; move the room down 2x.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); walk right.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; move the room right and up.
- Walk left; move the room down and left.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Select the red phone; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room down and left 2x.
- Walk up.
- Final position (U).
- Select the magnet; walk left.
- Move the room left and up; walk right.
- Move the room up and right; walk down.
- Move the room left and down; walk right.
- Select the magnet; move the room left, up 2x, and right.
- Select the magnet; move the room down, left, and down.
- Select the magnet; walk right.
- Move the room up 2x and left 2x; walk down 2x and right.
- Move the room right, up 2x, and left; select the magnet.
- Walk left and down 2x; select the bomb and walk up.
- Walk down and right.
- Final position (V).
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up and left; walk left 2x.
- Move the room down and right; walk right.
- Move the room right and up; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room left and up 2x; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk right 2x; quickly move the room down.
- Quickly walk left and move the room left before the bomb explodes.
- Walk up and right; move the room up and left.
- Walk left; move the room down 2x.
- Walk right; move the room right, up, and right.
- Walk up.
- Final position (W).
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk down.
- Move the room left; walk down.
- Move the room right and up; walk up and right.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; walk up and left.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right and up 2x.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Move the room down and right 2x; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk down 2x and left.
- Move the room up 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk right, down, up, and left.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right 2x.
- Final position (X).
Mansion 3
MANSION 3, ROOM 1–REPEAT AFTER ME- Move the room left; walk left.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up and right; walk left.
- Move the room down: walk right.
- Final position (A).
- Move the room left 3x; move the room right and down.
- Walk right; move the room up and right.
- Walk down
- Final position (B).
- Move the room down and up; walk right.
- Move the room up and left; move the room right and down.
- Walk right and down.
- Final position (C).
- Walk right and up; select the magnet.
- Select the green phone; walk right.
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Select the magnet; select the green phone.
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Walk right and down 2x; move the room left 3x.
- Walk up
- Final position (D).
- Walk left and move the room down; walk right.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk left and move the room up.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk up.
- Final position (E).
- Move the room right; walk right and left.
- Move the room left and down; walk right.
- Move the room up and down; walk left.
- Move the room up and left 3x; walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Walk up; move the room left 2x.
- Walk down; move the room left and up.
- Walk left.
- Final position (F).
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Select the lever; walk right and down.
- Move the room left; walk up and right.
- Move the room down; walk left and up.
- Select the lever; move the room right.
- Walk right and down.
- Final position (G).
- Select the lever; select the red phone (SILVER KEY).
- Move the room down and left; select the red phone.
- Select the lever; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right; move the room up 2x.
- Walk left.
- Final position (H).
- Move the room down; walk down and right.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk down.
- Move the room left 2x; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Select the lever; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Select the bomb and walk right; walk left 2x.
- Final position (I).
- Walk down; move the room down.
- Walk left; select the magnet.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Walk up; move the room right.
- Select the lever; walk down 2x.
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; walk up.
- Move the room right and down; select the lever.
- Walk down and left.
- Final position (J).
- Move the room down; walk down.
- Select the lever; walk right.
- Move the room up, left, and up.
- Walk left and down; move the room right 2x and down.
- Walk right; move the room up and right.
- Select the lever; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down; move the room left 2x.
- Select the lever; walk up and right.
- Move the room down 2x; walk left.
- Final position (K).
- Move the room down; select the lever.
- Walk left; move the room up and right.
- Walk down; select the lever.
- Walk up; select the lever.
- Walk down and right 2x; move the room right.
- Walk up.
- Final position (L).
- Select the magnet; walk left.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; move the room right.
- Walk right and up; select the magnet.
- Walk down and left; move the room left and up.
- Select the magnet; move the room down and right.
- Walk right and up.
- Final position (M).
- Move the room left and up; walk right.
- Move the room down and left; walk up and left.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room right and up; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room up and right; select the magnet.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left; move the room left 2x and up.
- Walk left; select the lever.
- Walk right 2x (GOLD KEY); walk left.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Final position (N).
- Move the room up, left, and up; select the red phone.
- Move the room down and left; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Select the red phone; move the room right, down, up, left, and right.
- Select the red phone; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right.
- Final position (O).
- Move the room left; walk up.
- Move the room right and down; walk up.
- Move the room left; walk down and right.
- Move the room up 2x and down; walk left.
