Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: The First Floor
- Chapter 2: The Musical Device
- Chapter 3: The Secret Room
- Chapter 4: Above the Library
- Chapter 5: The Garden
- Chapter 6: The Elevator
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Tales of Terror: House on the Hill.
- This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
- We will use the acronym HOP for Hidden-object puzzles. Interactive items will be color-coded. HOPs may be random.
- Use the map to travel to a location.
Chapter 1: The First Floor

- Turn the chair; take the HEART LOCKET (A).
- Take the note (B).
- Take the HAIRPIN (C).
- Use the HAIRPIN (D).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: H, G, F, G, H, G, F, G, Hx2, Gx2, F, Gx2, Hx2, G.
- Move forward.

- Grab the gauntlet (I).
- Assemble the lighter (1-2); take the LIGHTER.
- Take the map (J).
- Place the lens (K), card (purple) and battery (L) on the camera.
- Activate the camera; take the ALLEN WRENCH (M).
- Walk down.

- Use the LIGHTER (N).
- Open the window; take the FEATHER DUSTER (O).
- Move forward.
- Use the ALLEN WRENCH (P).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the PART OF PLIERS (Q).

- Use the FEATHER DUSTER (R); take the CANE (green).
- Turn left.

- Remove the lid and flowers; take the CHEESE (T) and VASE (U).
- Grab the crank (orange); take the SCREW (V).
- Place the PART OF PLIERS (W) and SCREW (purple); take the PLIERS.
- Talk to the man (X).
- Walk down.

- Collect the GAUNTLET with the PLIERS (Y).
- Turn left.
- Use the GAUNTLET three times (Z); take the BALLERINA (A).
- Remove the knob (B).

- Place the BALLERINA (C); take the FRESCO FRAGMENT (D).
- Remove two items; take the SCISSORS (E).
- Use the CANE (F); take the COGWHEEL (blue).
- Walk down twice.

- Use the SCISSORS (G); take the APPLE (purple).
- Use the CANE (H); take the VALVE (green).
- Move forward.
- Place the APPLE (I); open the door.
- Turn right.

- Place the VALVE (J) and VASE (K); turn the valve.
- Take the FILLED VASE (L).
- Place the HEART LOCKET (M).
- Open the handkerchief; take the DRAWER KEY (N).
- Take the PHOTO (O).

- Open the bag; put the funnel (P) into the can.
- Turn left.
- Remove plaster twice; place the COGWHEEL (Q).
- Push the button (R).

- Take the MUSICAL NOTES (S); use the DRAWER KEY (T).
- Open the drawer; take the book (U) and METAL NOZZLE (V).
- Walk down twice, turn left.

- Place the STAR-SHAPED HANDLE (X); open the door.
- Use the FILLED VASE (Y); take the FRESCO FRAGMENT (Z).
- Move forward.
- Grab the basket (A).
- Walk down twice, turn right.
- Attempt to move forward.
- Walk down.

- Play the HOP.

- You receive the CAGE (C).
- Turn right, turn left.

- Place the CHEESE (D) and CAGE (E); place a piece of cheese in the cage.
- Remove the cage; take the SNAKE CHARMER PIPE (F).
- Walk down twice, turn left, move forward.

- Take out the harp (H); remove the holdings (green).
- Take the STRING (I).
- Remove the blanket; take the SCOOP (J).
- Use the SCOOP four times (K); take the FRESCO FRAGMENT (L).
- Walk down twice.

- Place the FRESCO FRAGMENT (M).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (N).
- Move forward.
Chapter 2: The Musical Device

- Take the BATTERIES (O), FUEL (P), and CHIPS (Q).
- Remove the blanket; place the CHIPS (R).
- Take the SCREWDRIVER (S).
- Walk down, turn right.

- Use the FUEL (purple) and METAL NOZZLE (green); take the BLOWTORCH (T).
- Use the BLOWTORCH (U).
- Walk down, turn left.

