Secret Trails: Frozen Heart Walkthrough

Welcome to the Secret Trails: Frozen Heart Walkthrough Your surprise visit is ruined by a blizzard. Who caused it, and what does he want with your little sister? Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for here. This document contains a complete Secret Trails: Frozen Heart game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun! This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.

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General Tips

Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • This is the official guide for Secret Trails: Frozen Heart.
  • This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will identify each location.
  • Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs in this guide. Items listed in green are hidden or they require additional actions to locate. Interactive items in HOPs are color-coded.
  • Mini-games and HOPs are sometimes randomized; your solution may vary.
  • Use your map to see where actions are available and quickly travel (A).
  • Refer to your Journal for notes, clues, and the map (B).
  • Prevent your inventory from auto-hiding by selecting the lock (C).
  • Select the snow globe for a hint (E).

Chapter 1: Bloomingspring

Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • You will have the option of an interactive tutorial.
  • Read the birthday card (A).
  • Remove the snow; take the PARASOL (B).
  • Walk to the Yard (C).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the chest mini-game (D).
  • Use the PARASOL on the icicles (E).
  • Open the door, look at the calendar, and take the HANDLE (F).
  • Enter the barn.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Move the baskets 3 times (G).
  • Read the paper and take the SICKLE (H).
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the SICKLE to take the ROPE (I).
  • Return to the barn.
  • Attach the ROPE to the peg (J).
  • Select the hay (K).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the SHOVEL (L).
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the SHOVEL to remove the snow (M).
  • Look at Emma (N).
  • Enter Emma's House (O).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the BOOMERANG (P).
  • Take the EMPTY KETTLE (Q).
  • Take the OVEN MITT (R).
  • Return to the Barn.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BOOMERANG on the jar (S).
  • Take the SEAM RIPPER and MAGNET (T).
  • Walk down twice. Enter Emma's House after the cut-scene.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Read the letter, use the SEAM RIPPER on the chair, and take the STAR (U).
  • Take the CRUMBS (V).
  • Walk to the Yard.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Shoo away the bird (W).
  • Place the CRUMBS in the tray; take the BOOK KEY (X).
  • Use the EMPTY KETTLE on the drift to get the SNOW (Y).
  • Select the chest mini-game (Z).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the star in the empty spot (A).
  • Turn the stars so all the round gems are a solid color (B).
  • Take the FLINT AND STEEL and the BULLETS (C).
  • Return to Emma's House.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BOOK KEY in the lock (D).
  • Take the REVOLVER (E).
  • The REVOLVER will combine with the BULLETS to make the LOADED REVOLVER.
  • Return to the Barn.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the lock (F).
  • Take the CARPET (G).
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the MAGIC BRUSH (H).
  • Place the CARPET on the bridge (I).
  • Go forward to the Town Square (J).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Open the street lamp and take the OIL LAMP (K).
  • Use the MAGNET on the latch (L).
  • Open the window; read the paper and take the BOLT CUTTERS (M).
  • Select the front of the carriage (N).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the SOLVENT (O).
  • Return to the Barn.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BOLT CUTTERS on the chains (P).
  • Open the gate and take the WOOD (Q).
  • Travel to Emma's House.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the SOLVENT to clean the mirror (R).
  • Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the mirror (S).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Hang the SNOW in the fireplace (T).
  • Place the WOOD in the fireplace (U).
  • Use the OIL LAMP followed by the FLINT AND STEEL on the wood.
  • Use the OVEN MITT to take the HOT WATER (V).
  • Walk to the Town Square.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the HOT WATER on the ice (W).
  • You will go automatically to a mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Move the balls to the correct color quadrant by rotating the rings and moving the balls.
  • Select: N, O, P, Q, T, P, O, N, E, D, C, B, A, Tx3, B, C, D, E, M, L, K, J, Tx2, K, Tx2, O, N, E, F, G, H, I, Tx3, H, G, F, Rx3, E, D, C, B, T, O, N, E, D, C, B, Tx3, L, Rx3, M, R, C, Rx3, D, R, and E.
  • Enter the Cavern.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the SCREWDRIVER (A).
  • Take the SPEAR (B).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the screws and then take the DOOR (C).
  • Use the SPEAR to take the CLOTH (D).
  • Re-enter the Cavern.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the DOOR over the pit (E).
  • Place the HANDLE on the cover and open it (F).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place a fuse in the tester to see its value (G).
  • Determine where it belongs in the sequences (green).
  • For example, the first column is 6x2=12, 12x2=24, and 24x2=48.
  • Placing 3 fuses incorrectly will give you 3 strikes and the mini-game will reset (H).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the SAW (I).
  • Return to the Barn.
  • Use the SAW to make the WOODEN DESIGN (J).
  • Return to the Cavern.
  • Place the WOODEN DESIGN in the statue's hand (K).
  • Walk forward to the Icy Path.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the CLOTH on the hooks (L).
  • Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the balloon (M).
  • Look at the cloth; take the GEM (N).
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the GEM in the lid (O).
  • Move the shapes to the matching highlighted square (P).
  • Take the GOLDEN NUT (Q).
  • Return to Emma's House.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Give the GOLDEN NUT to the squirrel (R).
  • Open the door and walk forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the TRAY (S).
  • Travel to the Icy Path.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the TRAY on the chute (T).
  • This will take you to the castle.