- Move the room left; select the bomb and walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left and up.
- Move the room right; walk down and left.
- Move the room up and left; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down; move the room right.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk left.
- Final position (P).
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room left and up; walk up and right.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up, left, and up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; walk up and left.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right.
- Move the room right and up; walk left and up.
- Select the lever; move the room left.
- Walk left; select the lever.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); walk right.
- Move the room up and right; walk right.
- Final position (Q).
- Walk up and right 2x; move the room right.
- Walk down, left 3x, up, and right; move the room right.
- Move the room left; walk left, down, and right 3x.
- Walk left 3x, up, and right; move the room right.
- Walk right, down, left 3x, and up; move the room right and left.
- Walk down and left 3x; walk left and move the room down.
- Walk left 2x; move the room down.
- Walk right 3x.
- Final position (R).
- Select the lever; move the room right.
- Walk right 2x; select the red phone.
- Select the magnet; select the red phone.
- Walk left 2x; move the room down 2x.
- Walk left; select the red phone.
- Walk left; select the magnet.
- Walk right; select the red phone.
- Walk right; move the room up, left, and up.
- Select the lever; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the room down 2x; walk left.
- Select the red phone; walk down.
- Select the magnet; walk up and left.
- Select the magnet; walk left.
- Select the lever: walk right 2x, down, and left.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Final position (S).
- Move the room right: walk right.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Move the room left, and up; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk down.
- Switch wardrobes; move the room down and right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up and left.
- Move the room down; walk right, up, and left.
- Move the room left and up; switch wardrobes.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Move the room up and left; walk down.
- Move the room right 2x; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down; switch wardrobes.
- Walk down and left 2x.
- Final position (T).
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Move the room down and left 2x; move the room right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk down.
- Move the room left and right; walk up.
- Switch wardrobes; move the room right and up.
- Switch wardrobes; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; walk up and left.
- Select the red phone; move the room up and down.
- Select the red phone; move the room left.
- Walk down; move the room left.
- Walk up (GOLD KEY); walk down.
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Select the red phone; move the room right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (U).
- Move the room down; select the magnet.
- Move the room down; select the magnet.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Select the bomb; walk left.
- Walk right 2x (GOLD KEY); move the room down and left.
- Walk left; select the magnet.
- Move the room up; select the magnet.
- Move the room up; select the magnet.
- Walk up and right; select the magnet.
- Walk left and down; move the room right.
- Select the magnet; move the room down.
- Select the magnet; walk right.
- Select the bomb; walk left.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left; select the magnet.
- Move the room up and right; walk up.
- Final position (V).
- Move the room up and down; walk right.
- Select the red phone; move the room down.
- Select the red phone; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Move the room right; select the bomb and walk right.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right; select the red phone.
- Switch wardrobes; move the room up.
- Switch wardrobes and select the red phone; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Select the bomb and walk left.
- Walk right 2x; move the room up.
- Walk right 2x; select the lever.
- Walk left 2x; move the room down 2x and right.
- Walk up (SILVER KEY); walk down and right (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left; move the room left and up 2x.
- Walk right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left 3x.
- Final position (W).
- Move the room right and up 2x; walk right.
- Move the room right; walk down and up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right and select the lever.
- Walk left; move the room up 2x.
- Walk up (GOLD KEY); move the room right.
- Walk right and select the lever; move the room down.
- Walk left 2x; move the room down and left.
- Walk up; move the room right.
- Walk right 2x and select the lever; walk left.
- Move the room down and right; walk down and left.
- Select the lever; walk right, up, down, and left.
- Move the room up; walk left 2x.
- Move the room up; walk up.
- Final position (X).
Mansion 4
MANSION 4, ROOM 1–REVOLVING ROOM- Rotate the room left 2x; walk right 2x.
- Final position (A).
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up and right; rotate the room right.
- Walk down; move the room down.
- Walk left; move the room up 2x.
- Walk right; move the room down, left, and down.
- Walk down and right.
- Final position (B).
- Move the room left; rotate the room left.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right and select the bomb; quickly walk left and rotate the room right.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk up and right; move the room down.
- Walk left and up; move the room right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (C).
- Rotate the room right; walk up.
- Move the room left; rotate the room right 2x.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk down; select the bomb and quickly walk up.
- Walk down and right (GOLD KEY); move the room up.
- Walk left and down; move the room right.
