Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: Murder
- Chapter 2: Coins Express
- Chapter 3: Richtown
- Chapter 4: The Village
- Chapter 5: Paul Seeker
- Chapter 6: The Harbor
- Chapter 7: The Military Base
- Chapter 8: The Temple
- Chapter 9: The Spirit World
General Tips

- Hidden Object Scenes and mini-games are often randomized - your solution may vary.
- Hidden Object Scenes will be referred to as 'HOS' in this walkthrough.
- Inside the journal you will find notes and your task list (A).
- Your inventory is in the bottom panel - click on an item to select it for use (B).
- The inventory will auto-hide when not in use; move your mouse over the 'Inventory' sign to reveal the panel (C).
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the hint machine to recharge (D).
- You can earn bonus hints by capturing mystical creatures or winning mini-games; the counter will show the number of bonus hints (E).
Chapter 1: Murder

- You will have the option of some interactive help.
- Answer the phone to learn about the murder (A).
- After the cut scene, walk right to the laboratory (B).

- Take the SAFE KEY (C).
- Take the BULLETS (D).
- Read the poster (E).
- Note the hint machine (F).
- Select the machine for a mini-game (G).

- Use the 4 belts to connect the yellow gears so the green gears turn in the indicated direction (H).
- Click on the pile of belts to take one (I), then click on the 2 yellow gears you want to connect.
- Click on a belt to return it to the pile.
- Take the hint machine which will automatically go to the bottom right corner of your screen.
- Walk down to return to the office.

- Use the SAFE KEY on the safe then look inside (J).
- Use the BULLETS on the weapon, then take the REVOLVER (K).
- Look at the desk and capture the spy for use in the hint machine (L).
- Take the MAGIC SCROLL and read the letter (M).
- Select the cabinet for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Items in red are hidden.
- Click on the corner of the map to reveal the ribbon (N).
- You will earn the DETECTIVE BADGE.

- Look at the couch and take the FRIDGE HANDLE (O).
- Walk to the laboratory.
- Use the FRIDGE HANDLE on the fridge (P).
- Look inside the fridge and take the BOTTLE of MILK (Q).
- Return to the office.
- Look at the bowls and use the BOTTLE of MILK to feed the cat (R).
- Walk forward out the door, then forward again to the terminal.

- Note the path to the loading dock (S).
- Look at the train and take the GEARS (T).
- Walk left to the waiting room (U).

- Look at the ticket booth and take the GARDEN SHEARS (V).
- Read the newspaper (W).
- Read another newspaper (X).
- Select the benches for a HOS (Y).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the hatbox to find the shoe (Z).
- You will earn the LEVER.
- Walk down twice to the street.

- Look at the bush and use the GARDEN SHEARS to cut a ROSE (A).
- Return to the waiting room, give the lady the ROSE to learn the location of the cashier (B).
- Exit the waiting room, then walk forward to the loading dock.

- Click on the controls to open the top (C).
- Use the GEARS in the mechanism for a mini-game (D).

- Press the arrows to make a path for the crane to a box (E).
- Press the 'Take Box' button (F).
- Some of the beams will break, preventing you from using that path (G).
- The path you program will be above the 'Take Box' button (H).
- Remove all the boxes.
- Our solution was: L-U-Take box, L-U-U-Take box, L-U-U-U-Take box.
- U-Take box, R-U-Take box, U-U-Take box, U-U-R-Take box.
- R-U-L-U-U-Take box, and L-L-U-U-U-R-R-R-Take box.

- Read the newspaper (I).
- Look at the bottles and take the CROWBAR (J).
- Walk forward to the warehouse (K).

- Talk to the cashier to learn she is missing a necklace (L).
- Use the LEVER on the control to open the warehouse door (M).
- Use the CROWBAR to open the crate (N).
- Look inside the crate, take the NECKLACE and read the telegram (O).
- Give the NECKLACE to the woman to learn it is missing a DIAMOND (P).
- Note the controls (Q).
- Walk to the waiting room and select the benches for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the briefcase to find the frying pan (R).
- You will earn the SWITCH.
- Return to the warehouse and use the SWITCH on the controls for a mini-game.