- Use the SCREWDRIVER (V); take the CRANK (W).
- Walk down, move forward.
- Place the MUSICAL NOTES (X) and CRANK (Y); turn the crank.
- Place the STRING (Z).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2.
- Take the TONGS (A).
- Walk down, turn right, turn left.

- Use the TONGS (B); take the SWITCH (C).
- Walk down twice, move forward.
- Remove the lampshade; place the SWITCH (D).
- Turn the switch; take the BULB (E).
- Walk down, turn right, move forward.

- Replace the broken bulb with the BULB (F).
- Move forward twice.
- Take the LADDER (G).
- Open the hairdryer; place the BATTERIES (orange).
- Take the HAIR DRYER (H).
- Walk down.

- Use the HAIR DRYER (I); take the SCULPTURE PART (green) and note (blue).
- Walk down.
- Place the SCULPTURE PART (J).

- Play the mini-game.
- Find 13 differences (K).
- Turn right.

- Move the curtain (L); you acquire the RIBBON.
- Take the SHELLED NUT (M).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the FLOWER 2 (N).
- Walk down.

- Place the RIBBON (O); pull it.
- Turn the key (P).
- Turn left.
- Take the FLOWER 3 (Q).

- Read the note (R); take the FIRE IRON (purple).
- Use the FIRE IRON (S); take the MAGNET (T).
- Walk down.

- Use the FIRE IRON (U); take the CLOTH (V).
- Turn left.
- Collect the GLASS with the CLOTH (W).
- Walk down.

- Use the MAGNET (X); take the PHOTO (Y).
- Walk down twice, turn left, move forward.
- Place the SHELLED NUT (Z); turn the lever twice (A).
- Take the CRACKED NUT (B).
- Walk down twice, turn right, move forward, turn left.

- Place the CRACKED NUT (C); take the SQUIRREL (D).
- Walk down, turn right.
- Use the GLASS twice (E); remove the cloth.

- Use the SQUIRREL (F).
- Push the button (G); take the GOLDEN KEY (H).
- Place the GOLDEN KEY (I).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the WINEGLASS (J).
- Move forward.
Chapter 3: The Secret Room

- Take 3 NOTES (green).
- Place the LADDER (K); take the ROPE (purple).
- Take the NOTE (L) and FLOWER 4 (M).
- Open the case (blue).
- Open the compartment; take the MEDICATION (N).
- Place 4 NOTES (O).
- Walk down twice.

- Enter the code '5369' (P); take the FLOWER 1 (Q).
- Move forward.
- Place 4 FLOWERS (R).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (S).
- Go upstairs.

- Place the ROPE (T); use the FIRE IRON (U).
- Turn right.
- Take the VENUS FLYTRAP (V).
- Open the note; take the RING (W).
- Walk down.

- Use the RING (X); remove the glass and push the button (green).
- Take the WATERING CAN (Y).
- Remove the vines twice (Z).
- Turn left.

- Remove leaves three times; take the GRAPES (A).
- Open the fertilizer bag; place the VENUS FLYTRAP (B).
- Walk down.
- Take the BROKEN KEY (C).
- Place the bowl on the burner (purple); turn the switch (D) and tiny wheel (E).
- Walk down three times, turn left.

- Use the MEDICATION (F).
- Walk down, move forward, turn right, move forward.
- Place the BROKEN KEY (G).
- Walk down twice, move forward twice, turn right.

- Place the GRAPES (H) and WINEGLASS (I).
- Turn the handle (J); take the JUICE.
- Walk down four times, turn left.
- Use the JUICE (K); take the DISK (L).
- Walk down, move forward three times, turn right.

- Place the DISK (M).
- Assemble the correct image (N).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the GARDEN SHOVEL (O).
- Walk down, turn left.

- Place the GARDEN SHOVEL (P).
- Use the GARDEN SHOVEL and venus flytrap (Q).
- Use the shovel to put fertilizer (R) into the pot.
- Place the WATERING CAN (S); water the flytrap with the WATERING CAN.
- You receive the MALACHITE SPIDER.
- Remove the honeycombs three times; take the TOY SOLDIER (T).
- Walk down.