- Walk right.
- Final position (D).
- Move the room up; rotate the room right 2x.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk up and right; move the room down.
- Walk left and up; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room down and left.
- Walk down and right; move the room up 2x.
- Rotate the room left; walk right.
- Final position (E).
- Walk left; move the room up and right.
- Walk right; select the blue phone.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk right and left.
- Select the blue phone; walk left.
- Move the room left; walk up.
- Select the blue phone; move the room up.
- Walk left; select the magnet.
- Walk left and down.
- Move the room down and right; walk right.
- Final position (F).
- Rotate the room right 2x; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room up and left.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; walk left.
- Move the room down; rotate the room right.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk down and rotate the room left.
- Rotate the room right; walk up.
- Rotate the room left; walk right.
- Final position (G).
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room up; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk right; move the room down and left.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; rotate the room left.
- Walk left; select the phone.
- Walk right; move the room down and right.
- Walk up.
- Final position (H).
- Select the magnet; move the room down.
- Select the magnet; move the room up and left.
- Walk down; move the room right and up.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Select the magnet; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room right and down.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk left.
- Move the room down and right; walk right.
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Final position (I).
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk right.
- Rotate the room right 2x; select the green phone.
- Walk right 2x; rotate the room left.
- Walk left 2x; select the green phone.
- Walk right 2x (GOLD KEY); walk left 3x.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk left.
- Select the red phone; walk left 2x.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk left.
- Final position (J).
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk right.
- Rotate the room left 2x; move the room up.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Rotate the room right; walk down.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Rotate the room left 2x; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room down and left.
- Walk up; move the room right.
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk up and left.
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Final position (K).
- Walk down 2x; rotate the room right.
- Walk right; rotate the room left.
- Walk down; rotate the room right 2x.
- Walk up; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk up; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk up (GOLD KEY); walk down.
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk down.
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk down.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Final position (L).
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right; rotate the room right.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Walk up; move the room right and down.
- Walk right; move the room up and left 2x.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk down and right.
- Move the room down; rotate the room right.
- Walk right; move the room up and left.
- Walk left and up; move the room right 2x and down 2x.
- Walk left and select the bomb; quickly walk right and rotate the room left.
- Rotate the room right; walk left.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Final position (M).
- Move the room down 2x; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk right and up; move the room left and up.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Rotate the room right; walk right.
- Move the room right; rotate the room left.
- Walk down and left; rotate the room right.
- Walk left 2x; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Rotate the room right; walk right.
- Move the room down and left.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right 2x; move the room up 2x.
- Rotate the room right; walk right.
- Final position (N).
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room up 2x and left; walk left.
- Use the magnet; move the room right, down, right, and down.
- Walk left; move the room up 2x.
- Walk right; move the room down, left, and down.
- Rotate the room right; walk right.
- Move the room up 2x; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; select the magnet.
- Move the room right and down 2x; select the magnet.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Rotate the room right; walk down.
- Move the room left; walk up
- Final position (O).
- Move the room down and left; rotate the room left.
- Walk right and select the bomb; quickly walk left and move the room up and down.
- Move the room right 2x; rotate the room left.
- Walk up; move the room left.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right; move the room right and down.
- Walk up; move the room left.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right 2x; move the room up and left 2x.
- Walk up and select the bomb; quickly walk down.
- Walk up and left.
- Final position (P).
- Move the room left; select the magnet.
- Move the room left and up; switch wardrobes.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up and right; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; rotate the room right.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left 2x; move the room down.
- Select the magnet; move the room right 2x.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; move the room right and up.
- Switch wardrobes; rotate the room left.
- Walk left 2x; move the room up.
- Walk right; select the magnet.
- Move the room left; select the magnet.
- Switch wardrobes; rotate the room left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk left.
- Move the room down 2x and right 3x; walk up and left.
- Select the bomb and walk right; walk left 2x.
- Final position (Q).
- Walk up; rotate the room left.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left and up; move the room right 2x.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Walk up.
- Final position (R).
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Select the red phone; move the room right.
- Walk right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left, up, and left; move the room down.
- Walk right and up; move the room left.
- Walk down and right; select the red phone.
- Move the room left; walk down and right.
- Move the room up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; select the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk left and up.
- Move the room right; walk right, down, and left 2x.
- Move the room up; walk right 2x, down, and left.
- Move the room left; select the red phone.