- Click on the face panel to open the controls.
- Turn all the switches to the on position.
- Clicking on a switch will affect other switches.
- Our solution was: Sx1, Tx1.

- Look in the barrel and talk to Gregor (U).
- Select the crates on the left for a HOS (V).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the crate to find the key (W).
- You will earn the DIAMOND.

- Give the DIAMOND to the cashier and she will give you a TRAIN TICKET (X).
- Walk down twice to the train station.
- Give the conductor the TRAIN TICKET (Y).
- Enter the TRAIN (Z).
Chapter 2: Coins Express

- Note the doors to the first and second cabins (A).
- Look at the portrait of Mr. Coins (B).
- Note the door to the dining car (C).
- Open the door to the third cabin and walk inside (D).

- Look at the table and read the notes (E).
- The gentleman will ask you to leave and you will be back in the train hall.
- Walk forward to the dining car.

- Look at the bar and take the COIN (F).
- Look at the monkeys and use the COIN in the slot (G).
- Walk down to the train hall and enter the first compartment on the left.

- Talk to the woman on the right (I).
- Look in the overhead compartment and read the newspaper (J).
- Exit the compartment and use the COMPARTMENT KEY to open the middle door, then enter (K).

- Look under the table and read the newspaper (L).
- Read the parchment (M).
- Capture the spy (N).
- Select the right lounge for a mini-game (O).

- Drag items out of your way until you locate the SMELLING SALTS .
- Exit your compartment and return to the ladies' compartment.

- Use the SMELLING SALTS on the left lady (P).
- Exit the compartment and return to the dining car.
- Select the bar area for a HOS (Q).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Move the bottles to find the star (R).
- You will earn the GLASS of WATER.
- Return to the ladies' compartment.

- Give the GLASS of WATER to the lady on the right (S).
- Return to the center compartment and select the lounge on the left for a HOS (T).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Move the curtain aside to find the oil lamp (U).
- You will earn the SCREWDRIVER.
- Return to the dining car.

- Look at the booth and take the VALVE (A).
- Walk forward to the engine room (B).
- Place the VALVE onto the pipe (C).
- Use the SCREWDRIVER on the metal plate (D).
- Select the machinery for a HOS (E).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the compartment to find the star (F).
- You will earn the PIPES.

- Climb the ladder to the roof and take the BOLT (G).
- Capture the 2 spies (H).
- Climb down to the engine room (I).
- Look at the coupling and use the BOLT in the hole (J).
- Use the PIPES where you removed the metal plate for a mini-game (K).

- Turn the pipe pieces to direct the steam to center area (L).
- Drag the gears from the bottom area (M) to the center so that all gears are turning (N).
- Turn the pipes in the right area so the steam is directed to the exit (O).
Chapter 3: Richtown

- Capture the spy (A).
- Take the MATCHES (B).
- Exit the terminal (C).

- Look at the statue and read the newspaper (D).
- Walk to the right.
- Read the 2 newspapers (E).
- Walk down to return to the statue area, then enter the bank (F).

- Look at the newspaper (G).
- Show the DETECTIVE BADGE to the guard (H).
- Look at the safe and read the newspaper (I).
- Walk forward to the office (J).

- Look under the table and take FELLINI'S HAT (K).
- Press the globe so it rises from the desk (L).
- Look at the globe and take the NAIL (M).
- Read the scroll (N).
- Select the broken chairs for a HOS (O).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the curtain to find the star (P).
- You will earn the COINS' SIGN.

- Look at the typewriter and take the INSULATING TAPE (Q).
- Capture the spy (R).
- Scare away the spies on Mr. Coins (S).
- Click on the niche in the wall to reveal the safe (T).
- Walk down to the bank entrance.

