Hidden Object Adventure Search for hidden objects and tackle mind-bending puzzles as you play Hidden Object Adventure Games. Try before you buy! Narrow Your Search Game Series: Awakening Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Developer Name Boomzap (89) Primary Genre Hidden Object (86) Hidden Object Adventure (3) Platform/OS Windows (74) Mac (15) Collector's Edition No (61) Yes (28) Language English (30) German (11) Spanish (6) French (11) Italian (5) Japanese (11) Dutch (5) Swedish (3) Danish (3) Portuguese (4) Is Anthology Collection No (89) 89 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Awakening: ゴブリン王国の陰謀 Windows | Japanese Awakening: ゴブリン王国の陰謀 コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Windows | Danish Awakening: Vätteriket Windows | Swedish Awakening: Het Rijk der Kobolds Windows | Dutch Awakening: El reino goblin Windows | Spanish Awakening: O Reino dos Goblins Windows | Portuguese Awakening: Il regno dei folletti Windows | Italian Awakening: Le Royaume Gobelin Windows | French Awakening: El reino goblin Edición Coleccionista Windows | Spanish Awakening: Das Königreich der Kobolde Windows | German Awakening: Le Royaume Gobelin Edition Collector Windows | French Awakening: Das Königreich der Kobolde Sammleredition Windows | German Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Mac | English Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Windows | English Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Collector's Edition Mac | English Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom Collector's Edition Windows | English Awakening:ムーンフェルの森と魔女 Windows | Japanese Awakening: La Foresta di Tetraluna Windows | Italian Awakening: A Floresta de Moonfell Windows | Portuguese Awakening: Månskogen Windows | Swedish Awakening: Måneskoven Windows | Danish Awakening: Maanwoud Windows | Dutch Awakening: Le Voyage de la Princesse Windows | French Awakening 2: El Bosque de la Luna Windows | Spanish Awakening 2: Der Mondenwald Windows | German Awakening: Moonfell Wood Mac | English Awakening: Moonfell Wood Windows | English Awakening: O Castelo sem Sonhos Windows | Portuguese Awakening: Det drømmeløse slot Windows | Danish Awakening: Slottet utan drömmar Windows | Swedish Awakening: Het Droomloze Kasteel Windows | Dutch Awakening: Il castello senza sogni Windows | Italian Awakening:魔法の城と眠り姫 Windows | Japanese Awakening: The Dreamless Castle Mac | English Awakening: El Castillo Sin Sueños Windows | Spanish Awakening: Schloss ohne Träume Windows | German Awakening: Le Réveil de la Princesse Windows | French Awakening: The Dreamless Castle Windows | English 1 2