- Move the room left; walk up and right.
- Move the room down; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left and up; move the room right.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk down.
- Walk up; move the room left.
- Walk down and right; move the room up.
- Walk left and down; move the room right.
- Walk up and left; move the room down.
- Walk right and up 2x (GOLD KEY); walk left.
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Final position (S).
- Walk left; rotate the room left.
- Walk right; select the lever.
- Move the room up and left; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room up and right; rotate the room right.
- Walk down; move the room left and up.
- Walk right; rotate the room left.
- Walk right; select the lever.
- Walk left; move the room down.
- Walk right; move the room right and up.
- Walk left; select the lever.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room up; rotate the room right.
- Walk left; move the room down and right.
- Walk up; rotate the room left.
- Walk down and right; move the room up.
- Walk left and down; move the room right 3x.
- Walk up.
- Final position (T).
- Rotate room left 2x; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk left.
- Walk right and select the bomb; quickly walk up and rotate the room left.
- Rotate the room right; walk left 2x (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right 2x, down, and left; move the room down.
- Walk right 2x, up and left; move the room left 2x.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk up.
- Walk down 2x and right 2x; move the room up and left.
- Walk left, down, and right; move the room right and up.
- Walk left 2x, up, and right 2x; rotate the room right.
- Walk left 2x and down 2x; move the room right.
- Rotate the room left; walk up.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room up; walk right 3x, down, and right (SILVER KEY).
- Walk left, up, left 3x, up, and right 2x; rotate the room left.
- Walk right 2x.
- Final position (U).
- Walk up; rotate the room right 2x.
- Walk left; move the room up and right.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; move the room right 2x.
- Select the magnet; move the room left.
- Select the magnet; walk down and left.
- Move the room down; walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Walk up; move the room up.
- Walk right; rotate the room left.
- Walk down and right; rotate the room left.
- Walk right; select the magnet.
- Move the room up and left; walk left.
- Rotate the room right; walk down and right.
- Move the room right and up; walk left.
- Select the magnet; walk right.
- Move the room down 2x and left; walk left.
- Final position (V).
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room up and left 2x; select the red phone.
- Walk right; move the room down and walk right.
- Move the room up 2x; rotate the room right.
- Walk up (SILVER KEY); walk down.
- Move the room down 2x; walk left 2x.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room right 2x; walk down and left.
- Move the room up 2x; walk left.
- Select the red phone; move the room left 2x.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room down 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up 2x; walk up.
- Rotate the room right; walk left.
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; walk left.
- Final position (W).
- Walk right; move the room right.
- Walk right; move the room right and up.
- Walk left 4x; move the room up.
- Rotate the room left; walk up and right.
- Move the room right 2x; walk right and down.
- Select the magnet; walk up and left.
- Move the room left 2x; walk left and down.
- Move the room down; rotate the room right.
- Walk right 3x; move the room down.
- Walk right; move the room up and left.
- Walk left 3x; move the room up.
- Rotate the room left; walk up.
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk left.
- Move the room right 2x; walk right and down.
- Move the room down; walk left 3x.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Move the room up; rotate the room left.
- Walk up; rotate the room left.
- Walk right; rotate the room left 2x.
- Walk right 2x.
- Final position (X).
Basement 1
- Select the CELLPHONE button in the upper right; select the red phone.
- Walk right.
- Final position (A).
- Move the room left and down; walk right (CELLPHONE).
- Move the room up and left.
- Select a CELLPHONE; select the red phone.
- Move the room left and down; walk left and up.
- Move the room right 2x; walk down.
- Final position (B).
- Move the room down; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the blue phone; move the room right.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the blue phone; move the room left.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the red phone; move the room right 2x.
- Walk right; move the room up and right.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the red phone; move the room right and up.
- Walk right and down; move the room left 4x.
- Walk up.
- Final position (C).
- Move the room left.
- Select the bomb and quickly select the CELLPHONE; quickly select the red phone and move the room down.
- Walk left and up.
- Final position (D).
- Select the magnet; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone (CELLPHONE).
- Walk left (CELLPHONE); move the room left.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the blue phone; walk left.
- Select the magnet; move the room right.
- Select the magnet; move the room up.
- Walk right, select the bomb, and walk left.
- Move the room down; walk right and up.
- Move the room left; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk left.
- Select the bomb and walk right; walk left 2x (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right 2x; move the room up.