Chapter 2: Winter

Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Bend and take the BENT FORK (A).
  • Tip the cup and take the BLUE CRAYON (B).
  • Take the RED CRAYON (C).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BENT FORK in the padlock (D).
  • Open the door; take the RED SLIDE and the GREEN CRAYON (E).
  • Select the wall (F).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the RED CRAYON, BLUE CRAYON, and GREEN CRAYON in the holder (G).
  • Rotate the arrows to form a path from the dog (H) to the bone (I).
  • You must follow the color sequence of red-blue-yellow-green (J).
  • Press the Try button to test your solution (K).
  • Select the room behind the mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP (L).
  • You will earn the FELTED CLOTH.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the FELTED CLOTH on the door (M).
  • Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the door (N).
  • Open the door and enter the Corridor.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the BROOM (O).
  • Note the ice guard (P).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BROOM on the mice (Q).
  • Break the bread and take the FILE (R).
  • Use the FILE on the bar (S).
  • Go out the window to the Meadow.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the DEER (T).
  • Open the panel; take the GREEN SLIDE (U).
  • Select the fountain (V).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the ROCK SALT (W).
  • Return to the corridor.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the DEER in the door (X).
  • Walk left to the Workshop.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the ROCK SALT in the mortar to get the SALT POWDER (A).
  • Move the switch (B).
  • Note the cart (C).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the SALT POWDER on the ice rose (D).
  • Take the RUBY (E).
  • Walk down and go out the window.
  • Place the RUBY in the hilt, and then take the SWORD (F).
  • Return to the Workshop.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SWORD in the cart (G).
  • Move the switch (H).
  • Take the WEIGHT (I).
  • Note the mini-game on the wall (J).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the WEIGHT in the clock (K).
  • Place the gears to connect the top and bottom (L).
  • Take the BUTTON (M).
  • Walk left.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the BUTTON on the panel (N).
  • Trace a path to cover each line once.
  • There are 3 figures to trace (O, P, Q).
  • Take the BLUE SLIDE (R).
  • Select the mini-game on the wall.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the RED SLIDE, YELLOW SLIDE, and BLUE SLIDE on the right.
  • Select 3 slides (S) to turn the figure to white (T).
  • Take the MECHANICAL HEART (U).
  • Walk down twice and go out the window.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the MECHANICAL HEART in the tin man (V).
  • Take the CENTAUR and the BULLET (W).
  • The BULLET will combine with the EMPTY REVOLVER to make the LOADED REVOLVER.
  • Walk to the Workshop.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the CENTAUR in the indentation (X).
  • Select the opening (Y).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the LENS (Z).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the pot (A).
  • The EMPTY REVOLVER will return to your inventory.
  • Place the LENS in the statue's hands (B).
  • Select the armor (C).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the GAUNTLET (D).
  • Walk down and go out the window.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the GAUNTLET to take the TRUMPET (E).
  • Walk down, go forward, open the door, and go forward to the bridge.
  • Place the TRUMPET on the statue (F).
  • Take the LADDER (G).
  • Walk down and go left to the Workshop.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the LADDER against the wall (H).
  • Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the glass (I).
  • Take the BOW AND ARROW (J).
  • Return to the bridge.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BOW AND ARROW on the red button (K).
  • Open the door and walk forward.

