Walkthrough Menu
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Secret Trails: Frozen Heart.
- This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will identify each location.
- Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs in this guide. Items listed in green are hidden or they require additional actions to locate. Interactive items in HOPs are color-coded.
- Mini-games and HOPs are sometimes randomized; your solution may vary.
- Use your map to see where actions are available and quickly travel (A).
- Refer to your Journal for notes, clues, and the map (B).
- Prevent your inventory from auto-hiding by selecting the lock (C).
- Select the snow globe for a hint (E).
Chapter 1: Bloomingspring
- You will have the option of an interactive tutorial.
- Read the birthday card (A).
- Remove the snow; take the PARASOL (B).
- Walk to the Yard (C).
- Note the chest mini-game (D).
- Use the PARASOL on the icicles (E).
- Open the door, look at the calendar, and take the HANDLE (F).
- Enter the barn.
- Move the baskets 3 times (G).
- Read the paper and take the SICKLE (H).
- Walk down twice.
- Use the SICKLE to take the ROPE (I).
- Return to the barn.
- Attach the ROPE to the peg (J).
- Select the hay (K).
- Play the HOP to earn the SHOVEL (L).
- Walk down twice.
- Use the SHOVEL to remove the snow (M).
- Look at Emma (N).
- Enter Emma's House (O).
- Take the BOOMERANG (P).
- Take the EMPTY KETTLE (Q).
- Take the OVEN MITT (R).
- Return to the Barn.
- Use the BOOMERANG on the jar (S).
- Take the SEAM RIPPER and MAGNET (T).
- Walk down twice. Enter Emma's House after the cut-scene.
- Read the letter, use the SEAM RIPPER on the chair, and take the STAR (U).
- Take the CRUMBS (V).
- Walk to the Yard.
- Shoo away the bird (W).
- Place the CRUMBS in the tray; take the BOOK KEY (X).
- Use the EMPTY KETTLE on the drift to get the SNOW (Y).
- Select the chest mini-game (Z).
- Place the star in the empty spot (A).
- Turn the stars so all the round gems are a solid color (B).
- Take the FLINT AND STEEL and the BULLETS (C).
- Return to Emma's House.
- Use the BOOK KEY in the lock (D).
- Take the REVOLVER (E).
- The REVOLVER will combine with the BULLETS to make the LOADED REVOLVER.
- Return to the Barn.
- Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the lock (F).
- Take the CARPET (G).
- Walk down twice.
- Take the MAGIC BRUSH (H).
- Place the CARPET on the bridge (I).
- Go forward to the Town Square (J).
- Open the street lamp and take the OIL LAMP (K).
- Use the MAGNET on the latch (L).
- Open the window; read the paper and take the BOLT CUTTERS (M).
- Select the front of the carriage (N).
- Play the HOP to earn the SOLVENT (O).
- Return to the Barn.
- Use the BOLT CUTTERS on the chains (P).
- Open the gate and take the WOOD (Q).
- Travel to Emma's House.
- Use the SOLVENT to clean the mirror (R).
- Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the mirror (S).
- Hang the SNOW in the fireplace (T).
- Place the WOOD in the fireplace (U).
- Use the OIL LAMP followed by the FLINT AND STEEL on the wood.
- Use the OVEN MITT to take the HOT WATER (V).
- Walk to the Town Square.
- Use the HOT WATER on the ice (W).
- You will go automatically to a mini-game.
- Move the balls to the correct color quadrant by rotating the rings and moving the balls.
- Select: N, O, P, Q, T, P, O, N, E, D, C, B, A, Tx3, B, C, D, E, M, L, K, J, Tx2, K, Tx2, O, N, E, F, G, H, I, Tx3, H, G, F, Rx3, E, D, C, B, T, O, N, E, D, C, B, Tx3, L, Rx3, M, R, C, Rx3, D, R, and E.
- Enter the Cavern.
- Take the SCREWDRIVER (A).
- Take the SPEAR (B).
- Walk down.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the screws and then take the DOOR (C).
- Use the SPEAR to take the CLOTH (D).
- Re-enter the Cavern.
- Place the DOOR over the pit (E).
- Place the HANDLE on the cover and open it (F).
- Place a fuse in the tester to see its value (G).
- Determine where it belongs in the sequences (green).
- For example, the first column is 6x2=12, 12x2=24, and 24x2=48.
- Placing 3 fuses incorrectly will give you 3 strikes and the mini-game will reset (H).
- Take the SAW (I).
- Return to the Barn.
