Welcome to the Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice Walkthrough

In this adventurous romance, outwit powerful villains and break an evil curse inflicted upon your love, Hari, while saving your best friend’s life!

Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

This document contains a complete Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!

We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.

Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!

This walkthrough was created by BrownEyedTigre, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.

Walkthrough Menu

General Tips

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Select Options to adjust the Music, Voice and Sound Effects. You may also adjust Windowed Mode, Widescreen, Tutorial and Custom Cursor.

• You can choose between Casual, Advanced or Expert mode.

• Puzzles may be skipped.

• There are lots of items to collect throughout the game.These collections with be circled in the screen in the same color as the collection box (1) on the toolbar.

• Select the Instruction button on each puzzle to get directions for the puzzles.

• Select the Hint Button (2) in the lower right to get a hint.

• Select the Compass button (3) to see the paths you can take.

• Select Menu (4) to exit or access options.

• Select the Journal (5) to access help, a To-do list and story updates.

Chapter 1 – Stranded

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the engine (A), and weapons case (B) flat tire (C) to get your tasks.

• Collect HARI’S WEAPONS 1-4/10.

• Collect the ITEMS FOR A FLAT TIRE 1/3.

• Go left.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the cage (D) and journal (E) to get your tasks.

• Collect HARI’S WEAPONS 5-10/10.

• Collect the ITEMS FOR A FLAT TIRE 2-3/3.

• Collect the 2 JOURNAL PAGES.

• Place the 2 JOURNAL PAGES on the journal (E).

• Examine the image (F) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Rotate the rings to complete the image on the right.

• To solve the puzzle, label the rings from the outside 1-4 and rotate them as follows: Ring 1 faces west, ring 2- south, ring 3 – east, ring 4 – north (G).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the PARTS TO THE LOCK 1/2 and the ENGINE WIRE.

• Go right.

• Examine and place the ITEMS FOR A FLAT TIRE on the tire (H).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place HARI’S WEAPONS in the case (I).

• Take the 2nd ENGINE WIRE.

• Examine and place the ENGINE WIRE on the engine (J) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Connect the wires from the top to the matching counterpart below.

• See screenshot (K) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the 2nd PARTS TO THE LOCK to get SOME KIND OF LOCK.

• Go left.

• Examine and place the SOME KIND OF LOCK on the cage (L) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Press the buttons in the correct order so they all stay pressed.This puzzle is random.

• Take Kit’s necklace (M) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Make combinations of 3 or more to fill the jar.

• Select the Done Button (N) when complete.

Chapter 2 – Kit

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the PIECES OF NEWSPAPER 1-4/10.

• Go left.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the PIECES OF NEWSPAPER 5-7/10.

• Back out and go forward.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the PIECES OF NEWSPAPER 8-10/10.

• Examine the package on the doorstep (O) and remove the note to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Move the knight to the flag.

• To solve the puzzle, move the knight to the following tiles: G6, F8, D7, C5, and B3 (P).

• Take the photo.

• Go straight into Dela’s house.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the tree branch (Q) to get a task.

• Collect the WINGED CREATURES 1-2/6.

• Examine and place the PIECES OF NEWSPAPER on the paper (R) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Assemble the pieces to complete the picture.

• See screenshot (S) for solution.

• Take the newspaper clipping.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the WINGED CREATURES 3-4/6.

• Go forward twice to the workroom.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the WINGED CREATURES 5-6/6.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the WINGED CREATURES on the branch (T).

• Examine the tree trunk (U) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Flip the correct switches to light the board to match the pattern on the right.

• Solution 1: Flip the 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 switches (V).

• Solution 2: Flip the 1, 4, 6, and 9 switches (W).

• Solution 3: Flip the 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10 switches (X).

• Select the poster twice to trigger a cutscene.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Take the photo (Y).

• Back out twice and go left.

• Examine the door; move the chains (Z) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Turn the entire board silver in 6 selections or under.

• To solve the puzzle, select the colors in this order: orange, blue, purple, blue, orange, and green (A).

• Go up the stairs into the Kosmo Klub.

Chapter 3 – Kosmo Klub

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the clipboard (B) and newspaper clipping (C).

• Examine the control panel (D) to get a task.

• Collect the MARIONETTE PART 1-2/6 and LEVER 1-2/6.

• Go backstage via the upper left door (@).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the MARIONETTE PART 3-4/6 and the LEVERS FOR THE STAGE 3-4/6.

• Examine the clipboard (E) to get a task.

• Back out twice.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the MARIONETTE PART 5-6/6 and the LEVERS FOR THE STAGE 5-6/6.

• Enter the Kosmo Klub.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the LEVERS FOR THE STAGE on the control panel (F) to trigger a puzzle.

• Pull the levers so that the fairy gets the key from the fish.