- Walk left.
- Final position (E).
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk right and up; move the room left.
- Walk left (CELLPHONE); select the magnet.
- Move the room right; select the magnet.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk up and right; move the room down.
- Select the bomb; immediately select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Walk left, up, and right; move the room up.
- Walk left, down 2x, and right; move the room up.
- Walk left and down.
- Move the room right; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room down and left.
- Walk left (CELLPHONE); move room up 2x.
- Select the bomb; immediately select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room left and down.
- Walk left; move the room left and up.
- Walk up and right (CELLPHONE and GOLD KEY); select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Final position (F).
- Walk up and left (CELLPHONE); select the lever.
- Move the room up; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone located 1st floor, room 2.
- Move the room up and left; select the red phone.
- Walk down; move the room left and up.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk right and select the red phone.
- Move the room right 2x; select the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk up and select the lever; walk down.
- Move the room down; walk left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Walk up and right; use the lever.
- Walk left and down; move the room left.
- Walk up.
- Final position (G).
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk left 2x (CELLPHONE); select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room left 2x; walk left, up, and right 2x.
- Move the room down and right; walk up.
- Move the room left, down, up, and right.
- Walk down and left (CELLPHONE); walk left 2x.
- Move the room down; select the bomb.
- Quickly select a CELLPHONE and the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left 2x and select the lever.
- Move the room down; walk down and right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the room right and up; walk left 2x and down.
- Move the room right 2x; walk right.
- Final position (H).
- Walk down and left; move the room up.
- Walk right and down; move the room down and left 2x.
- Walk down and right (CELLPHONE); move the room up.
- Select the bomb; immediately select a CELLPHONE and the blue phone.
- Walk left; move the room down and right.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the red phone; walk up.
- Move the room up; walk up.
- Move the room left and right; walk down.
- Move the room down; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Final position (I).
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk right.
- Rotate the room right 2x; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk down.
- Rotate the room right; walk right (CELLPHONE).
- Move the room up and right; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room right and down.
- Select the bomb and walk left.
- Walk right 2x.
- Final position (J).
- Move the room up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; walk right and left.
- Select a CELLPHONE and the red phone; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up 2x; select the magnet.
- Walk left (CELLPHONE); select a CELLPHONE and the blue phone (GOLD KEY).
- Rotate the room left 2x; move the room down.
- Walk right 2x and up; rotate the room left.
- Walk left.
- Final position (K).
- Walk left 2x and select the bomb; immediately walk right and rotate the room right.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Rotate the room right; walk left.
- Rotate the room right 2x; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Walk down; move the room left 2x.
- Walk left and down (CELLPHONE); move the room right 2x.
- Rotate the room right; walk right and down.
- Rotate the room left 2x; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Move the room down and left; walk left 2x.
- Move the room down; walk down (CELLPHONE).
- Rotate the room right; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the room up; select a CELLPHONE and the red phone.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Walk down and right; move the room up.
- Walk left and down; move the room right and down.
- Walk right.
- Final position (L).
Basement 2
BASEMENT 2, ROOM 1–NOT THAT KIND OF BOMBER GIRL- Move the room up; select the red phone (BOMB).
- Move the room up; select the red phone.
- Select a BOMB (button, upper right corner; immediately select the red phone.
- Walk right; select a BOMB and quickly walk left.
- Walk right 2x and down.
- Final position (A).
- Walk left (BOMB); walk right 2x and left.
- Select a BOMB and quickly walk left; walk right, up, down, and right.
- Move the room up; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left 3x.
- Final position (B).
- Select a BOMB; quickly walk left.
- Walk right and up: move the room left.
- Select a BOMB; quickly walk down.
- Walk right; move the room up.
- Walk left 2x (GOLD KEY); walk right 2x.
- Move the room down; walk left, up, down, right, left, and up.
- Move the room right; walk down and left.
- Move the room up; walk right and down.
- Move the room left; walk up 2x and left.
- Final position (C).
- Walk down and up; move the room right and down.
- Select a BOMB and quickly select the red phone.
- Select the red phone; walk right (BOMB).
- Select a BOMB and quickly walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Walk up 2x, down, and left; move the room up.
- Walk right and down; move the room left.
- Walk up and select the red phone; walk right.
- Final position (D).
- Select the red phone (BOMB); move the room right.