- Place the TOY SOLDIER (purple); take the MOLTEN GOLD (U).
- Turn right.
- Remove the lid; take the PHOTO (W) and SPRING (X).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the BLADE (Y).
- Walk down three times, turn right, move forward.

- Place the BLADE (Z) and SPRING (A).
- Activate the device; use the MOLTEN GOLD (B).
- Take the GOLDEN KEY (C).
- Walk down twice, move forward twice.
- Use the GOLDEN KEY (D).
- Move forward.

- Open the window (E).
- Take the GUILLOTINE (F); rotate the globe twice.
- Remove a page; take the EMBLEM PART (G).
- Turn left.

- Remove the reed twice; collect the REED with the GUILLOTINE (I).
- Take ITALY (H).
- Walk down.
- Place ITALY (J).
- Assemble the ropes and anchor to acquire the HOOK (K).
- Turn left.

- Place the HOOK and REED (L); throw the rod.
- Take the EMBLEM PART (M).
- Walk down.
- Place 2 EMBLEM PARTS (N).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (O).
- Move forward.
Chapter 4: Above the Library

- Touch the pig (1).
- Take the BOOK (P).
- Place the BOOK (Q).
- Arrange the books correctly (R).
- Take the CORKSCREW (S).

- Touch the pig (blue).
- Touch the ladder wheel to loosen the stopper; use the CORKSCREW (T).
- Move the ladder (purple).
- Go downstairs.
- Examine the floor (U).

- Play the mini-game.
- Collect coins of the same type (1) in three rounds.
- Do not touch coins of a different type at the same time.
- Take the RING KEY (V).
- Go upstairs.

- Place the RING KEY (W).
- Move forward.
- Take the PHOTO (X).
- Walk down, go downstairs.

- Place 4 PHOTOS (Y).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (Z). All tiles have to picked up and placed before the game begins.
- Pull the handle (green).
- Move forward.

- Take the SHOVEL (A).
- Open the purse.
- Take the FILM (B) and notes (C).
- Use the SHOVEL twice (D); take the BOX (E).
- Turn left.

- Take the BOX (F).
- Open the backpack; take the LATIN REFERENCE (G).
- Open the handkerchief; take the BRUSH (H).
- Use the BRUSH (I).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 1-3.
- Walk down.

- Move the box (K).
- Place 2 BOXES (L).
- Climb up.

- Move the board (N).
- Place the switch (O) on the projector (purple).
- Take the CLOCK HAND (green); place the FILM (P).
- Take the CODE (Q).

- Place the CODE (R); enter the correct code '7348' (S).
- Take the PAINTING (T).
- Walk down.

- Answer the phone (U).
- Go up the ladder, move forward.
- Place the PAINTING (V).

- Play the mini-game.
- Correct 8 misplaced items (W).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (Z).
- Walk down, go downstairs, move forward, climb down.

- Activate the correct symbols (purple).
- Move 4 gems (green); take the GEMS (A).
- Climb up.
- Place the GEMS (B).

- Play the mini-game.
- Place the correct gem in the open space: 1-3.
- Move forward.
Chapter 5: The Garden

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the ROPE LADDER (C).

- Place the ROPE LADDER (D); take the SUN (E).
- Go forward.
- Remove leaves three times; take the SNOWFLAKE (F).

- Remove 2 boxes; take the AUTUMN LEAF (G).
- Walk down.
- Place the SUN, SNOWFLAKE, and AUTUMN LEAF (H).
- Arrange the symbols correctly (I).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the STONE (J).
- Turn left.

- Open the gun twice (K); take the SHELL (L).
- Walk down, move forward.
- Place the SHELL (N); hit the shell with the STONE.
- Open the crate; take the WINCH (M).
- Collect 3 nails (green) to acquire the HAMMER AND NAILS.

- Assemble the raft; use the HAMMER AND NAILS four times (purple).
- Walk down.
- Use the WINCH (O) to acquire the CROSSBOW PARTS.
- Turn left.

