Games Narrow Your Search Game Series: Weather Lord + Developer Name Alawar (40) Primary Genre Puzzle (2) Time Management (38) Platform/OS Windows (40) Collector's Edition No (29) Yes (11) Language Japanese (9) Dutch (1) Swedish (1) Portuguese (1) English (12) German (6) Spanish (1) French (8) Italian (1) Is Anthology Collection No (40) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (40) 40 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Weather Lord Windows | Italian Weather Lord Windows | Portuguese Weather Lord Windows | English Weather Lord Windows | Spanish Weather Lord Windows | French おてんとさま Windows | Japanese Weather Lord Windows | Dutch Weather Lord Windows | Swedish Weather Lord: Hidden Realm Windows | English Weather Lord: Hidden Realm Windows | French おてんとさま:未知なる冒険の旅 Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: In Pursuit of the Shaman Windows | English Weather Lord: Auf der Spur des Schamanen Windows | German Weather Lord: The Successor's Path Windows | English Weather Lord: Kampf um den Thron Windows | German おてんとさま:後継者の道 Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Following the Princess Windows | English Weather Lord: Auf der Spur der Prinzessin Windows | German Weather Lord: Following the Princess Windows | French おてんとさま:プリンセスのために Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Legendary Hero! Windows | English Weather Lord: Der legendäre Held Windows | German Weather Lord: Legendary Hero! Windows | French おてんとさま:伝説の勇者 Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Royal Holidays Windows | English Weather Lord: Royal Holidays Windows | French おてんとさま:王国の休日 Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Graduation Windows | English Weather Lord: Graduation Windows | French Weather Lord: Following the Princess Collector's Edition Windows | English Weather Lord: Auf der Spur der Prinzessin Sammleredition Windows | German Weather Lord: Following the Princess Édition Collector Windows | French おてんとさま:プリンセスのために コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Legendary Hero! Collector's Edition Windows | English Weather Lord: Der legendäre Held Sammleredition Windows | German おてんとさま:伝説の勇者 コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese Weather Lord: Graduation Collector's Edition Windows | English Weather Lord: Royal Holidays Collector's Edition Windows | English Weather Lord: Royal Holidays Édition Collector Windows | French おてんとさま:王国の休日 コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese