Casual Arts Games for Mac Download and play Casual Arts games. Hunt for Hidden Objects, find clues and solve puzzles in games from one of our most popular developers! Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Casual Arts Collector's Edition: No + Game Series Vacation Adventures (24) Primary Genre Family (1) Hidden Object (45) Platform/OS Mac (46) Language English (46) Is Anthology Collection No (46) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (46) 46 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Halloween: Trick or Treat 3 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 16 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 14 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 15 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 8 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 13 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 14 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 13 Mac | English The Ultimate Christmas Puzzler II Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 12 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 12 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 11 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 11 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 7 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 10 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 6 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 10 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 9 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 9 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 8 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 5 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 7 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 8 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 4 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 6 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 7 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 5 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 3 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 4 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 2 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 6 Mac | English Halloween: Trick or Treat 2 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 3 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 5 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 2 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 4 Mac | English Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger Mac | English Mystery Murders: The Sleeping Palace Mac | English Easter Eggztravaganza 2 Mac | English Christmas Wonderland 3 Mac | English Halloween: The Pirate's Curse Mac | English Easter Eggztravaganza Mac | English Mystery Murders: Jack the Ripper Mac | English Halloween:Trick or Treat Mac | English Christmas Wonderland Mac | English