- Look at the portrait and use the COINS' SIGN on the circle (U).
- Take COINS' KEY (V).
- Walk forward to return to the office.

- Look at the safe and use the COINS' KEY on the lock (W).
- Take the VOODOO BAG and FILLINI'S Card (X).
- Note the box on the bottom shelf (Y).
- Walk down twice to exit the bank.

- Walk to the right (A).
- Walk to the left (B).

- Read the journal pages (C).
- Look at the grate and take the HAMMER (D).
- Use the INSULATING TAPE on the doorbell for a mini-game (E).

- Press the start button to open the cover of the mini-game.
- Place the wires on the posts so that each post has the number of wires indicated by the number.
- Click on 2 posts to connect a wire, click on the wire again to remove it from the posts.

- Ring the doorbell (F).
- Once someone appears at the window, click on them for a close-up (G).
- Talk to the man, then give him FILLINI'S CARD (H).
- Use the NAIL just above the door (I).
- Use the HAMMER on the nail (J).
- Hand the VOODOO BAG on the nail (K).
- Return to the office in the bank and select the broken chairs for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the curtain to find the airship (L).
- You will earn the WHISKEY.
- Return to the alley.

- Use the WHISKEY, then the MATCHES in the barrels to start a fire (M).
- After the doorman is knocked out, enter the hideout (N).

- Read the newspaper (O).
- Talk to Don Lucas and Luigi to learn they are after Fillini as well (P).
- Give FILLINI'S HAT to Don Lucas (Q).
- Look at the chair and take the EYE (R).
- Select the pipes for a HOS (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the LOCK PICKS.
- Return to the bank office

- Look at the safe and click on the box on the bottom shelf (T).
- Use the LOCK PICKS on the lock (U).
- Take the GOLD COINS (V).
- Return to the hideout.

- Give the GOLD COINS to Don Lucas (W).
- Select the pipe area for a HOS (X).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- After you find the rug, talk to the woman (Y).
- You will earn the VOODOO CARD.
- Walk down twice and try to return to the train station on the left.
- Luigi will talk to you and give you a VOODOO BAG.
Chapter 4: The Village

- Enter the center compartment and select the left lounge for a HOS.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the curtain to find the oil lamp (A).
- You will earn the LIGHTER.
- Exit the compartment.

- Use the LIGHTER on the lantern (B).
- Note the damaged brake control (D).
- Walk forward to the dining car (E).

- Use the LIGHTED LANTERN anywhere in the dark room (F).
- Select the bar area for a HOS (G).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Move the bottles to find the pendant (H).
- You will earn the BROOCH.
- Walk forward to the engine room and select the machinery on the lower right for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Click on the gauge to find the fly (I).
- You will earn the BREAK HANDLE.
- Walk down twice to the compartment area.

- Place the BRAKE HANDLE on the break control (J).
- Click on the break control to stop the train.

- Capture the spy (A).
- Take the BROKEN WHEEL (B).
- Look at the scarecrow and take the HORSESHOES (C).
- Walk forward to the village (D).

- Look under the stairs and take the HAMMER (E).
- Talk to the bouncer, then give him the HORSESHOES (F).
- Walk forward to the blacksmith shop (G).

- Capture the 2 spies (H).
- Look at the work table and place the HAMMER and the BROKEN WHEEL on the top (I).
- Select the hearth area for a HOS (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the JACK.
- Walk down to exit the blacksmith area.

- Place the JACK at the end of the carriage (K).
- Click the handle 3 times to raise the carriage (L).
- Return to the blacksmith shop and select the hearth area for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the BOX of NAILS.
- Look at the workbench area and place the BOX of NAILS on the bench for a mini-game.

- Click on the table to start the mini-game.
- Place the hub in the center (M), then add the spokes (N).
- Place the metal bands on the outside (O) and the axle fitting in the center (P).
- Place the screws in the center (Q) and the nails on the outer rim (R).
- Use the screwdriver on the screws in the center (S).
- Use the hammer on the nails in the outer rim (T).
- Place the paintbrush in the paint, then paint the wheel (U).
- You have made the CART WHEEL.
- Exit the blacksmith's.