Chapter 3: Spring

Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Select the painting on the left wall.
  • Play the HOP to earn the CLOCK HAND (L).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the CLOCK HAND on the device (M).
  • Find the correct order to push the blue buttons.
  • Press the buttons P, N, P, Q, O, and N.
  • Take the SUN KEY (R).
  • Walk forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SUN KEY in the door (S).
  • Open the door and walk forward.
  • Read the diagram (T).
  • Take the VALVE (U).
  • Return to the Workshop.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the VALVE on the spigot and turn it open (A).
  • Take the TULIP (B).
  • Return to the Weather Hall.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the TULIP in the circle (C).
  • Take the PICK (D).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the PICK on the ice (E).
  • Open the door and walk to the terrace (F).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the TIN SOLDIER (G).
  • Take the PUZZLE PIECE(H).
  • Note the Pinocchio mini-game (I).
  • Walk forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the DAGGER (J).
  • Select the grate (K).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the PUZZLE PIECE onto the grid.
  • Turn the tiles so all symbols are complete (L).
  • Open the grate and enter the Pavilion.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the TIN SOLDIER on the table (M).
  • Take the TOY HORSE (N).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the TOY HORSE in the opening (O).
  • Open the gate and walk left to the Avenue (P).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the LADLE (Q).
  • Take the MORNING STAR (R).
  • Take the EYE (S).
  • Walk down twice; look at the Pinocchio mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the EYE on Pinocchio's face (T).
  • Look at the symbol grid in the center and determine what should replace the question mark (U).
  • Select the correct tile on the right.
  • A red 'X' means you are incorrect.
  • There are 7 sets to complete; select V, W, X, V, W, X, and V.
  • Walk right to the Master's Office.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the LADLE on the trap; take the PAW PENDANT (A).
  • Walk down.
  • Use the PAW PENDANT on the lock (B).
  • Open the cage and take the BEAR CUB (C).
  • Return to the Pavilion.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Give the BEAR CUB to the mother bear (D).
  • Select the bust (E).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the SMALL HORN (F).
  • Walk down twice to the Terrace.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SMALL HORN on the devil (G).
  • Enter Charlie's Room (H).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the drawing and the CROWBAR (I).
  • Use the DAGGER on the painting; take the COMEDY MASK (J).
  • Use the MORNING STAR on the vase (K).
  • Select the broken vase.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the SHOVEL (L).
  • Return to the Avenue.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the CROWBAR to take the TRAGEDY MASK (M).
  • Walk down and enter the Pavilion.
  • Place the TRAGEDY MASK and the COMEDY MASK on the cabinet (N).
  • Use the SHOVEL on the tree to get the FIERY PINECONES (O).
  • Read the letter (P).
  • Walk down twice and enter the Master's Office.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Open the doors and place the FIERY PINECONES inside (Q).
  • Take the BULLET to make the LOADED REVOLVER (R).
  • Return to the Avenue.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the duck to get the DIAMOND (S).
  • Return to Charlie's Room.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the DIAMOND on the nutcracker; take the GOLDEN TOOTH (T).
  • You can look through the telescope (U).
  • Travel to the Master's Office.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the GOLDEN TOOTH in the crucible (V).
  • Pick up the crucible to pour the gold; take the GOLDEN NOTE (W).
  • Walk to the Avenue.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the GOLDEN NOTE on the harp (X).
  • Walk forward to the Frozen Lake (Y).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the sailboat mini-game (A).
  • Select the rowboat (B).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the CORKSCREW (C).
  • Travel to the Master's Office.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the CORKSCREW to take the CORK (D).
  • Select the open bottle to take the note and the FISH KEY (E).
  • Travel to the Avenue.
  • Place the CORK in the hole and take the BUCKET (F).
  • Walk forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BUCKET on the water to get the BUCKET OF WATER (G).
  • Place the FISH KEY in the lock (H).
  • Take the HOOK (I).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the HOOK on the pirate's arm (J).
  • Take the PIRATE (K).
  • Travel to Charlie's Room.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the BUCKET OF WATER on the plant (L).
  • Take the SMALL ARROW (M).
  • Walk down and enter the Master's Office.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SMALL ARROW on the archer (N).
  • Take the GOLDEN BARS (O).
  • Walk down and forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Hang the PIRATE on the rope (P).
  • Place the GOLDEN BARS in the bag (Q).
  • Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the shield; take the HOCKEY STICK (R).
  • Travel to the Frozen Lake and select the sailboat mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the HOCKEY STICK on the ice.
  • Select the ice, drag, aim, and release (S).
  • The object is to knock the boat (T) to shore.
  • You will earn the SUMMER SYMBOL.
  • Return to the Weather Hall.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SUMMER SYMBOL in the circle (U).
  • Take the APPLE (V).
  • Walk down.

