Hidden Object Download and play Hidden Object Games for PC and Mac. Hunt for clues and solve puzzles as you play our huge selection of Hidden Object Games! Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Bravegiant Collector's Edition: No + Primary Genre Hidden Object (23) Platform/OS Windows (16) Mac (7) Language English (15) French (1) Japanese (7) Is Anthology Collection No (23) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (23) 23 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Crowded Mysteries 2: Winter Romance Mac | English Crowded Mysteries 2: Winter Romance Windows | English Cleaning Queens 2: Sparkling Palace Mac | English Cleaning Queens 2: Sparkling Palace Windows | English Crowded Mysteries Mac | English Crowded Mysteries Windows | English Cleaning Queens: Crystal Clean Home Mac | English Cleaning Queens: Crystal Clean Home Windows | English Nora's AdventurEscape Mac | English Nora's AdventurEscape Windows | English Hidden Investigation 3: Crime Files Mac | English Hidden Investigation 3: Crime Files Windows | English Hidden Investigation 2: Homicide Mac | English Hidden Investigation 2: Homicide Windows | English La Quête de la Reine 4: Trève Sacrée Windows | French Hidden Investigation: Who Did It? Windows | English クイーンズクエスト3:夜明けの終焉 Windows | Japanese デーモンハンター 3:明かされる真実 Windows | Japanese 運命の槍:最後の旅 Windows | Japanese デーモンハンター 2:新章 Windows | Japanese チベット・クエスト:世界の果てを越えて Windows | Japanese クイーンズクエスト:闇の塔 Windows | Japanese デーモンハンター:向こう側からの記録 Windows | Japanese