- Place the CART WHEEL on the carriage (V).
- Click on the jack handle to lower the carriage (W).
- Talk to the bouncer then give him the BROOCH as payment (X).
- Enter the carriage.

- Walk down to the back of the carriage.
- Take the TORCH, LANTERN, and the POLES (A).
- Select the barrels for a HOS (B).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the MATCHES.
- Walk down to the front of the carriage.

- Hang the LANTERN on the hook (C).
- Use the MATCHES to light the lantern (D).
- Place the POLES into the holders (E).
- Return to the rear of the carriage and select the barrels for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the MEAT.

- Look inside the case and take the TRAP (F).
- Place the TORCH in the holder, then use the MATCHES to light it (G).
- Use the MEAT on the right wolf (H).
- Use the TRAP on the left wolf (I).

- Use the LIGHTED TORCH on a wolf for a mini-game.
- Hit 20 of the wolves with the LIGHTED TORCH (J).
Chapter 5: Paul Seeker

- Look at the couch and read the note (A).
- Look at the desk and read the note (B).
- Select the cabinet for a HOS (C).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Open the drawer to find the ball (D).
- You will earn the TOY MOUSE.
- Walk right to the laboratory.

- Take the CLOCKWORK KEY (E).
- Note the flask on the right (F).
- Use the VOODOO CARD on the beaker for a mini-game (G).

- Locate the differences between the 2 cards.
- Use the VOODOO BAG on the flask for a mini-game.

- Find and drag the 9 components of the chemical stand to the correct positions (circled in green).
- Clicking on a piece will highlight the position it needs to be placed.
- Press the button to destroy the red molecules, while allowing the green molecules to pass in the large glass canister (H).
- Allowing red molecules to pass will lower the amount in the glass tube (I).
- Fill the glass tube to win the mini-game.
- Return to the office.

- Look at the cat's bowl and place the TOY MOUSE on the floor (J).
- Use the CLOCKWORK KEY on the mouse (K).
- Click on the key to wind the mouse.
- Exit to the street.

- Note the way to the clinic (L).
- Walk right to City Hall (M).

- Look at window 1 and talk to the clerk (N).
- She asks for form number 3 from window 5.
- Look at window 5 and talk to the woman (O).
- She advises you to fill out form number 2 at counter 3.
- Look at window 3 and talk to the clerk (P).
- She will give you FORM #2.
- Look at window 5 again and give the clerk FORM #2 (Q).
- She will give you FORM #3.
- Return to window 1 and give the clerk FORM #3 (R).
- You learn that Paul Seeker is at a clinic.
- Exit city hall and walk left to the clinic.

- Talk to the nurse (A).
- Take the ROLLING SKATE (B).
- Look at the key box and take the WARD KEY and the CHEESE (C).
- Capture the spy (D).
- Take the BUCKET and place it under the drip (E).
- Place the ROLLING SKATE, then the CHEESE on the floor (F).
- Click on the rolling skate to distract the rats.
- Look at the door and use the WARD KEY on the lock (G).
- Enter the door.

- Capture the 2 spies (H).
- Look at the pipe and take the VALVE (I).
- Exit the room.

- Place the VALVE on the pipe, then click on the valve to turn on the water (J).
- Take the BUCKET of WATER (K).
- Enter the ward room.
- Use the BUCKET of WATER on Paul Seeker (L).

- Talk to Paul Seeker (M)
- Open the case (N).
- Click on the shrunken head (O).
- Walk down 3 times to return to the office.

- Look at the desk and place the EYE in the shrunken head (P).
- Answer the phone (Q).
- Exit the office.
Chapter 6: The Harbor

- Take the METAL WHEEL (A).
- Walk to the port (B).

- Look at the crates and take the AXE (C).
- Look at the cleat and use the AXE 3 times on the rope (D).