• To solve the puzzle, pull the levers in the following order: water, fish, sun, leaves, cloud, and fairy.

• Take the KEY PART 1/2.

• Go backstage.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the MARIONETTE PARTS on the strings (G).

• Take the KEY PART 2/2; get BROKEN KEY.

• Go to Dela’s workshop.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the forge (H) to trigger a puzzle.

• Place the valves on the pipe in the correct order.

• To solve the puzzle, place the valves in alphabetical order as follows: apple, bee, cup, dinosaur, egg, foot and grapes (I).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the BROKEN KEY in the forge; take the FIXED KEY (J).

• Go to the backstage of the Kosmo Klub.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the FIXED KEY on the dressing room door lock (K).

• Enter the dressing room.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the wooden box (L) to get a task.

• Collect the CARDS 1-3/8.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the CARDS 4-6/8.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the CARDS 7-8/8.

• Go into the dressing room.

• Examine and place the CARDS on the box (M) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Match the cards to turn them all over.

• See screenshot (N) for solution.

• Select the key twice to get the MORGUE KEY.

• Go to Dela’s house.

Chapter 4 – The Morgue

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and open the package (@) to get a task.

• Collect the 10 TOY SOLDIERS.

• Examine and place the TOY SOLDIERS on the opened package to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Select the squares to place the SOLDIERS so that the number of soldiers in each row equals the numbers above and to the left.

• See screenshot (P) for solution.

• Take the half of invitation (Q).

• Back out and go right to the morgue.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the MORGUE KEY on the door lock (R).

• Enter the morgue.

• Examine the drawers (S) to get a task.

• Collect the MORGUE CHARTS 1-3/9.

• Go into the lab on the left.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the MORGUE CHARTS 4-8/9.

• Examine the clipboard (T) to get a task.

• Examine the computer (U) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Connect the circuits by placing the number of connectors to each peg equal to the number on the peg.

• See screenshot (V) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice


• Examine and place the CHART FOR CLIPBOARD on the clipboard (W).

• Collect the MORGUE CHARTS 9/9.

• Back out.

• Examine and place the MORGUE CHARTS on the drawer doors to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Arrange the charts to complete the message.

• See screenshot (X) for solution.

• Select the drawer with the initials AY – Adam Yao (Y).

• Examine the opened drawer to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Complete the family tree based on the clues given.

• See screenshot (Z) for solution.

• Take the half of a note; press on the completed note to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Make combinations of 3 or more to fill the jar.

• Select the Done Button when complete (A).

Chapter 5 – Meet Zhang

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the trunk (B) to trigger a puzzle.

• Place the pieces so that there are no duplicate numbers in each 3×2 grid.

• See screenshot (C) for solution.


• Examine the window (D) and remove the cover to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Slide the gears to their correct position.

• To solve the puzzle, select the gears and move them in the following order: Gear 1 down and left, gear 2 left and down, gear 3 down, right and up, gear 4 left, up and right, gear 5 right, up and left, and gear 6 down (E).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the window (F) to get a task.

• Collect the 5 CHAINS.

• Examine the window; place the CHAINS on the gears; use the MECHANICAL LUBRICANT on the gears (G).

• Exit out the window.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the security camera (H) and remove the wing nut to trigger a puzzle.

• Rearrange the wires to complete the circuit.

• See screenshot (I) for solution.

• Go to the Kosmo Klub.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and touch the wires (J) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Turn the entire board silver in 7 selections or under.

• To solve the puzzle, select the colors in this order; green, blue, purple, green, blue, purple, and orange (K).

• Enter the Kosmo Klub and go backstage.

• Go into the dressing room after the meeting.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the wardrobe (L) and the curio cabinets (M) to get your tasks.

• Collect the SYMBOLS OF DEATH 1-3/10.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the SYMBOLS OF DEATH 4-6/10.

• Examine the trunk (N) and take the note to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Choose the correct outfit for the girl.

• See puzzle is random; see screenshot (O) for my solution.


• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the SYMBOLS OF DEATH 7-8/10.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the SYMBOLS OF DEATH 9-10/10 to get the FIGURINES OF DEATH.

• Back out and go forward.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the well (P) to get a task.

• Collect the CRANK AND ROPE 2/2.

• Examine and place the CRANK AND ROPE on the well.

• Examine the well to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Move the figurine so that all tiles are turned red.

• To solve the puzzle, move the figurine to the following tiles: BB, Z, AA, Z, Y, Z, Y, S, T, U, V, W, X, U, T, U, T, S, Y, S, R, O, N, M, N, O, P, Q, P, O, N, O, P, O, L, F, E, D, C, A, B, D, E, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, H, G, H, G, and F (@).

• Take the 2nd set of 4 GEMS FOR THE PADLOCK.

• Go to the dressing room of the Kosmo Klub.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the FIGURINES OF DEATH in the curio cabinet (Q).

