Big Fish GPs

Developing Big Fish Culture - Introducing our Guiding Principles

At Big Fish, we exist to make developing and publishing games as much fun as playing them. To achieve this, we recently refreshed our Guiding Principles. We’re excited to share them with you! 

At Big Fish, we hold ourselves accountable and own our responsibilities. We collaborate without ego. And we empower the people around us to take ownership, grow and develop their careers.


This is how we build trust in one another. It’s how we gain the confidence to be ambitious and really make waves – individually and as a group. It’s how we keep our focus on bringing joy to players, building our sense of togetherness, and delivering results. 


All of this helps build our Reef. 


The Big Fish Reef is a vibrant, diverse ecosystem where everyone thrives. It’s how we get results, but it’s also how we make developing and publishing games as much fun as playing them. We dive right in and bring the joy.