- Use the SAW to make the WOODEN DESIGN (J).
- Return to the Cavern.
- Place the WOODEN DESIGN in the statue's hand (K).
- Walk forward to the Icy Path.
- Place the CLOTH on the hooks (L).
- Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the balloon (M).
- Look at the cloth; take the GEM (N).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the GEM in the lid (O).
- Move the shapes to the matching highlighted square (P).
- Take the GOLDEN NUT (Q).
- Return to Emma's House.
- Give the GOLDEN NUT to the squirrel (R).
- Open the door and walk forward.
- Play the HOP to earn the TRAY (S).
- Travel to the Icy Path.
- Use the TRAY on the chute (T).
- This will take you to the castle.
Chapter 2: Winter
- Bend and take the BENT FORK (A).
- Tip the cup and take the BLUE CRAYON (B).
- Take the RED CRAYON (C).
- Use the BENT FORK in the padlock (D).
- Open the door; take the RED SLIDE and the GREEN CRAYON (E).
- Select the wall (F).
- Place the RED CRAYON, BLUE CRAYON, and GREEN CRAYON in the holder (G).
- Rotate the arrows to form a path from the dog (H) to the bone (I).
- You must follow the color sequence of red-blue-yellow-green (J).
- Press the Try button to test your solution (K).
- Select the room behind the mini-game.
- Play the HOP (L).
- You will earn the FELTED CLOTH.
- Use the FELTED CLOTH on the door (M).
- Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the door (N).
- Open the door and enter the Corridor.
- Take the BROOM (O).
- Note the ice guard (P).
- Walk down.
- Use the BROOM on the mice (Q).
- Break the bread and take the FILE (R).
- Use the FILE on the bar (S).
- Go out the window to the Meadow.
- Take the DEER (T).
- Open the panel; take the GREEN SLIDE (U).
- Select the fountain (V).
- Play the HOP to earn the ROCK SALT (W).
- Return to the corridor.
- Place the DEER in the door (X).
- Walk left to the Workshop.
- Place the ROCK SALT in the mortar to get the SALT POWDER (A).
- Move the switch (B).
- Note the cart (C).
- Walk down.
- Use the SALT POWDER on the ice rose (D).
- Take the RUBY (E).
- Walk down and go out the window.
- Place the RUBY in the hilt, and then take the SWORD (F).
- Return to the Workshop.
- Place the SWORD in the cart (G).
- Move the switch (H).
- Take the WEIGHT (I).
- Note the mini-game on the wall (J).
- Walk down.
- Place the WEIGHT in the clock (K).
- Place the gears to connect the top and bottom (L).
- Take the BUTTON (M).
- Walk left.
- Place the BUTTON on the panel (N).
- Trace a path to cover each line once.
- There are 3 figures to trace (O, P, Q).
- Take the BLUE SLIDE (R).
- Select the mini-game on the wall.
- Place the RED SLIDE, YELLOW SLIDE, and BLUE SLIDE on the right.
- Select 3 slides (S) to turn the figure to white (T).
- Walk down twice and go out the window.
- Place the MECHANICAL HEART in the tin man (V).
- Take the CENTAUR and the BULLET (W).
- The BULLET will combine with the EMPTY REVOLVER to make the LOADED REVOLVER.
- Walk to the Workshop.
- Place the CENTAUR in the indentation (X).
- Select the opening (Y).
- Play the HOP to earn the LENS (Z).
- Walk down.
- Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the pot (A).
- The EMPTY REVOLVER will return to your inventory.
- Place the LENS in the statue's hands (B).
- Select the armor (C).
- Play the HOP to earn the GAUNTLET (D).
- Walk down and go out the window.
- Use the GAUNTLET to take the TRUMPET (E).
- Walk down, go forward, open the door, and go forward to the bridge.
- Place the TRUMPET on the statue (F).
- Take the LADDER (G).
- Walk down and go left to the Workshop.
- Use the LADDER against the wall (H).
- Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the glass (I).
- Take the BOW AND ARROW (J).
- Return to the bridge.
- Use the BOW AND ARROW on the red button (K).
- Open the door and walk forward.
Chapter 3: Spring
- Select the painting on the left wall.
- Play the HOP to earn the CLOCK HAND (L).
- Walk down.
- Place the CLOCK HAND on the device (M).
- Find the correct order to push the blue buttons.
- Press the buttons P, N, P, Q, O, and N.
- Take the SUN KEY (R).
- Walk forward.
- Place the SUN KEY in the door (S).