• Take the last set of 4 GEMS FOR PADLOCK to get GEMS.

• Examine and place the GEMS on the wardrobe lock (R) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the GEMS in the slots so no two of the same gems are in any row, column or connector set of slots.

• See screenshot (S) for solution.

• Take the antidote and automatically use it.

• Go to the fountain square and up the path to the Le Soleil.

Chapter 6 – Free Kit

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Enter the Le Soleil restaurant.

• Examine the mosaic tiles (T) to get a task.

• Collect the TILES FOR THE FIREPLACE 1-6/8.

• Examine the music box (U) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Slide the colored pins on the music roll to descramble the letters.

• Turn the key on the right after the pins are set to activate.

• See screenshot (V) for solution.

• Take the KEY (W).

• Go right into the kitchen.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the TILES FOR THE FIREPLACE 7-8/8 and get the TILES.

• Examine the shackle lock (X) to trigger a puzzle.

• Press down the correct buttons to unlock the lock.

• See screenshot (Y) for solution.

• Examine the amulet (@) to get a task.

• Go left of the freezer to exit the room.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the KEY on the fireplace screen lock (Z).

• Examine and place the TILES on the mosaic (A).

• Push the red button (B).

• Examine the fireplace; take the HOURGLASS 1/2(C).

• Go to the fountain square.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Take the SHOVEL (D).

• Go straight to Dela’s house.

• Examine and use the SHOVEL on the dirt pile; take the HOURGLASS 2/2.

• Go to the kitchen of the Le Soleil.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the HOURGLASS on the amulet (E) to trigger a puzzle.

• Turn the hourglasses so the skeletons are all upside down.

• To solve the puzzle, select the following hourglasses: 1, 2, 3 – 2, 3, 4 – 3, 4, 1, and 4, 1, and 2 (F).

• Talk to Kit; take the ANTIQUE RING.

• Play the Psychic Vision game.

• Go to the fountain square and straight up the left path to the antique store.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the ANTIQUE RING on the door lock (G).

• Enter the shop and talk to Long Nu to get three tasks.

Chapter 7 – Tiger Spell

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the frame (H) to get a task.

• Collect the LUCKY ITEMS 1-3/8.

• Collect the 6/6 MOSAIC TILES.

• Examine and place the MOSAIC TILES in the frame (H) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the tiles in the frame to complete the mosaic.

• See screenshot (I) for solution.

• Take the GEMS.

• Examine the trunk and press on the lion to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Get the boat to the tiger by riding the currents.

• To solve the puzzle, select the green arrow or the red square in the following order: Green, red 2x, green, green, red 3x, green, green, and green (J).

• Sometimes the current will turn you without pushing the red square so these directions work best if you do not hesitate.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice


• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Find the LUCKY ITEMS 4-6/8.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Find the LUCKY ITEMS 7-8/8 to get the SPELL INGREDIENTS.

• Go back into the antique shop.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the ANTIQUE CAULDRON on the burner (K).


• Place the GEMS on the star (M).

• Examine the ANTIQUE CAULDRON to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Move each gem to the same colored slot.

• To solve the puzzle, move the following gems: 4-1, 5-4, 7-5, 9-7, 4-3, 7-4, 6-9, 9-7, 2-6, 3-2, 6-3, and 8-6 (N).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Turn the entire board silver in 10 selections or under.

• To solve the puzzle, select the colors in this order: Blue, green, blue, purple, green, blue, orange, blue, purple, and green (O).

Chapter 8 – Murder

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Exit the house.

• Examine the shed (P) to get a task.

• Collect the PARTS TO THE LOCK 1-2/4.

• Enter Dela’s house.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the PARTS TO THE LOCK 3-4/4 to get the LOCK PARTS.

• Back out.

• Examine and place the LOCK PARTS on the shed lock to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Rotate and place the LOCK PARTS to complete the pattern.

• See screenshot (Q) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the death certificate (R).

• Select the security camera (S).

• Go to Dela’s bedroom via the stairs on the left in the workshop.

• Examine the laptop; select the SecureLock Video Archives (T) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Select the correct buttons to complete the picture.

• See screenshot (U) for solution.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the phone (V) to trigger a puzzle.

• Connect the posts so that the number of wires surrounding a square equals the number on the panel.

• See screenshot (W-X) for solutions.

• Go to the morgue.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the envelope (Y) to trigger a puzzle.

• Place the note pieces in the grid to complete the message.

• See screenshot (Z) for solution.


• Go into the kitchen of the Le Soliel.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the NUMBER COMBINATION on the freezer door (A).

• Take the SCREWDRIVER (B) and KEYCARD (C).

• Go back to the morgue.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the print reader (D).

• Use the SCREWDRIVER on the cover plate to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Move the thumbprint to the panel above the reader.