- Place the CROSSBOW PARTS (blue); take the CROSSBOW (P).
- Walk down, move forward.
- Shoot the CROSSBOW (Q); pull the winch (R).
- You receive BILL'S KEY.
- Walk down, turn left.

- Use BILL'S KEY (S); open the door.
- Move forward.
- Touch the glass; make note of the symbols (T).
- Turn left.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the OILER (U).

- Use the OILER (V); move the clamp.
- Take the BRONZE CLAMP (W); move the carpet.
- Take the NAIL FILE (X).
- Turn right.

- Take the RUBY (Y).
- Use the BRONZE CLAMP (Z).
- Walk down twice.

- Place the RUBY (A); push the buttons (1-4).
- Take the POWDER CASE (B).
- Turn left.
- Use the POWDER CASE (green); activate the hands (1-4).
- Take the STONE BOOK (C).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the KNIFE (D).
- Turn right.

- Place the STONE BOOK (E); take the ORB (F).
- Use the KNIFE (blue); open the package.
- Remove the screw (G); use the ORB (H).
- Walk down three times.

- Use the NAIL FILE (I); take the ELK HORN (J).
- Move forward.
- Place the CLOCK HAND (K).

- Play the mini-game.
- To solve this puzzle, rotate the disks (L-N) to align three balls of one color (purple) successively until all color tanks (green) are empty.
- The sequence to solve this puzzle is randomized.
- Take the PROPELLER (O).
- Turn left, turn right.

- Assemble the helicopter (green); place the PROPELLER (P).
- Walk down three times.
- Place the ELK HORN (Q); take the MECHANICAL BIRD (R).
- Move forward.

- Place the MECHANICAL BIRD (S); open the clock.
- Take the PENDULUM (T).
- Turn left, turn right.
- Use the PENDULUM (purple); take the PALLET (U).
- Place the PALLET (V).
- Turn right.
Chapter 6: The Elevator

- Remove 3 items; take the TAPE (W).
- Walk down, move forward.
- Examine the table (X).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (Y).
- Take the BUTTON (Z).
- Walk down, turn right.

- Place the BUTTON (A).
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (B).

- Activate the panel (C).
- Move forward.
- Move the wire (D); take the CLIP (E).

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the SOPORIFIC (F).
- Walk down.

- Activate the panel (G).
- Walk down.
- Use the SOPORIFIC and TAPE (blue); take the SOPORIFIC HELICOPTER (H).
- Move forward.

- Move forward.
- Remove the sink (J); open the compartment.
- Rotate the valve (K); take the VALVE.

- Cut the roots (L) with the knife (M) three times.
- Take the TOY BRICK (N).
- Move forward.
- Push the buttons (1-3).
- Remove the fans; take the KITE (O).
- Place the TOY BRICK (P).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (Q).
- Move aside 2 items; take the AMULET (R).
- Walk down three times, turn right.

- Activate the panel (S).
- Move forward.
- Place the VALVE (T); rotate it.
- Place the CLIP (U); move 3 clips.
- Remove the glass; take the WIRE (purple).
- Place the KITE and WIRE (V); move the kite out of the window.

- Play the HOP.
- You receive the GAS CANISTER (W).
- Move forward.

- Use the GAS CANISTER (X).
- Chase the bird (Y).
- Place the AMULET (Z).
- Move forward.

- Take the BELLOWS (A).
- Walk down.
- Use the BELLOWS twice (B); take the DESK KEY (C).
- Walk down twice.
- Activate the panel (D).
- Walk down, move forward.

- Use the DESK KEY (E); turn it.
- Remove 2 books; take the MONKEY HEAD (F).
- Walk down, turn right.
- Activate the panel (G).
- Move forward three times.
- Place the MONKEY HEAD (H).

- Take the BELL CLAPPER (I); open the box.
- Remove 2 items; take the WRENCH (J).
- Place the BELL CLAPPER (K).
- Ring the bell (purple).
- Use the WRENCH (L).
- Examine the cobwebs (green).

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 1-11.
- Congratulations, you have completed Tales of Terror: House on the Hill.
Created at: 2014-06-15