- Open the door and walk forward.
- Read the diagram (T).
- Take the VALVE (U).
- Return to the Workshop.
- Place the VALVE on the spigot and turn it open (A).
- Take the TULIP (B).
- Return to the Weather Hall.
- Place the TULIP in the circle (C).
- Take the PICK (D).
- Walk down.
- Use the PICK on the ice (E).
- Open the door and walk to the terrace (F).
- Take the TIN SOLDIER (G).
- Take the PUZZLE PIECE(H).
- Note the Pinocchio mini-game (I).
- Walk forward.
- Take the DAGGER (J).
- Select the grate (K).
- Place the PUZZLE PIECE onto the grid.
- Turn the tiles so all symbols are complete (L).
- Open the grate and enter the Pavilion.
- Place the TIN SOLDIER on the table (M).
- Take the TOY HORSE (N).
- Walk down.
- Place the TOY HORSE in the opening (O).
- Open the gate and walk left to the Avenue (P).
- Take the LADLE (Q).
- Take the MORNING STAR (R).
- Take the EYE (S).
- Walk down twice; look at the Pinocchio mini-game.
- Place the EYE on Pinocchio's face (T).
- Look at the symbol grid in the center and determine what should replace the question mark (U).
- Select the correct tile on the right.
- A red 'X' means you are incorrect.
- There are 7 sets to complete; select V, W, X, V, W, X, and V.
- Walk right to the Master's Office.
- Use the LADLE on the trap; take the PAW PENDANT (A).
- Walk down.
- Use the PAW PENDANT on the lock (B).
- Open the cage and take the BEAR CUB (C).
- Return to the Pavilion.
- Give the BEAR CUB to the mother bear (D).
- Select the bust (E).
- Play the HOP to earn the SMALL HORN (F).
- Walk down twice to the Terrace.
- Place the SMALL HORN on the devil (G).
- Enter Charlie's Room (H).
- Take the drawing and the CROWBAR (I).
- Use the DAGGER on the painting; take the COMEDY MASK (J).
- Use the MORNING STAR on the vase (K).
- Select the broken vase.
- Play the HOP to earn the SHOVEL (L).
- Return to the Avenue.
- Use the CROWBAR to take the TRAGEDY MASK (M).
- Walk down and enter the Pavilion.
- Place the TRAGEDY MASK and the COMEDY MASK on the cabinet (N).
- Use the SHOVEL on the tree to get the FIERY PINECONES (O).
- Read the letter (P).
- Walk down twice and enter the Master's Office.
- Open the doors and place the FIERY PINECONES inside (Q).
- Take the BULLET to make the LOADED REVOLVER (R).
- Return to the Avenue.
- Use the LOADED REVOLVER on the duck to get the DIAMOND (S).
- Return to Charlie's Room.
- Use the DIAMOND on the nutcracker; take the GOLDEN TOOTH (T).
- You can look through the telescope (U).
- Travel to the Master's Office.
- Place the GOLDEN TOOTH in the crucible (V).
- Pick up the crucible to pour the gold; take the GOLDEN NOTE (W).
- Walk to the Avenue.
- Place the GOLDEN NOTE on the harp (X).
- Walk forward to the Frozen Lake (Y).
- Note the sailboat mini-game (A).
- Select the rowboat (B).
- Play the HOP to earn the CORKSCREW (C).
- Travel to the Master's Office.
- Use the CORKSCREW to take the CORK (D).
- Select the open bottle to take the note and the FISH KEY (E).
- Travel to the Avenue.
- Place the CORK in the hole and take the BUCKET (F).
- Walk forward.
- Use the BUCKET on the water to get the BUCKET OF WATER (G).
- Place the FISH KEY in the lock (H).
- Take the HOOK (I).
- Walk down.
- Place the HOOK on the pirate's arm (J).
- Take the PIRATE (K).
- Travel to Charlie's Room.
- Use the BUCKET OF WATER on the plant (L).
- Take the SMALL ARROW (M).
- Walk down and enter the Master's Office.
- Place the SMALL ARROW on the archer (N).
- Take the GOLDEN BARS (O).
- Walk down and forward.
- Hang the PIRATE on the rope (P).
- Place the GOLDEN BARS in the bag (Q).
- Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the shield; take the HOCKEY STICK (R).
- Travel to the Frozen Lake and select the sailboat mini-game.
- Place the HOCKEY STICK on the ice.
- Select the ice, drag, aim, and release (S).
- The object is to knock the boat (T) to shore.
