Narrow Your Search Category: Mariaglorum Spiele für PC Collector's Edition: No + Game Series League of Light (6) Mystery of the Ancients (8) Primary Genre Hidden Object (17) Platform/OS Windows (17) Language German (17) Is Anthology Collection No (17) Is Felix Fun-Sized No (17) 17 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Relevance League of Light: Das Spiel Windows | German Kate Arrow: Gefahr im Dschungel Windows | German Bonfire Stories: Herzlos Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Kein Entkommen Windows | German Bonfire Stories: Der gesichtslose Totengräber Windows | German League of Light: Sieg der Gerechtigkeit Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients - Schwarzer Dolch Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Der Fluch des Schwarzen Wassers Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Trübe Wasser Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Der Hexer von Lockwood Windows | German League of Light: Das Unheil von Black Rock Windows | German League of Light: Die Heilerin Windows | German League of Light: Dunkles Omen Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Versiegelt und Vergessen Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Eiseskälte Windows | German Mystery of the Ancients: Die drei Wächter Windows | German League of Light: Der Trophäensammler Windows | German