- Select the red phone; switch wardrobes.
- Select a BOMB and quickly switch wardrobes.
- Select the red phone; move the room left and up.
- Walk right and up; select the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Walk up; select the red phone.
- Switch wardrobes; walk left.
- Final position (E).
- Walk left; move the room down and right 2x.
- Walk down; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left; switch wardrobes.
- Move the room up; walk right and down.
- Move the room left; walk up and right.
- Move the room down and walk left; switch wardrobes.
- Select a BOMB and quickly walk right; walk left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Move the room right; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up; select a BOMB and quickly switch wardrobes.
- Walk down; move the room left 2x.
- Switch wardrobes; walk down, left, and up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down, right and up; move the room up.
- Walk left.
- Final position (F).
- Walk down; move the room right.
- Walk up and left; move the room down and up.
- Walk down; select a BOMB and quickly walk up.
- Walk down and left; move the room down and up.
- Walk right, up, right, and down; move the room right.
- Walk up; select the red phone.
- Move the room left; select the red phone.
- Move the room down; walk down (GOLD KEY and BOMB).
- Walk up, left, up, and left; select a BOMB and quickly walk right.
- Walk left 2x.
- Final position (G).
- Move the room right; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk right (BOMB).
- Move the room down and left; select a BOMB and quickly walk left.
- Walk right 2x; move the room right.
- Walk left; move the room up.
- Walk left; move the room down and right.
- Walk right; select the lever.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Walk left and move the room left; walk up.
- Select the lever; walk right.
- Move the room down and up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right 3x; walk right and select the lever.
- Walk left, up, and right.
- Final position (H).
- Move the room right; walk up.
- Move the room left and up; walk right.
- Move the room down; walk down.
- Move the room left and up; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left and down.
- Move the room right; walk up and left.
- Move the room down; walk left 3x.
- Move the room down and right; walk up.
- Move the room left and down; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk up (SILVER KEY).
- Walk down; move the room down.
- Walk right (BOMB); walk left.
- Move the room up; walk up.
- Select a BOMB; quickly walk down.
- Walk up and right.
- Final position (I).
- Move the room down; select the red phone.
- Move the room down and left; rotate the room right 2x.
- Select the red phone; move the room up and select the red phone.
- Select a BOMB; quickly select the red phone.
- Walk left; rotate the room right.
- Walk right; move the room down.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Rotate the room right 2x; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk left.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk left.
- Final position (J).
- Walk left and up; move the room left, right, and up.
- Walk right; select a BOMB and quickly walk left.
- Walk up; rotate the room left.
- Walk down, right, and up (BOMB); rotate the room right.
- Walk left, down, right, down 2x, and left.
- Select a BOMB; quickly walk right.
- Walk left 2x (BOMB); move the room up and right.
- Rotate the room right; walk down, right, up 2x, left, and up.
- Rotate the room right; select a BOMB and quickly walk down.
- Walk up and left.
- Final position (K).
- Rotate the room left; walk up.
- Move the room left; walk down.
- Rotate the room right; walk right.
- Move the room up; walk up and left.
- Select a BOMB; quickly walk right.
- Walk left; move the room left.
- Rotate the room left 2x; walk left.
- Rotate the room left; move the room down.
- Select the red phone; rotate the room left.
- Walk down; move the room right.
- Walk up and left; move the room up.
- Select the red phone; walk right.
- Move the room right and down; walk left.
- Move the room up and right; walk right and up.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Rotate the room left; walk left.
- Move the room down 2x; select a bomb and quickly walk right.
- Walk left 2x.
- Final position (L).
Basement 3
BASEMENT 3, ROOM 1–REVERSED RULE- Move the 2nd floor, room 1 down; walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 left; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 up; move the 1st floor room 1 to the right.
- Walk right, down, right, and up.
- Final position (A).
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 to the right; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Walk down and left; move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left and up.
- Move the 1st floor, room 3 up and left; walk up 2x and left (GOLD KEY).
- Walk right, down 2x, and left.
- Final position (B).
- Move the 3rd floor, room 2 down; select the red phone.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 1 up and right; select the red phone.
- Move the 1st floor, room 1 up; select the red phone.
- Walk right and down.
- Final position (C).
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 down; walk left.
- Move the 1st floor, room 3 up and left; switch wardrobes.
- Walk up; switch wardrobes.