- You will earn the SUMMER SYMBOL.
- Return to the Weather Hall.
- Place the SUMMER SYMBOL in the circle (U).
- Take the APPLE (V).
- Walk down.
Chapter 4: Summer
- Note the mermaid (A).
- Place the APPLE in the door (B).
- Walk left to the Art Studio.
- Look at the diagram and take the WRITING INK (C).
- Note the mini-game in the painting (D).
- Select the desk (E).
- Play the HOP to earn the PRINCESS (F).
- Select the painting mini-game.
- Place the PRINCESS on the board.
- Use the footsteps to guide the Princess (G).
- Collect the mushrooms (H), berries (I), and fruit (J), give to the merchant one at a time (K).
- The merchant will give her a bag of money.
- Give the money to the dwarves to earn the sword (L).
- Take the sword to the knight (M).
- Move the princess to the unicorn (N).
- Move the princess to the shamrock (O).
- Give the shamrock to the leprechaun (P).
- Give the money to the guitar seller (Q).
- Give the guitar to the horse seller (R).
- Give the Horse to the knight (S).
- Move the princess to the unicorn (T).
- Take the UNICORN HORN (A).
- Travel to the Weather Hall.
- Use the UNICORN HORN on the fan (B).
- Take the BOOK (C).
- Return to the Art Studio.
- Place the BOOK on the shelf (D).
- Arrange the books in numerical order; select 2 books to swap positions (E).
- Go up the stairs to the Attic (F).
- Note the mini-game on the cabinet (G).
- Pour the WRITING INK onto the table (H).
- Take the SHURIKEN (I).
- Use the SHURIKEN on the lamp (J).
- Walk down.
- Use the MOUSE STATUETTE on the elephant (A).
- Walk right to the Fountain (B).
- Note the path to the Pier (C).
- Select the elephant (D).
- Play the HOP to earn the HAMMER AND CHISEL (E).
- Walk left.
- Use the HAMMER AND CHISEL on the statue's arm (F).
- Take the TRIDENT (G).
- Enter the Cabin (H).
- Note the chair mini-game (I).
- Read the diary (J).
- Place the TRIDENT in the cover and lift (K).
- Select pairs of fruit and vegetables (L).
- You will earn the BANANA.
- Give the BANANA to the monkey (M).
- Take the MONKEY and the KEYS (N).
- Walk down.
- Use the MONKEY to retrieve the TAPESTRY FRAGMENT (O).
- Return to the cabin.
- Place the TAPESTRY FRAGMENT on the wall to get the SCHEME (P).
- Select the chair mini-game.
- Place the SCHEME on the board (Q).
- Slide the tokens to match the scheme (R).
- Select the area under the chair.
- Play the HOP to earn the CORNUCOPIA (S).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the CORNUCOPIA in the statue's arms; take the STONE CORNUCOPIA (T).
- Place the STONE CORNUCOPIA on the door (U).
- Open the door and enter the Ritual Hall. You will earn the RING.
- Walk down twice.
- Place the RING on the mermaid's hand (A).
- Take the SYMBOL OF AUTUMN (B).
- Walk forward.
- Place the SYMBOL OF AUTUMN in the circle (C).
- Return to the Fountain.
- Use the STAFF OF ETERNAL FLAMES on the door (@).
- Enter the Ritual Hall.
- Note the mini-game on the pedestal (E).
- Give the STAFF OF ETERNAL FLAMES to the Weather Master (F).
- Use the KEYS on the cabinet lock (G).
- Slide and rotate the tiles to reveal the 3 keyholes (H).
- Select the cabinet.
- Play the HOP to earn the WOODEN WING (I).
- Travel to the Pier.
- Place the WOODEN WING on the griffin (J).
- Take the CUP (K).
- Return to the Ritual Hall.
- Use the CUP on the goldfish (L).
- Use the MAGIC BRUSH on the fishbowl (M).
- Take the COMPASS (N).
- Walk down twice, go up to the attic, and select the cabinet mini-game.
- Place the COMPASS in the center of the map.
- Move the magnets (green) to turn the needle to the green point (O).
- Do this to move the ship (P) along the dotted lines to the end (Q).
- Take the PIPE SECTION from the cabinet.
- Travel to the Ritual Chamber and select the pedestal mini-game.
- Place the PIPE SECTION in the center.
- Rotate the tiles to connect all the colored pipelines (S).
- Congratulations on completing Secret Trails: Frozen Heart!
Created at: 2014-01-03