- Take the PART FROM A LADDER (E).
- Look at the ladder control and place the PART FROM A LADDER into the controls (F).
- Place the METAL WHEEL into the ladder control (G).
- Board the ship (H).

- Take the SPEED LEVER (I).
- Look off the side of the ship to see the Kraken (J).
- Walk down to enter the wheelhouse.

- Look under the table and take the FUSES for the PUMPS (K).
- Look by the pipes and take the SEARCHLIGHT LAMPS (L).
- Walk to the right to return to deck.

- Look at the beacons and use the SEARCHLIGHT LAMPS to repair them (N).
- Enter the wheelhouse and watch the other ship move to safety (O).
- Return to the deck.

- Use the FIRE EXTINGUISHER on each of the flames (P).
- Look at the pump and place the FUSES for the PUMPS inside for a mini-game (Q).

- Move the balls so that none are in the same vertical or horizontal paths.
- Lines will turn green that have only one ball.
- Click on a ball to take it, then click again to place.
- Return to the wheelhouse.

- Look at the wheel and use the SPEED LEVER on the control (R).
- Click on the lever to accelerate the ship.
Chapter 7: The Military Base

- Look at the debris and take the AXE (A).
- Use the AXE on the wooden box (B).
- Look at the wooden box and take the SCREW DRIVER (C).
- Show the DETECTIVE BADGE to the guard (D).
- Capture the spy (E).
- Enter the gates (F).
- After the cut-scene, walk forward to the robot.

- Look at the picture and take the GENERAL'S LIGHTER (G).
- Capture the spy (H).
- Read the note (I).
- Select the lower right area for a HOS (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SAFE CODE.

- Use the SAFE CODE on the safe, then take the VOODOO AMULET (K).
- Look at the radio and use the SCREWDRIVER to open the front (L).
- Note the lower right area (M).
- Walk down to exit the office and talk to the guard.
- Return to the office and select the lower right area for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the RADIO PARTS.

- Look at the radio and use the RADIO PARTS on the inside (N).
- Listen to the radio report.

- Look at the cafe and take the IDOL (O).
- Look at the phone booth and take the CAR KEYS (P).
- Use the CAR KEYS on the car (Q).
- Look at the car and click the lever on the column to move the car (R).

- Look at the telephone booth and take the GAS CAN (S).
- Use the GAS CAN on the Kraken tentacle (T).
- Use the GENERAL'S LIGHTER on the Kraken tentacle (U).
- Walk left to enter the apartment (V).

- You must get rid of the tentacles.
- Use the AXE on the 5 tentacles (W).

- Take the GLASS of WATER (A).
- Use the IDOL in the wall niche (B).
- Look at the desk and use the GLASS of WATER on the flames (C).
- Look at the diary and use the arrows turn the pages until you find the map (D).
- Walk down to exit the apartment.

- Click on the bomb to send it away (E).
- Climb the ladder to the air ship (F).

- Take the WRENCH, HAMMER and the MACHETE (G).
- Select the floor controls for a HOS (H).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the ELECTRIC TUBES.

- Look at the control and place the ELECTRIC TUBES inside (I).
- After it falls to the floor, take the HULL PART (K).
- Place the HULL PART onto the bulkhead (L).
- Use the WRENCH to tighten the bolts (M).
Chapter 8: The Temple

- Capture the spy (A).
- Take the 6 pieces of BRUSHWOOD (B).
- Click open the crate and take the CRAMPS (C).
- Look at the crates and take the LANTERN (D).
- Open the crate and take the LADDER MACHINE (E).
- Enter the airship (F).
- Select the floor controls for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the LEVER.
- Exit the airship.

- Place the 5 pieces of BRUSHWOOD onto the fire (G).
- Use the LANTERN to light the fire (H).
- Look at the cliff and use the LADDER MACHINE on the edge (I).
- Place the CRAMPS at the top of the machine (J).
- Use the HAMMER to fasten the cramps (K).
- Place the LEVER onto the machine, then click it to lower the ladder (L).
- Climb down the ladder.