- Walk left (BRONZE KEY); walk right.
- Switch the wardrobe; walk down and left (SILVER KEY).
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 right and down; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right.
- Switch wardrobes; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 up and right; walk left.
- Switch wardrobes; walk up and right.
- Final position (D).
- Move the 3rd floor, room 2 up; move the 2nd floor room 2 up.
- Walk right; move the 2nd floor, room 1 to the right.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 1 down; walk down and left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 down; move the 3rd floor, room 2 down.
- Walk right, down, and left (GOLD KEY); move the 4th floor, room 2 down and left.
- Walk right, up, and left; move the 2nd floor, room 2 up.
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 up; walk right, up, and left.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 2 up; move the 2nd floor, room 2 up.
- Walk right, up, and left.
- Final position (E).
- Move the 2nd floor, room 1 to the right; move the 3rd floor, room 1 down.
- Walk left 2x; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left; move the 1st floor, room 3 up.
- Walk right 2x; move the 1st floor, room 2 to the right.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 down; move the 3rd floor, room 2 down.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk down; walk up and left.
- Select the bomb; quickly walk right and move the 2nd floor, room 2 up.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 2 to the left; move the 1st floor, room 2 up 2x.
- Move the 1st floor, room 3 to the left and up; walk left up and right (GOLD KEY).
- Walk left, down, and left; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left; walk right, down, and left.
- Final position (F).
- Walk left; move the 2nd floor, room 6 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 up; move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the right.
- Walk left; select the bomb and quickly walk right.
- Walk left; move the 2nd floor, room 5 right and up.
- Move the 1st floor, room 6 up and left; move the 3rd floor, room 6 down.
- Walk right 2x; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 5 to the left 4x.
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 up and right; move the 3rd floor, room 2 down.
- Walk left and select the bomb; quickly walk right.
- Walk left 4x; walk right 3x.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk right; walk left 5x and up.
- Final position (G).
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 to the left; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 1 to the right 2x; walk left and select the lever.
- Walk right; move the 1st floor, room 2 up and left.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk up; quickly move the 1st floor, room 3 to the left and up.
- Walk left 2x; move the 1st floor, room 1 to the right 2x.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 down; move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left.
- Walk left and down; move the 2nd floor, room 1 down.
- Select the bomb; quickly move left and select the lever.
- Walk right 2x (GOLD KEY); walk left 2x and select the lever.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 to the right; move the 3rd floor, room 2 down and left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left; walk right, up, and left.
- Final position (H).
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the left; walk up and select the lever.
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 to the right, up, and right; move the 3rd floor, room 3 down.
- Walk right 2x and up (SILVER KEY); move the 2nd floor, room 3 down and left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 to the right; move the 2nd floor, room 1 to the right.
- Walk down and left; select the lever.
- Walk left; move the 2nd floor, room 3 up; move the 2nd floor, room 4 to the left and down.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 3 down; walk right and select the lever.
- Walk down and left 2x; select the lever.
- Walk right 2x and up; select the lever and walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 to the right; move the 1st floor, room 3 up.
- Walk right 2x and down (GOLD KEY); move the 2nd floor, room 2 to the left.
- Move the 1st floor, room 2 up 2x; move the 2nd floor, room 1 to the right.
- Walk up and left 2x; move the 2nd floor, room 3 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 4 to the left and up; move the 1st floor, room 3 up.
- Walk right and up; move the 2nd floor, room 2 to the left.
- Select the lever and walk left 2x.
- Final position (I).
- Move the 3rd floor, room 2 down; walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 3 up; move the 1st floor, room 2 right and up.
- Move the 1st floor, room 1 to the right 2x, left, and up.
- Walk right (GOLD KEY); move the 2nd floor, room 3 down and left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 1 down and up; walk left.
- Final position (J).
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 to the left; move the 4th floor, room 4 to the left 2x.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 4 up, left, right, down, and up.
- Walk left; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down and left.
- Move the 4th floor, room 2 to the right; move the 4th floor, room 1 to the right.
- Walk up and right; select the lever.
- Walk left, down, and right (GOLD KEY); walk left, up, and right 2x.
- Move the 1st floor, room 1 up; walk left.
- Final position (K).
- Walk right; move the 2nd floor, room 2 down.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 4 up and down 2x; walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 up; move the 1st floor, room 2 up.
- Walk right; move the 4th floor, room 6 down.
