Games Narrow Your Search Game Series: Dark Romance Collector's Edition: No + Developer Name Do Games (50) Primary Genre Hidden Object (50) Platform/OS Windows (43) Mac (7) Language French (12) Japanese (5) English (21) German (12) Is Anthology Collection No (50) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (50) 50 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Dark Romance: Sleepy Hollow Mac | English Dark Romance: Sleepy Hollow Windows | English Dark Romance: Vampire Origins Mac | English Dark Romance: Vampire Origins Windows | English Dark Romance: Ashville Windows | French Dark Romance: Ashville Windows | German Dark Romance: Ashville Mac | English Dark Romance: Ashville Windows | English Dark Romance: Les Jardins Éthéreens Windows | French Dark Romance: Die himmlischen Gärten Windows | German Dark Romance: The Ethereal Gardens Mac | English Dark Romance: The Ethereal Gardens Windows | English Dark Romance: Le Bossu de Notre-Dame Windows | French Dark Romance: Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Windows | German Dark Romance: Hunchback of Notre-Dame Mac | English Dark Romance: Hunchback of Notre-Dame Windows | English Dark Romance: Un Opéra Mortel Windows | French Dark Romance: Eine Show zum Sterben Windows | German ダーク・ロマンス:ウィンター・リリー Windows | Japanese Dark Romance: A Performance to Die For Mac | English Dark Romance: A Performance to Die For Windows | English Dark Romance: Lys d’Hiver Windows | French Dark Romance: Winter Lilie Windows | German ダーク・ロマンス:秘められた怪物 Windows | Japanese Dark Romance: Le Monstre Caché Windows | French Dark Romance: Menagerie der Monster Windows | German Dark Romance: Winter Lily Mac | English Dark Romance: Winter Lily Windows | English Dark Romance: The Monster Within Windows | English ダーク・ロマンス:ロミオとジュリエット Windows | Japanese Dark Romance: Roméo et Juliette Windows | French Dark Romance: Romeo und Julia Windows | German Dark Romance: Romeo and Juliet Windows | English Dark Romance: La Malédiction de Barbe-Bleue Windows | French Dark Romance: Der Fluch von Blaubart Windows | German Dark Romance: Curse of Bluebeard Windows | English Dark Romance 2: Flucht aus der Unterwelt Windows | German ダーク・ロマンス:死の王国 Windows | Japanese Dark Romance: Le Royaume de la Mort Windows | French Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death Windows | English Dark Romance: La Sonate du Cygne Windows | French Dark Romance: Die Schwansonate Windows | German Dark Romance: The Swan Sonata Windows | English ダーク・ロマンス:野獣の心 Windows | Japanese Dark Romance: Die Rose des Lebens Windows | German Dark Romance: Le Cœur de la Bête Windows | French Dark Romance: Heart of the Beast Windows | English Dark Romance: Verliebter Vampir Windows | German Dark Romance: Le Fils de Dracula Windows | French Dark Romance: Vampire in Love Windows | English