Chapter 4: Summer

Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the mermaid (A).
  • Place the APPLE in the door (B).
  • Walk left to the Art Studio.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Look at the diagram and take the WRITING INK (C).
  • Note the mini-game in the painting (D).
  • Select the desk (E).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the PRINCESS (F).
  • Select the painting mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the PRINCESS on the board.
  • Use the footsteps to guide the Princess (G).
  • Collect the mushrooms (H), berries (I), and fruit (J), give to the merchant one at a time (K).
  • The merchant will give her a bag of money.
  • Give the money to the dwarves to earn the sword (L).
  • Take the sword to the knight (M).
  • Move the princess to the unicorn (N).
  • Move the princess to the shamrock (O).
  • Give the shamrock to the leprechaun (P).
  • Give the money to the guitar seller (Q).
  • Give the guitar to the horse seller (R).
  • Give the Horse to the knight (S).
  • Move the princess to the unicorn (T).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Take the UNICORN HORN (A).
  • Travel to the Weather Hall.
  • Use the UNICORN HORN on the fan (B).
  • Take the BOOK (C).
  • Return to the Art Studio.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the BOOK on the shelf (D).
  • Arrange the books in numerical order; select 2 books to swap positions (E).
  • Go up the stairs to the Attic (F).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the mini-game on the cabinet (G).
  • Pour the WRITING INK onto the table (H).
  • Take the SHURIKEN (I).
  • Use the SHURIKEN on the lamp (J).
  • Take the MOUSE STATUETTE (K).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the MOUSE STATUETTE on the elephant (A).
  • Walk right to the Fountain (B).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the path to the Pier (C).
  • Select the elephant (D).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the HAMMER AND CHISEL (E).
  • Walk left.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the HAMMER AND CHISEL on the statue's arm (F).
  • Take the TRIDENT (G).
  • Enter the Cabin (H).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the chair mini-game (I).
  • Read the diary (J).
  • Place the TRIDENT in the cover and lift (K).
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Select pairs of fruit and vegetables (L).
  • You will earn the BANANA.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Give the BANANA to the monkey (M).
  • Take the MONKEY and the KEYS (N).
  • Walk down.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the MONKEY to retrieve the TAPESTRY FRAGMENT (O).
  • Return to the cabin.
  • Place the TAPESTRY FRAGMENT on the wall to get the SCHEME (P).
  • Select the chair mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SCHEME on the board (Q).
  • Slide the tokens to match the scheme (R).
  • Select the area under the chair.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the CORNUCOPIA (S).
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the CORNUCOPIA in the statue's arms; take the STONE CORNUCOPIA (T).
  • Place the STONE CORNUCOPIA on the door (U).
  • Open the door and enter the Ritual Hall. You will earn the RING.
  • Walk down twice.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the RING on the mermaid's hand (A).
  • Take the SYMBOL OF AUTUMN (B).
  • Walk forward.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the SYMBOL OF AUTUMN in the circle (C).
  • Return to the Fountain.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the STAFF OF ETERNAL FLAMES on the door (@).
  • Enter the Ritual Hall.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Note the mini-game on the pedestal (E).
  • Give the STAFF OF ETERNAL FLAMES to the Weather Master (F).
  • Use the KEYS on the cabinet lock (G).
  • Slide and rotate the tiles to reveal the 3 keyholes (H).
  • Select the cabinet.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Play the HOP to earn the WOODEN WING (I).
  • Travel to the Pier.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the WOODEN WING on the griffin (J).
  • Take the CUP (K).
  • Return to the Ritual Hall.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Use the CUP on the goldfish (L).
  • Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the fishbowl (M).
  • Take the COMPASS (N).
  • Walk down twice, go up to the attic, and select the cabinet mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the COMPASS in the center of the map.
  • Move the magnets (green) to turn the needle to the green point (O).
  • Do this to move the ship (P) along the dotted lines to the end (Q).
  • Take the PIPE SECTION from the cabinet.
  • Travel to the Ritual Chamber and select the pedestal mini-game.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart
  • Place the PIPE SECTION in the center.
  • Rotate the tiles to connect all the colored pipelines (S).
  • Congratulations on completing Secret Trails: Frozen Heart!

Created at: 2014-01-03