- Capture the 2 spies (M).
- Take the SHINY SHIELD and the SABER (N).
- Look in the brush and take the MIRROR (O).
- Look in the brush and use the SABER on the crate 6 times (P).
- Take the DYNAMITE and the orange MONKEY STATUETTE (Q).
- Select the truck for a HOS (R).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SUN KEY.

- Place the SHINY SHIELD on the left statue (S).
- Place the MIRROR on the right statue (T).
- Walk forward to enter the TEMPLE.

- You need to clear the foliage.
- Use the MACHETE on each of the 7 leaves.

- Take the yellow MONKEY STATUETTE (U).
- Take the ROPE (V).
- Look at the close-up of the door the click on the door (W).
- Place the DYNAMITE on the rubble (X).
- Use the SUN KEY on the door (Y).
- Walk forward into the temple.

- Take the BAMBOO STICK (A).
- Look at the witch doctor and use the REVOLVER on him (B).
- Look at the tiny witch doctor and talk to him (C).
- Walk down twice to the front of the temple and select the truck for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the VOODOO SCEPTER.
- Walk forward twice to return to the inner temple.

- Look at the chair in the alcove and use the VOODOO SCEPTER in the hole (D).
- Take the blue MONKEY STATUETTE (E).
- Use the MAGIC SCROLL on the stone disc (F).
- Walk forward to the passageway.

- Capture the spy (G).
- Take the green MONKEY STATUETTE (H).
- Walk forward.
- Capture the spy, then walk forward (I).

- Capture the spy (J).
- Take the WOODEN BOARD (K).
- Walk forward.
Chapter 9: The Spirit World

- Capture the 2 spies (A).
- Take the ARROW (B).
- Place the WOODEN BOARD on the edge of the gap (C).
- Use the BAMBOO STICK on the board (D).
- Place the ARROW atop of the boards (E).
- Use the ROPE to complete the bow and arrow, then click to fire the arrow (F).
- Look at the end of the bridge and take the red MONKEY STATUETTE (G).
- Walk forward.

- Capture the spy (H).
- Look at the ceiling and use the REVOLVER to make a hole (I).
- Select the bottom of the stairs for a HOS (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the PICK.

- Use the PICK on the 2 crystals (K).
- Place the MONKEY STATUETTES on the matching color pedestal (K).
- You can place all except for the purple, which you do not have yet (L).
- Select the bottom of the stairs for a HOS (M).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the purple MONKEY STATUETTE.
- Place the purple MONKEY STATUETTE on the purple pedestal to trigger a mini-game.

- Turn the statuettes so that the light rays pass through all the crystals.
- Click on the statuettes to turn them.
- You will see colored rays as you turn them to the correct positions.
- After speaking with the lady, walk forward.

- Take the MONKEY IDOL (N).
- Capture the spy (O).
- Look at each of the 3 expedition leaders (P).
- Walk forward (Q).

- Place the MONKEY IDOL on the stand (R).
- Select the plant area for a HOS (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the VOODOO KEY.

- Look at the monkey idol stand and use the VOODOO KEY to open the box (T).
- Take the SPIRIT BONE, then use it on the 3-headed dog (U).
- After kitty takes care of the dog, walk forward, then immediately return.
- Select the plant area for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SCEPTER.
- Walk forward.

- Look at the throne and use the VOODOO AMULET on the tiny witch doctor (V).
- Place the SCEPTER to the left of the throne (W).
- Click on the scepter for a mini-game.

- Collect 10 of the white balls on the snake before Loki collects 10 black balls.
- The number of balls each snake has is shown in the upper corners (X).
- Drag your mouse around to steer the snake.
- Grab the black balls as well to prevent the black snake from collecting them.
- Should Loki collect 10 balls before you, the mini-game will start over.

- Answer the phone (Y).
- The kitty will change into the lady.
- Congratulations! You have completed Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign Standard Edition!
Created at: 2011-10-14