• See screenshot (E) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the KEYCARD on the card reader (F).

• Enter the morgue.

• Examine the locked refrigerated compartment (G) to get a task.

• Collect the VALVES 1-2/5.

• Go into the lab on the upper left.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the VALVES 3-5/5.

• Back out.

• Examine and place the VALVES on the locked refrigerated compartment to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Adjust the VALVES so that the gauge needle points to zero.

• To solve the puzzle, select the following levers from left: Turn the 1st, 4th, and the 6th lever to the right (H).

• Touch the corpse to trigger a Psychic Vision puzzle.

• Play the puzzle.

• Back out.

Chapter 9 – The Magi

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Take the CROWBAR (I).

• Examine and use the CROWBAR on the picture (J).

• Examine the safe behind the picture to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Use the buttons on the right to move the key to the lock.

• To solve the puzzle, press the buttons in the following order: 2, 1×3, 2×3, 1×2, 2×2, 1×4, and 2×2 (K).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Take the BOLT CUTTERS (L).

• Examine the red alarm on the floor (M) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Remove two bones to leave 4 identical squares.

• See screenshot (N) for bones to remove.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Remove six bones to leave 2 identical triangles.

• See screenshot (O) for bones to remove.

• Examine the doorway to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the large symbols next to their matching symbols using the buttons.

• To solve the puzzle, press the following buttons: 2, 1, 4, 6, 4, 2, and 4 (P).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and use the BOLT CUTTERS on the chains on the door (Q).

• Go through the newly-opened door.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the urn (R) and door (S) to get tasks.

• Collect the CLOCKWORK PARTS 1-3/6.

• Examine the fountain (T) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Unscramble the tiles to complete the image.

• To solve the puzzle, select the following arrows or buttons: 1×2, A, 4×2, 3, I, 3, 2×2, C, 4×2, H, 4, E, F, 3×2, K, 2, B, 2×2, A, B, C, E, F, H, I, and K (@).

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the MEDALLION PIECE 1/2.

• Back out.

• Collect the CLOCKWORK PARTS 4-6/6.

• Go straight through the doorway.

• Examine and place the CLOCKWORK PARTS on the urn (U) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Shoot the stars into the holes by bouncing them off the walls.

• See screenshot (V) for solution.


• Examine and place the MEDALLION PIECES on the door.

• Go through the newly opened door.

Chapter 10 – The Curse

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the recess (W) in the gazebo wall to get a task.

• Collect the KEYS 1-2/5.

• Examine the statue (X) and press the center panel to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Assemble and rotate the pieces to complete the jigsaw.

• See screenshot (Y) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the clock (Z) to trigger a puzzle.

• Place the numbers on the grid so that the numbers from 0-23 are all adjacent in numerical order.

• See screenshot (A) for solution.

• Back out twice.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the 3-4/5 KEYS.

• Go straight through the door.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the 5/5 KEYS; get the VARIOUS KEYS.

• Go through the door on the right.

• Examine and place the VARIOUS KEYS on the recessed panel (B) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Draw a path from each key to their matching keyhole.

• See screenshot (C) for solution.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Turn the entire board silver in 8 selections or under.

• To solve the puzzle, select the colors in this order: green, purple, orange, blue, green, orange, blue, and purple (D).

Chapter 11 – Scavenger Hunt

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and take the RED ROSE 1/12 (E) and get a task.

• Back out three times.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the RED ROSE 2-5/12.

• Back out and go forward to the antique shop.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the RED ROSE 6-9/12.

• Back out.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Collect the RED ROSE 10-12/12; get the ROSES.

• Examine and place the ROSES in the vase; take and read the note (F) to get a task.

• Take the LANTERN 1/3.

• Go to the Le Soleil Restaurant.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the box (G) to get a task.

• Collect 9 DOMINOES.

• Examine and place the DOMINOES on the box to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the DOMINOES in the boxes on the right so that each box adds up to the same number.

• See screenshot (H) for solution.

• Take the note.

• Collect the LANTERNS 2/3.

• Go into the antique shop.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine the box (I) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Use the lion to move Hari and Deli together in adjacent squares.

• To solve the puzzle, select the lion and press on the following arrows: Right 5x, Up, Left, Down, Left 4x, Up 2x, Down 2x, Right 4x, Up 3x, Left 2x, Up 2x, Left 3x, Down 2x, Right 4x, Left 3x, Down 3x, Right 2x, Up, Right, Down, Right, and Up (J).

• Read the note.

• Take the LANTERNS 3/3.

• Go to Dela’s bedroom.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Examine and place the LANTERNS on the box (K) to trigger a puzzle.

Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice

• Place the LANTERNS on board to light up all the spaces.

• See screenshot (L) for solution.

• Congratulations! You have successfully completed Tiger Eye: The Sacrifice.