Hidden Object Adventure Search for hidden objects and tackle mind-bending puzzles as you play Hidden Object Adventure Games. Try before you buy! Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Do Games Platform/OS: Windows Language: German + Game Series Dark Romance (25) Hidden Expedition (3) Labyrinths of the World (21) Mystery Tales (22) Royal Romances (6) Primary Genre Hidden Object (123) Hidden Object Adventure (53) Collector's Edition Yes (120) No (56) Is Anthology Collection No (176) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (176) 176 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Royal Romances: Schicksale und Feinde Sammleredition Windows | German Spirit Legends: Herz von Aeon Sammleredition Windows | German Labyrinths Of The World: Ewiger Winter Sammleredition Windows | German Dark Romance: Sleepy Hollow Sammleredition Windows | German Fatal Evidence: Im Fell des Lamms Sammleredition Windows | German Mystery Tales: Meister der Puppen Sammleredition Windows | German Secret City: Heiliges Feuer Sammleredition Windows | German Fairy Godmother Stories: Der gestiefelte Kater Sammleredition Windows | German Mystical Riddles: Der Geisterpark Sammleredition Windows | German Spirit Legends: Balance und Harmonie Sammleredition Windows | German Secret City: Mysteriöse Sammlung Sammleredition Windows | German City Legends: Der Fluch des Crimson Shadow Sammleredition Windows | German Twin Mind: Geisterjäger Sammleredition Windows | German Fairy Godmother Stories: Ein schöner Traum in Taleville Sammleredition Windows | German Mystical Riddles: Das Schneegipfel Hotel Sammleredition Windows | German Criminal Archives: Mord auf Seiten Sammleredition Windows | German Word of the Law: Maske des Todes Sammleredition Windows | German Magic City Detective: Der Zorn des Ozeans Sammleredition Windows | German Connected Hearts: Glücksspiel Sammleredition Windows | German Magic City Detective: Geheimes Verlangen Sammleredition Windows | German Spirits Chronicles: Geboren in Flammen Sammleredition Windows | German Unsolved Case: Killer-Beliebtheit Sammleredition Windows | German Criminal Archives: Stadt in Flammen Sammleredition Windows | German Twin Mind: Kraft der Liebe Sammleredition Windows | German Connected Hearts: Der Vollmond-Fluch Sammleredition Windows | German Magic City Detective: Flügel der Rache Sammleredition Windows | German Maze of Realities: Symphonie der Erfindungen Sammleredition Windows | German Maze of Realities: Reite durch die Lüfte Sammleredition Windows | German Connected Hearts: Kosten der Schönheit Sammleredition Windows | German Royal Romances: Verfluchte Herzen Sammleredition Windows | German Spirits Chronicles: Blume der Hoffnung Sammleredition Windows | German Christmas Fables: Die magische Schneeflocke Sammleredition Windows | German Myth or Reality: Land der Feen Sammleredition Windows | German Unsolved Case: Über dem Gesetz Sammleredition Windows | German Royal Romances: Endloser Winter Sammleredition Windows | German Unsolved Case: Die scharlachrote Hyazinthe Sammleredition Windows | German Gloomy Tales: Einfache Fahrt Sammleredition Windows | German City Legends: Der Geist von Misty Hill Sammleredition Windows | German Maze of Realities: Reflektionen des Lichts Sammleredition Windows | German Gloomy Tales: Grauenvolle Show Sammleredition Windows | German Criminal Archives: Die Alphabetmorde Sammleredition Windows | German Unsolved Case: Tödliche Spur Sammleredition Windows | German Myth or Reality: Geheimnis des Sees Sammleredition Windows | German City Legends: Gefangen im Spiegel Sammleredition Windows | German Royal Legends: Aufgewachsen im Exil Sammleredition Windows | German Mystical Riddles: Schiff aus dem Jenseits Sammleredition Windows | German Mystical Riddles: Hinter Puppenaugen Sammleredition Windows | German Enchanted Kingdom: Fluch des Frostes Sammleredition Windows | German Royal Romances: Die Macht des Auserwählten Sammleredition Windows | German Twin Mind: Hier ist Niemand Sammleredition Windows | German 1 2 3 4