- Walk left (BRONZE KEY); walk right.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 6 up; walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 2 down; move the 3rd floor, room 2 down.
- Walk right 2x; move the 4th floor, room 4 down 2x.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk left; walk right 2x (SILVER KEY).
- Select the bomb; quickly walk left and move the 2nd floor room 4 up.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 6 up; select the bomb and quickly switch wardrobes.
- Move the 3rd floor, room 4 down; walk right.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 6 up; walk right and down.
- Move the 1st floor, room 4 up; move the 3rd floor, room 6 down.
- Walk right; move the 3rd floor, room 4 up.
- Walk up and left (GOLD KEY); walk right and down.
- Move the 4th floor, room 4 down; walk left.
- Move the 2nd floor, room 6 up; move the 1st floor, room 6 up.
- Walk right.
- Final position (L).
Basement 4
BASEMENT 4, ROOM 1–ALL OR NOTHING- Move the rooms right and up; walk right (GOLD KEY).
- Move the rooms left 2x and down; walk left.
- Final position (A).
- Move the rooms left, down, left, up, right 2x, and down.
- Walk down and left.
- Final position (B).
- Walk right and select the magnet; walk left.
- Move the rooms right, up 2x, and left; walk right and up.
- Final position (C).
- Move the rooms down, right, up, and right; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down and right.
- Final position (D).
- Move the rooms up, right, down, left, up, and right; walk down.
- Move the rooms down, left, and up; walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down; move the rooms right, down, and left.
- Walk left; move the rooms up.
- Final position (E).
- Move the rooms up; walk left.
- Move the rooms down 2x and left; walk up.
- Move the rooms up 2x, right 2x, down, left 2x, right, and up.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk down; walk up and right.
- Select the lever; walk left, down, and right.
- Select the lever; move the rooms right, down, left, down, right, up, left 2x, right, and down.
- Walk left (GOLD KEY); walk left.
- Final position (F).
- Walk right 2x and up; select the bomb, quickly walk down and move the rooms right 2x.
- Move the rooms left; walk up and left (SILVER KEY).
- Walk right and down; move the rooms right.
- Walk down and right; select the lever.
- Walk right (GOLD KEY); walk left and select the lever.
- Walk left and up; move the rooms left 2x.
- Walk up and select the lever; walk down and right 2x.
- Final position (G).
- Move the rooms left and up; walk right.
- Move the rooms down 2x; walk left and select the magnet.
- Move the rooms down, right, up, and left; walk up (SILVER KEY).
- Move the rooms down; walk down and right.
- Move the rooms right; walk right and select the red phone.
- Move the rooms left; walk down (GOLD KEY).
- Move the rooms up; walk up and right.
- Move the rooms right; walk right.
- Final position (H).
- Walk up; move the rooms left.
- Walk left; move the rooms down and right.
- Walk up; move the rooms left, up, right, and up.
- Walk left (SILVER KEY); walk right.
- Move the rooms down and left; walk left and select the red phone (GOLD KEY).
- Move the rooms up; walk right.
- Move the rooms down, right, up, and left; walk left.
- Final position (I).
- Move the rooms up, right, and down 3x; walk right.
- Move the rooms up 2x and left; walk left.
- Move the rooms down; walk left and up.
- Select the magnet; move the rooms left and down 2x.
- Walk left and up (GOLD KEY); walk down and right.
- Move the rooms up; walk right 2x.
- Move the rooms right and up 2x; walk left.
- Final position (J).
- Move the rooms down, left, and up; walk right, down, and left.
- Select the magnet; move the rooms down, right, up, and left; walk right.
- Select the magnet; move the rooms down, right, up, and left.
- Walk right 2x and up.
- Final position (K).
- Move the rooms right and down; walk left, up, and right.
- Move the rooms left and up; walk left.
- Move the rooms down and right; switch wardrobes and walk up (GOLD KEY).
- Walk down and switch wardrobes; move the rooms left and up.
- Walk right; move the rooms down.
- Walk left; move the rooms up.
- Walk right 2x; move the rooms right and down.
- Walk right and switch wardrobes; walk up.
- Select the bomb and quickly walk down and move the rooms left.
- Walk up 2x; select the bomb and quickly walk down.
- Walk up and left.
- Final position (L).
- Congratulations! You have completed Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle.
Created at: 2016-05-06